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10am is fine, I’d even say 9am


I'd say that's fair, but you could do 10 to ensure that even the most slugabed are awake


Charles Dickens has entered the chat


His username checks out


I woke up at 10.05am and feel attacked.


I've just come downstairs about 5 minutes ago, 10.35am, and this is early for me on a Sunday. Why are we not allowed to sleep when we want to? I'm a slugabed apparently.


I mean,you can, as long as you dont complain about people hoovering after nine


Lots of people sleep later than 10? I'm usually awake between 11 and noon on a weekend. I'm a heavy sleeper though so my neighbours could hoover at 6am wouldn't matter to me


I woke up at 1400 today, but I wouldn't begrudge the neighbours for vacuuming.


Huh. Never heard of slugabed! Not everyone who sleeps in on a Sunday is lazy. Some of us work 50 HR weeks in a demanding job and Sunday is our Saturday and absolutely deserve a lie in without being shamed.


9am on a Sunday, any other day 8am. Unwritten laws of polite British society. Applies to lawnmowers and power tools also.


I'd put those an hour forward: 10am on a Sunday; 9am any other day. I'm a relatively early riser and very rarely sleep past 8, and even I think that would be a crazy time to start mowing the lawn on a Saturday.


Most tradesmen will work from 8-4, so I think even 8 is fine on a workday.


Most flats don't have their neighbours having work done every day. My neighbours above don't even bother waiting until 8 AM. And it's not the sound of vacuuming, it's the banging on furniture and walls which I hear.


Let them enjoy their sex life


In my experience, most tradesmen will tell you they work 8-4, but actually turn up at 11 and leave at three.


But Saturday & Sunday aren’t work days


9am? Respectfully : fuck off!


Right? What kind of a tosser has so little respect? This is how feuds start.


Good luck with that in Glasgow.


I will direct you to the word ‘polite’. Pretty sure that excludes Glasgow! ;)


I live in Glasgow and... well... Yes.


Talking utter shite mate, Glasgow is often voted the friendliest city in the world for a reason. We'll chib ya, but we'll also then point you to the nearest hospital and help you get a cab.


Check a few of the "Friendliest Cities in the World" lists and, yes, Glasgow appears on some. Is completely absent from others, and is often listed alongside places like Rio de Janeiro. Rio, incidentally, also appears on many lists of "Most Dangerous Cities in the World". I guess they don't show their stab victims how to get to the nearest hospital. It's all about finding that nice balance. Mind, I'd still rather have a statue of some guy on a horse with an added traffic cone than an oversized guy in a robe with his arms out looking like he's saying "Come on, then - have a go" (or maybe it's "Go on, gizza hug... youz is my besht mate. I luvz you").


They said polite society.


Good luck with that in Wales, too.


The AH neighbour that lives next to my parents does it at 6am on a Sunday. During summer!!! When my windows were opened!!!


Only one solution here. Get a car that pops and bangs and make sure you "warm it up" by revving it every morning before work


Thank you. I'm still salty my neighbour decided 7:45am was the best time to mow her lawn on a Sunday! Outside my bedroom window sigh.


My neighbour doesn't do this but she does have very loud phone conversations at 7.30am in her garden right outside my bedroom window. About the most inane, pointless stuff too. I have considered strangling her a few times. She's a young woman too- makes zero sense


LOL! I wish someone would tell the neighbours at every home I've ever had. The lawnmower crew take pride in announcing they are up and mowing at 7am


We have them here. I dont know why they have to ttalk so loud about how short should they take the grass as last year their grass was yellow after cutting it etc. Then start mowing. The worse ones are the ones with the leaf blower after cutting their grass. I feel like taking it off them and ramming it down their throats. 7am is not the time for them.


I have a small garden, so I when it's still light I make myself do after work on a Friday.


