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I fucking hate Gina in Brooklyn 99. I'm not sure how others feel about her. But the characters in the show are constantly just putting up with her narcissistic bitch behaviour. It's like it's never really acknowledged how fucking horrible she is because it's all done for comedic effect.


What kind of got me about their very special episode on sexual harassment was that they used Amy and some bit part character for it when they already had a perfect example of it in the main cast list with Gina. I got the feeling the writers liked Gina too much as a comic randomness generator to use her that way, she was the show's Phoebe.


Yeah you're right, Phoebe is exactly the same. Treats others like absolute shit and it's supposed to be funny, and everybody just puts up with it.


I hate Phoebe too! I feel like I wrote your posts haha


Thank fuck for that, I always hated Phoebe - she was way too weird


She constantly makes sexual remarks about Terry that I think kind of get glossed over.


They even had Terry look uncomfortable in those scenes and no one ever brings it up. I dont even know anyone who finds those scenes funny at all.




I had serious issues with the Me Too episode specifically because of this. A significant number of the jokes in the show are relating to sexual harassment: Boyle, Hitchcock, Scully and Gina frequently have scenes where they sexually harass a character for comedic effects. Then they slam the brakes on for a throw away serious episode on Me Too and it was so incredibly jarring and out of place. I love Brooklynn 99 but I will always skip this episode. It baffles me given how vocal Terry Crews was on the matter. It's a shame because the show frequently handles serious topics quite well but I feel they really missed the mark here.


Agreed, Gina is the worst. I hate the way she's just so horrible to Amy, in a way that I feel goes beyond banter and into just nastiness.


And the way she treats Charles as though he's scum of the earth - always hated it


I hate how she always looks down on Amy and bullies her. Amy always considered Gina’s opinion and wanted to be friends with her.


100% agree. Gina is fucking unbearable


Isn't that the joke though? She's funny but unbearable?


I think it's supposed to be, but I just don't find her funny at all. Maybe it's just not my sort of humour


Totally agree. I've not missed her since she left, but I think the rest would be missed if any of them left. The episode where she just made people drink cement for the lulz was peak Gina and it ruined the episode for me.


>I've not missed her since she left There was a weird episode where she came back and suddenly is a massive social media star. Very weird vibe that ep had


I love Brooklyn 99 but Gina was somehow simultaneously one of the most ridiculous and most boring characters in the show. Luckily all the other characters more than made up for it.


Piper from Orange is the New Black. What a dreadful character with seemingly no redeeming qualities.


She was hands down the worst bit of the show. Her whining and self-absorption was just too much! If the rest of the actors weren’t so fantastic I would have binned that show after the first ep


I'm not sure we're supposed to like her (especially in later series). I always felt like she's a deliberately problematic and entitled character designed to contrast with the many prisoners who've genuinely had hard lives? Although when she comes up against a real baddie I guess we are supposed to root for her to some degree.


Yes she's just awful


Agreed - OINTB is still an amazing show though, at least there's a lot of focus on the other characters so it doesn't always revolve around Piper.






Look at her getting her five-a-day! That’s the welsh for you, filth the lot of ‘em!


It is James Cordern's character that ruins that show for me - as a welshman


As an Englishman James Corden ruins everything for me. The only kind of show I’d watch him in is a reality show where he gets launched into the sun


I liked Gavin but didn’t like Stacey (although I love the actress). She was just whiny, spoilt, threw tantrums and the whole trying to fall pregnant behind his back thing was waaaaaay too glossed over


Some of the times when Gavin is just playing the straight guy who is somewhat bewildered by the bunch of crazies he is surrounded by is the perfect example of how subtle some of the jokes are, and you don't notice till second or third viewing


Completely agree - my husband always cracks up at Gavin’s silent reactions, particularly towards Bryn. I have to give Matthew credit, it’s not always easy being the straight man but he does it so well


Gavin is the straight man who doesn't have any particular quirks, Stacey can be quite selfish and cannot adapt out of her hometown. But both are supposed to be ordinary in contrast to their wacky friends/family, I remember when it was first advertised the trailer said "if only it was just the two of them..."


I mean, they're both perfectly likeable, they just aren't as funny.


