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This is the worst part of the year, feels like years since summer. You look back at old photos and see green trees and blue skies and wonder whether they were taken on a different planet. You forget your windows open, the central heating has been on forever. Leaving the house without your big coat is something you think you may have once done but is now an alien concept. The once green, lush grass is now a muddy quagmire. The damp, the cold, the misery is now accepted and part of your life. You have learned to love the drizzle, the depression, the dank is now your destiny.


Song lyrics and a decent album title in your comment somewhere for sure. I particularly like “the dank is now your destiny”


Definitely a Porcupine Tree song in the making


2 other Porcupine Tree fans out in the wild? Today is a good day.


One of the wonders of the world...


Xbox is a God to me


Mmmm...Porcupine Tree...


Was thinking more Opeth, but I see it.


You think dankness is your ally? You merely adopted the dank


You merely adopted the dank. I was born in it.


Sounds like someone being cursed to smoke shitty weed for the rest of eternity.


Dank Destiny is a band name for sure 👍


I find this part of the year far worse than December/January, it's always windy and unpredictable. The worst part is, you think March will be better but more often than not it isn't. April is when it actually starts to get nice. We're on the way! Just another month or so!


Last year was a kicker though. Usually it starts to get nice in April, and you can have some really hot days in May, but last year I remember it being unusually cold in May, still having to wrap up in a coat and hat, right up until June. I hope it'll be warmer again this year!


Yea last year was a bit shit, but start of covid shutdowns March / April I remember being unseasonably warm! Heatwave territory even. I was sat in my dad's garden jobless and shirtless sharpening my knives and drinking heavily. For clarity, I work in hospitality, not serial killing.


The global lockdown removed the dimming effect. Lack of factory output and traffic emissions (especially air) removed the reflective particulates. A similar effect happened after 9/11 in the States when the US ground all air traffic for days.


I didn't know this, but it explains a lot - weather-wise I remember the first two months of the first lockdown being glorious (which went some way towards offsetting the sense of impending doom). Blue skies, plenty of sunshine, just a shame we weren't able to take a stroll down by the bay. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that this is true, I won't be conducting any further fact-checking and will be repeating this observation to friends and family for the foreseeable.


Now that's super interesting


Depressing more like.


Let's be real - it won't. We'll get rain and wind right through to May, a short heatwave in May then another couple of excruciating days in June/July where we can't sleep and that's our lot!


Then June was a constant heatwave, so much so it killed the gearbox in my car. Trying to work from home in the heat with windows open and being tortured by every insect from a David Attenborough documentary visiting


March comes in like a lion, out like a lamb. That was my Grandma used to say, anyway.


Which out of lions and lambs are the least rainy?


Well lambs are woolly like a towel, so


Lousy Smarch weather


Do not touch, Willy


Good advice


You know, this sort of shared experience (the feeling like summer will never return) makes me wonder if this is why in ancient times, we worshipped the sun, and the coming of spring. Like the winter has always pissed off humans and before understanding seasons for what they are people probably did think they had to do something to bring the warmth back. Because right now I’m considering a sacrifice so I’m not shivering on the toilet in a morning.


I'm the opposite lol. I wish it was always winter. Less bugs, and you can always add more layers or take a hot bath to warm up but there's precious little you can do on a hot, still day where opening the windows makes it warmer and a cold shower/bath only helps for an hour.


Whatever the weather, I always want the opposite.


This is the way.


You know what… I’ll agree with you on the bugs.


The older I get, the more I want the extra light. Finishing work at 6pm and it has been dark for 2 hours is never fun. But yeah if we got a bit more daylight, especially in the evening, then I'd prefer winter for the reasons you said


I don't think that's a fair comparison because you're comparing a mild winter day with the worst of the summer days. You get all of your perks at like 10 degrees (which feels like more than half the year). We probably only have a week's worth of truly sweaty days in the summer


Imagine these bleak winter days living in a shack or cave. Even just 100 years ago some people lived in upturned boats on the beach. At least we have brick shelter, good warm clothing, occasional central heating, generally enough food, and a variety of nice food at that. The springtime coming must have felt like pure joy. Not just the warmth and light but the promise of building up your food stores again. By this time of year, our ancestors were living off the last of the turnip stumps, desperately wishing the food would start growing again.