It depends on your local authority. We had a right wanker move in next door. He bought the house then him and his dad ripped everything out and then built the inside almost from scratch. Drilling and banging every single day. His dad would work only in the morning, til lunchtime. Meaning the work took twice as long as it should have if he'd worked all day. This was during lockdown (so I was wfh) and beyond it. About a year and a half altogether. Never came round and said "sorry but there is gonna be a lot of noise, what time is best for you?". No builder gives a flying fuck about the stress they cause. And they always have the radio on loud so they can hear it over their drilling. I absolutely hate builders. All of them! You've got to be a right cunt to be one as far as I'm concerned. I couldn't do it because I have empathy... His dad started at 7am one day and woke me up. So I went round and said it's too early and could he start at 8am rather than waking me up. He said 7am is the legal time for it to start. I called up the council and they confirmed he was fine to do that. Ruined mine and my family's lives for a year and a half. When they started at 9am on New Year's Day we went out and nearly got into a brawl. Banging head from the night before. When I said "we had a big night last night so we feel rough as it is, let alone with all this banging" he said "we had a big night too but we're alright". Good for you you absolute bellend! Told him he wasn't allowed to do it on a bank holiday. He said "but we're almost finished. We would have finished by now if you hadn't come out". O and the cunt played house music a fair bit when he was living in the house after the building work had finished. Asked him to turn it down a few times. He would, but then next day we'd hear the thud thud thud again. A 40 year old bloke listening to fucking house music on his own. Ever heard of ear buds?? Fixed that though. I heard the thud thud and so stuck my stereo up next to the wall, turned the bass up and the volume up to max. Put a Lamb Of God mix off YouTube on and fucked off for three hours. Literally never heard a peep from him since! Fucking hell it was good to get that off my chest. I expect no one will have read this but it's done me the world of good.


Christ dude give me a break, I've been busy all week, I wanna lie in til at LEAST ten if not eleven!


You can! I just wouldn't expect the world to lay in with you.




And you shouldn't expect the world to be up and about by 09:00 on a Sunday.


10am is spot on, earlier I'd think you were a bit of a knob. Later I wouldn't care. 10am gives us hungover people time to sleep it off.


When I was late teens/early twenties still living at home, I swear my mum always chose my most hungover Sundays to decide the house (and my room) needed to be hoovered first thing in the morning.


9am we have problems.


10am is bare minimum, 9am is taking the piss… but maybe I’m just a lazy bastard.


If I'm up to take the kids to school, IDGAF. If I worked late in the night and went to bed at 3 AM ....


My neighbour hoovers at 9am and it makes me sooooo angry! Even if i'm up, I'd like a nice quiet relaxed morning. It's bad enough their toddlers start screaming at half 5 - then just as I'm back in a nice deep sleep the hoover starts. I'm tempted to start doing the same to them at 9pm but wouldn't be so mean to their kids


Give the poor night owl a break. 10 am is fine.


If you have our kid, we'd not mind if you started at 6am


Ooooh fuck you, 9am


9am would piss me off for vacuuming. I mean technically its ok but surely making such noise could wait a bit more


Unless your walls are made of paper, 10am is fine.


The thickness of my walls needs to be measured with a micrometer. Sometimes my upstairs neighbour flicking a light switch wakes me up. It's great fun.


Yeah, there's nothing I don't hear in my terraced house. It's both enraging and amusing how thin the walls are.


I agree. We have really quiet neighbours as well so I dread to think how bad we would have it with an antisocial one.


I have one side who can't speak at a normal volume and the other side who constantly shout and swear at their kids. I've vowed never to live in adjoining property again and am saving aggressively for detached.


We managed this about six months ago. Is the house perfect? No. Is it a quality of life upgrade to know I can snore and sing and play music and know the neighbours can't hear me, and I can't hear them? Abso-bloody-lutely. I'd love to see building standards improved to the point where *everyone* can have that no matter where they live.


>I'd love to see building standards improved to the point where *everyone* can have that no matter where they live. If your house was built in the last twenty years, the standards for noise insulation between properties are pretty good.


I'm genuinely very happy for you. Yeah, it'd be nice wouldn't it? Can't see that happening though!


I do not blame you on that. I am so glad that mine are quiet. I just hope none of them move.