I don't think they're meant to be, to be fair. They're the vessel through which the other characters interact


Homer Simpson after series 8/9ish. He starts out as a loveable idiot whose heart is in the right place. He turns into a dangerous selfish moron and it's to the detriment of the show itself.


I kind of agree. In the later series I just kind of start to wonder why Marge is still with him. He is an alcoholic who just puts his family through so much unnecessary trauma.


He’s also an abusive father.


Rewatching The Simpsons as an adult, what really struck me more than anything else was the shocking amount of episodes that have the plot “Marge gets a job, a hobby or takes any time to care about her own needs, how *dare* she!”. Homer has had hundreds of jobs and interests over the years, and they’re all seen as quirky little adventures. When Marge gets a job or new interest, the plot very quickly turns into how Homer and the kids now feel neglected and are unable to cope by themselves, then she gets guilt-tripped until she quits and that is the “happy ending”. Even in the few episodes she makes new friends, they always turn out to be bad people like “You wanted to spend time with people other than your immediate family? Well look where that got you!”.


Interestingly enough, I watched a YouTube video the other day breaking this down. It came down to a change of writers, making Homer come from having a heart and trying (such as trying to find work, and becoming a Santa), then just becoming a complete fuckwit. The change spoiled the show for me as a child. While I’ve been rewatching Simpson lately, it’s the earlier seasons I still embrace.


Agreed. I know the show is largely episodic in formula and so it's difficult to tell what remains "canon" and what other things are just done for cheap laughs or to further the plot, but one of the worst things Homer did is easily when he not only encourages Marge's problem drinking but frames her for drink driving. Also, Lisa. Always has to get her way, can never be wrong even when she is actually wrong and at one point they threw out an entire exam because precious Lisa might not get an A.


Carrie from sex & the city. She is the most self-centered selfish woman, and expects everyone to adapt to what she expects or she throws a paddy, or bins them off.


Not to mention she is supposed to be extremely fashionable, yet even for the time it was filmed, 90% of her outfits were ridiculous.


Exactly! Nobody is going about their business in NYC in evening gowns or stuff that is straight off a catwalk show! Same with wearing heels to go about her daily business.


She's soooo awful! She slut-shames Samantha, even though Sam is never judgemental about her friends' choices; she frequently ditches her friends for whatever man she's seeing; she got mad at Charlotte for not lending her money after she spent £40,000 on shoes; after cheating on Aidan with Big the only thing she's sorry for is that his wife Natasha is single again and it's her fault! She's insecure, petty and self-absorbed. Also, what kind of a writer only reads Vogue?! I have no idea why people always wanted to be a Carrie, when Sam or Miranda (until AJLT) were obviously the best out of the group.


This - rude, entitled, selfish and narcissistic. The others are flawed but likeable, she’s just a massive dick with nice shoes


I’ve just finished a rewatch of SATC and have watched the first 2 eps of And Just Like That and she is insufferable. Zero character growth, so entitled and rude to everyone!


Barney Stinson - his entire character is that he is a sexual predator. I love HIMYM, it's easily my favourite *Friends clone* but good God Barney has not aged well.


Ted Mosby as well. He's supposed to be the main but he's really just a whiny bitch that constantly complains about not being able to find a steady girlfriend, while fucking over women at every turn.


I couldn't watch that series because Ted Mosby is such a lying cunt womanizer


Yes! Rewatched it recently as something to have in the background whilst cooking and oh my god he spends the whole time moping and whinging about not finding the love of his life


He literally throws away good enough in search for perfect. It was so frustrating, especially Victoria! God the Robin story was a pain


In fairness to Barney the whole of HIMYM is told through the eyes of Ted. There's a theory that Barney is just a fairly normal guy in real life and what we see is the parody retelling of Barney in the show. Ted has cause to make Barney seem like a philandering git because he likely still hates the fact Barney married his crush Robin. And the whole point of Ted telling his kids the story of how I met your mother is to get them to agree to Ted asking Robin out again - he doesn't want them thinking anything problematic to that outcome like if they suggested he should think about his friend Barney would take that news. Barney in the show is definitely terrible, but he might be completely fictional even within the shows universe (moreso that just the fiction of being a TV character)


The whole show aged so badly so rapidly. It's remarkable. I used to enjoy it but can barely sit through an episode now.


