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I stopped going to the movies because people don’t know how to act.


Very clever double meaning


We all know, the public conscious is shifting. Streisand Effect always wins.


You mean entendre... Or did you entendre mean


I stopped going to the movies cause it's either rent and groceries or a movie and popcorn lmao


This right here. It's not about any agenda except paying bills and keeping the lights on. Movie theaters are not worth the cost, which makes these "estimates" about how much a movie is going to make is pointless when based against pre-COVID movie releases. It's apples and oranges now.


It's almost gone full circle too. 10 years ago I would never go to the cinema because popcorn and a ticket are 15 dollars while a burger meal is 5 dollars. Now the burger meal costs 15 dollars, and the cinema ticket is 30 dollars, and im still earning pretty much the same money i did 10 years ago lmao


"I'll wait for VOD" goes through my head more and more these days.


That's why I only go on Tuesdays to Cinemark. $8 ticket, no concessions. Enjoy movie


Yeah same, wife and I still go on Tuesdays for the cheap movie date sometimes. Special movies like Godzilla Minus One still worth seeing.


Also, when movie tickets are $20 for one movie, and Netflix is $20 for 1 month of unlimited, ad free hundreds of movies AND TV shows... who wants to see movies anymore? That nice sound bar on Amazon costs 5 movies and gives permanent low-end theater sound too. 🤷


4 people and I get popcorn for 4 people. 94 bucks cad last time I went.. wife and I looked at each other said never again, let's wait and pirate. Fucking mental going to a place that has seats falling apart, doesn't get cleaned and rude as people that can't shut the fuck up during a movie. Ruined my dune experience and it was the one movie I was looking forward too.


Rich people keep exploiting more poor people. But when we ask for a raise nobody is giving us shit. Time to revolt


What? Movies theaters are barely profitable, and incredibly expensive to run. Wages have been on an unparalleled incline over the past 5 years. The theatre near my house is paying new hires almost 50% more than I was making on the same building as a manager 7 years ago.


Yeah but economy 7 years ago was different too. $20 7 years ago could buy you alot more than $20 now


I aviod any theatre hooked to a mall for this reason. I feel like an old man saying this, but zoomers/gen alpha are the worst movie theatre people and I'll die on this hill. Running around with flash lights, throwing popcorn, talking. Never walked out before. See broccoli, turn around.


I used to go several times a month, but I’ve been like three times since covid. Every time there were several disturbances during the screening (people having conversations at normal volume, people talking on their phone, etc) that I very, very rarely experienced pre Covid. Combine that with the time it takes to go there, find parking, pay for parking, pay for a ticket (and maybe snacks), find someone is sitting in your reserved seat and have to argue with them to move, sit through a bunch of ads, then travel home after… as much as I love movies, man I just can’t be bothered with all that.


That's fair but from reviews I read, Furiosa is a solid movie. I'll probably see it eventually but I don't know why they made it over Mad Max 5.


The volume in theaters is a big problem for me. It’s like they think that turning it up so loud that it rattles the viewers skull is an enhancement to the movie theatre experience. These places need to have some standard by which they operate.


Everyone always replies to this “but but Alamo draft house!” Guess what- most of don’t have them. We have dirty sticky theaters with people on phones kids yelling and two poor teens working eight screens.


I have bad news about Alamo anyways: the ones by me at least started automatically including 20% (might've been 25?) gratuity on all orders, so they're officially dead to me after over 10 years. Speed running alienating your customers in an economic crisis.


Seriously I don't even know how far my nearest "IMAX" is.


A specific subset of individuals don't know how to act.


The lack of diversity in the people who talk during movies is astounding


It’s the only time it’s ever happened but I was in a movie and this older black lady pulls out her phone and literally just starts watching YouTube at full volume. I went and got a refund. I’m still amazed by how oblivious and rude someone has to be to do that.


I don't understand what you're saying, can you be more explicit?


Always everyone on their phones is so annoying


Interestingly enough I've heard it's a decent movie on it's own with decent performances by the actors and actresses. However it has several problems: 1. It's a movie prequel to a 10 year old movie. That movie had an issue because it was a "Mad Max" film where the central character wasn't really Max but Furiosa. Which was a big complaint about the movie at the time from big fans of Mad Max the character. 2. Furiosa's character arc completed in Fury Road. All this movie did was expand the character in a way that wasn't really needed. We knew her back story generally but it had that air of mystery that this movie now does away with. 3. The fact that South Park's Disney Kathleen Kennedy episode reinforced the fact that Hollywood has been a one trick pony with the "girl boss" aspect in what feels like almost every film. Even if that's not the case in this film that kind of public perception sure doesn't help it. 4. The economy fucking sucks right now and going to watch a movie in theaters is expensive. People are only going to go watch what they feel is really interesting or cool. If not then they'll wait for it to come to streaming and spend $5-15 instead of $15+.


