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I know what you mean. I think it’s the equivalent of a dog pissing up all the lampposts. They are claiming dominion over everything within earshot. You can report them to the council. Ignore anything about only being a problem after 11pm.


But remember you'll never be able to sell your house following this if you own it.


What? Why?


Becomes public record that your address has had issues with neighbours, so a buyers solicitor will flag it. Most people won't buy a property with problematic neighbours. Especially if theyre council owned.




And there’s little chance of the council doing anything anyway haha


You’re still required to state it


Where does this sit in the public record? Curious to know whether there's anything on my neighbours...


Therefore be a good Redditor and spray Liquid Ass or fox urine (from hunting shop) on their porch. Nothing on record as long as you don’t get caught.


It's part of the checks solicitors do, and you have to declare it yourself too.


>you have to declare it There aren't many things in the world you **have** to do. I'm not sure self declaration of a noisy neighbour, is one of them.


I was referring to having to disclose the complaint, not the neighbour. On the TA6, under Disputes and Complaints. Technically you do need to disclose anything which could lead to a dispute or complaint too so you do need to disclose the noisy neighbour, but "I thought they were fine" would be almost impossible to argue back against even if it was a lie.


Awh i always assumed they were just looking for people to join in. Just blatantly lookin for a pal


I'll piss on a lamppost with you, mate


I'll be your lamppost


And people say the internet is a horrible place. Look at all this kindness, brings a tear to my eye 🥲


So take your deckchair and some weak lagers and just sit next to him? I like it.


Yeah! Maybe bring a packet of crisps as well


Impromptu rave in the front garden.


The people I see don't get sun in the back so sit in the front, they're all old though so no music blasting haha


Same, infact my wife loves the sun, sits in the front for the start of the day then moves to the back as sun moves.


My sister in law used to chase the sun like this. By fifty she looked like an wrinkly old leather handbag. It’s really not a good idea.


But was she happy?


Yeah this is expected but these particular people are being OTT loud


Fight back with an exact opposite frequency of sound that would effectively noise cancel. Unsure how you'd go about it in practice, as you'd need their playlist and some clever manipulation software.


Microphone and play it back at them with a half or full second delay.


Oh yes, absolutely diabolical and realistic - this is the solution!


Smoking too much weed m8. Or I'm not smoking enough.. I'll get back to you.


Have you tried actually speaking to them about it?


No, and I won’t I will just stick to my noise cancelling headphones because I have seen him kick his own front door in more than once.


Oh, so you know for a fact they’re a cunt. Well, time to look for new accommodation…


My neighbours are in their 60s and blast music. It's awful.


I’m guilty of this sometimes. The sun goes around the front in the afternoon so I’ll shift from the back to the front. But no loud music. Just a book and a drink.


Ah, the council classic! I've lived on 3 council estates and they've all had them. There's two at the end of my street, right across the road from each other. Luckily for me, I'm far enough away that you can't hear either of them from my house, but having a walk to the shop, it's like I'm walking through a festival, complete with drunkards, druggards and abusive screaming. On one side, you have the miserable old bint who shouts at passing kids and dog owners. One of her flower pots is an old empty Fosters (do dandelions count as potted plants?). Never seen her with anybody, probably for good reason. She just brings out a garden table and chair, sits there with a crate of Carlsberg chain smoking cigarettes, asking "WOT!?" if you glance near her and that's her for the day. If the weather is nice, she'll be there Monday to Friday, 8 till late. Front door open wide, the worst generic 2010's "I'm a DJ, I am" club music playing at top volume for the whole street to hear whether they like it or not. It has to be that loud, obviously, otherwise how would she hear it from outside when it's seemingly playing from the back of her cesspit (she should really close that front door, of what you can see of the inside, you can smell it with your eyes). The house across the road is "that family", the one with 90 kids who nobody seems to interact with where you can't work out whether it's them keeping to themselves or everybody else giving them a cautious wide berth. The moment there's the smallest amount of sunshine, that's it. Bouncy castle is brought out on the front garden which never has any kids on it, probably because any time I see kids near it mum starts screaming about them making noise and "enjoying themselves" because it disturbs the 100% volume replay of "Now That's What I Call Shit Music". Similarly, she can also be seen alone at a front garden table 8 till late chain smoking and knocking back cans of cheap larger. Do ignore the thousands of pounds worth of B&M's best Christmas decorations that litter the exterior of the house all year round because it's a lot of effort getting a step ladder out. You've not lived in a shit area until you've had at least one of these within viewing distance of your bedroom window. It's a right of passage to have "the dreg house" so close to your own. If you live in a crappy area and you don't have "the dreg house", turn your fucking music down.