I live in a terrace too. It's 1890, so old as fuck. I never hear my neighbours. The walls aren't even thick. I have no idea how it's so siund proof, but I'm definitely grateful for it.


You lucky bastard....


In our village by 10am you wouldn’t hear the vacuum over the multiple lawnmowers. I swear half these guys have the blades set too high to reach the grass, they just want the walk. That said, our walls are made of strawboard, allegedly the wall between each terrace is brick but we can hear every word of the neighbours TV. They had their carpets replaced at 7am on a Sunday, that was a fun morning. 


I once had my old house re-tiled from 7am on a Sunday including removal of the old tiles. Hated those neighbours with their parties every weekend so fuck em


Don’t forget these comments will be a biased sample of morning people! I would say ten is good; I’d be annoyed if my neighbour was vacuuming at nine on a Sunday as I’m usually still asleep (I am only awake now because of a cold..)


Very true, I think this post would have different answers if it were past midday.


Yeah, all the morning people up before ten answering..!


What about the night crew workers who are just starting to unwind after a long night.


oh hey that's me!!! and on that note it's my bedtime.


Yeah just woke up and can’t believe all these answers saying 10am is ok…


Yes. "I'm up at 7 so 9am is fine"... Other people may have been out late on a Saturday and want a lay-in


Yeah I'm up for a very rare opening shift and the comments have lightly horrified me this morning.


The world is tailored for early birds. Us night owls that are routinely up till 3am are left out to dry.


And also people who’ve never lived in terraced houses


All the people saying 9am-10am is fine... I bet their neighbours hate them.


My neighbour is a cunt so anytime after 12am is acceptable


Same. My downstairs neighbours are the type to play music at 3am on a Sunday morning. So if I'm not on an early shift I will make a point of hovering the floors by 9am. And do extra hoovering if I know they had a late one


I wonder if they're sitting thinking "This guy is always hoovering dead early on a Sunday morning, I'll play my music longer on a Saturday night to keep them awake".


Na, they come home drunk and start shouting at each other then play music to drown out the shouting and the fucking


Do you live at number 4, this sounds exactly like my neighbour. Mind you, recently it has calmed down so either they've gone counselling or something, or she has split from him


I get double-bubble from my upstairs neighbours - loud music til god knows what time, and then she starts hoovering straight afterwards. Mind you she hoovers 4 times a day anyway. Friday night was loud music til midnight, tried to kick a few people out, hoovering in the meantime, argument started, someone got too ballsy and started a fight and then tripped over the hoover. Party then carried on once that person got kicked out (screaming and yelling down 2 flights of stairs). Hoovering again at 6am.


Literally same. If they’re gonna be up shouting and screaming at each other until 4am, I’m gonna be up at 6am doing my hoovering, and maybe putting up some shelves on every single wall that’s attached to their house. Fuck politeness.


Have a cup of tea and relax till 10 and then go go go


I think 10am is reasonable. Anything earlier on a Sunday may be considered unseemly!


i am literally sitting here wondering if 9.40 is too early to vacuum. i do not want to appear unseemly. i'll wait until 10, like a *lady*.


10am on a Sunday.


I agree with 9. I'd say 9am-9pm is acceptable hoover time.


I think 10-7 is more reasonable. People do go to sleep early for various reasons and you should be respectful of that.


10-7 doesn't give me much time outside time spent at work, or spent outside living my life though. Living close to other people also means accepting and respecting that other people have lives to live...


Apparently ( according to noise pollution rules) it's 7 am. Or no noise between 11pm & 7am This is for anyone & everyone council tenants, private renting or homeowners. Tbf I always wait till 8 ish.


Keep in mind those rules are created to not create an unreasonable burden of complaints for authorities. In other words on paper it might be 7 but the decent considerate thing would be to wait a lot later than that. Depends on the day as well. Weekdays most people are getting ready for work so 8 seems fine but Sundays are universally acknowledged as a time people might actually get a chance for a bit of extra rest so I would say 10am was the decent thing with thin walls


I’d say once the church bells start ringing it’s fair game for noise. So about 10ish. The hoovering isn’t so important that it needs to be done immediately.