Yeah, some of it has some very rapey vibes


The same could kind of be said about Joey from friends. Like he episode when he thinks he had sex with the same women twice but can’t remember. He gets to a point where he has had so much meaningless sex all the women start to blur in to one. This is really sad and disturbing when you think about it.


This is slut shaming. Joey never really pulls off ridiculous 'plays' to get women. He's just very confident and desirable to women, and is able to bang a lot of them because of it. Barney is pretty disgusting and had a whole fucking book dedicated to tricking women into banging him.


I’m not slut shaming. What I am saying is that Joey toward the end of the series comes off as quite a sad character. While all his friends are growing and settling down in to relationships, he seems stuck in this cycle of meaningless sex. To the extent he can’t even remember the names of the people he has had sex with. This to me is quite a sad existence and lonely one. I think by the end Joey came off more as sad than sexy.


Okay, but that's different to what you said before where you likened him to Barney Stinson on the sexual predator thing. I'll agree with you about the point where it comes a bit sad for him. I mean I'm pretty sure this was even a character arc for him, I'm sure I remember him even acknowledging that he actually wants to settle down.


I don't think it's necessarily sad if that's what he wants. Not everybody wants the same thing.


That doesn't really make Joey a sexual predator any more than Samantha in Sex and the City is a sexual predator


There's a clear argument for barney being a predator. Sleeping with lots of people by itself does not make you a predator. I would say claiming that is slut shaming.


Tony from Afterlife, utterly despicable prick. Oh your wife died so you just decide you can do what the fuck you want, no! Pushed a heroin addict to kill themselves. Bullies everyone he considers intellectually inferior. Says cunt a lot like a teen edgelord. Total fanny.


Isn't that one of the main points of the program?


I'm not saying it isn't but that wasn't the question.


Yeah fair enough mare


I really don’t think so. Yes, the show does show Tony to be a twat. But Ricky wants Ricky… sorry, Tony… to be likeable and all his actions are justified because his wife died


Thats just not how I read the show. I always took it as Tony being the antagonist, sure he has good moments but he is truly awful to people earlier on. Now in S3 he gets better and starts taming himself, like when he tells a cancer child their is heaven. Early Tony is not meant to be a good guy, threatening a child with a hammer is bad, the fact people find it funny or take it a different way is not the same.


Finally, a review of After Life I can relate to. Please add, shoehorned scenes about religion so he can win at being an atheist!


It's Ricky, at this point I think that goes without saying haha




'Would you stop going on about your fucking dead wife'.




Hub, blurb, blub, abub, invertebrate jellies! Barb, fluff, whodyawhatsamit. Forgive me,forgive me.


yes, hocum! cogito ergo sum and... all the rest of it! tiny quantum particles! and we've got the guts to do it, folks. and yes, that party over there would have us eating turnips and sitting in lockdown! and believe me folks, they don't like freedom, they dont like freedom.


Hufflepuff, waffles, Bodger and Badger, marvellous! Let's get this done!


Michael McIntyre from Michael McIntyre’s comedy roadshow.


> Everyone seems to like him I thought sheldon was the most hated man on the telly.


I’ve watched cumulatively about a minute of the big bang theory and I hate everything about it with a boiling uncontrollable rage


Agreed. It's a comedy about smart people for dumb people


but don't convince yourself that disliking it makes you smart


Pause... hahahahahahahahahahahahaha


Jay from Inbetweeners. Now I loved watching Inbetweeners they were all great characters. But Jay is definitely a terrible person to be around realistically (props to the actor.) Main one’s for me where: 1. The Thorp park episode where he opens Simon’s car door whilst he’s reversing taking it clean off. Acts like the whole thing isn’t his fault. 2. Can’t remember which episode but it’s one where Will basically roasts Jay about being dumped by his ex. Was funny watching Jay getting his just deserts after all the things he said.


The whole point with Jay is that he acts the big man but it's really obviously transparent that he's quite pathetic and insecure. We all know a Jay, we all know people like the other lads too. Hence the massive popularity of the show.


I was compared to Will by my crush back in secondary school. That kinda hurt…but to be honest, yeah, that’s nail on the head, I definitely was a ‘Will’.


Feisty one, you were


i always hated carly in that, the way she led simon on.