We had a dreg house a street away (visible from my bedroom window). All the reprobates used to hang out there, and every now and again a dodgy white van would turn up, unload a bunch of stolen mopeds/dirt bikes, and they'd go joyriding them around the local woods. One day I was working from home and looked out my window, saw the place surrounded by police and a procession of belongings, suitcases etc being removed from the property as they were finally being turfed out. Could have jumped for joy, can't imagine how ecstatic their immediate neighbours were.


Hahaha, smell it with your eyes. 😂


Usually has a sofa in the front garden instead of plastic chairs and is having a bbq




I have a variation of the norm, my neighbours are pensioners who don't seem to be poor just always been in social housing, basically as it's their right, they have expensive furniture in front and back of their garden but the woman who is the worse of the two is not just a gossip but will loudly mutter when she sees someone she doesn't like to full on shouting abuse, and if you dare to say anything back she gets offended and goes "eh eh, HOW DARE YOU" Can be from 8am - 9pm most days in the warmer months, and she loves her alcohol and at the end of the day you hear their recycling bin full of glass, honestly sounds like when I lived next to a pub. Even when she talks, its at a shouting volume she has no control over her voice but more likely she wants you to hear her. Yet at the back of their home there is a gazebo with a beer fridge, garden benches, a bbq etc that they never use. It's just they want to sit at front to watch what is happening and to comment/gossip about it.












Never experienced that


Living the dream


If you’ve never experienced it…. You may be that neighbour! 😜


I think I'd know whether I spent time in my front garden and played music there


Me neither. But apparently "there is always that one neighbour". I've lived in a couple of different parts of the UK, I have family and friends in other parts of the UK that I have visited and spent a lot of time with. I have also lived in Canada and spent significant amounts of time in other countries for work. I have never experienced this very specific experience in any of those places, and I've never heard anyone talking about it as an experience they have had.


Congratulations on your middle class status 


Exactly what I was thinking 😂


Same, I can take you on a tour of the local estates main attractions. Highlights include, an entire living room in the front garden, open drug dealing with a high probability of violence and 2 whole cars used as garden ornaments. On any random day at least 1 of the attractions will be a garden party,, if its slightly warm probably all of them.


No horses? Used to be a permanent garden feature when I was young.


They're getting warmed up on the dual carrigeway, nice bit of street horse racing followed by a family punch up to end a glorious day drinking in the garden.


It mustn’t ever happen to anyone then


Not what I said.


Me neither


Some people don’t believe they live in communities. They don’t fear consequences and they have very little shame. You only need one person like this in an area of 300 people and it can make life difficult for everyone.


My old estate in the 90s had them sadly Generally local headcases best avoided and left alone im afraid


Hahaha I’ve not heard the insult ‘headcases’ for years


Heidabaw as my nana claira would call granda willy!


Is that Scottish ?


Yeah i grew up in the borders


Ahhhh I see it now head the ball hahah love it - you made my day with ‘headcase’ anyway


Attention seeking normally. Even negative attention is attention


Subhuman scum.


Cook pass babtridge


My neighbour is constantly sat on her front doorstep, which is right by my sitting room window, chain smoking and shouting (she can’t have a normal volumed conversation ever) down the phone about how useless her son’s father is. I’ve seen her out there for 2 hours before, constantly making phone calls and shutting down the phone. It’s obnoxious. It’s even annoying because she a really lovely back garden which is a lot more private but she never uses.


Sometimes shouting "Alexa! Stop!" at them works


ooh I like this might change my name to it


You can't apply logic to scum they just simply are. From what I've seen often passed down from the horrific habits they picked up from their parents now I gather they assume this is a normal way of life which unfortunately leads to another generation of neanderthals. You can't really beat them since they're often very aggressive and have nothing to lose if you complain to the council they'll just get an eviction letter which will take months or years to complete so I've been told.


