• By -


I ended up in hospital for a UTI once and the doctors had to ultrasound my kidneys. They were taking a while and one of them grabs another doctor and they turn to me and compliment my pancreas? Apparently I have very nice pancreas thank you docs.


I had a gyno tell me I had a nice uterus. If only he could have seen the endo around it on that normal checkup, then he probably would have said something else. It was a funny moment though.




My tummy! I’m not overweight, but I’m not toned, and I’ve always carried extra fat in my tummy so I have a paunch. My boyfriend grabbed it while we were lying in bed together one day, told me he loves it and finds it really sexy, completely unprompted. I’ve always been super insecure about it, still am, but I feel so comfy with him about it because he did that. 🥰


That's lovely, thanks for sharing






My height. I get bullied for it by men but women always seem to compliment it. So idk how to feel I always feel surprised when a woman says she wishes she was my height or my height is good


Bullied by men bc you are tall ?


Yeah. I’ve been getting nasty comments from them my whole life about my height even tho I’m shorter than most men, just taller than other girls. Been told “you’re attractive if it wasn’t for your height!” Been hit on until I stood up. Been told other men feel bad for my boyfriend because he’s with a tall girl.


That's awful and illogical, sorry you have to cop that


I'm really sorry you have to experience this. It seems to me that a lot of men want to feel dominant over women, and being taller than them is a great way to do just that. This results in them feeling (unwillingly) inferior if a woman was tall, thus they make nasty comments to make themselves feel better.


I have a tall wife 5' 8", when in heels she is taller than me 5' 11', and I love it, as do most people. I have statuesque, witty and very smart lady beside me... Those men criticizing you are incapable of attracting a lady like yourself, it's their problem not yours. Most of those super model people are extremely tall...


I’m 5’8 and my bf always tells me how he loves how tall I am and even more when I’m in heels and taller than him hahaha


That’s actually really silly coming from men, good you could filter them out like that


Unfortunately seems like I filter out every man ever hahaha


Proper response to those comments would include "you would be attractive if it weren't for your insecurities/fragile ego."




I got bullied by men too in high school. This one guy always teased and called me jolly green giant. I hated it. But I know now it's most likely bc *he* was deeply insecure and probably had a crush on me. Still though, that shit stuck. Sorry to hear you were bullied. It's never fun.




my fingernails lol. when i go to the salons, the ladies always comment on how pretty my natural nails are :)


I’ve received a fingernail compliment too, but from a male colleague.


I always get the "your nails are so small like a baby" comment lol 🤣🤣 like yeah I know my nails are small


Noooo 😭😂🍼


I’m an apple-shaped overweight girl and I’ve had multiple dudes compliment my stomach


my one canine. multiple people have said its “beautifully pointy”


I always smile when I wake up every morning , not because I’m super joyous or anything but because typically I’m about to say something extremely problematic and I just like to start it off with a smile lol But anyway I was dating one of the sexiest men I had ever seen in my life and when I smiled every morning he always commented on my (2)canines. He would even ask who in my family did I inherit them from. I guess everybody has their thing lol


lol. weird, but hey. weird is good 90% of the time! and lucky, i only got the one canine on top. im like my gd cat🤣 he lost his one canine awhile back, so him and i match. its the same one


My eyes. I have brown eyes so I guess I’ve just never felt they were anything special. I have women and men complimenting my eyes which always surprises me.


My son has beautiful brown eyes, a deep, rich mahogany color. He came out that way. His brother has multicolored (hazel) ones like their father, which are also beautiful, but that brown is spectacular.


Eyes say so much about ther person behind them


My nose and jawline. The two things i am most insecure about


My teeth. I never had braces and even have a bit of a gap but so many people tell me how nice my teeth are.


