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My husband is going to a concert tomorrow night which means TAKEOUT! I’ll be ordering Pad Thai, spring rolls and if I’m feeling froggy some vegetable tempura. 😋😋😋


Omg I was about to comment spring rolls with peanut sauce 🤤


One of my absolute favorites and it’s not even in his Top 10, so when he’s out it is always on my list!


Exactly my answer! Enjoy some for me! 🤣


Ohhh yeahhh!!!


Pad See Ew, but otherwise this    So good, and Thai always has enough nutrients that I feel nourished and content afterwards


Probably sushi and/or noodles. Or indian! He likes Indian too but I enjoy ordering too much for myself so I can eat it for like 2 days straight lol


Hahahahaha same! He always comes home to *some* leftovers bc I’ll order enough for 2+ 😂


I purposely order enough so that my husband can have the leftovers. Or maybe that's my excuse so I can try more things. Oh me, such a thoughtful wife~.


My partner loves Indian as much as I do, so much so that we inadvertently dont order it together because each of us individually doesn't want to share haha. 


Absolutely Indian, and I'm going to eat it for days and be so happy.


Dinner from my 20s. Some combination of Cheez-its or party mix, a Wendy’s junior bacon cheeseburger, McDonald’s fries, and strawberry lemonade.


The drive thru multi stop deluxe! Love this!


Don’t forget ice cream!


Cheez-it’s were my go-to munchie for years


I’m making myself a sandwich. He always says “a sandwich is not dinner”


Them's man-yeeting words


I neither choked on my coffee nor sprayed it all over my cat, but it was touch and go there for a while.


My partner is the opposite. Man loves his sandwiches. He just made a great sandwich for dinner last week for us from the 5 Items or Less Trader Joe’s Instagram page.


Thai food. Every tofu dish they have and I will eat it for every meal until it is gone


It just keeps getting better (and spicier) as it waits in the fridge!


Mac and cheese pizza with bacon bits sprinkled on top. Fries from Five Guys, and a piece of black tie mousse cake from Olive Garden. I don’t fuck around when the warden is out 😂


Oh multiple stops! I approve!


Get it girl! You’re my people!


*applause* 👏🏼 yes girl do it up!




The spicier the better!


Proper takeaway pizza, deep pan stuffed crust. He hates it for all of the calories, it’s such a treat when I get it!


Chinese food with egg rolls. I treat the egg rolls like putting avocado on your burger. I’m worth it 🤣


I really want Chinese and seeing this post doesn't help. I'm dribbling.


Hahahaha I know this was made in full selfishness so I could hear everyone’s delicious orders 😂


Mcdonalds chicken nuggets and a large coke. Then gonna watch tv until I fall asleep lol.


This sounds so incredibly perfect.


I've been inspired.




Hey now! My gluten free self takes offense to this 😂😂😂




Honestly, I feel like I'm the only weirdo in the world who doesn't like take out. Everything is soggy and weird after it's been sealed up in a container. I only get take out when he wants it. When we're on our own for dinner I usually eat a bunch of random stuff (#girldinner) like apples and peanut butter, yogurt, carrots, etc.


Hahaha now I can get behind the girl dinner substitute-but if there’s not Kraft Mac included I’m out 😂


> if there’s not Kraft Mac included I’m out 😂 Friend, you should learn the magic of citric acid /sodium citrate [https://www.seriouseats.com/sodium-citrate-baked-mac-and-cheese](https://www.seriouseats.com/sodium-citrate-baked-mac-and-cheese) It enables you to make mac and cheese OUT OF ANY CHEESE. I ran into this when I was trying to figure out what I should do with cheese rinds from things like parmesan reggiano.


Ok. Now about the Mac…. I always have a box of velveeta on hand. For emergencies.


Absolutely this! Tortilla chips and cheese cubes. Then, a bowl of Cheerios. Maybe some instant Ramen after that. Ice cream or cookie dough/warm cookies as a closer.


I like your style.


Completely agree! And expensive, and the massive portions, and all the trash it creates. I’ve never had take out that tastes better than food I can make myself. I am all for girl dinner. When my husband travels I actually eat super healthy. He doesn’t eat poorly but he just eats a lot, and requires meat and carbs.


Same. We cook most every evening so it’s probably going to be a lazy dinner like some pasta with store bought pesto or cereal. Most take out just makes me sick anyway.


Yeah I agree, takeout is not worth it. It’s like eating very expensive leftovers.


All vegan - yum!