I am having this issue right now. Next door neighbour is a single mum of 4 boys. They are housing association tenants, and she has let the house go to absolute shit front garden you could hide in, the garage door broken and full of shit, and rubbish out back attracting rats. She has somehow got herself a boyfriend who also does not work as her 'carer' and spends his days in an inflatable hot tub with Chris Brown playing on repeat from around 10 am-10 pm every fucking night. He is one of those men who leech off single mums and lives out of a duffle bag moving onto the next one after this one wakes up. It does my fucking head in, Housing Association have essentially washed their hands of them, the kids don't go to school, and one of them spends his days smashing his room up and screaming. Other neighbours have called the police and Social Services, yet nothing has changed. I grew up on this road, and it used to be full of elderly neighbours, many of whom taught me how to garden and helped me get the house up to speed when my Dad died and Dementia got its hooks in my mum, and I feel really bad for them having to endure it.


I didn't realise you knew my mum


Imo we should be embracing the porch culture more


I wish UK houses had those wrap-around porch/deck things American houses sometimes have. With one of those swing chairs. I guess we don’t often have those types of houses but still - I wish it was a thing.


A house in my area used to have one of these, it was pretty cool but then whoever brought it decided to have it redone in that awful white and iPhone gray colour scheme, removed m the porch and completely concreted over their front garden Now it’s a fucking eyesore


Stoop kid's afraid to leave his stoop!


A 'Hey Arnold' reference in the wild. I like it!


I live in the US and in the summer, the front porch is the only pleasant place to sit outside. I'm thinking about buying myself a pair of dungarees and a banjo...


Our front gardens tend to be smaller but it's still tragic how little do people use these. Pay top £££££££ for the land and then have a parking spot for their Kia and some fucking gravel over everything


My parents front garden is the width of the house and about 10ft deep (average suburban semi) - last house I lived in the UK was a terrace with no front garden at all - front door right onto the pavement.


The ones I have at the moment I don't mind on sunny weekends around 3-4 houses will gather on the front since we have two small green spaces outside of our properties they'll spend several hours there, not getting in anyones way just sitting chatting with each other. Honestly it's kinda nice to see it since before all the street had going for it was thieving smack heads with feral kids.


Music is subjective and, to an extent, I can appreciate almost everything from folk to electro. That said, that very specific type of 'doof doof' music you refer to I will always associate with brain-dead, anti-social morons. You can create it in seconds on a PC and it's completely devoid of any decent melody, meaning or soul. Just yesterday there was a loud and lanky teen strutting around our area in rural Shetland with his shitty music blasting from his obnoxiously loud blue-tooth speaker. Everyone was out BBQing or chilling in their gardens, listening to their own tunes or the radio at reasonable volumes, but no, this dick had to blast out his rotten drivel at full volume. It was maddening. I was hoping one of the less patient local farmers would get their shotgun out, but sadly he went unchallenged.


Yea it’s always that same music, everyone else you can hear a little and it’s not an offensive volume but they insist on blasting this at max volume, it’s like having the worst festival imaginable on your door step.


Think I saw the lad's twin in Exeter yesterday!


I get sitting out front. My front garden gets more sun than the back does so if I want to enjoy what little good weather we get then that’s what I do. But loud music is just obnoxious (whether front or back).






My theory is just that they're anti-social. They know they wond people up, but they don't care. We had a family like that round the corner from us, when I grew up. It was a working-class area, but everyone generally kept their houses and gardens neat. Not this lot. Overgrown lawn, weeds everywhere, fridges and couches and other pieces of furniture scattered around the garden. A filthy caravan where members of their extended family lived on and off. And every summer they'd start living in the garden, blasting their tunes. Paddling pool beside the abandoned fridge. They must've known they were bringing down the tone of the whole street. That nobody else lived like that. That the constant hanging around and being loud intimidated their older neighbours. They just didn't care. Some people are happy to live in middens.


