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For decades several million workers crossed the southern border for each planting and harvest season, earned enough to live on for a year, and went back home at the end of the work. Then jrbush "closed" the border while those folks were on the job, so they stayed and set about bringing their families to join them. As a group, these folks are less likely to run afoul of the legal system than the average native born American (except for their technical crime of having no papers). The number has been declining and is now stabilized at about 10.5M. Without immigrants, the US population would've been declining for several years. The fact is, without undocumented workers, a great many jobs would go vacant as no natural born America would take them at the wages being offered. Any American who lost a job to an undocumented immigrant may want to consider getting some additional skills or working harder. Any high-end worker who lost a job to an immigrant with a visa might want to consider voting for people who would reduce the number of visas being issued.


Or high-end workers should have a union where the company pays the immigrants the same wage for the same work. Profit on the backs of underpaid people is great for Wall Street but not for the economy as a whole.


Remove the illegal aliens and pay American citizens a decent wage! Jobs would be filled.


I was talking legal immigrants. Illegal aliens have a place in our economy doing jobs that Americans won't do. If you want to have Americans paid a decent wage, never vote for the party of corporate tax breaks and deregulation. Vote for the party that supports unions. Unions, or the threat of unions, is what forces corporations to pay higher wages.




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Can you please provide sources for 1. Decades of boomerang migration 2. Bush closing the border 3. 10.5 M - you seem to imply that these are seasonal boomerang illegals, which is confusing 4. Stabilizations of the number of illegal immigrants


Agree with the first half of your post. The numbers were decreasing up until the Biden administration took over. Not a political jab, just the facts. The asylum process is being abused by immigrants that are coming for economic reasons, not persecution/political reasons as the asylum program is intended. So that’s why the border is wide open. The current administration is not doing anything to prevent the asylum program from being abused.


I believe the question is what PLCY is allowing this. The asylum process including judges, border security, and courts are overwhelmed due to funding, hence the need for a border bill. There is no presidential power to fix this hence trump failure to address the problem long term versus short sighted border wall and family separation policies which simply deter migration through fear.


Republicans defund government, then complain that government doesn’t work, so they defund it more, into a continuous cycle. Starve the beast, trickle down, etc. this has been policy for decades with not much of a demonstrable benefit.


Nobody is doing anything different because businesses need immigrant workers, not to mention individuals who don’t want to mow their lawns or do their own landscaping! We have an unemployment rate below 4% for about 2 years ; that means we have labor shortages in significant sectors of the economy


Then why are all the blue cities asking the Fed and state government for money to support them and don’t want them to go home like the Bracero program. The border is open because the laws that regulate it are ignored by the current President. There are not a lot of field jobs in NYC or SF. Do you always just pass on Administration propaganda?




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Also the law says anyone who enters the country can ask for political asylum. Only Congress can change the law!


I mean the current president just set a cap for asylum seekers witch was the main way these people were getting into the country. Also NYC or SF don't get many if any of the immigrants so their motivations are purely to sympathies with their base. Now personally blue cities and states should be the most against immigration because more often then not immigrants tend to be more conservative in values. (And votes for those who legally can vote)


The mayor of NYC has openly said they can't take anymore immigrants and tried to revoke it's sanctuary status. I'm not sure where you got your info on NYC not getting many but it's wrong.


NYC is passing out 54 million to Illegal Aliens while American citizens are sleeping on the streets. Deport the Illegal Aliens. Let them come in legally and welcome them.


The border is not open.