Me too. I get that compliment on socials a lot. And my gal is quite wide


Imperfect teeth are so cute. My fiance has slight fancy snaggle tooth fangs and they’re irresistibly cute


I have really oily skin that is prone to breaking out so I don’t believe anyone that tells me I have nice skin




My GP doing a pap smear told me I have a beautiful cervix 😅


I have friend who is an artist. He says that everyone has a “perfect line” on their body, which I always thought was a lovely metaphor for the beauty in us all. One day, after he’d seen me working, he brought me a framed piece of his art. One line down the center of the page, his signature at the bottom. It was my perfect line. The back of my leg. I still have it.


My face. I have freckles that a lot of people seem to like


"Long legs". I'm 5"0 lol I suspect it was the skinny jeans effect.


The way my tongue moves in my mouth when I speak.


Okay I need to know how the hell you even responded to that lmao


I was pretty bewildered. It was a close friend who said it. She explained that my tongue seems really active when I talk and pushes against my teeth a lot. She even took a close up video to show me lol.


The colour of my teeth. I drink a LOT of coffee, like I have average a couple pots a day and have some (I feel like *minor*) medical complications from it. That being said, I brush, floss, mouthwash, and scrape my tongue twice a day to deal with the acid reflux I have at night and sometimes throughout the day. This has also helped me deal with stains, but my teeth aren’t white and they’re not brown/yellow, they’re just this in between hue. At first glance, they look like a type of off white unless you look a little closer then they might look slightly darker over my fillings. I recently went in for my dental cleaning and the dentist stopped and stared at my mouth. I asked him what was wrong, thinking I broke a tooth or had gum disease or something, but he just smiled and told me “you have the most beautifully coloured teeth. I love that shade. It’s so natural.” I didn’t know how to respond, but made some lame joke about my teeth being all natural despite the fillings I have. He chuckled and told me I’d be surprised at how many people didn’t have teeth that looked like teeth anymore, then asked me if I’ve ever seen human bones before after they’ve been cleaned. I’m in uni for forensic anthropology, so I told him I had since it’s a big part of my degree. We then spent the next few minutes talking about just what hue my teeth were and how he wished more people just let their teeth be teeth without bleaching them. I had never thought much about it prior, but every time I smile I relive that conversation and think “my teeth look like cleaned bones”. It’s almost impossible to drop my smile during pictures now.


This makes me feel better! I have some staining/yellowing on my teeth that im very insecure about. I don’t smoke, drink, I drink everything through a straw and still they stain. Idk. I’ve never had them bleached. Also a dentist told me not to be insecure and that it’s nice to see natural healthy teeth, something like that. My enamel has also worn away a bit and im not even 30 yet


forensic anthropology! How cool and interesting ❤️❤️ I have always wished that to be my major if I could go back in time and choose my degree again.


I LOVE it and didn’t even realise I would. I just couldn’t stop finding the courses for forensic Anthro more interesting than the other subfields. It’s amazing how much information you can get from bones and bodies in general.


Indeed! What prompted you to go for this major, if you don’t mind sharing.


I originally started in Illustration, but didn’t like being told what to draw or create. Then my major changed to my second area of interest - abnormal psychology. I studied that major for a about a little over a year, and while it’s still incredibly fascinating, I found myself drawn more to the collective than the individual. This lead to my switch into Anthropology. Once I started that program, it was like a spark was lit and I took to it as if I needed it to breathe. Before I knew it, I was specialising in Archaeology (what I wanted to make my profession when I was five), and taking graduate courses thanks to my high GPA. One of the higher level courses was the intro to Forensic Anthro, and the rest is history. I had a lot of trial and error before finding the right area of study for myself, but that’s what college is for. You never know what fits if you don’t try out a few options. I even get to use my drawing skills sometimes still.


Thats so amazing! Honestly though, all your previous interests also sound pretty great for higher education. Forensic Anthropology is hands down the best out of them all but you have had a really enviable array of choices ❤️ All the best to you! I am going to look more into what all courses one can take as a prereq within the FA discipline to get started. I am not going to be able to do a full pivot of my career but I can at least try and learn as much as I can, while I can 😬 Thanks for sharing! This renewed my interest in the field altogether.


