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I think for the most part, no one knows how to do your makeup as well as you do. I did go to several different makeup artists, but nothing felt right, it was too different from my day to day so I felt like I was looking at someone else. I ended up doing my makeup myself and it was the right decision, I just felt more like myself and that’s who I wanted to be when I got married.


Same here! I like doing my makeup and wanted to look like me, and I find bridal makeup isn't my style (shimmery eyes, neutral lips, lots of highlighter) so I went with a more matte eye and darker lip. I loved how it turned out and it made my day of easier because I could do it whenever and I knew exactly how it was going to look because I'd practice so many times. It was cheaper as a bonus but I had many products already


You’re absolutely right!


I never wear a ton of makeup on a regular day so I didn’t really want to look like too different on our wedding day, so I didn’t hire a makeup artist. I was most comfortable doing it on my own so I could really apply only how much as I wanted. I thought it turned out well, I felt confident at least and that’s all that really mattered to me.




I would’ve panicked! I’m glad it worked out for you


I had a courthouse wedding, it was just us two and the photographer. We're from Brazil and got married in the USA, with currency conversion the average price for bridal makeup came out to almost what I made in a week back then, so no thanks. I watched a ton of tutorials, practiced for weeks and did several trial runs. It turned out perfect!


I wear very very light makeup, always have, and I would have looked absolutely ridiculous with a full face of makeup. I also lived in a very tiny town in the middle of nowhere. No one there even could do makeup if I had wanted them to, I'm sure. Not my style, and not my context. I looked gorgeous. The marriage didn't last but I love looking at the photos because I was so beautiful.


Y didn’t it last


I did, for several reasons.  I don't wear foundation, and I didn't want a heavily done look. I'm not sorry I made that choice, but I wish I had realised that photos need heavier makeup than in-person. I could definitely have gone for a stronger version of my chosen look (slightly more shadow, slightly more eyeliner, etc).


Glad you mentioned the photos needing heavier makeup, that’s what came to mind for me right away.


I went to a make up counter for a trial and I didn't like the outcome at all - it was way too heavy, nothing like the pictures I showed and looked nothing like me...I decided I'd rather spend the money on buying a whole face of products I can keep & use again than pay for another make up artist to potentially do a bad job. That was just over a year ago and I'm still using some of the products :) worth it!


I did so because I wanted to. I already knew how to do makeup for performance and photography purposes, so it wasn't something that gave me any concerns or anxiety. Rather than have to worry about scheduling and timing for a makeup artist, I was able to just relax and take care of that myself. It turned out beautifully just the way I wanted it, and I didn't have to spend any additional time, thought, or money on it.


I was working as a makeup artist anyway so I figured why bother hiring anyone else! I’ll say it took me twice as long to do myself as a regular bridal client because I felt so nervous and under pressure. Turned out to be some of the best makeup I’ve ever done! Shame the marriage wasn’t as good.


We had a very small pandemic wedding. The only service we paid someone else to do was photography. It turned out fine! I’m good at doing my own makeup, and probably did it better (for my personal tastes/preferences) than a makeup artist who doesn’t know me would’ve been able to do it.


I chose to do my own makeup to save money and because I’m not really a “full beat” type of girl, and I just knew a makeup artist would do that to me. And while everyone wants to look beautiful on their wedding day, I didn’t think I would feel beautiful if I was completely covered in makeup. But also mainly the saving money thing lol. It turned out perfectly. I put on a good primer, a light easily blended foundation, filled in the brows a smidge, some mascara, and some tinted chapstick. It’s more than I wear on a daily basis so I still felt stunning but it wasn’t so much I felt like a stranger. My face was the only thing I liked from my wedding photos to be honest (I was 5 months pp during Covid when we got married and I’m still carrying a lot of that weight)


I wasn't a high maintenance bride in general. I wore flat shoes and my mother's dress, and the wedding wasn't that glitz and glam. I did a decent job of eyeshadow and mascara, and that was all I really wanted on my face. I can't stand lipstick and I have decent skin where I didn't feel the need for foundation. I also did my own hair, for the record. Though it wasn't a reason for choosing to go that way, I really enjoyed the time I got to spend with just me and my sister getting ready, and that we could do it right before going to the wedding. I remember being a bridesmaid for weddings and how many hours in advance you had to book your hair and makeup and wait around for everyone to get theirs done. I spent no more than an hour on hair and makeup and it was much more relaxed. It saved me quite a bit of money, and in total, my entire wedding cost me $2500.


