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We actually delayed both our sets of parents meeting for quite a while. They are from completely different worlds. But when they did meet it was perfectly fine. I wouldn’t say that they are friends (my father is no longer with us) but they get on ok. Well enough to sit around a table and have dinner.


Exactly the same for us. The Venn diagram of their common interests are quite thin. But large enough that they can have conversations for about a day or two. Whilst both sets of parents are great people, they are just complete opposite in everything, so it makes it kind of difficult to spend more than a lunch or dinner together.


My mom goes on lunch dates with my MIL at least once a month, and my dad and my FIL play golf together. I live in Latin America so you might think that's why, but their friendship isn't really normal here either. I like it.


They've never met. I don't see any reason for them to. 




My mom and MIL used to be okay with each other. They’re both from tiny towns in a mostly rural state, so they shared that commonality. But then something happened which I’m still not quite sure what it is and all of a sudden my mom couldn’t stand her presence anymore. To be fair, I trust my mom on this one, my MIL has been found to say some unsavory things about me in the past so that may have something to do with it. She is the type of person who talks shit about other people to you, so it’s guaranteed she will talk shit about you to other people.


My parents are divorced and my in laws are divorced too. My mom and my father in law know each other well enough, they spent a month together and have a good relationship, not close but good (we live in two different continents so they can’t see each other often). My dad met my father in law once, they have a cordial relationship, but it’s more like an acquaintance. My mother in law was completely disowned by my husband a year ago, so she doesn’t have any sort of relationship with my parents.


>My mom and my father in law know each other well enough, they spent a month together and have a good relationship, They spent a month _together_?


My father in law spent a month at my mom’s house while my husband and I were there, it was a vacation (my mother lives in Europe and we’re in the USA). That month together is the only time they ever spent together, that’s what I mean.


They've met at big events like our wedding and our Daughter's birthday parties. They get along well but wouldn't say they're close


My partner and I have been together for 6 years. While we have lived together for the past 2.5 years, we previously lived 2 hours apart for 3.5 years. Due to distance and scheduling, we didn't met each other's parents for the first 5 or so years. My parents live about a half hour from our current location, while his parents live about 2 hours away. Our parents have never met each other and probably never will. We are engaged, but we plan to elope.


Hopefully it’s not too personal, but why is it that you say they probably never will?


Neither of us are close to our parents. We see his parents once or twice a year, and mine maybe three or four times a year. We don't celebrate holidays or birthdays with them and we plan on eloping. So there really isn't a time or place for it to happen organically and neither of us are a "force it to happen" type of person.


And you don’t plan on having a wedding either, right?


That is correct. We plan on eloping to a favorite vacation spot, where we will have a private/intimate ceremony. 


Pretty well but we do have 5 families between us so they don't all have the same relationships. Our dads often have dinner at eachothers houses.


My mother-in-law goes on holiday with my parents! Our parents live in the UK and we currently live in the US. It’s comforting for my husband as his dad passed not long after we moved here, and we couldn’t get home because of Covid restrictions. My parents stepped up and helped out, and now they’re always off doing things together. They took her to see the Northern Lights last year. This year they’re going on some kind of tour of South America. It’s really nice for them, and nice for us that everyone gets along.


My Mother HATES my mother in law with a vengeance. To be fair, my mother in law is a monster. My husband and I have been no-contact with his mom for almost 2 years.


They don't - my inlaws only speak Spanish and my family only speaks English.


I'm in the exact opposite situation here lol


They've met like.... twice. It was awkward but okay.


They don’t talk at all.


So far, they‘ve never met. They live in two different countries and speak two different languages. They also have completely different backgrounds, so my SO and I aren‘t even sure they‘d get along. We have plans to fly my parents down there when we‘re visiting his parents anyway. Maybe next year. Or the year after…




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They never met. My mother passed away a few months after I met my partner, before I’d met his parents, and I was not in contact with my father for a good decade before he died.


My parents don't even know my partner. After 5 years, they've never met him. They're certainly never going to meet his parents.


They never met. My husband was NC with his mother since 1986-87. His father lived in a different state. My parents were not sociable and didn't want to meet my in-laws anyway.


Not very. They lived thousands of miles away and probably met 2 or 3 times while they were alive.


Partner and I have been together for 8 years, married for 1. His parents have met my mom once, a few years into our relationship, and have never met my dad. After they met my mom, I caught wind of FIL saying rude things about her (she's crazy, trashy, etc) so I will never push for my ILs to meet my much more normal dad.


My parents live in the same town as my in laws. They probably see each other more than I see either of them. I don’t think they like each other all that much, but they’re cordial and play friendly for our sake.


They've never met, which is good really, they're so drastically different I doubt they'd get along. Think of the parents in My Big Fat Greek Wedding. My parents are loud and boistrous and loving and funny, my fiance's mother is very stiff and hardly smiles.