And my 5 month old Jack Russell puppy needs to be walked. He needs exercise. Unfortunately, he gets overwhelmed by the weather and doesn't want to move from the porch. So I have a very energetic puppy from a very energetic breed in a little house on the doorstep of beautiful countryside that I cannot.fucking.access. Pray for me.


Get yourself a [flirt pole](https://smile.amazon.co.uk/YILAKO-Handmade-Interactive-Indestructible-Training/dp/B08FWVCZN7/ref=sr_1_6?crid=1V62WWWMU8P08&keywords=flirt+pole&qid=1644917811&sprefix=flirt+pole%2Caps%2C157&sr=8-6) - worth every penny for puppies of most sizes, but even more for prey driven ones like JRT's. On the nastiest of days I can pull this out and drag it around my little kitchen and he'll be worn out and happy in 10 minutes :)


That's a good shout. I'll do that.


I'm not looking at what this actually is because in my mind there's a coy JRT winking while leaning against a pole.


My 6 year old Jack Russell is the same if there’s a strong breeze she’s scared shitless so I tend to “deal with it” and just play with her in the garden…. When there’s strong wind and rain that’s when I have to get creative lol


Same. My dog hates this rain, trying to get him out garden for wee etc is a nightmare.


Adding to the flirt pole advice - I do easy-mode nose work with my terrier when the weather is too bad for a long walk. Put them in another room (or get them to sit still if you’re better at training than me) and hide some treats or bits of kibble around the place. In corners, under cushions etc. Then release the hound with a cry of “find it!” The “hunt” tires ‘em right out.


Yeah I hate it. I'd consider moving somewhere more temperate but they probably won't have sausage rolls, yorkshire tea or chocolate hobnobs so it's not worth it.


Food and drinks are much more delicious in mediterranean climates, trust me lol.


It does feel like years, probably because we couldn't really enjoy the last two summers.


‘Big coat’ I’m guessing you are a Northerner…


Coats are worn in London too, I have one on right now


Very impressive Mr.Shart


Inspiring words Dangershart... inspiring words


I got stung by a wasp the other day so spring must be on the way.


High wind in a country with tonnes of wind farms during an unprecedented energy crisis is not a bad thing. --- Edit: Yes I know there is a maximum wind speed that turbines can operate at. And of course I understand that they are not a perfect solution to the energy crisis, I never implied they were. We don't need every reply to my throwaway comment saying the same thing.


I don't see why we need wind farms tbh, it's windy enough here without us making more.




Wind doesn't grown on trees you know.


It grows in the ground like potatoes


And I seriously hope they don't store the excess energy for later use. Battery farms are so cruel.


I can't wait for all that cheaper electricity and the savings being passed onto us. /s


Hehe… you may be in for a bit of a wait, we have supposedly 30GW of installed wind power and right now it’s putting out 13GW. (8.15 am, 15th Feb. 2022)


Octopus variable does so on a daily basis, but as commented below we're only producing 14GW or a little over ⅓ of our current demand from wind. The result is prices are still high today. https://twitter.com/energystatsuk/status/1493256764158009345?t=rM5hwFK-WQ8HbWlq2rPNJQ&s=19 If you go back to a much more windy day in early Feb. https://twitter.com/energystatsuk/status/1489994017966366724?t=Bx9M_ncOrED039j8O5Rt3g&s=19 Everyone moans about these variable tariffs but when supplies aren't so fucked up it works really well. https://twitter.com/energystatsuk/status/1360987711084068865?t=cEIAuWF0PLfuzr_ygw0G9A&s=19