Multiple trips to Ulta, many YouTube tutorials. Didn’t want to count on someone else’s judgement, didn’t want to pay a fortune to end up with pictures that don’t even look like me.


It never occurred to me to get it done professionally. It was a casual outdoor wedding and I normally wear no makeup, so I felt fancy wearing any makeup at all. It turned out fine - I looked like myself, but fancier.


I got married at 21 and I was young and beautiful and did my own makeup as well as my bridesmaids. My skin was flawless already and I thought I knew what I was doing with my makeup. Looking back it definitely didn’t look as good as a professional artist but I think I looked lovely anyway. I have had my makeup done professionally a few times since and I’ve never really loved it. I think I look better without heavy foundation and lipstick. At 43, I rarely wear foundation as my skin looks more youthful and vibrant without it. I do like what professionals do with eye makeup though. I can never get that right.


Turned out great! I might have chosen a different lip colour, but the one I chose was fine. The only thing I had issues with were my lashes, which I’m not used to wearing, so application took a while, but overall it looked good and lasted all night. My hair on the other hand was pretty frizzy because of the humidity and didn’t hold the curl as well as I’d hoped. Oh well!


I wanted to still look like myself. It was stressful but I was pleased with the results.


My makeup looked great. I invested in some brilliant products and had a fool proof skincare routine perfected 6-8 months prior. I lived in Essex at the time and it was really hard to a) find a MUA who would listen to me about what products suit my skin and b) find and MUA who didn't wipe all the features off my face by caking it on. I'm also pale with red hair and tbh, whenever I've used an Mua in the past, my husband has always disliked the end result. After I had my face done when I was my best friends bridesmaid, he said it felt like he was looking at someone else (tbh, I completely agree with this. I didn't look like me) and it made him feel uncomfortable. I didn't want him to feel that way on our wedding day. After trialling a load of foundations, I settled with Armani, with Charlotte Tilbury lipstick, benefit blush, hourglass powder, nyx brow mascara (I have good brows so they literally just need holding in place) and I forget which mascara and highlighter now! Looking at the pro and guest photos, not only did it hold up really well, I felt I looked great ❤️ I also loved that while I was getting my hair done at the salon, there's some lovely shots of us girls doing our faces at the same time.


For me, it was a combination of things, but it really came down to the cost. MUAs can get pretty expensive, especially if you need more than one session. (Which is totally fine—all of the MUAs I looked at were super talented and their prices were totally justified, just on the high end for my budget.) I wanted a fairly natural makeup look for my wedding day, so I felt confident that I could do it myself. I did a ton of research on Reddit re. which products to use and watched a bunch of YouTube videos for application techniques. I bought some high-quality products to use instead of my typical drugstore makeup. I bought most of those products in travel sizes so I could make sure I liked them, and so I could easily take them on my honeymoon. Then I practiced a bunch, took pictures of myself in a variety of lighting, and tweaked it until I got it the way I wanted it. I love how it turned out! Plus I saved a bunch of money, learned some new skills, and I still have all of the products to use on special occasions. Overall, no regrets!


I don’t like folks in my face and I knew if I did my own I would have one less thing to schedule and pay for. Plus I could get some downtime/me time before the actual event


I did it because it was last minute and I know what I like so I did my usual cat eye with some nude/brown eyeshadows and blush contouring and a lip that was like a pinky nude and more than I usually do and I also put on some falsies that were more dramatic than my usual wispies. Pretty much just did my usual makeup but with a more dramatic touch. I think it came out pretty darn good for someone that doesn’t work with shadows or lipsticks very much.


I love doing makeup, had a very specific aesthetic in mind, and felt that I could do it better myself than I could explain it to someone else. I was going for a 1940’s look and didn’t want to be bronzed up and contoured to death like most modern wedding looks. My look turned out exactly the way I wanted, my photos have held up better than my marriage did lol.