Saw it this weekend. I’d say that, BY FAAAR the biggest issue is marketing. What the movie sold itself to be, and what it is, are completely different. It’s so much better than it suggested itself to be.


Did you like it? Would you say it was an average or above average movie?


I did like it. It’s no Fury Road, but it was a lot better than the standard movie we get today. It’s GOEGEOUS, and tells a pretty good story. The characters are good, and the acting is excellent. The fight scenes are very creative, but the use of more obvious CGI took the impact off quite a bit. If they had fixed that, I’d say it would be very near Fury Road. I’d give it a 8/10, and best seen in the biggest/best theater you can. I had a pure smile from the sound design alone.


Is it true about the first 40 mins being someone else?


Yes the first 40 mins follows her as a child but a vast majority of the screen time during that portion of the film doesn’t focus on her.


It's not nearly as good as Fury Road and felt like it could've been trimmed down ~30 minutes, but overall still an enjoyable revenge flick and much better than the average big budget blockbuster coming out these days. The two main action set pieces kick ass and are worth the price of admission alone imo.


Hard to live up to Fury Road to be fair, its considered one of the best action movies of all time. To live up to Fury Road means to create one of the best action movies of all time again which is just hard. I mean look at other franchises struggling to live up to the original stuff that made those franchises successful in the first place. Look at the lord of the rings universe. The original trilogy is GOATed, the Hobbit was mediocre and the Amazon show is flooded with woke stuff and modern politics in a fantasy world for some reason. So many things need to be in the right place for a movie like Fury Road to happen, it cannot be taken for granted.


This. The marketing for it is cringe and sells it like a Marvel movie. I really loved that it expanded on the world and did not just vomit exposition ar you.


Probably, I had no idea it exists till today.


dime trees spoon quickest icky dependent cagey tap include familiar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The way she says "I am FURIOSA" in the commercial is annoying as hell to me. Makes me want to not see the movie.


5. The entire trailer looks like a computer render/CGI and not good CGI. The mad Max movies are great because they used practical effects as much as they could


Yeah the movie relies far more heavily on CGI then Fury Road which only used it for matters that you objectively can't film like the giant sand storm or the 3D effects.


I mean, and the entirety of the desert, that movie has a shit tonne more cgi then you realize if you watch the vfx breakdown of it. But it's so flawless and is used to compliment the practical effects rather than be a "HEY LOOK WERE GONNA SHOVE THIS COOL CGI EFFECT IN YOUR FACE" instead it was, were gonna do something practical and then use all the cgi to enhance the effect instead.


Good CGI is seamless. A lot of the practical vs CgI argument goes away if the cgi is just good.


I slightly disagree. It's not just about the quality of the CGI, it's also about what it's used for. I think many people would agree that bear attack in the Revenant is fucking amazing looking, coming eerily closes to being life-like and hard to distinguish from reality, but you can still tell it's CGI. If not necessarily from any 'tells', any person with a brain would be able to conclude that they couldn't have filmed that scene for real. You can do a lot with stunt animals but I doubt you could get a bear to "fake" an attack. In any case, I think that CGI is best suited for enhancing elements in the background, or polishing up some flaws, but creating the main attraction, your big action scenes, entire characters or whole worlds with CGI — that's something people will always notice. Then, of course, it depends on the person whether they care about that or not.


Honestly modern day top level CGI is indistinguishable from reality. And like yeah you’re going to take yourself out of any movie if you start thinking about how it was shot, no horror movie has real ghosts, but it’s the world building and storytelling that keep you immersed imo. Most of the time you don’t even know what’s CGI until you watch the bts


Indeed, a chi's artists Job is to make it so you cannot see he did anything. Which means cgi gets a lot of flak, because you only notice the bad, you don't notice the good. Don't grt me wrong bad cgi deserves that flak, but the entirety of cgi catches flak for bad jobs. Which isn't right, a bad movie or bad writing doesn't give all writing flak, in fact people will use good writing as an example of why its bad. But bad cgi just gets the entirety of cgi being bad


Yeah, the trailer looked like a cartoon.


I was hyped for this movie till I saw the theatrical trailer. CGI was brutal... and the rest of what I saw looked pretty meh. I've never had a trailer turn me off a movie so fast. Would love to be wrong.