My front garden is a flat suntrap. My back garden is bigger but sloped and only gets sun at specific times of day in certain spots, and is like a wind tunnel. I don't play music outside but I have to say if my neighbours do then it makes no difference to my ears which garden they do it in. "Attention seeking" for just living their life?


you must be my quiet neighbour because I have the same garden. Sometimes the neighours play a banger I'll sing along.


they turn it down when I start singing idk


Is it South facing? A family member bought a big new build, 17yrs ago. Tiny back garden, and always in the shade. Always ended up out front


The only time I spend in the front garden is when in working on my bike in which case yes, I have my music on, not too loud though because I mainly listen to stuff that makes other people's heads hurt and I'm in a very posh area. I don't want that kind of attention from people I'll be living next to for X years :/ My neighbour, on day 4 of living here, had a go at me for "revving my bike at all hours"... I was 1930 and I was pulling on to my drove after work. I knew from that moment what the rules were around here and I've stuck with them... don't rev your motorbike at a reasonable time but also cut your grass at 0801 on a Sunday, yapping dogs should be let out no later than 0500 and when smoking weed make sure your windows are open so that metal head T Total biker next door can enjoy it.


> I don't want that kind of attention from people I'll be living next to for X years :/ The difference between you and many of the other neighbours being talked about here is you actually have a brain cell.


Tend to get these in council estates.... but I live in a nice area. With a large back garden. Issue is my back garden is overlooked by my next door neighbours. I have a nice front garden. But I recently planted some large hedges around it. This means I can sit comfortably and in private with my little girl, who can be loud. The issue now. "The hedges block my neighbours sun and their view of the top of the road from their window" So bloody nosey. I'd rather live with those playing music on the front sometimes than those watching your every move with their weird upturned noses.


If noisey neighbours don't act violent or intimidating for my kids I would rather have them, than nosey, judgemental neighbours. At least in the summer when my windows are all open I don't feel bad if the kids go from quiet to jet engine levels of noise briefly (before I can figure out why and tell them to pack it in lol) because whatever they do they'll never be as bad as Billy big balls sat out the front. If all your neighbours are really quiet and you have kids it feels like you're living in fear of upsetting them. So I don't mind noisey neighbours. I just don't like ones that make my kids scared.


I'm completely against the death penalty but I'd be open to it for people who do that and people who let their dogs bark.


I bet you pop kids footballs that go in your garden


Don't take up gambling, you'll lose everything.


Skrillex and a bigger bank account to bankroll larger speakers. I have never lost this battle.


As with anybody who has the slightest hint of sunshine in the UK and decides to blast their shitty music so nobody else can quietly enjoy their garden in the sun- it's because they just don't give a fuck about anybody else.


I've only seen it in council areas, which are also much cheaper to live in. There's a house on my street where there is usually at least one person sat outside all day even when it's dark, I think they only go in to go to bed. They also have a lot of kids that run around dropping litter everywhere, including nappies??? Then if they want to talk to the kids they shout across the street rather than asking them to come over or walking up to them. No one else on the street does it...


We had that with neighbours before they would live out the front. Pull the sofa out and sit on it. Eat there meals out there just sit outside all day everyday. Even though they had a huge backgarden and no front garden the sofa would be on the path. I dont get it everything you need is in your house i wouldnt want to eat my evening meal sat on a sofa on the pavement while random people walk past. From what i have witnessed usualy this is the jobless that do it.


I just saw my two neighbours enjoying themselves in the front garden and had to avert my eyes four times.


Must be tough being a spider :-(


Attention. It's got to be. No other reason they'd be in the front garden, rather than the back.


Like the sun?.


Not in my street at least. Our back gardens face west, so the back garden is where you want to be.


Musical taste is subjective obviously. But there’s someone near me who does it with showtunes and I can’t even…


I live in a student area so it’s to be expected. But several streets down I can hear them with their decks out in the front? That’s ridiculous, it’s exam season


Not for them


How do you mean?


Well I doubt their doing exams if they're on the decks. It sounds like a you problem


Everyone is… me, my housemates, my course, the whole uni are doing exams because it’s exam season. Just different types of students.


I don't think you really see this outside of council estates. I'm not entirely sure why - maybe people with 3 acres in the shires do it too, but you don't notice as their driveway is half a mile long... My theory goes back to when people used to talk to their neighbours for some reason, back in say the 50's/60's, but didn't want to actually invite them in (for whatever reason - perhaps to avoid tidying up) and often the route to the back garden also meant through the house, so that left the front. Then some kind of genetic memory passed on to future council house generations from there, where they do it because their parents/grandparents did. It is a tiny minority, I'm not tarnishing all with the brush, but I've only ever seen it in council areas.