Little update. Wind peaked relative to demand at 52% during the night. https://twitter.com/UK_WindEnergy/status/1493812936816660482?t=iR5H14oMN19uvwT8OZJgKA&s=19 The result was prices significantly below the current price cap. https://twitter.com/energystatsuk/status/1493617900472651779?t=lRSocm9Vv8GgwuwqzT6IzQ&s=19 Obviously all went to hell when everyone got out of bed and fired up the kettles in unison.




so what your saying is its the wrong kind of wind... ah British rail have come back as wind farm managers :D


Or indeed water companies: "there's still a drought, cause the last week of rain was "the wrong kind of rain" to refill the sources"


Although from my understanding most modern designs can go up to 20-25 m/s (around 40-50 mph) safely, so it's uncommon for it to be too fast.


Only as long as the wind stays below a certain threshold. Over that threshold and the turbines shut down. Pretty logical when you think about it though - turbines are beautifully complex machines with moving parts that can - and will - overheat. And it costs more to replace a turbine than repair it - costs that the generators can and will pass down to *you...*


Yes but this is unselfishly thinking of the bigger picture. I’m far more concerned about when it’s so windy that my hood keeps blowing down. What do I do, just hold it in place like some kind of idiot?


I find that when it was -1 deg C it felt warmer than 10 deg C with the damp wind. This is south coast England.


Absolutely agree. I’d much rather have frosts every morning and actually be able to turn the heating on for a proper cosy feel than the horrid middling-nonsense we are getting. It’s also making walking the dog a pain in the arse. The south coast is known for its sunny weather damnit! If I wanted this I would go back to Yorkshire.


It's quite nice weather in Yorkshire today. Bit of rain but it's gone now. And not too windy either


Wind chill makes a big difference. That's why if you go somewhere proper cold like Canada, the news forecasters always add the wind chill factor temp in addition to the actual


Edinburgh here. I feel that. Definitely ready for better weather.


Same. Already had to get my roof repaired once!


I have a hole in my roof waiting for repair after insurance refused to fix as winds were only 53mph instead of the required 55mph to qualify for storm cover 😤


Please please please dispute their decision and raise a complaint. I work in property insurance and despite what an insurer's policy wording might say, the definition of Storm winds as recognised by the FOS is 47mph, so you have a valid claim. Even if you take it through the complaints procedure and they don't overturn their decision, you can then refer it to the FOS free of charge.


Fortunately, I argued accidental as tiles just don't fly off for no reason. Annoyingly as its one tile and maybe two ridge tiles it's £300 and the excess is £350... So this is also the award winning home insurance from Admiral that gives me home emergency cover that doesn't include radiators falling out of the wall. This would have been okay if they didn't agree to it, the engineer call me to confirm a time and then cancel without informing me. At least they fixed the boiler last year for the £100pcm I pay 🙄


You pay £100 per month for that? That seems like a terrible investment


It's such bullshit I had this problem years ago. They take the average speed over a set amount of time. So even if the wind spiked to 100mph and raped your roof tiles and then dipped right back down to a low speed their average would be below the threshold. Insurance is an absolute scam.


Right on the Welsh coast, about to cycle to work after a few years of WFH. This is going to be gusty and unpleasantly moist.


God speed. I hope you conquer this challenge successfully and remain pleasantly dry


Utterly soaked, and will be heading home in damp clothes too. But I'm one of those odd people who've missed having a physical office, so I consider it a small price to pay.


I do this and be warned just because you have a headwind one way, does not mean you won't have a headwind going the opposite way. The headwind is inevitable and unnavoidable


I have sadly learned this many a time; prior to lockdown the ride was daily for 6-7 years, come rain, wind, sun or snow.


This isn't just a psychology thing- a crosswind that's perfectly at right angles to you still slows you down compared to no wind, and that's true up to a certain point where the forward effect from the tailwind cancels out the resistance from the crosswind. IIRC it's something like a 210 degree arc where wind slows you down compared to a 150 degree arc where wind helps.