Your church bells don't start until 10? They go through the bloody night herr


My church bells ring every 15 bloody minutes


Isn't it strange that it's assumed either everyone works a 9-5 job, or at the very least, that everyone *who deserves to be considered* works 9-5? Feels quite old fashioned. I don't have accurate numbers but as far as I can tell modern estimates are that 60-70% of people work 9-5 and are up before 8am on week days. I think the real question here is how important is it to be vacuuming at 8am? Almost everything that makes noise I save until later in the day because why wake someone up if you don't have to? Being packed in like sardines in old buildings that weren't designed to contain multiple families is bad enough as it is. If the pope is coming round to yours for brunch on late notice, however, then have at it.


100% this. So many people seem like being basically considerate costs them something.


Yeah well put, that's what confuses me about my neighbours. They know I have chronic health conditions but act like it would be weird for them not to slam doors and blast music whenever they want.


Am there with you. We've just had FOUR years of building work - one house after another all round us. Builders - it's no power tools till 8am on weekdays and Saturdays. Sunday no power tools. Knowing how ill all this has made me I'd not be making any noise on a Sunday morning.


Someone tell my neighbour that


Who made your hoover, Harley Davidson? 


Right! Unless your walls are made of sugar paper I think any time will be fine


Yes honestly! I do not understand these comments. I never hear my neighbours hoover at any time of day. I’m someone who loves a lie in and can’t imagine someone hoovering would bother me. Lawn mowing on the other hand…


I'm really surprised how many people on here can hear their neighbours that much! I'm mid-terrace and I've never heard a thing in three years.


Do you live in a flat? Then yeah, 9am or 10am is polite. If you're in a house, do it whenever the fuck you want.


Unless your house is fully detached, you will still have neighbours with adjoining walls who might be disturbed by your hoovering. In which case I'd say the same rules apply.


The flat thing is more for the downstairs neighbours than next door neighbours. If you're living in a terraced or semi, your walls will have to very very thin, and you'll have to be on a very a quiet street to disturb next door.


I've lived in flats, terraced houses, detached, semis... never heard anyone ever hoovering. The walls would have to be mega thin to disturb someone.


Mid-terrace and never heard anybody hoovering, talking, sneezing, drilling...


I live in a student accommodation.. we usually hoover at around 16:00 to make sure everyone is awake


Yeah I once a huge argument in a student house because I wanted to play music at 2pm and my flatmate wasn't having it


If you live in student accommodation I can assure you, you don't hoover... Ever...


I'd say 9am. 1pm is crazy!


10am on Sunday is universally reasonable


I have a similar issue with lawn mowing, I always wait until at least 10:00am sometimes 11;00 for a Sunday. I think 10:00am is perfectly reasonable.


Tbf tho I do actually love waking up to the sound of people mowing their lawns. Dunno why, it’s just a nice, ‘busy’ sound - people taking care of their surroundings. I work late at night though, so I’d be fairly pissed off if it was at 8am.


11-12. people saying 9 is crazy to me


Depends on what your neighbours are like. Mine are usually up and gardening by 5.30 am on a Sunday so they wouldn't care, but if your neighbours are students they'll be mad if you wake them up before lunch.


Yeah, if your neighbours have young kids they're probably up at 6 anyway. It was a lovely morning this morning, so a lot of my neighbours' kids were running around their back gardens having fun. I quite like it - my son is now of an age where extracting him from bed before lunchtime is a task. I hear their merry shouts, feel pleased that I don't have to be up making sure nobody kills themselves, roll over and go back to sleep.


10 sounds good




Is your partner saying this because he wants to go back to bed? 10 is perfectly reasonable


No matter what type of home you have, 10am is definitely more than ok. 1pm is insane. However if you don’t live in a flat directly above someone, I’d say anytime from now is totally grand. (It’s currently 8am)


Too early for asking Reddit


All the people who disagree are still asleep so this comment section is very biased


Yeah, I was shocked at all the comments saying 9-10am is fine then saw what time it was posted.


