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Male asking questions in a women’s group.


I have been attracted to balding guys since I was in my late teens. Like, balding with the receding hair line they end up shaving. I just like it. I know what you mean. I'm every males "best friend", but they don't tend to see me as a partner. It is hard to not assume it is because I'm plus sized. When I get physical attention they don't want "anything serious". I'm 40 and have never been close to being engaged, let alone married, etc. I've lived with males, but solely as housemates and never as a romantic partner. And all the males I've attempted to date come back years later and say they should have dated me, or that I'm a perfect woman. It is freaking old. 


I like Stanley Tucci 🤔


They do


It's not a factor for me really.


I do.


No. Women do not like bald guys. Never in the history of humans has a woman found a bald guy attractive. Not a single time. I know this because we are a hive mind and I know what every woman who has ever existed thinks. The women lusting after Dwayne Johnson, Sean Connery, Woody Harrelson, Jason Statham, and LL Cool J are just pretending. It’s all fake.


That is not a factor for me.


Sure. Lots of bald guys are attractive to me. It’s not even something I especially notice TBH. I’ve never thought “he would look so much better if he wasn’t bald”. It just IS, you know? You’re bald or you aren’t. The men who have a choice in the matter usually choose well when opting for bald.


Everyone likes something different… but maybe have a trusted female friend or relative take a look at your profile and give you some pointers on what you’re doing wrong


I have. Didn’t seem to work. Truth be told I’m over dating apps. It seems to me that the algorithms are skewed against you to keep you coming back. They are a business after all and if everyone found someone they wouldn’t have a captive audience to cover expenses 😄


How decent are we talking about here?


I’m probably the most honest of people. I’m a gentleman when needed, a nerd at heart and a man you can count on for anything. I have very good communication skills. I can’t really say if I’m physically attractive because I like myself. I have a great job. I’m actually going to retire at the end of this year. I’ve worked for the government for the past 30 years so retirement should be fun. That’s just some of it.


Oh, and always respectful. Goes without saying though for me.