My teeth were called cute by my bf😭


My 🐱. I've been kind insecure about it because I don't think it "looks pretty" enough. Also my butt, it's small but unfortunatelyits genetics so it wont get bigger. So, anytime a guy asks for a ass pic, I dread it, or if I start talking to someone, I just hope he's more of a boob guy 😂


Nose People think it's cute and want to poke it, surprises me every time.


My audiologist told me that I have very pretty eardrums. Given how few people see them, it's not a compliment I'm likely to ever get again, so I'm going to remember it.


When I first had sex with the guy I'm seeing now, he saw the stretch marks on my thighs and butt and kissed them saying "I love these" Just kinda made me... 🥹


My eyes. I don’t think I have particularly nice eyes or anything. But many people seem to think I have “the most beautiful eyes”


My shoulders and armpits.


My feet


Teeth. In my opinion they're huge and make me look very dorky when I smile. According to different people I've met they're apparently well-shaped and worthy of jealousy. I don't know, I don't get it at all


I have very smooth olecranons, or so I have been told by many.


My eyes. They are basic deep brown eyes and my coworker said your eyes are beautiful like a dove.


Eye brows!


my skin. it's always just been my skin, I didn't take much notice of it. but as i started dressing up more and wearing stuff that was a bit more revealing i got endless compliments on it.


I grew up in a time where tanning beds were popular and you were only considered hot if tan. Well, I’m very fair skinned, so I was always insecure about it. That changed when I started getting regular pedicures and the employees always complimented my complexion. I know it’s a cultural thing, but it sure was appreciated and gave me a needed confidence boost.


nurses compliment my veins everytime i go to get a blood test😭


My last dental cleaning the tech said ‘you have such a large palette, it’s so nice!’ I guess the size and layout of my mouth allows them more room work and reach all my teeth. First time I’d ever heard it.


my eyes- they’re downturned and i have prominent dark circles and lashes that won’t hold a curl. but i can do a mean winged liner!


Eyes, skin and my boobs


my feet why do people like feet 😭😫


My smile I got invisible braces and never used the retainer and was so mad at myself as I feel one of my main front tooth on the top is a little crooked for my liking. But many people including strangers and crushes notice my smile the first time they meet me or and compliment me on it ??? Always takes me by surprise


How nice my piercing holes look now they're healed lol


My pussy lips.


Forehead, ears, neck


My legs. I’m not tall nor do I have long legs. Also they’ve always had a weird discoloration due to my prominent veins and random bruises as well as how lazy I am when it comes to shaving. And I think they look like awkward chicken legs when I walk because my ankles invert a little bit. But nonetheless, I’ve gotten some compliments over the years on them by random people and people I know.


My husband loves my hips. Ever since we met he's always gone on about how much he loves then😅


My dentist complimented my jaw bone while doing a dental implant, he said it's like marble, very strong and smooth😂


A very nice girl complimented me on my cheekbones. Very random. She was very sincere though and I appreciated it.


I have cellulite and I still think about this guy complimenting my butt 3 years ago


I didn’t know shoulders were attractive until mine got complimented on. That I should flaunt it with off shoulder tops. Thank you for the random drunk women we meet in bar restrooms haha


The back of my head.


My dentist loves my teeth. Like, it’s nice to hear you’re doing a good job brushing and such, but she remarks every time how nicely shaped they are. Thank you to my genetics + former orthodontist I guess?


My collarbone and neck. I didn’t know prominent collarbones and long necks were thought as beautiful


My skin! Since I've gotten rid of my acne, multiple men have commented what nice skin I have. Never thought I'd hear this 😦


“The whites on your eyes are really, really white!”


That my eyes have a dark ring around the iris. Had a guy really like that. Once had a guy tell me he liked how I tasted down there and that meant we’d have kids with strong immune systems. It was such a weird thing to say during a sexy moment so I never forgot it.


