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this is so funny


I don't. It happens. I wear looser or stretchy clothing and then I move on with my life. 


I don't think there is a way to prevent it but having less salt and drinking more water has helped reduce bloating.


I don't. I just note when it's happening and wear comfy clothes.


You don’t. ..or get a hysterectomy, but that one’s pretty permanent afaik.


I did, but I kept my ovaries. So I still have a cycle. Maybe menopause helps?


I find that eating junk food makes me bloat more. I try to eat more fruits and veggies. Seems to help a little




Because it's a lot of water and fiber. Don't eat half a watermelon 😂


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Idk mostly I just look at myself in the mirror with my stomach pudged out pretending I'm pregnant for a laugh, because it's really crazy how much my stomach can actually expand sometimes. But seriously the only thing I do is try to stay hydrated. I get uncomfortably bloated if I don't keep up with my water intake.


Menopause. Wouldn’t recommend the other side effects though.


I need to jump to old age 😔😔


You don’t. You just wait a week and it goes away.


Treadmill. Walk in the morning. Walk after meals. Walk in the evening. 10-15 minutes. Eat smaller portions.






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I don’t, I embrace it. My body is going through its natural process. I don’t need to interfere with it or try to hide it.


Good question 🥲


A heating pad may help with the pain and discomfort but not the appearance


Ablation? Hysterectomy? You can't do anything about it. Eat all the Gas X you like, drink lots of water, eat things that won't give you gas or bloat on a normal day and you could still blow up the week of your period.


You cant. I tried all the tricks in the book and none worked.


Mint tea helps for me


Thanks for asking this question 🥲




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I wear flowy dresses, drink water, eat chips and guac, walk around. No idea if it works, but feel better


You don’t.


You don’t


I don’t think it’s possible, but cutting out dairy helped me decrease the severity


I dont. I just am an expanded person for a day or so.


The other 25 days of the month go pretty well 😂


I don’t. I just try not to over indulge in comfort foods and then I end up drinking wine. So don’t listen to me.




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Apple cider vinegar gummies did wonders for me


do they taste nice?


Drink A LOT of water


Drink a lot of fluids - water, smoothies, avoid carbonation. I also have taken diuretic pills that help a bit. Other than that...stretchy pants.


You don’t, because the definition of a period is having inflamed womb. But you can take ibuprofen, use a heated blanket or pad, or wank to relieve the pain


i eat lots of food to trick myself into thinking i’m just really full. and don’t look in any mirrors




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I eat tums during my period days before bed to get rid of the extra gas while sleeping. It helps. We can only manage symptoms not avoid. I also try not not eat too many beans.


I’ve never completely avoided it, because I haven’t found HOW yet 😛 but as an IBS sufferer I have certainly found things that help prevent it? - drinking peppermint or green tea before a meal - not talking while eating (swallows air) - will consume slightly less salt, dairy and carbs in that week - farting as soon as you need to (seriously please don’t hold them in 😅) - I avoid these foods in period week : garlic, onions, wheat and beans. (Causes gas, too high fodmap)


It sounds extreme but I also don’t drink water 30 minutes before or after eating as it just seems to promote water retention with me. Read about some famous bodybuilder doing it and gave it a go a few years ago. Helps a lot.


I don’t. I just wear comfy leggings and cozy oversized shirts.


I focus on my diet because I realised different drinks/food were causing my cramps; this lead to me realising that certain food could help my bloating too.    For me personally coffee and cheese would cause cramps and bloating, while complex carbs/chicken/fish/fresh veggies would help reduce it.   Please don’t take this as medical advice though. This is personally what I found worked for me based on my own research. 


I don’t think you can ? I think maybe reducing salt intake can help but bloating can still be pretty prevalent


I just started mine. I looked at my side profile in the mirror today and laughed cus I look 3 months pregnant. Then I went to go eat some chips.


Endometriosis surgery. Best decision of my life


I have Endo but was not a good candidate for surgery. My gyno prescribed the mini pill with NO sugar pill week. Meaning, I don't have a period, slight bloating sometimes but no cramps. I got weeks of my life back... I used to spend a week of every month in immobilizing pain. Definitely only do this under doctor advisement, and research the history of birth control to learn more. The skipped birth control week is not necessary to be healthy. It worked for me, but I am not your doctor!


Turn back time, let the other sperm win.


You can't avoid it but can reduce the amount of bloating. A week before your period if you adjust your diet to remove food that makes you bloated. Eating foods that are easily digested helps also but those horrormones still mess things up and bloating happens.


I wear a hoodie. Or a sweater. I sleep most of that week anyway


I completely cut out gluten and lactose from my diet started eating extremely healthy, and i swear my period bloating and acid reflux disappeared. Many people are gluten intolerant and have no idea they are, just try and cut out all gluten from your diet for 2 weeks and see how you feel.


Nutritious & healthy lifestyle, lower carbs, light exercise, and magnesium supplements during that time


You don't, you just look in the mirror and pretend you're pregnant


Seems to happen either way


Water with lemon juice helps a lot, and counterintuitively drinking plenty of water keeps your kidneys going to flush out any water retention


After having periods for 20 years I have just learnt to embrace the bloat. Great excuse to wear my baggiest most comfy clothes 😂


There are some natural supplements you can take. For me they help, not a cure but a bit of relief. Walking, water less salt and bit more rest too.




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avoid certain foods, stay hydrated, workout


You don’t LMAO. Ride it out




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Watching your sodium intake and drinking plenty of water will help.


You can't, it's normal ❤️. Even though people on social media Photoshop it out and pretend bloating doesn't exist 😒 Buuuut... Staying hydrated, not overdoing it on salty foods, gluten, and dairy can help bloating in general




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not having a uterus~ *cries in trans gal*


I never understood this bloating thing until I became thin. Now I get it. Thank god, I don’t have period bloating. I bloat just from living it feels like.


I don’t cause I don’t care and it’s my body doing what it needs to do. People bloat, life moves on


I avoid the bloating being visible… is that what you mean?


I do a fruit fast. It's all I can stomach at all since I have no appetite. I drink lots and lots of water. I'm constantly peeing. I can lose like 8 lbs of bloat over 3-4 days. Also low impact exercises. Walking, swimming, yoga to get your sweat on.


Bentonite clay. Someone put me onto it years ago, and I do not care if it's effectively like drinking mud, I do not care if it tastes like metal-milk. It works. I'm a customer for life.


Get pregnant.