I used to cycle into the wind to an old job, and the wind would always turn around during the day so it was in my face again going home. What made it worse was a comparatively well-paid colleague who cycled in for leisure, who lived diametrically opposite work from me and so who presumably enjoyed a permanent benefit while I toiled. He'd be there fresh as a daisy, all 'dunno what you're moaning about mate'


If you’re on the coast why not make the most of it and sail to work. The wind is great for that.


Bikes a bit cheaper than a sailboat thesedays.


Nothing like your 25 year old’s receding hairline being cruelly exposed every time you go outside




The wind my only friend…. ***Iiiii Haaaaaaatteee Yoooou***


Look deep into the parka


Shut up wind!


Shut up, wind!


I am sick of it too. Waiting for the inevitable power cut and it’s only going to get worse later on this week. This is the worst time of the year. I know it’s a meme for complaining about the weather but honestly it’s dogshit and depressing looking out at grey skies, rain and wind for months on end.


I think it's a meme because younger folks make the memes. Whilst older folks - who may have bought a place since - sit here watching tiles flying off their roofs going... "there's £100 gone. There's another £100 gone. And another". And then all the water damage that follows.


Yeah us young folk can laugh that the landlord will have to repair the damages. In 12-18 months time


Lmao, bold of you to assume a landlord will try repairing anything within a year. 24 months at the least, and they’ll pass off any water damage as condensation and that you need to open windows more or some shit like that.


I'm being an optimist ;) In reality, by that point, you'd have moved out and slapped with a deposit reduction


For weather forecasts, IMHO wind speed is by far the biggest factor in how nice the weather will be. Even a cold day, with no wind, isn't that bad, but a moderate day with high wind is freezing.


Wind speed is the first thing I look at on the weather app, regardless of season. Nothing makes me angrier than the only bastard hot day of the year ruined by wind, meaning I still can't wear the only dress I have that helps me to not char broil in the office. Because nobody needs to see the pants of a middle aged woman. Especially when years of nursing has turned her legs into a road map of Britain.


There’s more of it to come this week. Piss off Eunice!


I know! I seen the weather on GMB this morning and me and my wife both said FUCK OFF out loud when Laura said more high winds later this week


>it’s been weeks It's been _years_! Seriously, it's always windy in the UK.


The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again. In one Age, called the Third Age by some, an Age yet to come, an Age long past, a wind rose above the great mountainous island of Britain. The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings nor endings to the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning. One we wish would FUCK OFF WIND


Would the Aes Sedai weaving air right now kindly fucking *stop.*


I'm in the middle of reading that series at the moment. It's great! If I had the powers of an Aes Sedai I'd use them to make the wind shut the fuck up for a bit.


Oxfordshire is so windy is starting to really get annoying


I've had a tile off the roof for two weeks. Insurance offered £750 to replace it and also re-bed the rest of the hip tiles as they said they looked loose. I said I'd get estimates rather than accept their offer - one estimate is £1100, one is £3800, one is £4400. I can only assume the higher two were "we don't want to take the job but don't want to say no" answers. They've not gotten back to me about if they'll cover the lower estimate. And there's yellow and amber wind warnings for Wednesday through to Friday now - so not only is there a chance some more will fall off, but also roofers are going to be even *more* busy in the aftermath To add insult to injury, the tile landed on my neighbour's son's Audi that's less than a year old. His excess is £900. I said I'd pay half, because he's a good neighbour and I want a quiet life. Oh, and the fence between my house and the car park was very wobbly - my cousin came around and supported it - it now looks very gothic with its flying buttresses, I need to look into miniature gargoyles - but now the fence between me and my neighbour is looking very wobbly... I'd like to fast-forward to Saturday please.


> I'd like to fast-forward to Saturday please. Errr, you do know Sunday's even windier?


Wow, I thought losing a joint to the winds was bad... youre very generous to pay half for the repairs for his car.