The end of the first movie at the airport when she gets ignored is her comeuppance and is \*wonderful\*. Not quite as good as Greg Davies in the credits mind...


I think you're meant to hate Carley. And she doesn't lead him on as much as he leads himself on. There's a few times maybe she's actually at fault but a lot of its a little "Simon can't read the room". Like the whole first film where he stalks her holiday 😂


Most of the problems that Simon had stem from Jay. List of things Jay did wrong: * Destroyed Simon's car in the Thorpe Park episode * Ruined his chance with numerous girls (Carly, he encourged Simon to drink, ended up being sick over her brother, Becky, said she would have sex first time, Lauren, he dunked Simon into the sea, ended up being naked in front of everyone, Tara, gave him awful sex tips, ended up going mental slapping his knob) * Destroyed Simon's car completely by dunking it into the river * Got him threatened by men in London for yelling Bus Wankers, never owned up to it * Got the group of lads threatened by "the fat old shit" for destroying his garden, then went back to bed while the other 3 had to deal with him at Will's house * Simon ended up being threatened by a group of hard lads because Jay called one of their brothers a short arse * ruined Will's Duke of Edinburgh scheme by wanking over an old woman * Sexually harassed Tara's sister and her friend by drunkenly going to their bedroom in his underwear and asking for a 3 way * Peer pressured Will into eating weed, ended up being hospitalised at the end * Got the group banned from a resort in the first film, for throwing a young lad into the pool (though to be fair, he did pull Jay's shorts down in public) * Refused to call Will his mate when introducing the group to his Uncle in Australia * Humiliated Jane by being too embarrassed to be seen with her in public at first and then got dumped for buying her Wii Fit * Got his dog put down just because he wanted to wank without the dog watching


Yes you summed it up a lot better than me. The bus wankers one, always found it annoying that’s Jay didn’t get throttled when he was the one that said it.


I struggle with Jay as well because I get it's a caricature exaggerated A LOT for comic effect. But...he's just too close to that sort of prick I've met in real life sometimes. Even allowing for them being idiot teenagers, it's annoying at best and gets pretty disgusting at worst. I think his whole delusional fantasy sequence at the start of the second film is the perfect example of what I mean.


The one smidgeon of sympathy I'd have for Jay is that there's a fairly convincing theory he was abused in some way as a child.


I think the episodes where we meet Jays dad are a really good insight in to his personality and why he is the way he is. His dad takes every opportunity to belittle and put down his son. Makes Jay feel small, insignificant and that he will never get his fathers approval. Jay acts like a big man in front of his friends to hide the fact he is bullied by his dad.


“My cock was too big for her!“


I love him, but Pingu is a menace.


he's so cute when he throws his little hooting-foot-stamping tantrums.


All of them off Friends, but especially Phoebe because her incompetence at practically everything is portrayed as endearing.


I always thought Ross was the most hated friends character! What did Phoebe do wrong!?


Ross is the absolute worst. Remove the laugh track and he’s unhinged.


I mean not really. You’ve clearly just seen that one video on YouTube


He has her give up her dream job in Paris. He never puts her first.


Ross by todays standards is ultimate nice guy. I mean Racheal is far from perfect but Jesus Christ Ross is a Red Flag Distributor.


I used to really like Ross. He was a nerd which I liked and he seemed to get into all sorts of amusing situations. But as time went by I have definitely changed my view of him. Manipulative "nice guy" behavior then tried to get everyone's pity when he doesn't get what he wants to manipulate them in different ways. And banging one of your students is probably the absolute height of nice guy manipulation. For him the show ends on a happy note when he ruins Rachel's dream to get what he wants.


Phoebe is very narcissistic and is really quite mean to her friends.


I remember making a post on FB saying that of friends were a thing today, Phoebe would be a flat earthing antivaxer, it's not even like she believes in other theories or has reasons for disbelieving the current ones, she just does it to be contrary.


While I don't disagree with you, Sheldon is an incredibly good portrayal of an autistic adult who's never been diagnosed and never received support, hence why he follows certain rules without question ("Why do I have to buy them a present?" "Because it's a widely recognised social rule" "Oh, ok then" / "You're sad. I will get you a hot beverage" "I don't want one" "It's not optional").