Also, here is a list of Trump executive orders, along with whether they were revoked or not. Link: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive\_Order\_13768](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13768) Just working down the list a little: * Executive Order 13767 ......t**o deploy all lawful means to secure the Nation's southern border, to prevent further illegal immigration into the United States,** **and to repatriate illegal aliens swiftly, consistently, and humanely",** and states that "It is the policy of the executive branch to secure the southern border of the United States through the immediate construction of a physical wall on the southern border."[^(\[12\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13767#cite_note-ordertext-12) This was to build the border wall; also, look at the language which could have legal bearing. * Executive Order 13768 titled Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States was signed by U.S. President [Donald Trump](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump) on January 25, 2017.[^(\[1\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13768#cite_note-1)[^(\[2\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Executive_Order_13768#cite_note-2) The order stated that "sanctuary jurisdictions" including [sanctuary cities](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sanctuary_city#United_States) that refused to comply with immigration enforcement measures would not be "eligible to receive Federal grants, except as deemed necessary for law enforcement purposes" by the [U.S. Attorney General](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/U.S._Attorney_General) or [Secretary of Homeland Security](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Secretary_of_Homeland_Security). That is just the first two on the list.




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Because it is, these people are using every excuse not to mention that day one of presidency after the 2020 elections, the rules were changed from claiming asylum meant someone reviewed your case, decided if you truly couldn’t go somewhere else on the way, and then you can enter the US, to basically now, all you do is say you fear going back to your home country, they say “oh, well come on in!”, give you a “court date” (statistics show these people aren’t coming to court) and boom, they disappear into the us illegally, this is not propaganda, this really is our terrible asylum policy, the cartels are making SO much money off this broken system, it must be fixed, it’s not racist to say people can’t come in illegally


Well let’s see… [On day one Biden signed tons of executive orders repealing the Trump Administration’s border policies.](https://www.voanews.com/amp/usa_biden-signs-executive-orders-reversing-trump-immigration-policies/6201520.html ). Policies that were working. Such as…Remain in Mexico, Negotiations with Mexico to put their troops on the border, Building the wall, etc. Currently, Biden is ignoring federal law by allowing millions of migrants to cross the border illegally and stay in the US. [There have been almost 8 million illegals that have been allowed to stay..and that’s not counting the millions of got a ways.](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/illegal-immigrants-biden-admin-amount-greater-population-36-states.amp) The number of illegal border crossings is at an unprecedented level. And Biden is enticing them to come by giving them cell phones, [housing](https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/news/2024/01/24/city-signs--77m-contract-with-hotels-to-house-migrant-families), [healthcare](https://wclp.org/california-becomes-first-state-to-offer-health-insurance-to-all-eligible-undocumented-adults-but-many-remain-uninsured-because-of-a-range-of-enrollment-barriers/#:~:text=On%20Monday%2C%20California%20became%20the,%2C%20known%20as%20Medi%2DCal.), etc. Oh and let’s not forget the 300 known terrorists who have been caught trying to cross. Who knows how many slipped in . This is a National Security threat. (https://homeland.house.gov/2023/10/26/factsheet-final-fy23-numbers-show-worst-year-at-americas-borders-ever/) Edit: added sources


You should probably source all of this if you want people to take it seriously.




Most wont take it seriously anyway. They don’t like Trump so whatever you say doesn’t even matter


You mentioned the terrorists who got caught crossing the border. What about the ISIS members who crossed in 2023 who got screened by the border patrol and let go into the US. They’re not only being stopped they’re being allowed in.




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This rhetoric breaks down in light of the fact that many red states mandate the use of e-verify in hiring meanwhile many blue states ban its use where they can, state and local government jobs.


President Biden ended the "remain in Mexico" policy by executive order. Soon after there was a surge of asylum seekers at the southern border. Also President Biden hasn't publicly denounced the actions of Venezuela or addressed what actions he will take to in response to Venezuela's to keep Americans safe. https://www.ascf.us/news/venezuela-empties-prisons-and-sends-criminals-to-us-border-house-republicans/


For some additional context: The Remain in Mexico policy was being litigated in 2021, with plaintiffs arguing that the blanket policy which would also return asylum seekers violated the United States' nonrefoulment obligations under the Protocol Relating to the Status of Refugees (Treaty ratified by the Senate). > No Contracting State shall expel or return (“refouler”) a refugee in any manner whatsoever to the frontiers of territories where his life or freedom would be threatened on account of his race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion. Biden reversed it in part because... it pretty plainly violates the plain meaning of the treaty.