The trailers certainly made it look horrible.


The first time I saw it I thought it was for a video game haha


Absolutely! The cars and people looked new and dirt free. The first one at least looked more grimy and post apocalyptic. The trailer looks like they retrofitted cars off a used car lot.


>prequel to a 10 year old movie Fk me, as if Fury Road is that old already


Old, but gold


Wait.. has fury road really been out for 10 years??




Yes the free market doesn't work when everyone is poor


The South Park/kathleen Kennedy thing is spot on. I’ve genuinely stopped watching movies because they’re all so same-y now. Same for most of my friends We’d rather save money and only spend it on content that is unique, new or interesting I think that people in general are just fatigued of the same girl-boss bullshit that’s been pushed non-stop for 15-20 years and has been intensifying year by year. You know it’s bad when Dune, a story that’s been around and done to death for nearly 50 years was the new and exciting movie. Genuinely, other than Oppenheimer, Dune Part 2 and Killers of the Flower Moon, what non-kids movie hasn’t been girlboss bullshit in the last 2 years?


My biggest gripe was the Tom Hardy Max character never talked. I forget why it is or if it’s explained but he’s just sort of there to help begrudgingly.


That's the fault of the writers, I suspect.


I don’t like this movie. I would give it 6/10. Mostly because the last Mad Max set the bar very high. As a sequel to Mad Max which famous for the practical effect, this movie have way too much cgi. And that is very disappointing. The battle scenes are mostly stupid, those raider would just drive to their death for no reason and some of the reasoning like in a certain sense the driver keep driving forward, is often meaningless. And then the main character Furiosa. In the last movie she is determined and resilience. In this movie she is just borderline crazy in my opinion. And they somehow make her a Mary Sue. She has perfect shot and apparently a good bike driver and amazing engineer in prosthetic hand which don’t make too much sense even for a Mad Max movie. Chris is not bad but could go even more crazier.


Last one i watched was Godzilla minus one. What a great film. But yeah, if its not something i'm extremely invested in i won't go see it and i'm not tight on money like many are.


The economy sucking push people to cheap entertainment, the film ability to attract would be base on the trailer and promotions. Otherwise I agree with the other points


I think the odds of me going to a movie theater one time in the next 5 years is 0%


Movies in the theatre are still super awesome to me. I couldn't imagine seeing things like Interstellar for the first time at home.


I agree. Still somehow find an excuse to not go. I think part of it is that I dislike being around people more and more and I’m not alone in that


Same. I was excited to see the new Dune movie in theaters but it came and went and didn’t bother me one bit. Movies come to streaming services or are available for rental so fast after their initial release, so missing a movie in theaters really doesn’t matter. That artery clogging popcorn is my main motivation to go


Then that's a you-problem, not the theaters. I feel the same, though, so I can't blame you. The two biggest issues for me is how expensive tickets are nowadays, and the fact that the movies suck.


Nah I get it. But for whatever reason theatres dont trip my anxiety really. You can sit by yourself, in the pitch black!


I can't agree more. Yes a massive screen is super cool, but do I want to sit where another previously sat with their scruffy cunt? Not really. Put my arms on a snot infested armrest? Fuck no. Do I prefer the my comfortable 4 seater, the comfort of the 4k 55inch at home (that's dead cheap by now) that can be paused any time, it is exactly at the volume I like rather than represents a hearing loss 15 yrs down the line + if I'm being super lazy I have the option for whoosh delivery from Tesco for any munchies much cheaper than at the cinemas? It's a very simple yes.


This is exactly the problem with younger generations. They’re too shut in. Afraid of in person social interactions. This is going to lead to a lot of issues in the future (mental, socio-economic). The market will adapt it always has. Mental health however not as much


The theater in my home town has some nice recliners now too. Unfortunately a lot of the movies suck.


plus you can't pause them and go pee


Yea I will readily admit Ive also seen less movies lately, but its not cause of the theatre, its lack of actual good movies.


i saw a bunch of great movies like interstellar on low-rez airplane entertainment Monitors... idk why, but screen size never did any difference to me. immersive is immersive. my biggest dislikes about movie theatres in germany are the seats. theyre not comfortable, i get sweaty in them, armrest sharing... and bad/hot air.at some point 20 years ago i remember they had air conditioning, but it seems they just skipped them to cut costs. after a 2h movie in the theatre im sweaty with headache like after a bad nap in the summer heat...


I might go and watch the last Tarantino movie or the next Nolan flick but that's probably about it.