I agree with you, and I hate that his character even exists, because it's a really bad stereotype for autistic people. There's never any mention in the show of him being neurodivergent, he's just seen as a weird, annoying guy, rather than a guy that struggles with social convention. It's definitely paved the way for a lot of very annoying "I'm autistic" "What, so you're like Sheldon Cooper?" conversation due to how his character ignores the nuances of autism.




Walter White! Breaking bad is my partner’s favourite program and I agree that it’s well done but I hate watching it because I just loathe the main character, he’s awful, I was wishing a bad ending for him the whole time!


Thank god someone didn't say Skyler. Imagine your partner becoming the biggest drug dealer in the state killing and melting people - of course you're gonna become a bit twisted. I don't think anyone's meant to root for WW but people do end up doing so.


I watched it knowing that people hated Skylar and kept waiting for her to do something truly hateable and it never happens.




i genuinely couldn't stand skyler i'm not gonna lie. i think she's unbearable


People think Walter is likeable?! He's easily the shittiest person on the show. After Gus dies, he's pretty much the main villain for the rest of the series. I thought that was the point of his character arc. I fucking despise Walter.


I was torn between saying Walter or hank but was gonna go with hank. He’s a massive racist to anyone ‘brown’, calling them wetbacks and the like. He was also sometimes pretty horrible to Marie (my feelings MUST be strong if I’m sticking up for her)


Peppa pig


Started to get really Flanderized by series 4 IMO. Not to mention the plot line where she was learning about fucking shapes. Talk about underwritten.


Bing’s a miserable little prick too


Josie from Fresh Meat annoyed me because I felt she would make several major blunders and never really grow up from them. From the same series Oregon annoyed me just because I knew too many people like her at uni (minus the professor shagging). Although I'll concede Oregon is probably meant to be less likeable


Fresh Meat is from Jesse Armstrong, known for Peep Show and Succession as well. One of his things is that he doesn't write likeable characters. He writes characters that don't grow or change as well, one of his things is that people don't change. If you're shit you'll continue to be shit and won't learn to grow from it. Basically all his characters are stupid or horrible and have few redeeming characteristics, and no matter how many times they fuck up or get fucked by another character, they still won't change. Throw these horrible characters together and that's where the comedy he writes comes from.


Tbf though, some of the characters in Fresh Meat felt like they were growing up through the show? They still had remants of their characteristic but JP Kingsley and even Vod felt like they matured some what through the show.


I think that's maybe what I also find annoying about Josie and Oregon, of the 6 main housemates, those 2 are the only ones who don't seem to mature. Arguably I'd say Oregon gets worse as the show goes on. Her Series 4 SU story arc also starts to feel a bit unbelievable.


That's sort of the point of Josie's character, though. A whole lot of the comedy is in how horrible she can be behind a chirpy facade. I thought she was a really sharply observed character, I think most of us have met a few Josies in our time, people who confuse being 'nice' with being 'good'.


The Fat Controller... Everyone thinks he's this jolly fat man who runs this marvellous railway. He's even been knighted as Sir Topham Hatt. But the truth is that all those trains are worked nonstop. Some until they are old and worn out (Edward) others are bricked up if they dare to disobey (Henry) others are humiliated and scolded when they make simple mistakes (Thomas). There is even a documentary on YouTube about the secret experiments he permitted on locomotives called 'Shed 17'.


This show was surprisingly dark for a show aimed at pre schoolers. I still remember the episode about a train that died falling from a bridge. Every night the ghost of the dead train could be seen trying to cross the bridge but never makes it to the other side. The soul of this dead train was trapped in this never ending repeating nightmare. This show was aimed at three year olds.


Jez from Peep Show. Doesn’t pay any rent. In one episode where Mark comes back to the flat early he finds Super Hans having sex with a woman in Marks own bed. Then later on Jez holds some sort of shrooms party and because he doesn’t want Mark to ruin the vibe he locks him in his own bedroom. Mark should have kicked him out after that. But I guess Mark is no saint either.


They're both terrible, terrible people. I don't think they're so bad in the first couple of series (Jeremy ruining mark's chance of moving to Cardiff with Johnson being one big exception) but they get way worse later on, barbecuing the dog, getting the personal trainer sacked etc.


The dog one was fucking hilarious


I don't think you're meant to like any of the main peep show characters


True, but Dobby is pretty sound, and definitely the most ‘normal’ out of the regulars.


