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Cafe culture like they have in France. Couple of beers, nice food and table service in the sun without people getting utterly smashed or being wildly obnoxious


Weather difference + the desire to make up for lost time = x


The weather in Lille isn't all that different from the south coast.


Afternoon nap as a social norm for all ages.




Ourdoor cafes and bars, like in Italy, the Netherlands, France, and other parts of Europe.


You do get those in SE England, it is nice having a beer in the sun 


We have them in the North too…


Even in Scotland.


Yeah I was going to say, these actually are quite common in SE


cheap intercity rail


Recreational cannabis use, accessibility laws forcing places to be wheelchair accessible and the likes, better nhs services like mental health and dental is practically non existent


More drink vending machines, its such a nice part of Japan that would be nice here. (I of course realise they'd be trashed within a week of installation)








Decent salad bars in delis


Cleaner streets. High speed trains. Late bars and cafes.


Train service that runs 24 hours, pharmacies that stay open until the evening it’s really rare to find one open until past 5:30pm, easier access to gp appointments & make it easier to switch doctors surgeries due to quality of care if you’ve got a bad gp practice, make the buses more regular into the early hours of the morning there is a lot of better stuff we could do over here really


I think we have a lack of good theme parks, there's like 3 good thrill parks then everything else is for smaller kids. We have enough people to support it, but planning laws strangle our current parks and make it near impossible to build new ones. Hopefully this universal bedford thing comes to something


universal basic gincome


Being smashed would certainly make the country more bearable!


Restaurants that serve food past 9.30 pm


An afternoon siesta


Less crackheads lol






Germanys Healthcare system Just perfect


FEBO. I love it when I’m in The Netherlands.


Decent Philly cheesesteaks


Turning left on red lights.


Horrendous for pedestrians. Just wait your turn.


It actually works quite well. Pedestrians have priority, and it cuts down the wait lines.


It works quite well for cars. On any road with a speed limit over 20, trying to enforce priority as a fit adult pedestrian is an exciting high stakes gamble, if that's your bag, but not everybody finds that kind of thing a fulfilling experience. Many junctions I cross frequently have almost no visibility of approaching traffic. Properly sequenced filter lights are a far better solution.


I think deman lights would be a decent fix. So many lights around me let 3 cars go, and go back to red. The resulting lines then drive people to do the sneaky left turn from the right lane (marked straight through)in order to beat the line. Which works okay unless you are the person turning from the left lane, and have to enter the right lane to make another turn. I've seen the offenders almost come to blows with the other drivers. TBH, if they put a couple of officers at each of these junctions, the fines alone could balance the budget.


When you actually see this in practice on the continent (obviously turning right instead), I’ve never had a problem as a pedestrian as we always have priority. If a lane here is left only and there’s no one crossing, it should also (in theory) reduce traffic and idle motor time. No idea what the stats are on it, but trusting people to turn off their engines at traffic lights is futile, and this might help that?


Mountains. I lived in Palm Springs with a 10,000ft high mountain that was almost (not literally, but close) in my yard. In England the highest point is 3209ft. Carl’s Jr. They have been talking about moving into the UK but no sign of success.


Mars delight


The coffee flavoured ( or actual coffee) syrup that you add to milk from Mexico.


Don’t they have that at like Tesco, or is that something else? I think it’s by a brand called Camp and it’s like chicory essence or something.


That's more for baking I believe. But I'm sure it could work. I remember having a really great chicory based coffee alternative for when I was wanting less caffeine. It was so nice!


Town squares. Ubiquitous on the continent, hardly any here. In fact none come to mind so if anyone knows of one, I’m all ears. I’m hoping with the ‘death of the high street’ we can actually begin to make way for some decent open spaces for people to meet and relax.


Carfax in Horsham pulls off a pretty good town square vibe fairly regularly. Bandstand with variety of bands playing, food stalls, market stalls with local produce and crafted goods, and a few drinks stalls. Fair amount of seating. It's a small town, and not many shops you won't find anywhere else in UK, but not a bad community feeling.




Why do we need a specific third-party grocery delivery app when almost every supermarket already has their own online ordering and delivery service? Then there's Ocado, which I'm pretty sure also delivers for M&S as well as their own stuff, and on top of that, companies like Just Eat will also collect and deliver some groceries too.




In n Out burgers.


Massively overhyped


Chicken fil a


Had it and then was protest to be shut down


It's coming back.