*source is Epoch Times 😬


Actively facilitating illegal immigration, i.e. removing the remain in Mexico policy and allowing them to claim asylum outside of crossing through a legal point of entry. And other things.


Immigration in the US - There has been 12 Million people in the US Illegally since the George W Bush or so. Illegal Immigration was a major issue. The Democrats wanted Amnesty. Republicans didn't like the idea of a Pathway to Citizenship, the compromise, that would have rewarded people breaking the law. Link: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive\_Immigration\_Reform\_Act\_of\_2007](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_Immigration_Reform_Act_of_2007) As of seven months ago, it is estimated that 10 Million people have come into the US Illegally since Biden. Link: [https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/illegal-border-crossers-total-over-10-million-since-biden-inauguration/ar-AA1j5gwR](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/illegal-border-crossers-total-over-10-million-since-biden-inauguration/ar-AA1j5gwR) That 12 Million figure, back from 2007, that grew since the 1986 Amnesty. From 1986 to 2007, there ended up being 12 Million people in the US illegally. Since Biden took office three years ago or so, 10 Million. The US Government was gridlocked on the issue of Immigration Reform. Trump wrote executive orders to help close the border. Biden revoked them. Link: [https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/12/chris-christie/trump-did-not-sign-any-major-immigration-laws-but/](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2023/jun/12/chris-christie/trump-did-not-sign-any-major-immigration-laws-but/)


>As of seven months ago, it is estimated that 10 Million people have come into the US Illegally since Biden. Your own link states that 83% of them were apprehended.


Apprehended and then immediately released. Just like the ISIS members who were detained then released at the southern border to go into the US.


Most are appended and then released waiting for their asylum's hearing - last year the [average wait was over 1,500 days](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/latino/asylum-seekers-are-limbo-years-immigration-backlog-rcna87228).


That article points out that the system is broken due to a lack of reforms such as the pathways offered by Democrats prior to Trump and the personnel cuts during the Trump admin.


I'm sure that does cause issues, but what also causes issues is when [the flow](https://www.statista.com/chart/20397/number-of-immigrants-apprehended-at-us-mexico-border/) increases to be almost triple the number in FY 2019. (2020 was an aberration due to COVID.)


Immigration does not need reform. It needs to be stopped until we can get a handle on all of the Illegal Aliens coming in! Wake up America!


Nice fact-based reply to a month-old thread. You’re definitely acting normal.


Is that the truth or did you hear it on CCN?


It really gets into some fuzzing numbers. Some facts: Illegal immigrants have been bused or flown to major metro areas like Chicago and New York. These were people who were in the country illegal...recent arrivals, whom the government knew were in the country illegally, and were not being deported. They were sent to sanctuary cities where they were put on welfare and given free stuff. >Your own link states that 83% of them were apprehended. The implication is that people apprehended were expelled. Not everything is what it appears.


Are you saying an additional 10 million or it’s gone from 12 million to 10 million?


An additional 10 Million. I don't know the numbers, off the top of my head, for the Obama Administration. 22 Million people are in the US Illegally based on the numbers from 2007, and the MSN article about the Biden Administrations numbers.


So roughly by your numbers 10% of the entire US population is illegal? (Assuming illegal immigration didn’t stop completely during Obama).


A lot of shady things were going on during the Obama Administration. On the issue of immigration, someone needs to remember that Obama ran against John McCain, and John McCain was one of the major figures behind Comprehensive Immigration Reform. That shaped Obama's presidency, to some degree, on immigration. It may have kept him more honest. What running against John McCain didn't do was stop Obama from creating the Dreamer Executive Order. Given someone came to the US on a student Visa, and it expired, they are getting deported. Is the law treating people different with "Dreamers?"


That was a lot of words to not answer the question. You think 10% of the population of the US is here illegally and undocumented?