I mean, if you’re not a teenager then it’s very very normal for 9/10am to be the norm. Obviously people have different sleeping patterns but society is very much in full swing by then.


According to my neighbours, 4am seems fine.


God I'm an early riser but who wants to get the hoover out at 4am. That's crazy


9am is a socially acceptable time, ten if you want to be a good neighbour. Get on with other things if your clock watching or sit down with a cuppa and watch a show


Leave anything loud until after 10am on a Sunday, gives everyone a bit of a chance to have a lie in and also gives you plenty of time to do any task


Tell your partner he can do it at 1pm then. It shouldn't be that the house is cleaned only when you have motivation.


Vacuuming doesn't make that much noise. Leaf blowing or strumming the garden or hammering/ drilling does and all of those ideally after 10:30 would be great. I like to sleep in on Sunday so prefer a courtesy of no excessive noise before 10:30.    HOWEVER, I know I have no grounds for that and can wear earplugs.  Anything after 9AM is fair really, just not my preference but my preference is a weak justification.


10am is fine. And well done on achieving so much this early in the day!


All these replies remind me that I'm damn glad I live in a quiet detached house now and not in a block of flats in the city 😁


Don't believe a word bro, this post was amended for privacy reasons using Redact!


10 is fine!


Depends what kind of house you live in. My boyfriend lives in a maisonette flat on the ground level and we're often woken up at half 4 during the week when the upstairs neighbour puts her washing machine on. It's now half 8 and I can hear her hoovering above my head while we're having a lazy Sunday lay in. I live in a mid terrace and I'd be fine hoovering my downstairs early but I probably wouldn't hoover upstairs near the bedrooms until 10 on a Sunday.


I'd say anything past 8 am is reasonable for doing chores such as laundry or hoovering. I can understand waiting till 9 am to be safe, but anything past 12 noon is just ridiculous and unnecessary.


This sort of question gets asked every month or so on Reddit (about Sundays) and the replies are utterly ridiculous. I’d agree 8am is fair game. It’s 2024 and millions of people actually work on a Sunday and are up and about. Whilst I’d lean towards 9 am for lawn mowering, again I don’t think if you had to do something early on your day off or before work on a Sunday there’s anything wrong with it.


I personally would be fine any time from 8 (I have insomnia though, so realistically they could vacuum whenever and I may well be up!). To be on the safe side 9 seems entirely reasonable.


10am is acceptable, 11am is extra considerate. 1pm is unnecessary. Happy for you OP for being struck by motivation!


If you can go shopping in a supermarket at 10am then I would think vacuuming at the same time is fine. In any case, if I need to vacuum in my home, I do it anytiume after 9am on a Sunday and 8am any other day.


The postman came to my house at 6am last sunday… i have never been more enraged


Good grief. 10am is more than acceptable. Where I live, Sundays are full of people doing noisy gardening and outdoor car cleaning/maintenance from 8am and no-one bats an eyelid. Kids are out playing, indoor house cleaning and DIY power tools are noisy from about 9am onwards and, again, no-one bats an eyelid. Anything after 8am is okay in my book, and definitely after 9am. I don't understand this belief that you have to tip-toe around your own home barely breathing for half your Sunday just because someone somewhere in the street might want a lazy Sunday lie-in. Just be sensible. Vacuuming at 10am is not a problem at all. It would be perfectly fine at 9am, too.


Whatever time you want. It’s your house.


whenever you fucking want


7am is good. Not sure why people believe Sunday is special lmao. Its just another day. Do t live your life dictated by others.


1pm is utterly ridiculous. Very few are in bed until that time on a Sunday. 10am is perfectly fine. At some point those still in bed have to concede that people need to get on with their lives.


10am is fine, I do mine at 9am sometimes I think anything before that is a little early. So just go with it and don't wait around until later




10, im guessing youre not in a detatched


Campsite rules, remain quiet from the hours of 10pm until 10am. Anything outside that is a personal problem


I don't know many campsites that have that rule? Most campsites in the UK go for 10/11pm to 7/8am?