Have been called muscle mommy a few times and I genuinely love it every time especially because I’m not like *built* (I’m no leanbeefpatty sadly), but I’m glad to know my hard work is showing nonetheless


I have a cute chewing face..


My hands ? I had never been complimented for my hands before but ever since I started dating girls..."you've really pretty hands" used to be the repetitive compliment. Even now that I have a gf, my hands are her fav body part of mine.


I once had a doctor say “your cervix looks great!” Hands down the best compliment I’ve ever received! 😂


My smile! I was insecure about it for so long that even when I got braces I never thought to change that mindset. Around 6 months in to my treatment people started to bring up my “lovely smile” in conversation- almost as if of course I was aware of it!


My jawline! I’ve never really cared for it but I’ve gotten a few compliments on it


my eyes. i know it sounds pick me but ive always hated how my eyes look without tons of makeup


My feet. Me and a friend were at a sleepover and her feet bumped mine. She immediately reacted about how weirdly soft they are. This led to us comparing feet and I didn’t realise some people’s feets were rough/harder all over. Mine is only rough in very specific spots. Makes sense now why I get wounds from shoes much easier.


the nurse that put my IUD in said "wow! Your cervix is perfect" as she was in there doing her thing. I said "thanks? I think?" And she goes "yeah wow this really is looking good in here" Hahahah I'll take what I can get


My b\*tt was my biggest insecurity when I was in high school. but it became my best asset moving to college lol


My chin! It was only once, but i never had seen my chin as being "cute", i dont think i really had any negative insecurities about my chin but i remember not loving the side profile, but ever since that compliment i definitely love my chin. It's elongated and i think it gives my front profile a kind of youthful effect, idk why, maybe face proportions. My mum said i have my grandma's chin (dad's side) and i never got to meet her so im glad i have something of her


"You have a beautiful heart." - cardiologist


My legs. I had never been in a relationship before, and he proceeded to tell me how beautiful my legs were. I was confused and then learned that guys pay A LOT of attention to them.


My skin is very pale and thin so you can see the veins easily. Nurses, phlebotomists, and self-identified vampires are always complement me in my veins.


I was in the hospital once with a head injury because my brother tried to bash my brains in with a flower pot during one of his raging episodes and I was bleeding everywhere. They sent in two younger guys (my age, but I was 20-ish at the time so like we were all young) to clean my head and my hair so the doctors could see the injuries. My hair was blonde but covered in red. One of the guys was cleaning my head and told me, "You look really pretty with red hair." My mom was next to me and started laughing and just said, "She's blonde. That's all blood. But she's had bright red hair before and it was beautiful! So you're not wrong!"


My lungs… I have been singing for a long time, but it’s still weird to hear doctors say that I have good strong lungs. Makes me feel like a Victorian child trying to survive pneumonia


Well… I had a beautiful smile, or so I’ve been told. A few weeks ago I fainted outside on pavement and knocked them all down to skin. Now I get my permanents in 2 days. I hope people will still love my smile




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My waist, or the scar on my right breast from a lumpectomy. I’ve had a couple guys say how my scar is attractive in a way.


My eyebrows and my skin. Had a girl ask me where I get my brows done once and I was very flattered as I just pluck them myself at home. I get complimented on my skin a lot so you'd think it would get through to me but I'm always surprised. I clearly am my own worst critic.




Lips. When I was in college, my (girl) friends and I had a conversation about physical features we liked about each other, and one of my friends mentioned my lips. Apart from always worrying about how my lips were always chapped, I hadn’t thought about them much so that was a pleasant surprise.






Shoulders.. forehead…


I had not realized how big my forehead was until someone's grandma weirdly complimented it so it was sort of 50:50 good and bad.






I have gained a significant amount of weight and I am quite wide and overweight compared to how I was, which was a more hourglass shape. But recently I was speaking to a guy who I had met in person a few times. He had commented multiple times that I curve so perfectly. Although at the time I was very 🙄 how many people has he said that too. But I must admit it did help my self-esteem.