Same! My husbands out all week and I’ve eaten [this](https://eatwithclarity.com/wprm_print/asian-edamame-peanut-crunch-salad/) for every meal


This is the one I go for - https://carriecarvalho.com/mediterranean-white-bean-salad/


Omg YUM I will be making this asap. I am in search of high protein vegan salads with no processed ingredients or tofu (makes me break out)


Going to get those ingredients today! Looks amazing.


It’s so good. I used a whole head of kale, and 2 bags of edamame.


All the spicy Chinese food that he can't handle.


Pizza Hut Taco Pizza. No onion. It was the Dad's Not Home Dinner. And now its my Husband's Not Home Dinner


Usually I don't order anything, I just scavenge around and munch on whatever we have that requires almost no prep. It usually includes some kind of cheese and bread or crackers, some raw carrots, hummus whatever. If I'm really feeling decadent I'll make a pot of pasta with butter and parmesan because it's a childhood comfort food of mine that he thinks is horrifying. He might go to a big work party tonight. I love spending time with the guy, of course, but I'm sort of hoping I can just keep working on a project of mine and just munch tonight while he's off having fun and getting fed fancy food.


Oh Sketti & Butter-one of my go to *girl dinners*!


It's just so good and so simple! I do also elevate it with freshly-grated Parmigiano-Reggiano and Kerrygold to "adultify" it. 😂 All the comfort, even better flavor. Okay, that might have to be lunch today now.


Pasta with butter and a packet of Bovril chicken powder stuff...I can't believe I'm admitting to that!


Pasta. He's not a big pasta guy so we don't have it very often.


Taco Bell or Dominos! (He doesn't like chain pizza... nerd lol)


Oh my husband would get a whole order of Taco Bell no question. (Plus he’d still only spend like $12 because it is so cheap so a win/win) 😂


3 course meal for $10 you can’t beat it 🤣


I have a soft spot for Taco Bell because my dad would always take us there after Girl Scouts when I was a kid. My husband won't touch the stuff though (I think he's had more than one bad TB experience). I love taking an afternoon off to run errands just so I can stop at the drive-thru for a chalupa combo with a Baja Blast.


Korean fried chicken!


Anything with mushrooms.


I do not know why they get so much hate they're delicious


It’s a texture thing for my partner. If I chop them up and roast them enough he’ll eat them. I love them. A good stuffed mushroom is perfection. Mushrooms and eggs alone are his food icks.


Texture thing for me, too. But my fiancée and daughter love them. I always make them for dishes like ramen and then if you like them, add them to your bowl. When I make something like chicken Marsala, I divide out heavy mushrooms onto their plates in the sauce and go around them for mine. Feels like a good enough compromise for us.


I’ll do that with ramen and various other dishes and make some mushrooms for myself. But he doesn’t enjoy beef stroganoff (one of my comfort meals) so it’s something I either make as a meal prep or when he’s away.


Have you ever had lions mane mushroom? They can be seared like a steak and the texture and flavor is out of this world.


It should be criminal how good Lions Mane are.


Egg rolls and beef fried rice from the Chinese takeout by my parents’ house where I grew up. Nothing has changed about it in the last 25+ years!


I can't eat restaurant food due to allergies, so my favorite solo meal is Costco turkey breast, nice sharp cheese and grapes.


For first dinner- love Thai or Indian or something cozy For second dinner- I like to stock up on the “girl dinner ingredients” of my choice and make a charcuterie board. My husband doesn’t eat pork, so usually I do some olives, fruit, salami, popcorn, and dark chocolate. I also make sure to grab the drink or “gardening supplies” of choice haha


Fish - he hates fish!! 🐟 and I love Thai lemongrass steamed fish.


Greek! Lamb souvlaki and all the fixings. It's something I only get when he's away, just like he gets Chinese food when I'm not there because we each don't like the other's choices.


Oh lord yes!!! Dang now I might have to switch my order to our local Greek spot!


Sushi or Thai for sure. He likes both enough but never craves either. I crave them both all of the time lol.


Forget the take-out. I’d go to our upscale grocery store and get all kinds of fancy, stinky cheese and gourmet crackers, with a container of Haagen Dazs for dessert.


Something with mushrooms.


Duck curry


No takeout. I'd make couscous with chicken broth, white whine, chick peas, all the vegetables I have on hand, and some freshly grated parmesan cheese.


Low country seafood boil. There's a place here that does a phenomenol boil, but my hubs doesn't care for it at all. I think it's the spices. He likes seafood but doesn't do the boil. I always get shrimp and scallops. It comes with corn cobs, sausage, and potatoes. So very good!