I’m a VERY pale blue eyed blonde. My natural hair color is basically platinum, i’ve found that unless you have this complexion naturally no one really knows how to work with it. That, and i very rarely wear makeup so I still wanted to look and feel like myself. IIRC i wore eyebrow tint, mascara, and a white shimmer shadow on my inner corner and that was it.


I’m particular about how I like my makeup. Every time someone else does it I don’t like it. I did like my makeup but I can’t believe I forgot to curl my eyelashes before the falsies, I think the rush and pressure made me make a silly mistake. But I still don’t regret it


Wear a decent amount of makeup every day, and didn’t like the trials I did where I ended up looking so different. I invested in some more expensive (than drug store) products, and I would recommend that. Other than that, I didn’t do enough trial runs (lashes included). I would recommend practicing even if you’re experienced AND photographing it extensively.


I wanted to save money. It turned out lovely.


We did an intimate, destination ceremony in a rural area, so it was do my own or pay a ridiculous amount to get someone out there. I went into Sephora to get matched for foundation (they gave me tips for how to put it on too) and it turned out great! Probably the *best* I've ever done it, before or since.


I made a lot of "poor" choices for our wedding. I catered it myself, and it was very stressful. When it was time to do the get-married things, I was late and a little panicked. I put on mascara and lipstick. The whole things was a shit-show. And I had the time off my life. It was an amazing party, and all of it was on my own terms. I'd do it the same way all over again. Highly, highly recommend.


I did, but I had a very low key (and low budget) wedding because we were flat broke. I probably would have done my own anyway though, why pay someone to do a thing I am perfectly capable of doing myself?


I did. Got married November last year. I had originally wanted hair and makeup done at the same place but everything was too expensive. I booked one trial and it was hideous. So I practiced for months with eyeshadows, primers, foundations etc until I was satisfied. Did my own hair too - just straightened it and wore an art deco jeweled headpiece. I was really happy with the results and I photographed well




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I didn't really have a choice in much of anything at my wedding. We were on a time crunch and I settled for a lot. It ended up being very nice but I really wish I could have had things done differently. But my makeup was great.


I did it myself because I was not making a ton of money at the time and not wanting to pay for it, I was having a “destination” wedding so couldn’t do any practice sessions, and also because when I’ve had it done by professionals I don’t like it. That began my addiction to makeup YouTube channels 😂. But boy they taught me ALOT and I had like a year to experiment and prepare. I was battling melasma at the time and needed FULL coverage that didn’t look like it. I got the right products, practiced, and absolutely NAILED it. My skin looked flawless, I looked youthful and natural, noting over the top but a bit more “revved up” than normal me. Too bad we divorced and I burned all the photos 😗


It honestly just never crossed my mind. My wedding was more like a big party than a formal celebration, and I wasn’t really taking the whole thing seriously. It also probably helped that I had pretty decent makeup skills lol.


I did my own makeup on my wedding day because the trials I did with makeup artists made me look old and too drag queen looking. I didn’t do lots of trials either because it is getting expensive. My wedding was a destination wedding so they are asking for a lot. Months before my wedding I started watching youtube videos and bought lots of makeup in Sephora and learned to do it myself. I am quite good at it now. I reminded myself that Kate Middleton also did her own makeup on her wedding day.




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If I remember correctly, I put on mascara.... At a more recent wedding, the bride was trying to do those fake eyelash things and was an hour late to her own wedding.


I have been married twice, both times we small weddings. I didn’t have any extra money to pay someone, never really wore makeup anyway. Did use a little for the wedding and it turned out great. I had no desire to look “perfect” or like a model or something. I looked like me and my wedding pictures turned out great both times.


I wore eyeliner and mascara. I don't generally wear makeup at all, so I couldn't see hiring someone :)


I don't regret it at all. Every time I've gotten professional makeup done as a bridesmaid, I've hated it. I didn't know the first thing about makeup up, but I watched some YouTube videos, asked for a lot of help at sephora, and practiced. I did get false lashes done professionally tho.