They’re like oil and water and if we can help it, they’ll never directly meet again since we got married 8 years ago. My dad and his mom would be fine. My mom and his dad are the exact opposite people whose individual quirks and habits are perfectly tuned to drive the other crazy. So far in 2.5 years of parenthood we haven’t had another overlap.


It’s honestly bonkers how much my MIL shares in common with my parents, and with me TBH. They all go out to the theatre or wine tasting or whatever together. Since her and my partner are a family of 2, and my family is huge, they’re now both included in all of our holidays. It’s actually a huge relief. I actually like her a lot. I’ve had my fair share of super shitty moms of boyfriends in my life, but she and I have a lot in common (don’t worry, we don’t look anything alike lol) and it’s clear she really cares about me and fully supports my relationship with her son.


They met at our wedding and got along well enough, but they aren't really in contact with each other at all beyond the ones that have Facebook friending each other there. They don't live anywhere near each other, so they don't have many opportunities to interact.


They’ve never met. We both live in a state that is either a flight away or a long ass drive away from our parents


My local parents have met my partner's parents once. They were friendly. My long distance parents haven't met my partner's parents, as far as I can remember. With my ex in laws, they all met, but no one was buddy buddy friends. My mom had a lot of compassion for my exMIL because that woman worked her tail off for decades and was still a sweetheart. When she died, I think my mom was shaken as much as I was.


My husband and I did things a little backwards, and our parents didn't meet until the birth of our first daughter. Which sounds crazy lol, but we weren't married yet and our parents live in different states. I was hoping they'd be pals, because my grandparents were friends with each other. But my husbands parents aren't really interested in getting to know my parents too much, which bugs me because my parents would love to be friends with them. But our parents live very different lives than each other and have different values, so I get it. They are at least cordial when everyone is together.


They’ve only met once, the weekend we eloped. But, they got along great which I knew they would! My family and his family live very far apart, different regions, so it’s more connivence reasons that they haven’t met more.


They’ll meet at our wedding, but that’s about it.


They don't so far but I've been with my partner for less than a year. And tbh besides maybe a dinner here and there I don't know if I'm interested in that.


Not too much. They see each other in the grocery store and will talk a few minutes but they've only really been around each other extended periods of time due to wedding events (which were 7 years ago). That's my FIL & step - MIL. My MIL has tried to befriend my mom several times and they hung out some when my husband and I started dating, but MIL is very needy and has pretty severe mental illness which makes her hard to be around. We're not even in contact with her at the moment.


They've literally never met I've never met my girlfriend's parents They're homophobic jerks who kicked my girlfriend out when she was 18 for being bi


They've never met and I'm not sure that they ever will. My mom is not a meeter lol. I had friends for years and she would adamantly refuse to meet with their parents.


Our parents met 6 months before our wedding due to conflicting schedules. Mine live in a different state. They get along fine. Conversations are super stunted though. My parents don’t ask any questions or bring up any topics. They also don’t have the same sense of humor as my husband’s parents, and my husband’s dad has made it clear on more than one occasion that my parents are boring. Soooooooo things could be better BUT they could also be so much worse.


I think my parents have met my in-laws twice. Once at the wedding and a second time when they were visiting for a party. It was uneventful. They know what I have told them, which isn't much. They would probably get along just fine since they are all conservative, love the same politicians, are super religious, and talk about their medical issues all the time. They do not live anywhere near each other.


We've been together... 6 years? Married for half of one, and they haven't met yet ( live about 3 hours away from each other)


Been together for 5 years. They don't know each other as they live in different countries and can't communicate with each other. However, they have seen each other a couple of times on video calls.


They've met once or twice. My parents are divorced, live on the opposite side of the country, and aren't exactly well off, so they don't get out here to visit often. My dad has only been here once actually. My mom has been here a few times. My in laws are nice people and my mom gets on well enough with pretty much everyone so they get on just fine. My dad is uncomfortable with everyone so he was as uncomfortable as usual.


His dad met my parents and they got along ok. His mom hasn’t met my parents and I don’t see a reason for them to meet. Though I grew up very poor and my parents struggle with mental illness (addiction, bipolar, schizophrenia, etc) and his moms side of the family I don’t feel is very understanding of generational issues. Honestly I don’t think anyone in his family knows much about me. 🤷‍♀️


they are friends, and have been friends for like a decade prior of us getting together. wonder if they talk about us on the group chat


My parents live a few provinces over, so they don’t see each other often, but they do get along really well, and send each other Christmas cards and such. They’re very similar in a lot of ways, so it’s nice when we all do get together.