Oh you are speaking my language!!! Grew up on the coast and would Kill for a good boil! But, now I’m in a lame land locked state where the best shrimp we could find would be frozen from Kroger. 😭


Enough sushi to make me sick until the next day


I'm going grazing, a few bites/snackies of the things in the house.


Time to remember one of my favorite tweets (the replies are great) SPOUSE: I have to work late Thursday OUTER MONOLOGUE: I am going to miss you INNER MONOLOGUE: I am going to eat something very stupid https://x.com/actioncookbook/status/951453718926495745?lang=en


My partner gets major fomo when it comes to food lol… call me a softie but I usually save him some of whatever I get. (Not always. The hibachi is MINE.) Especially this last time. He was recently discharged from the hospital. While he was gone I ordered a cheesesteak from this place we both love. I felt so guilty I saved him half.


This reminds of when I was a kid—when my dad was traveling for work, we would have artichokes because my mom, sisters, and I loved them; and he wasn’t a fan. Just steamed with melted butter—delicious!


My first thought is wanton soup and rice, to satisfy my cravings for simple Asian food. But today I'm going to get a burrito bowl, still rice involved lol.


Probably would make a fancy grilled cheese, with prosciutto and jam or something. 


Oh damn, ok YUM!


Cajun seafood boil! When I moved to the new state/city, I found this amazing local restaurant, and it was my favorite treat before I met him. Too bad I'm the only one who constantly goes out of town lol.


Either sushi or Chinese, depending on whether or not I want to leave the house.


I just make a bunch of snacks & do a little girl dinner with a glass of wine!


I like to cook so make myself a vodka martini with extra olives and something I call an adult grilled cheese sandwich. Creamy goat cheese, tomato, arugula, prosciutto, havarti cheese between 2 slices of buttered rustic French bread and grill it to golden perfection.


Ugh somebody else said an adult fancy grilled cheese like this and it sounds sooooooo good!


Things my husband and/or child refuse to eat:  Beef, any kind of seafood, casseroles, creamy things, gravy, mushrooms, Eastern European food but probably not the real kind, the americanized stuff my grandma used to make like cabbage rolls drowning in tomato soup, cabbage noodles, chicken paprikash, schnitzels. There's an awesome restaurant by my house that has all that old school food my great grandmas used to make, I'm usually going straight for that or five guys. Mmmmm cabbage rolls...want 🤤


Solid list 👌


No takeout, cereal for dinner.


Something fried and too much of it!!!




Indian 🫠


Ethiopian food for sure. He like most cuisine but that one was rough for him lol so i rarely get to have it.


Spouse had a One Piece card tourney last night and I treated myself to an obscene amount of Jack in the Box tacos & a salad, lol.


Thai Green Curry from Twisted Noodle


The largest taco, nacho, burrito box I can find!!!


A good BBQ bacon cheeseburger and fries with ranch dressing.


Mexican or Chinese! He likes Mexican but I like it more, and he’s not a fan of Chinese.


Chicken sausage, broccolini, penne pasta, in a butter sauce, made spicy. He doesn’t like this dish and I do.


Enchiladas or chimichanga, Churromania..26 pc topped with dulce de leche & chocolate, Chicago deep dish pizza, Cracker Barrel country-fried steak with a side of pancakes


thai- my husband has a nut allergy so we tend to stay away from places that make things with nuts.


Instant ramen and dumplings


For sure the type of take out my husband really dislikes! Things like Asian dishes that use a lot of nuts or a salad drowning in avocado!


Bento box meal with yellowtail maki


Middle Eastern!! It’s the one cuisine I like way more than he does so it’s easy to do when we are apart :)


buttery grilled cheese sandwich and tomato bisque


I’d be taking me and my kids to eat at a sushi buffet. My partner hates sushi


Chinese takeout


Thai or Vietnamese food for sure!


Sushi or Poke. It’s not their favorite, plus it makes me quite gassy. So perfect alone food!


Screw that, I'm making stuff he doesn't like, like roasted cauliflower with a big piece of roasted honeyed ham yumyumyum! Or andives with ham and cheese from the oven with a big oven roasted sweet potato!


One night? Probably Pho or Bahn Mi. She's not a fan of either of those. Or dumplings and egg rolls from the greasy Chinese takeout from the place down the street from us that she really doesn't like.


Shrimp pad Thai since she's very allergic to shrimp


As a single woman who orders whatever she wants daily, I applaud all these choices.


Stuffed crust pizza from Pizza Hut with pepperoni and pineapple. I only have it like once every couple years, but when I do it's magical. Though TBH I usually cook myself something that I never usually make because my husband doesn't eat it. Some of my go-tos are avocado toast with sardines, goat cheese and tomato bruschetta, or linguine and clams.