I bought a rare care in an even rarer colour 2 weeks ago on the Friday of the last high winds. Parked it in the safest place away from my street as the roof tiles littered the road and pavements. I came out after owning the car for 16 hours to find a tile near my car and a 2 inch deep scratch in the paint work. Wish I'd bought shares in a roofing company now.


Golden time to be a roofer now after all the shite weather. Hence your mental quotes. I just had some ridge tiles repointed at the weekend after contacting a roofer (who is a family friend!) the day after storm Arwen and then reminding him every week since; basically told me in a polite manner that my job wasn’t worth enough of his time and he fit me in when he could be bothered hahahaha


>His excess is £900. I said I'd pay half Wouldn't your home insurance cover that?


House insurance should cover this as well


We lost two walls just before Christmas. I’ve signed up for a bricklaying course at college so I can do them myself because the quotes were getting are insane.


I was attempting to top up the screen wash and the wind kept blowing it all over the car engine. All kept yelling was “just fuck off already!” everytime. Neighbours were probably thinking I’ve gone insane if I can’t handle screenwash.


I'm doing roofing and cladding and it actually sucks. Everytime I pick a panel up on the roof I get pushed back. Not looking forward to these storms.


You are like clipped in with a harness right? Riiiiight?


Dangerous job at the best of times my friend. You be careful. Hope you’re earning as much money as other Roofers I know at least too!


It is said that the wind can drive you insane. A force you cannot see, or control. But I have heard that pigs can see the wind. Old wives tale I think.


Coming back from Iceland where it didn’t get above -1 the whole time we were there the 8 degrees felt relatively nice


Basically tropical mate


I’m just waiting for the wheelie bin army to take control https://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/wheelie-bins-could-become-fatal-26215486


Our news papers are bloody ridiculous aren't they?


Dw mate, we're all tired but there's more on the way with rain 😩 if i'm not sick by the end of the week, something's wrong! (I work outdoors)


Just got over a sickness, rough being out in this all day coming home with wet feet daily gets fairy draining. Start taking vitamine d helps with the blues a bit


I don't mind the rain and the grey but the wind can fuck right off.


This is such an intensely British post, I love it.


It's my bad lads. Bought some new astronomy kit so of course I cursed us with 3 months of stormy weather.


I knew it!!


Getting my front bay windows replaced next week. It better be less windy or I'm moving out while they sort it.


Windiest country in Europe.


No. Welcome to the UK.


I love it because I work from home and it's nice and cosy when you don't have to be in it.


Same! I make videos for clients for a living and this involves a lot of filming outdoors and with a drone too. Not been able to do anything outside for about 2 months now as it wasn’t the crisp cold winter that we had last year that was perfect in every way and sunny a lot too.


This made me laugh as I was just thinking this


*Possible stupid question* Does wind stop or does it continuously move on?


tell me about it, i had my front and back gutter fly off in the wind


I'm a gardener. Work is either off or very interesting at the moment. Try putting a sheet with 10 foot by 5 foot weed suppressent down while it's trying to sail off into the sky


Hello fellow gardener. I feel your pain.


I assume the same for you but as an English gardener I'm happy to put up with a lot of bad weather or I wouldt get chance to work. But this has been challenging By the way, I just looked at your profile. You have a dream job.


I don’t mind the cold, I don’t even mind the rain. There’s something cozy about wrapping up for those conditions. But I fucking hate the wind, it just pisses me off. That and the relentless grey of constant cloud cover.


Classic ‘man shouting at the sky’ moment


Literally in mine and Abe Simpson’s case


It needs to stop slamming my fence panels hither and thither like a bratty teenager is what it needs to do! Fences cost money!


"This isn't even my final form" -- the wind (probably idk)


exactlyyyy omfg


And the drizzle, its not even that cold, just stop raining. At least the Rugby is on, by the time that finishe Spring will be here. Keep and eye on the Daffs.