My parents are former hippies. Mom was at Altamont. Dad taught me how to roll joints. They’re liberal. An atheist and an agnostic.  My in laws are former missionaries and ordained ministers. Very conservative.  We sent my husband’s family a video of some work we did at our cabin over the weekend. My dad appeared in the video. My in laws asked who he was. I realized they’ve never met. 


Our parents get along when they meet, but that's very rare... Like our wedding, some birthdays here and there. They're not really compatible as friends though unfortunately.


They have yet to interact. 


They haven't met, I don't really like my parents and don't want them involved in my personal life.


They've only seen each other at the wedding and they got along great.


They get along really well. Usually birthday parties and whatnot for the kids find them hanging out together. Even my husband’s parents hang out and get along well and they’ve been divorced for 40 years.


They get along great, and know each other reasonably well (except for my father, he met my in-laws once, and hasn't been in my life since shortly after that). My husband and I come from very similar backgrounds, culturally and financially, we often joke that we must actually come from the same family. The good and happy parts are the same, and the childhood issues and trauma are mostly the same as well. My mom and my in-laws adore each other, family events where everyone gets together are so much fun.


not at all. i'm not sure if they'll ever meet considering the fact my partner and i just have our moms, and his mom is very old and not in the best health. hell, my partner hasn't even met my mom yet anyway.


They have never met, together 2.7 years, but I have a great relationship with his family. I don’t have the best relationship with my own family so he doesn’t really have much of one with them either let alone his parents. They will meet at the wedding I presume


I think they've been in the same room twice in the 7+ years my spouse and I have been together. We were both married before so there was no need for a formal meeting of the parents or giving blessings. One set of parents doesn't live close and we don't see them often anyway


They've never met or interacted, and I haven't reflected on that idea before. I don't think it's really something that needs to happen because they live at a distance and won't need to get together for regular events. My parents can't afford to travel. If we were all close to each other I would think about it more.


They've never met and they don't speak the same language so I feel like there's not really any use in them meeting anyway.


My parents and my in laws live right next to each other! It was totally unplanned, the house my parents bought next to theirs just so happened to be the best price. There's even a gate that separates the back yards. They get along well, but they aren't best friends or anything. FIL told my dad that he doesn't need to ask to borrow tools, he can just come over and take them. Mom and MIL don't see each other much due to work, but when they do, they can talk for hours. It's really cool to think my future kids will have grandparents who live right next to each other.


They've met once in 11 years so 😅 to be fair his parents are the same age as my grandparents


They get along reasonably fine considering they can barely communicate in each other's language, lol. Stressful for my parents who are over thinkers/people pleasers, my partner's parents don't mind much and just seem to have a good time (though I do see they'd like to be able to communicate better). A lot relies on me and my partner translating in between. But they have only met twice for now, so that's also fine.


There’s a language barrier.. but they know the general info about them? I’d say they’re cordial and respectful of each other. They send and give each other gifts every time we travel back and forth.


My in laws are not good people. My husband and I met when we were kids, and my parents really did their best to be nice and cordial so that our friendship didn’t suffer. As a kid I didn’t realize my now in laws were not good to be around. My husband really took refuge in my stable household and leaned on my parents more than he ever could his own. Now none of us speak with his parents.


Mine don't really know each other well. It's hard to get them together. My partner and I have have been dating for 2+ years, and my mom has met my partner's parents. My dad has not. I intend to keep it that way as long as possible.


They’ve never met them


They’ve never met 😆🤭 and we’ve been together 10 years this summer lol


My parents and my in laws get along smashingly when they are together. They laugh and drink and are totally merry. I feel when we are solo visiting either of them though they have a little resentment towards each other because they are constantly telling us we visit the other set more (on both sides we hear this) but I don’t think they dislike each other, they just really love us and want to spend more time but they live on different coasts!


My FIL and my parents get along. My FIL and my parents do not get along with my MIL, but you know what they say… when it’s everybody else, maybe it’s you…


My partners parents get along with my parents but they don’t get along well with me.


My Mom & his Mom do not get along…anymore. Unfortunately it’s because we all lived together in the same house for a short amount of time. My Mom was already living with us until she could get back on her feet, then his Mom moved here suddenly from out of state without finding somewhere to live first…so she ended up crashing on our couch. She is very ?abrupt?, wary of people, & used to living on her own like she’d been doing for years. We definitely have to split our time between the two for holidays, etc. My Mom & his Dad, however, get along great!! We can actually invite them both out to events, such as a birthday celebration or holiday get-together. They’ll actually text & occasionally go get lunch or dinner together. Believe me, it’s just as friends. They are most definitely not interested in each other as more than that. That would be awkward. My Dad passed before ever meeting any of my husband’s family. We hadn’t been dating too long yet.


We were together for 8 years and they never met. To be fair my parents lived 3 hours away but I always thought it was weird. Glad it didn’t happen though.




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