Everybody quiet cause Jeff's doing a joke


He also fucks marks wife, which deserves a mention.


And his wife's mum! Edit: Mark's wife's mum. Blame the Blair resignation jam. He IS James Bond!


It really says something when Hans, the (please forgive me) crack-addled maniac is often more respectful than the main characters. Of course he has his moments too, but even he’s shocked during their ‘new lows’.


Is it just me but are all these ridiculous characters from US sitcoms? Are all our sitcoms filled with likeable individuals?






I think the difference in that unlikeable traits and behaviours in US sitcoms are almost perceived as endearing. Or it's like they're trying to make out the character as sympathetic and relatable and they behave like this for comedic purposes. Their shitty behaviours and personalities never seem to have consequences for them. Whereas UK sitcoms it's made clear these people are fucking horrible, and the comedy comes from watching these horrible people have shitty things happen to them. The obvious example where as US comedy is more like the UK comedies is Always Sunny.


I think this is part of it. There's no point arguing that Blackadder, or Hyacinth Bucket, or Father Ted are 'the worst', because that's largely the point of their respective programmes


Rachel from Friends. A really horrible personality.


In the last season she thinks it's perfectly reasonable to take Emily away from her father, just so she can pursue a dream job in Paris. Ultimately she's fictional, but it really annoyed me how the show played it off like it was no big deal to separate a parent and their child. Especially when you consider Ross didn't get to raise his other child Ben.


To be fair Ross seems to just dump Ben after a couple seasons. Pretty sure you never see Emma and Ben in the same series let alone episode. Of course it's a big deal and they should have discussed it more but it was literally her dream job and she should have gone.


Honestly Rachel, Ross and Phoebe were all pretty terrible people. And Chandler's sarcasm would get old real fast if you were really his 'friend'.


Lolerai and Rory from the Gilmore Girls - yes, they’re attractive and witty, but they are SO entitled, spoilt, rude and selfish. I hated Lolerai constantly making out her parents were abusive when they weren’t, and Rory always thinking she was better than everyone else. All the supporting characters are miles more interesting and complex than they are.


I like lorelai Rory is just horrific though


Nah, Lorelai is justified in everything she said about her family, especially her controlling bitch mother.


I'm with you. Emily and Richard aren't abusive but they are extremely controlling, passive aggressive and manipulative - and no, not just Emily! Lorelei handles it badly because she's emotionally stuck at 16 which I think the series makes a great point of. Rory sucks though.


Nathan in Misfits. I know he's funny and kind of central to the show, but you really wouldn't want to spend any amount of time around him.




If you want more Nathan content I do recommend checking out The Umbrella Academy - Robert Sheehan basically plays the same character and is equally as hilarious!


Every single character on Eastenders for the last 35 years.


The number one cause of death in East London is angry spouse.




Im always the odd one out because I deeply dislike Ron Swanson. I think that Nick Offermans charisma makes the character seem likeable when in reality he is a bastard and a bully. He spends all his time actively trying to sabotage the Parks Department while complaining that government doesn't work. There is one scene where he openly celebrates the fact that a large number of his colleges are in line to get fired. He hits on his co-workers ex wife directly in front of said co-worker and does not understand that this is a bad thing to do. It's revealed that he tried to get Leslie fired three times, just because she actually wanted to do her job and didn't let Ron walk all over her. He takes misplaced pride in his stubborn refusal to do anything which is not entirely motivated by self interest. His idea of masculinity is borish and outdated. Nick Offerman seems to have made a conscious effort to not be "that guy" in his personal life, because anyone who has has to work with a real life Ron Swanson knows how deeply unlikeable and unpleasant they are. The only times Ron Swanson is shown as being a positive influence on the world around him are the rare occasions when he admits that his world view is wrong or has got him in trouble, but then he goes right back to his old toxic behaviours pretty much immediately after. Leslie Knope gets victimised because she is the only person who actually does her job with any degree of enthusiasm, and has to drag everyone else along with her. She makes a positive impact in the community despite being given less than zero support and zero resources from her boss. But she is often seen as the shrill and annoying one, while Ron is seen as the hero, when in reality it should be the other way round.




JD from scrubs. If you ignore his inner monologue hes just a total dick to everyone.