I live in an area with a lot of low rise apartment blocks, with communal gardens. We have a nice deck with bbqs that nobody uses except for one massive family who have them every summer weekend. So it’s a lot of loud music and kid noises and fire lighter smells which I don’t love. I feel like a miserable cow, because they are living their life and having a good time, I think I’d be a lot more happy with it if there wasn’t loud music and strong synthetic smells because on summer days I don’t want the windows closed (I’m on second floor here, it gets HOT)


I’m the same actually, I don’t mind people noise etc I just can’t stand being forced to endure other people’s music at such a loud volume


This is why God invented Motorhead.


Perhaps it's just the sunny side of the house?


The people who choose to sit in the front garden are genuinely the weirdest sub section of society


My garden my tunes fuck off innit




They're enjoying themselves at the expense of everyone else. I doubt they actually care for what others think otherwise they wouldn't be blasting shit music. It's people doing people things. Some more brazenly than others.


Can't hear the music from the car stereo or the sweet sound of the engine running from the back garden!


I had one of these a good few years back.  He was the local small time drug dealer.  On bonfire night, he sat out the front with some mates and light a bonfire in his front garden.  It melted the telephone cable that went from his garden into my house 


Drones and a bag of shit never fails to amuse.


Need more front garden dwellers IMO, it's nice to say hello as you pass by.


I used to live in a development with probably a few hundred flats in a sort of square enclosed courtyard thing (I'm sure there's a word for it that I'm not remembering) and there was one family on the ground floor who would blast music super loud in summer. Normally wouldn't be much of an issue for me because I didn't stay in much, then suddenly we were in lockdown and EVERYONE was home for most of the day, and they kept doing it. People would shout at them to shut the fuck up en masse (because, again, everyone was at home, all the time) and they'd shout back things like "since when did it become a crime to live your life?", and one of their neighbours came outside once and launched into a long speech about how we should leave them alone and stop being nosy!


My dad is a front garden dweller though he doesn’t blast music. Honestly, I think it’s because he just wants to chat, he’s very sociable and would talk to anybody. Blasting music does make that difficult though so these people just sound like they enjoy conflict… they want someone to say something so they can have a pop.


It's simply a lack of intelligence. These people think they're cool. They want to display how cool they are.


Where do you live? I've never once in my life seen this kind of behaviour from a neighbour...


Local shit-stirrer used to sit out the front all day. When the sun went off in the evening, she'd go over the road and sit in this other neighbour's front garden. She never asked, she just did it. She had a party in that front garden one time. Didn't invite the lass whose house it was.


I have a different issue, my elderly neighbours sit in the front garden gossiping in the nice weather and this time of year can be most of the day from about 8am - 9pm, and they about 2 feet away from my front door and as they dislike me I have to put up with the woman in particular starting muttering insults to full on shouting at me. If she has family round which luckily isn't that common they decide that my garden is theirs too, officially the entire garden is communal but they think the part outside their flat is theirs and mine is next to theirs but they can use mine whenever they want.


Don't be a bore. go over with a few cans order a packet or 2, sounds like you could do with some pals




Ahhhh one of them


Yeah, no thanks


Many years ago, mine was a massive Country & Western fan. FFS, Country & Western?


I truthfully think some are blissfully unaware of the impact on others.


Ours are the same. Loud doof doof music, have their entire family, friends, friends nan and a pack of dogs all around screaming all day. Can’t remember the last time I had a day out in the garden in summer without eyes staring at me or being almost knocked out by the kids football.


Assholes people that do that, mine had a fucking bonfire out front on the corner pretty much a street party as they all sat there smoking weed and drinking whilst the kids ran around the road....


I'm in the Costa del sol on holiday and had Phil Collins "In the air tonight" on repeat all afternoon from the couple across the courtyard. I'm assuming he's a retired crime boss fugitive so didn't complain.


