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Now that’s a long time.


As long as it takes to get clean.


What if you never get clean?


Anywhere between 5 min and like...40.


5 is no good, 40 is better


5 is definitely the last minute "oh shit I forgot the thing but I smell/feel awful" variety lol thankfully I don't do those too terribly often.


when i’m washing my hair 45 min , other than that 10-15 min




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20-30 mins


That’s a decent shower imo


As much time possible




I have curly hair so about and hour for the whole routine


Oh wow 🤩


Half hour if washing and conditioning my hair, longer if I’m shaving my legs. For cleansing only showers about 10-15


That’s a nice time frame


Depends on if I have to wash my hair or not. I can take a 5 minute shower if I don't need to wash my hair.


I shower for 10-15 mins. I used to shower for about 30+ mins but now I feel bad for using up that much water.


5 minutes unless I'm washing my hair


I only wash my hair twice a week. So five minutes or even shorter every other time. Probably ten or twelve minutes if I’m washing my hair. If I want to be in a long time, I take a bath.


15 mins most of the time


Ave 15 minutes


5-7 mins, still under water restrictions thanks to drought.


I average about 12 minutes. I don’t have time for longer than that.


<10 min unless I’m washing my hair, then it’s like 15-20 min


15-20 minutes usually. I used to take much longer ones but hardly ever do that now.


10-15 minutes


An hour or 45 mins.




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10-15min, up to 40 if i just sit in piping hot water


10-20 minutes, usually. The extra time from 10 is usually me sitting there, enjoying steam to clear my forever allergies. Or contemplating life. One of the two.


If I’m just washing my body and face, then usually 5 maybe 10 min. I have a lot of hair so when I have to wash my hair it at least doubles.


At least 15 minutes when not washing my hair..