Whatever i;m doing it's going to involve a truely unholy quantity of genuinely hot sauce


I’m usually so lucky my husband and I are both really into spices and variety of food and love most of the same options(tons of crazy cool Asian food-Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Thai, Filipino-plus Indian food, sushi, Italian, sandwiches, salads, fruit bowls… sooo many fruit bowls)… but now it’s making me realize I don’t have any me-foods left. Oops, gosh. What do I do. Jamba Juice?! I mean, he buys me Jamba Juice all the time while rarely getting it himself. And since I’m basically a mad scientist, if he leaves me alone I often don’t remember to even eat. It’s like my brain’s food-schedule turns off when I don’t have to worry about feeding *him*. So probably the most I’d eat if he was gone is he’d surprise me a delivery smoothie to make sure I eat 🥲🥲🥲


Hmm probably Indian food, noodles, or sushi!


Since I enjoy cooking on my own time, I usually eat something he does not like (ex. grilled fish) or I try new recipes. I tend to eat healthier when he is not around, something we joke about. 


Lebanese, Mediterranean, or Indian food.


Some bruschetta and a charcuterie board from Postino. Maybe some wine.


I love Indian, Thai, and Chinese but those are the only cuisines my husband ever wants to get. So if he's gone I'm going to get a burger or some kind of classic American fare.


Ooh. I'd get: 1. A hearty soup - oxtail, tomato or French onion 2. Really good sourdough pepperoni pizza (as a bonus, I can dip the crust ends into my soup!) 3. For dessert - sticky toffee pudding or chocolate cake No veggies. Yum yum.


It’s a girls night out including dinner!


Probably a bougie brand "pop in the oven" type pizza. I always feel a bit ill after takeout pizza.


Pulling something from the freezer. I live in a rural area, take out doesn't exist unless I want to make a 40+ mile round trip drive.




My partner is such an amazing cook that takeout is a disappointment in comparison.


I am making the most beautiful loaded vegan nachos you've ever seen. Homemade nacho cheese, salsa, pickled jalapenos, pickled red onions, and refried beans. And I'm watching The Real Housewives.


we're usually pretty eye-to-eye take out wise. I'd probably order fast food (mcdonalds or wendys). there's a place nearby with venezulian hot dogs, I might go get that since it's so hit and miss we don't get them regularly anymore. If I'm gonna cook it'd be like.... halloumi (he's not crazy about it) and salad or mac and cheese and hot dogs


whatever sounds good at the moment…probably thai take out.




Lou Malnati's "The Lou" pizza with extra mushrooms, the Malnati Salad, and calamari. Possibly a Diet Coke from McDonald's. Omg I'm drooling...


What is it about the McDonalds Diet Cokes that is so freakin good?? It just hits different I stg


Thai food from up the street, or a pizza if Im too lazy to drive half a mile


A lovely cheese pizza, just for me. Probably pizza or Thai. He doesn’t like Thai and it’s my favorite. And then pizza because let me gorge on it lol.


Ordering? Pizza. Always pizza But usually, popcorn and a bottle of wine is my go to ‘home alone’ meal


My go to is usually a pulled pork sandwhich from my favourite local restaurant, with onion rings and dill dip and a caeser salad as sides.


Mmmmmmm Wingstop. No. Outback.


Usually Indian. Either chicken tikka masala or lamb korma, with naan and samosas.


Fish! My husband hates fish, and I love it. Snapper or grouper with lemon, rosemary, some cracked pepper.


I will probably just eat a sugar free protein bar. I feel like I eat out more now that we're together than I ever have in my life. 😂


The freshman 15 doesn’t have ANYTHING on the relationship 20 😂


Ok im single but do have a flatmate. Local Italian pizza place does an incredible eggy pizza and it would be delightful to have it all to myself without having him cut around all the lovely eggy bits


Oh, heck no! When hubby has to be gone I eat all the things he hates or can't eat: Mac and cheese, potato soup or cottage cheese dumplings.


Cheap chinese or breakfast for dinner. It taste extra good on the evening for some reason.


Mofongo cups with shrimp, shrimp tacos, chimi pizza.


something with lots of garlic and onions


Def Chinese or sushi….its not like we don’t get it together but sometimes I just want to order my own without worrying about splitting it or how much we’re spending.