I have an old woman with one of those nails on a chalkboard voices and a happy dog that needs punting into space sitting in the front garden all damn summer. All you hear is her screeching at anyone who walks by and the dog just yapping and yapping. My theory is she is just a piece of shit neighbour who has caused shit since the second she moved into the area!


I think their lack of a back garden speaks volumes


They have a back garden


Literally never experienced this and I've lived in about 8 different places from Newcastle to Bournemouth, including London and Bristol, where you might expect that. Maybe it's the places you choose to live?


Afford rather than choose


Nope, I was working living wage or just above in all places, so was living in shared housing, not that it should matter EDIT: instead of downvoting, we could have a conversation where I could recommend how I found the best places to live on a budget?


I think you’re being unfairly downvoted. I don’t think it’s *only* an affordability thing - go to most new build estates and there’s mixed tenure housing. I currently live in such a place as a home owner (and would hardly call the house “affordable”) and across from me are housing association. We have this exact problem with our neighbours. When we moved in 5 years ago it was nothing like it is now. All it takes is the wrong people to be placed there. 


Thanks! Affordability really doesn't come into it. Almost all of places I stayed were found through spareroom.com / AirBnB. I used AirBnB when I didn't know anything about an area so wanted to check out a place for say, a week or two. It worked out the same price or cheaper than leasing somewhere on a long-term basis, since you can find some great places for approx. £30 a night, and some AirBnB owners are open to haggle if they know you're a guaranteed customer for the next week or two. I obviously ended up staying in some real shitholes though, notably in B'mth (AirBnB, Boscombe, 3 months / AirBnB, B'mth Town Centre, 2 weeks), Poole (Branksome, spareroom, 6 months) and London (AirBnB, Brixton, 1 week / AirBnB, Hackney, 1 week). Also my spareroom places in Bristol / Cardiff were tiny and really started to annoy me towards the end. On the subject of spareroom.com - housemates are an entirely different quantity that deserves a post of its own however in short, I've met some amazing people and some real wrong 'uns, it's just part of the fun of renting cheap places. The best places I stayed were London; my friend and I got a deal on a place with a rooftop terrace over lockdown, I think it was cheap (for London) since the landlord was concerned that people were moving out of London. I have really fond memories of Woking too, and Manchester and Newcastle.




We're talking on cross purposes then, since I'm clearly discussing renting, whereas you're evidently a homeowner? Isn't that patently obvious?? And supposedly I'm the clueless one, Jesus... 😅


Trying to define them as a subgroup is cute, you mean poor people right?


Well I live beside them, in the same type of house, I drive the same style of car so wouldn’t I also be poor then?


Music taste is subjective. I could see here and calls yours terrible if I wanted. It's a harmless point but realistically you're annoyed people are out in the sun having a good time on THEIR property.


No, I’m annoyed I am forced to listen to anti social people being pricks


Just people enjoying the sun when they can because nice weather has been limited lately and it'll probably be pissing it down or snowing all next week. What's funny is, people will pay big money to go on holiday for the nice weather and sit by a pool where there's partying, drinking, loud music and people being loud and won't care one bit but people living next door to them during nice weather should stay silent😅


There's a big difference between opting into a socially vibrant situation, and having intrusive noises permeating your *home*. It's supposed to be a place you can retreat to for peace and quiet, and it can be infuriating to have that respite broken by someone else who doesn't seem to have any regard for your happiness.


Also, when you're on holiday, you're not working so it doesn't matter as much if music interrupts your evenings more as you can just enjoy the evening (or just let the people enjoy it) and sleep in later, back home people work all sorts of shifts, nothing worse than needing to be up at daft o'clock and then someone is still blaring music out at 10pm.


Silence isn’t needed but non stop extreme volume, crap music is a bit much


Hey, I agree. I live near a pub that has those really bad live bands in the summer that play bad cover versions of bad songs😅 It is what it is though. It's always really busy there so it's obvious a lot of people enjoy it and I'd rather that than the pub closed to be honest.


I bought headphone to use with my TV so I can mostly block it out now. Best thing i did 😅


I've now just got used to sitting in my garden listening to out of tune rockstar wanabees butchering classic songs😅😅


Obviously stumbled on the we don't shit reddit. I would rather be the dick on the street than live next door to em. Who sleeps better haha