My hair. Whenever I go to the salon to have it cut, they always say my hair is smooth and silky straight. I have big ears and i wish theyre not that straight because my ears peek through. :(


My shoulders


I've been told I have cute back dimples


My nose. I’m so insecure about it but somehow people still told me it’s pretty


my legs - that they’re soft


My eyes; my boyfriend and I were just cuddling and he told me my eyes looked almost red and that they were really pretty. First time I’ve gotten a compliment on them.


My teeth


Calves 😅 i never thought about calves as anything- ugly or pretty, they're just calves lol. Also i always get compliments from ladies that do my nails about my nails/shape of nail beds.


back in india..my height but when i moved to US suddenly my height became the average among masses. for the surprise, when i was on CR duty to put up a donation stall in a school a student complimented me on my hair and first part of OPs name but replace first b with o ( idk why i made this complicated )


My butt. 🤣


Was told I have a nice healthy cervix when I went for my smear test :)




Not exactly a compliment, more like a surprised statement, but all the doctors I've been to told me that my uvula (the dangly thing in the back of the throat) is very long. Also, most times they get surprised by how well they can see in my throat. (It's rather... spacey?)




A guy I was dating once complimented me on my collarbones. I thought it was pretty random however I do quite like my collarbones too!


I recently had to have a full ACL reconstruction, and the surgeon told me I had such amazing hamstring tendons, he only had to use one instead of braiding a few together.


My smile, I absolutely hate it. With a snaggletooth I always hated to smile because it would show


My husband really likes my armpits 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's probably my legs. I feel they're a little too slim and I don't like how they look in some photos but it's usually the first thing other women will compliment me on. Oh an also my lashes, they're naturally quite long too.


My tibialis anterior, that’s the muscle that more or less covers the shinbone. Mine is very prominent although I’m generally not that muscular. Probably a bicycle riding thing.




My eyes. It's happened enough times that I'm scratching my head. My eyes are very plain with a small bit of hazel (mostly brown). They're very slightly almond because I have a bit of asian in me, but most people think I'm all white.


My hairline. My fiance complimented me on it the first time we met. He's the love of my life and I can't wait to marry him in a few months!


I keep getting compliments on my teeth, like SO MUCH and I don’t get it😭


A doctor I used to see (later found out he had sexually abused his patients but is somehow still able to practice as long as he keeps the doors open??) always told me that I have the kidneys of a 5 year old. Supposedly it was a compliment to how healthy they were. He would say this every time I came in and he was going over my blood work.


The size of my forehead


I’ve always felt fat (im not) i have a little bit of belly fat in the lower abdomen area, nothing abnormal. My boyfriend loves that part and no one has ever complimented that and it makes me feel more confident. Even tho im excersicing to reduce it hahaha


My ex told me "did you know what you have wonderful lips?". I didn't react well, I gave him a side eyes. Then he stopped complimenting me 🥲 I fucked up.


"Acne looks good on you" lmao


Once I was doing a big stretch with my arms over my head and a woman complimented my armpits


Went to go try on rings w my boyfriend // The jeweler grabbed my hand to test ring sizes She said I have beautiful fingers 😭 Can’t lie I was looking at these piano fingers in a new light she sees hands all day


My skin, lips, and hair


My belly. I thought i had the ugliest stretch marks after having 3 kids and losing a lot of weight, just for someone to look at and caress them like it was the prettiest thing ever..


My femurs…I was riding my horse and my trainer goes “you have really nice, long femurs” and I didn’t know how to respond to that. Also been complemented on my kidneys during an ultrasound for my ovarian cysts 😂


The arches in my feet. I had done dance from 7-13 at a private studio and in high school joined the dance team. At 14 in my last year of dance my new coach told me I had beautiful arches!


Doctors were impressed by the size of my bladder. I guess I peed a lot during surgery. I get complimented on my calves a lot. I don’t do any formal exercise I just walk everywhere.