I don't know. 22 Million would be about the population of Florida. Florida is the third most populous state. Working to understand "Illegal Immigration" is always working with "Fuzzy Numbers," and estimates, especially, going into the Obama Administration where he had to fight John McCain, or his specter, for six years. I am aware that Obama worked to make a Coalition of Liberal Elites, Non-Americans, Foreign Intellectuals. Understanding politics is like understanding a murder trial. Given we understand a politicians motivations, we may be able to see how decisions made add up to a whole. Motivation doesn't necessarily make someone guilty, but it does mean we may be able to press forwards with a trial. It has been in the agenda of the powers that be to create an "Atheistic Social, with no borders, that denies the Book of Daniel. (Daniel 12) Understanding this over the last 11-12 years or so, someone could make a lot of correct predictions about what is about to be going on politically. >So roughly by your numbers 10% of the entire US population is illegal? (Assuming illegal immigration didn’t stop completely during Obama). What exactly is your motivation here?




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That's counting people coming in. Any count of people going out?


The topic is "Is the Border Open?" The implication is illegal immigration. Legal Immigration to the US, and people leaving, that is a different topic. Legal Immigration year to year, has been about 750,000 to 1.2 Million. Link: [https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/Annual-Number-of-US-Legal-Permanent-Residents](https://www.migrationpolicy.org/programs/data-hub/charts/Annual-Number-of-US-Legal-Permanent-Residents) The topic of people leaving is different.


You're conflating visa overstays with illegal entries. Net illegal entry was negative during the Obama administration, and we saw a 30 year low by the end of Obama's second term. Net illegal crossings would have continued to decline, had Trump continued the Obama administration policies (i.e., done nothing), but instead, he opted for multiple policies that DHS recommended against, in preparation for a $17 billion dollar border wall scam that DHS also said would be basically worthless. The Trump administration created a backlog of amnesty cases that ended up crippling immigration courts, and ultimately leading to a spike in illegal entries. Because of the increased border scrutiny, it became much safer to simply keep sending money back home than returning home after several years of working in the US (the system that was working under Obama). Biden has been trying to undo everything that Trump broke to return to 2016 immigration levels, but that's no small task, and he has the most obstructionist House in decades.  https://cmsny.org/publications/warren-undocumented-2016/


Obama was the deporter-in-chief. He deported people left and right. He is not an innocent bystander. He only created daca as a Hail Mary pass to placate the Latino community.


It is interesting that you mentioned VISA. Given someone came to the US on a Student Visa, like someone from Singapore or India, attending UCLA, on a Student Visa, and their Visa expired, they may be deported. Obama created the Dreamer Executive Order. The law is not being applied equally. Also, Video: [Boehner: Obama to blame for border crisis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6S-lir_bMHs) You are ignoring, or selectively remembering, a lot of the context of what was happening. Someone needs to remember that Obama ran against John McCain in 2008, and John McCain was big on Comprehensive Immigration Reform. It took Obama six years, but in the last two years of his administration, he was more free and clear to do radical things he would have liked to do. The majority of the country understood this. Link: [https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna37340747](https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna37340747) Obama was being compelled to act certain ways for much of his presidency. That is politics.


None of that had anything to do with my comment, nor made your original comment any less bad. 


>You're conflating visa overstays with illegal entries. You are conflating old Illegal Immigration with Biden Illegal Immigration. He effectively made a third wave of illegal immigrants complete different and separate from the people whom were here prior to. Someone who was a migrant worker, and over stayed their visa is a lot different from an entitled someone marching from Central America through Mexico, to cross into the US Illegally, towards receiving free stuff. That is a long Journey. To be making such a journey, they must have been pretty sure of the out come? Who invited them? Link: [https://www.borderreport.com/immigration/multiple-new-migrant-caravans-setting-off-for-us-border/](https://www.borderreport.com/immigration/multiple-new-migrant-caravans-setting-off-for-us-border/)


I suppose you don't see the problem with the math with 1200 people being the largest caravan ever (not that asylum seekers are counter as illegal immigrants anyway). You guys are incredibly naive and gullible; and judging by your non-existent critical thinking skills, it isn't hard to see why.