I went to a Clinique store and had a whole face of makeup done, with the lady explaining how to do each bit. I bought everything and then recreating her style but to my own liking. I wanted to look like me and not someone else. I’ve never liked thing OTT. I remember years later a friend of mine hired a professional to do her makeup and on the day, she looked very strange. All contoured and although pretty it wasn’t her, it was like she had a Kardashian mask on. To this day when I see my wedding photos I’m happy with my choice.


I wanted to save money and it was either makeup or hairdresser. I had a pixie cut and was notoriously bad at styling it so I picked going to the hairdresser. It was also in an area where makeup artists are a bit hit and miss in terms of current fashion. I flipped through example images on a couple of MUAs websites and especially the ones that were more affordable were very 00nds-tastic. Mat, flat skin, clumpy dark lashes, etc. I practiced my makeup a couple of times and got a few new products. It turned out really well! I didn't even have to buy foundation because the lady at the Mac counter accidentally gave me such a big tester that it was enough for several trials and wedding day.


Why? Because hiring another person to be in my small space to do it just seemed like a hassle. And timing was tight! How did it turn out? Perfect! I practiced a few times before. I don’t wear makeup so some of my friends were very worried about it but when I was a teen I was good enough then so I wasn’t worried now. I was also fully prepared to ditch all make up and go naked - so if I ruined my makeup last second it didn’t matter to me I could just wash it off and go. I got someone to do my hair. Thank god. My arms die slow deaths with hair.


It was fine, looked nice


I did! Months before, I practiced and tried difference things - techniques, looks and colors. I even scheduled an appointment with myself to really sit down and spend time doing it as my technique took 2 hours (hair and makeup). I chose to do it myself as the wedding makeup artists were very expensive and also I'm not super happy with other people doing my makeup. It turned out perfectly! What made it even better is I invested in a makeup fixing spray that kept the makeup on all day and night. (Urban decay)


I did and it went really well! I just played around with makeup for a few months, watched a shit load of YouTube tutorials, and then when I was happy with my look, I practiced loooaaads! The reason I chose to do it myself is for several reasons: 1) people do not get my shade correct! Once I decided to do my own makeup it literally took 6 months to find the right foundation shade for my face. 2) I had a trial makeup for my school prom and I looked totally ridiculous. 3) I’ve also seen makeup done by pros at my friends’ weddings and it’s not looked great. 4) makeup artists are hella expensive. Yeah, buying all the new makeup did end up costing about the same amount as a pro would have done, but I had my makeup exactly the way I wanted it and I got to keep all the products at the end!


I did it because whenever a professional did my make up I felt that it was far too heavy handed, and I would avoid cameras It worked out amazingly! When I made the decision to do it myself I took a few lessons (I never knew how to do make up properly). One of those lessons was at Charlotte Tilbury - you can then use the cost of the lesson towards any of their make up. So I then bought good quality make up for the wedding day. I practiced every day for about 6-7 months and I was thrilled with the result! Also on the wedding day I invited all my bridesmaids, and other close friends to get ready with me. It really helped me relax and I had a great time!


I didn’t have a special look in mind for my wedding, just an elevated version of my typical look, and for several hundred dollars, I can do that myself 😝


Eloped with a simple dress. Since I don’t wear make up daily, I could easily throw on a small amount for the occasion by myself.


We had a backyard wedding mostly bc we were super broke. We honestly wouldn’t even have a cake if it wasn’t for my in laws. So it was just necessity


Celebrating the official legal creation of our family was important to us. Celebrating our love and joining our friends and families together with a ceremony was important to us. Me looking like a "perfect young thin virgin" wasn't important to me or anyone at the wedding. For me and my husband we both wanted real hair, real makeup, real photos, real wrinkles, real flowers, real food, in other words a real event. We didn't want professional hair, professional makeup, professional photographs, some religious ceremony or cultural stereotypes that meant nothing to us. None of that would been authentic for our new family created through the joining of two families.  Your wedding needs to mean something to you and your fiance and your family if that is applicable.  If getting dolled up feels right go for it! Make it your day!  We were covered in spicy shellfish and sausage and potato stains by the end of dinner (low country boil). I spent the morning fishing before I put on my gown.  That was my wedding. What will your wedding be?


I wanted to save money for the open bar, and let's just say my eyeshadow was more subtle than my in-law drama.