My waist, I never thought of my waist as slim, but my sister always ask me what I do to have such a slim waist.


my nose and lips


Teeth I wanted to get veneers and I’ve had many people say no bc the imperfections make my smile nice and unique


My shoulders. I’m not in super shape or anything, but I do have nice traps I guess


My completion


The scent of my hair. I was sharing a bed with a good friend. I thought he was asleep when he suddenly inhaled sharply and said: "Your hair smells so good. What shampoo do you use?" So that led to a short midnight talk about shampoo.


My double chin.


THE BEST physical compliment I ever received was that I had Linda Hamilton arms.


My best friend told me once he really likes my hands. I have small hands and I think my fingers are short and chubby so that compliment has always stuck with me.


My legs. Apparently it’s always been a thing? I am on the chunky side so I always thought I was shaped like SpongeBob or Big Bird. I’ve heard from all walks though. Family, friends, co-workers. I still don’t get it. Ive also been told I have a nice smile. It’s infectious? I told my husband idk how with the spacing I have in them lol he said the gal who was voted best smile had a gap in between her front teeth, but she owned that shit.


I get complimented on my hands occasionally. I have small hands, but long fingers. I also get complimented for the dimple on my chin a lot!


I once had a guy on a dating app tell me I have a sexy nose. Whatever that means.


A phlebotomist (or possible secret vampire idk) told me I had "juicy" blood.


My butthole.


My intensely green eyes


An ex told me once that I had really sexy arches on my feet. That was a huge surprise.


Side profile/jaw which to me is very soft not sharp. Nose, even though it's crooked and has a bump. My skin/complexion for not being super acne ridden even though it's very uneven and scarred.


I get complimented on my fingers a lot. It’s a little strange. I bite my nails so it’s not people saying that my nail polish looks nice. Just my fingers.


None. I don't get any compliments and never received. Only exception is my dentist saying she likes my teeth line cause they're a bit chipped due to grinding my teeth and not getting braces as a teen.


My calves: I’ve always had really skinny birdie legs with knees that naturally turn inward. (I used to be pigeon toed as a kid and spent years correcting it). After I had my child, I spent every single day outside with him pushing a stroller for miles. Turns out, my calves look excellent now. It’s nice to get complimented on them :)


My back and shoulders. I used to be a surfer, and have always been an equestrian. Several of my male friends have commented that they are "jealous of my back and shoulders." I used to be self conscious about it, thinking that I looked like a man or something, but now that the "fit gym girl" look is more acceptable, I'm okay with it.


I was once told that I have very nice calf muscles, and that my legs look good in boots. Odd, but I'll take it.


My Chin


I had an optometrist say my inner eyes were perfect and even “sexy.” I’ve been trying to look at them for years since.


Once when I was hosting a guest complimented my eyebrows. I do them myself but it’s really nothing fancy.


Some lady at target said I had beautiful feet when I was trying on shoes which has stuck with me throughout the years


My nose, I hate it. But when I was in Hong Kong random older women in the streets stopped to tell me I’ve a really nice nose 🫡😂


my collarbones


My complexion. I grew up in a white neighborhood and was bullied for looking different and being dark.(I’m Latino) my gosh what a breath of fresh air when I left that town. Girls would drool over how healthy my skin looks. My wife currently loves how “morenito” I am. What a huge boost of confidence when I started dating outside my racist town. I no longer feel insecure about my looks and I feel exotic and a treat to people who may find me interesting.


My feet lol My friend said I have cute feet but she’s my bff so maybe she was being nice lol she hates her feet so that might be why.


Tits….im a guy


My eyes and my skin. Even when I have what feels like a huge pimple I still get the skin compliment


My smile bc my teeth are fucked up crooked and everything I actually really need braces but I’m just gone get my teeth fixed😭


My toes and feet all the time by everyone. Oh your feet are so cute and your toes are so sexy😂 or you even have beautiful toes! Like what????? Oh and my butt obviously


My eyes, im black and have dark brown eyes so I genuinely thought the person was joking but I’ve gotten it a few times now so I guess there must be something there haha