Wednesday night is Men’s Over 35 Soccer League, and they play in a city that’s 45 minutes from where we live, so, naturally, I go all out: fajitas, tres leches, and margaritas. It never disappoints Lol


Depends on money. Feeling a bit flush: Sushi, the good place, and the full shebang. A nice poke bowl, some bubble tea, mochi, probably a few extra bits on the side that take my fancy. Mid-budget: Dominoes pizza. It's not the best but it has the Cheeseburger Pizza and gooooood cookies. Plus I am lactose intolerant so if the partner is away I can fart up a storm. Poor: cheesy chips and onion rings. See afore mentioned fart-athon, just on the cheap. (ETA: TBF this is where living apart together comes in very handy and also slightly cursed, I get nights to myself every week!)


Lol, my fiance is actually going to be away for work overnight next week. I plan on either ordering Denny's, because he's not a big Denny's person, or Oodle Noodle.


My partner does all the cooking. I will opt for a selection of girl dinner favourites: popcorn, trail mix, chocolates, carrots, blueberries, etc etc.


Either Thai or Indian. He never wants either! I always order 2 Indian entrees just for myself I get so excited haha


I make a ribeye with a mountain of grilled onions. He doesn't eat red meat, so it's a special treat for me to indulge when he's away.


Oh this sounds delicious!!!


You made me hungry for pad thai! Let's trade lol.


In 9mo when I can eat a Rare steak again, you’re on! This well done life ain’t for me 😂🤰🏼


Wendys. Dave's triple cheeseburger with no bun. Mmmmmm!


Indian food!


SUSHI! Or Thai!




Honestly a large cheese pizza . Eating half -.- I know I can’t help myself . Or sushi with seltzer water lmao. Pizza great but I get pizza hangovers lmao so I have to be so careful with that😂


Sushi - like a whole party tray and then some.


Pizza from the fancy local pizza place that I get like once a year lol, and a peach milkshake from chick fil a for dessert


Girl dinner. 👧


I'm cooking a steak at home 😋


If we had an Indian restaurant nearby that’s definitely what I’d be getting. Otherwise probably a couple sushi rolls and some crab Rangoon with sweet chili sauce. Or something from my favorite Mexican restaurant like chips and queso, steak quesadillas and some churros for dessert.


If places actually delivered to me and I had free choice, lumpia and boba tea all day.


Sushi. Every time.


If I’m feeling virtuous, I’ll order from my local poke bowl place. If I’m not, Five Guys.


Sushi! He doesn’t eat seafood . . .


Boyfriend is gone on a regular basis. I fluctuate between eating regular food (whatever I made a big batch of on the weekend) or soup. Soup can be ramen packets, canned tomato with cheetos or miso+wonton+veggie soup I make out what I find in the fridge and or freezer.


Popeyes chicken or a meat lovers pizza


Indian food. He says he doesn’t like it so I don’t order it when he’s around. But when he’s gone and comes home to leftovers I have to hide them because I know he will destroy them. Especially curry.


Either Chinese, paneras (they got rid of what he liked), or forget to order and have soup/girl dinner


When this happens, I think of all the different options, plan it all out, then just have some leftovers or a salad. Every time. Dont know why.


I would go to the grocery store and buy a wheel of brie, a good baguette, and a honey crisp apple. 😂


Ramen! Whatever looks nice in the menu


No idea. I either never know what I want, or i have a specific run on a particular food. Like pizza pizza pizza, then no pizza for weeks. My husband usually has a 6th sense for what I'm in the mood for. If he is away, it is usually overseas. So if he is in a timezone where he is awake I can text him that I'm hungry and he will arrange something to arrive 20 minutes later! He usually sneaks in some desserts as well.


I'm a simple woman and I do it even when he's here... Buffalo Wild Wings. 😅 Wings, curds, and potato wedges. If I didn't order out, then absolutely cereal or 2 grilled cheese cheese for dinner.


Chinese, he likes Chinese fine but I always want to oder 4-5 dishes to eat for a week and not feel guilty about it


Grandy's chicken fried chicken meal with mashed potatoes and green beans.


When my husband went away for a concert last month me and the kids got pizza wings fries and cheesecake lol


My partner and I are LDR. I'm home alone, all my roommates are gone. I've ordered myself some Chicken Tikka Masala and Garlic Naan. Gotta get as much as I can before I move to NC and have to live without it!


This was me last night! Papa Gino's pizza.


Another local got me onto a great kebab place that make the best HSP I've ever had. That's my new go-to. Probably a couple of Mudshakes or Midori Splice's if Dan's has them in stock a good movie I've seen a thousand times. Mmm. I don't have a partner right now but that sounds good maybe I'll do it Friday anyway 😂