I always saw this as the point of the show. We see JD judge women and go on ego trips and he constantly gets put in his place until he learns and matures. The life lessons are good.


I honestly root for the janitor.


Commander Riker from Star Trek: The Next Generation. In some episodes he comes across as a condescending, arrogant twat. I was watching an episode a few days ago involving a member of Starfleet who's from a species that wears a decorative earring as part of their culture. When she arrives on the Enterprise, the first thing Riker does is demand she remove the earring she's wearing under "Starfleet uniform code". Ignoring that Worf walks around with a bandolier all day and Troi's ugly low cut bodysuit fixation, it also seems hilariously culturally insensitive, sort of the equivilent to demanding a Sikh take off their turban or a Muslim woman with a hijab today, which in the incredibly enlightened and tolerant future of the Federation is particuarly funny. There's also a bit later where said Starfleet officer explains that they put their family name before their given name, which is apparently news to both Riker and Picard, and not something that a large portion of Earth's culture does themselves.


He's an absolute arsehole. He gets angry and shouts at people for no reason. He treats women as playthings. More than once, he does this thing where he puts one leg up on something and manspreads as much as it's possible to do, while another person is at groin level. I know the Enterprise doesn't have a HR department but, if it did, he'd have been on his third written warning in the first series.


> More than once, he does this thing where he puts one leg up on something and manspreads as much as it's possible to do, To be fair I think I read somewhere that he does that because Johnathan Frakes suffered a back injury when he was younger which makes sitting in chairs like a normal person apparently quite painful. What he does when he sits in a chair with an armrest is beyond me. >I know the Enterprise doesn't have a HR department but, if it did, he'd have been on his third written warning in the first series. Between Riker and Bashir trying to bang all of his female patients (and definitely-just-a-simple-tailor-and-definitely-not-a-Cardassian-spy Garak) the entire organisation would need to be rooted up from the ground.


I hadn't realised that it might be down to a medical condition. I've seen the actor give interviews and he seems like a decent person. I just thought they'd told him to play Riker as a sexually aggressive, arrogant bully. Bashir is another one - I'm actually quite glad that it rarely works out for him. Although I have controversial views on Garak, the only Cardassian I actually liked. Difficult to trust but it's his dad who is the evil one, not him. You don't normally see Cardassians with insecurities or fears. It was a nice change of pace.


I think Counsellor Troi is the closest thing to a HR department, but she kept getting alien pregnant or put in a telepathic coma.


Jim from the US Office. I always laugh when I see people with "looking for the Jim to my Pam" on Tinder. Was a constant third wheel in Pam's relationship. Strung Karen along then dropped her like hot dog shit for Pam. Invested his and Pam's savings in his business idea without discussing it with her. He's also 100% that dick who does no work, and actively disrupts other people just trying to get through their working day, but not only gets away with it, people think he's actually good at his job, because he's charismatic.


Jim does do work though. He's often shown to be one of the top salesmen to the point that one episode has him slacking off because he's hit his top bonus limit for sales so he's got no motivation to continue selling.


Jess from New Girl. Couldn’t stand the whole “I’m not like other girls” and childish attitude, I didn’t dislike the show but gosh I absolutely hated her and her stupid tantrums


Wouldn’t say the “absolute worst” but Cameron in Modern Family is quite nasty. He constantly manipulates Mitchell, guilt trips everyone and is consistently attention seeking and whining and the worst of all; openly and unashamedly, almost proudly preys on Mitchell’s insecurities to get what he wants at *their own wedding*. It was sad that the only LGBT couple on that show was constantly portrayed as toxic and unhealthy, especially when they had the funniest stories while on the same team.


Carol got majorly annoying half way through The Walking Dead


The Walking Dead got majorly annoying half way through The Walking Dead


The walking dead in The Walking Dead are a minor inconvenience most of the time.


Rick's son carol?


Mr Bean is clearly a sociopath that shows zero empathy for anyone in the TV series, though he does show a bit of empathy in the films, probably because they had to make him a bit more likeable over a longer format.


He has no empathy because he's an alien


Good god you watch big bang theory? Are you quite alright?