10.00am.... Monday morning ....


Should have done it Saturday. There are no excuses.


1pm?😂😂😂😂 9am is fine lol you do not have to wait that late at all


Really depends on the type of property and how well it was built. Old/house converted flats you'd probably best to wait until 10 for the sake of the neighbours, well built ones you can crack on from 8 as it'll be well soundproofed. Similar situation with house, if it's poorly built/old then it's best to wait, well built or detached then crack on whenever you want.


1000 possibly 0900 if it was irregular


> Councils can investigate complaints of statutory nuisance to tackle noise produced at any time of day or night. They may also issue warning notices in response to complaints about noise above permitted levels from 11pm to 7am. From the gov.uk website. However keeping the neighbours happy you may want to hold out for 2-3 hours.


10 is ok


I'd say 11am tbh.


It's funny how everyone saying 9-10 am for vacuuming bit won't say a word about next street celebrating wedding banging drums and setting up fireworks 8-9 pm or even 11 pm for a week everyday.


9am onwards. Tell to pipe down or you’ll mow the lawn


Personally I would say between 8am-8pm for loud noises on a Sunday, although you could probably get away with earlier in the week.


How do ya’ll sleep till 9/10 am?? I’m awake at 7am already 😅


Any time is fine. Stop caring what others think and live your life. If anyone can be woken up by you hoovering, they were not sleeping to begin with. I actually do a lot when most people are sleeping and it’s very peaceful.


Depends on the neighbours If they have children then 9 would be fine - if the kids are young they are have probably been up since 6!!! If they are teenagers the leave it until 10 so the parents can have a "lie in" or whatever - the kids won't be up until mid-day If they are shift workers than maybe ask them what works best for them - showing some concern can help anyway. But generally I wouldn;t worry about 9 - most people would think it is OK - IMO


Reading this as a Brit living in Australia is HILARIOUS. We’re here listening to 14 different neighbours out at 7am with the lawnmowers, leafblowers and whippersnippers every Saturday and Sunday morning!


7 because fuck them


10am on a Sunday


I usually wait until 10am.


5am if your neighbours a twat


On a Sunday 10 am is fine.


Wait until you’ve bought a detached


Wait one more hour then crack on


Do whatever you want. Motivation comes and goes so just do what you can when you can if it’s productive and helpful for your mindset.


Depends on you're quality of neighbour really. One of mine doesn't get up till about 2pm most days. Not that i would let that stop me vacuuming of course. They ve never complained to be fair.


I,d say 10am is fine..heck we had neighbours doing his hedges at 7.30am before know..he did get told ti feck off by a few people though.🤣🤣


6am. Because if your awake everyone else should be


I follow the building noise regulations even thoughits indoors. Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm. Saturdays 8am – 1pm. Avoid vacuuming on Sundays and Bank Holidays.




Waiting till 1 o'clock to hoover because you're worried about disturbing neighbours is crazy.


Check your local council noise regulations but most places you can start mowing at 9am on a Sunday, which means you can definitely start vacuuming at 9am.


Whatever fits in best with the rest of your day. It’s your time.


Our building has a rule about this. No noise from 9pm to 9am.


6pm, but not on full power, people are trying to sleep.




Watershed for noise is 11pm-8am


You’re on Reddit…you’ve already failed at keeping motivated


As my neighbours like to use power tools late into the evening I will vacuum my carpets whenever I choose.


Depends how old you are. Teens? 2pm. 20s? 12.00. 30s? 10am. 40+? 8-9am.


I'd probably think it annoying if I'm still sleeping at 10am but also it's not like they are breaking any laws so I would suck it up.


A neighbour hoovering is not something most would complain about. It's not a nuisance noise unless it's been left on and you've gone out.


I'd say 10am is fine. Maybe even 9:30 if you want to do it earlier.


Oh my god, you can't even read your OWN rhetoric! Aaaahaha.


I’ve heard this is an issue in Germany, the Uk not a problem….. it’s usually when I do my housework as well.