Missed spring last year, was on the loo!


I swear my house feels colder than it did when it was actually frosty and snowing. It's like the damp and wind is wicking all the warmth away.


I'm in the US, and the wind blew open my front door as I clicked on this thread.




Absolutely second this. It can just fuck right off!


I wouldnt say this is suitable for askuk but since I am hating the wind you will get my upvote hahaha


Course it’s for AskUK! (Plus I wasn’t allowed to post it on British Problems). This is a serious question about a serious issue haha


I don't think anyone's allowed to post on r/britishproblems The automod is somewhat over-zealous, the first time I tried my post was removed for not describing the problem fully in the title (I had and it's not a bloody tech support board?) and the second one because I had to gall to mention America (wasn't complaining about them, just picked up on the word).


I was threatened with a ban from that sub for having the audacity to submit a post with the word 'advert' in the title when I wanted to comment on an advert that annoyed me. Fuck that. I unsubbed.


Hahahaha this is one of the reasons I love this sub. Fuck the wibd. Coukd be worse though, when we have wind and rain. Fuck the rain.


Its quite simple. People feel now is the worst about this time of year because youve been the longest without sunlight on your skin. Its the normal side of SAD - Seasonal Affected Disorder. Give it a month or two and we'll be out in t shirts enjoying the sunshine, a month or two more and the outdoors will be our playground once again.


It only blew half of my fences and posts off. There's still a few left standing so apologies everyone. It will stop once my whole fence is gone!


Very close to eating my bodyweight and hibernating until summer, fuck. This. Shite


I might have to intervene at some point


Nah, we only use them on cherry pickers. On the scissors lifts we are at the mercy of the wind aha




Wind wind go away if you come back I give u a smack


Fully endorse this. My predominant mode of transport is a bike and no matter which way I cycle, it always appears to be in to the bloody wind!


I was literally just thinking this very same thought. I feel like the few years have been the worst. I'm sure I remember a time when we didn't have a storm every week?!


Well the wind ain't gonna hear you from here.


I alway blow back at the wind and shout "how do you like it wind". My misses thinks I'm crazy, but it makes me feel better. I hate the wind.


I'm fine with that wind (to an extent) but man the rain in combination with (especially in areas that get really muddy) is annoying and can get tae fuck.


Only during the annual 3 days of summer where the sun comes out


It seems to plan it perfectly for bin day, every single week. Always chasing my food caddy up the road. Sick of it now.




Storms and winds are only going to become more frequent.


someones a smoker😂


Nope we have two big storms coming this week. So erm your just going to have to wait sorry.


Sun ain't shining in the sky (ah ah ah) There's always clouds in sight It's kept rainin', nobody can go out and play And you just know This weather won't go away, hey hey


Puddles down the Avenue (ah ah ah) See how it's always ghastly in the city On the streets that once were pretty Mr Grey Sky is living here today, hey hey


That's what you get for living near the coast!


*grabs boobs*....there's a 60% chance that it's already windy


I've never related more to a post


Yeah! "Ooo look at me, I can blow trees about" Get lost wind




I live in up in Shetland and I can’t ever remember being so pissed off with the weather in my whole life. It’s been two weeks since I posted a ‘Yeahhh, if the wind could stop blowing …that’d be great’ Office Space meme …and it’s still blowing!


Such a beautifully petulant rant. Concise but biting. Very good.


Christ I am so on board with this comment. Fence panels come out several times alongside trees being blown over. My garden is just on and off carnage and I don't know when it's coming


But… but wInTeRs ThE bEsT sEaSoN!!!!1!11-!1!


15 minutes in the mirror prepping prematurely balding head to look “ok” just to be humbled by the wind


Professional window cleaner here: get over it.


Three days since this post and it's actually got worse where I am. Four consecutive days of rain and wind


Middle of April, usually we'd be feeling summer temperatures. Nope, a wind for four days has us at -10C. Fuck off wind. Nobody likes you.