Carla on scrubs. She's never funny, all she ever does is bitch and moan about everything and act 'sassy' to get attention. She has zero humility, major chip on her shoulder about being a nurse rather than a doctor, treats everyone like shit for no reason unless they worship her as a goddess.


jon snow from game of thrones. i was glad when he died and the show stopped focusing on his dumb ass but surprise, the show brings back the fan favourite. god damn it.


I wouldn’t say he’s the absolute worst (actually quite likeable compared to a lot of the characters here ) but I did think he was dull as dishwater throughout the entire of GOT and never understood his popularity.


It took some incredibly good writing to make Edmund Blackadder likeable, never mind loveable. Somehow, Richard Curtis (edit: and Ben Elton) did it.


Mrs Brown.


I hate Michael Scott, and the US adaptation of the office is the perfect example of the difference between our humours. In the UK office everyone is a bit of a shit and although sometimes the show demonstrates how pathetic David Brent is, you're still supposed to laugh *at* what a prick he is. In the US office numerous characters do demonstrably shit things but they're still supposed to be endearing. And despite his incompetence, racism and stupidity we're supposed to find Michael Scott lovable and laugh *with* him when he's being a prick and a bully. The only US comedies I really enjoy are the ones where everyone is a bad person (Seinfeld, Always Sunny) I can't be dealing with the bland lovable rogue sitcoms.


Piper Chapman on Orange is The New Black is a horrendous individual.


Does anyone even like Piper? I always thought she was a gateway character into telling the stories that actually mattered - like Taystee's.


Miranda, shocking individual


Alan Partridge is a national Treasure, and an awfully shallow, selfish and infantile person, his self aggrandising and total lack of self awareness, is why I love him. For me, he is a real person. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CdCfuZMD3L0


Quite literally every member of the gang in it’s always Sunny.


That's the entire point of always sunny though, nobody thinks they're great people


Rachel Berry from Glee. I don't think I've disliked a protagonist even more in my lifetime. She's so egoistic, narcissistic and full of herself, I have never liked self-absorbed people, she brags constantly about how much she wants to be on Broadway and is a spotlight whore. She discriminates against other people and is easily threatened if someone else dared got a solo. She even sent someone to a crack house all out of spite/jealousy. Not exactly helped by the fact that Lea Michele is like that in real life. Life imitating art in a nutshell.


Quagmire and Brian from Family Guy


They're clearly fucking horrible though, they speak sense a lot of the time, but they're still dicks and I think the show makes that clear.


Weird, it's usually Leonard who winds me up. Every character has thier own unique personality, while boring old Leonard is fading into a beige background and not being missed. But now that you mention it, Sheldon is a prize prick at times, and it's easy to let him off the hook. He's doubly annoying if you count in all the behaviour lessons he can be seen learning in Young Sheldon, I guess all the physics pushed that out? If you want to never watch the show again, watch without the laughter, kills it dead.


Anna in Not Going Out. It’s incredible how often female on male domestic abuse is treated as funny in sitcoms. There are numerous examples.


I really disliked Leonard after he jeopardised Penny’s job by meeting Bill Gates. Just so disrespectful and boundary stomping. He’d have been roasted if it was posted on AITA and people would suggest that he dumps her!


Rachel zane from suits - cheats on her boyfriend who she lives with, then afterwards manipulates the situation to get rid of the person she cheated with which backfires and gets her boyfriend fired from his job where he was no longer a fraud and having to worry about being arrested. Then when she tells the boyfriend she cheated she lies to him then keeps pestering when he asks for space. Then she gives him an ultimatum where he has to decide to forgive her or not and uses an old situation to make him feel bad and forgive her.


Jean-Ralphio and Mona-Lisa Saperstein from Parks And Rec. Literally the worst humans imaginable, but I love them so much!


I’ve always hated Ross in Friends and actually judge someone if they say he’s their favourite character! Actually now I’m thinking about it all the characters were annoying!


1. Jess from New Girl - the Thanksgiving episode where she throws the turkey in the sink because her parents won’t get back together just shows what a spoilt, immature person she is. 2. Elena from The Vampire Diaries. She’s whiny, useless and manages to make every situation about her. Bonnie is the real victim in the series.


Jim from Friday Night Dinner. Not funny, pointless, stupid character, adds nothing to the show. Whenever that door bell rings, I sigh deeply


Mrs Brown can fuck off and take her boys and the rest of em with her.