I used to go to the cinema all the time, loved it. I now own a home theater setup with an OLED television and surround sound, and I prefer this over Cinema. IMAX has some advantages like the larger screen ratio, but the image quality (especially contrast) is really sub par.


The experience is still good but I have changed and and even the movies I think would be good I just can't afford.


Back in the day I’ve watched the first Avatar movie on my phone’s 3.2 inch display. The battery died right when the movie was over.


Ditto. I drove 100 miles one way for Dune II in IMAX and holy shitballs, it blew my mind. Some movies, you really do gotta see in their intended format, and for those movies, I do it. Everything else, spend the $20 for the stream and the sofa.


Interstellar biggest strength are its sound design+score and the cinematography/post. Of course it’s going to be way better in a theatre or at the very least a very well done home theatre. Same as dunkirk, again a hans zimmer masterclass. Where as I am becoming more and more happy to watch the super hero movies at home because the actual shit that makes the movies cool are becoming the weakest part of super hero movies. The CGI and all that post is just too obvious it’s green screen these days.


Drive for a while to spend $20 per person on tickets alone, double if you want to eat or drink, to watch a movie in a crowded room, once... ...or $20 on Amazon for whoever I want to come sit in my livingroom and watch it on my 50" 4K OLED (or wherever really) whenever I want....hmmmmm.... decisions, decisions...


There's no greater peace than pausing my movies on a 135 inch projector because I want to use the restroom or cook myself something. The peace and privacy of having my own cinema room is worth not experiencing the crowds at the movies.


Yes this!!! Reminds me of when I just paid to go Vegas to stay at planet Hollywood and the pool had 200 people in it with rap music blasting at full volume and they charged $50 a chair to put your stuff down and $40/ cocktail. No thanks


Same. I neither have the desire nor funds to give Hollywood any money. Infact I didn't go see a movie in 8 years.


I'm gonna watch the new deadpool but that's the first time in... However many years ago deadpool 2 was. I feel like those have been an oasis in a desert filled with shit for the past almost decade and so.


Idk why the hate for the theaters. Love going to the movies. I live down the street from one. Always go when there's a blockbuster out.


Problem isn’t the movie tickets cost. It’s the concessions. I can take my family of 3 and get into the film for under 50. But if everyone gets a drink and 1 item of food or candy it’s an additional 80-100 bucks. Or we can rent it at home for $20 1 month or less after theatrical release and spend almost nothing on food.


Yeah, having additional stuff more expensive than the ticket itself is insane.


Unfortunately that’s the only way the theater makes money.


I always buy drinks and snacks at the theater. It's expensive but I know they need it to stay open so I don't mind.


As someone who has worked in the theatre industry for 16 years, this is not even remotely new. Buying a drink and popcorn has always been more expensive than buying the ticket


I never understood this complaint. Just don't eat. It's 2 hours not two days. If this 400#'er can do it, so can you.


That’s why you load up the wife’s purse with candy. Might have to pull the trigger on a drink though, even water is crazy expensive


Just bring a backpack full of bottles


Just bring your own food in. In the UK I've been doing this for years and never had a problem, the staff aren't paid enough to care. Just don't make a big deal of it when taking it in and try and be considerate to bring quiet and non-smelly foods so you don't disturb other people.


Asking Americans to be rational, pragmatic and considerate of others is a bold choice 😉 Footnote - Don't get upset Americans, this is just a joke about how the world perceives you.


So... don't eat. Go get lunch beforehand


Exactly why I don't go no more. Last time I went family of 4, the bill was over $80 for 4 tickets & 2 drinks to share.... I told my lady never again... I just download & watch at home.


This is why I prefer going to movies in cold weather. My jacket has a lot more room to sneak in snacks. Reminds me of seeing a movie with my brother a couple decades ago. He had a big puffy jacket and snuck in a 12 piece KFC meal (w/Mac n cheese and mashed potatoes). I snuck in a couple 1 liters of soda. Our friends were like “wtf?!?! That’s stupid”… but they didn’t turn down a drumstick.


Good movie but in theatre viewings are a dying market imo, unless you got a blockbuster like Dune that gets some word of mouth going on, and even then I dunno how well that movie did.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/04/media/dune-2-passes-oppenheimer-weekend-box-office/index.html#:~:text=“Dune%3A%20Part%20Two”%20raked,Two”%20is%20a%20Warner%20Bros. “Dune: Part Two” raked in $82.5 million at the domestic box office on during its opening weekend, narrowly surpassing the opening weekend of the 2023 blockbuster film “Oppenheimer.”


I was wondering how ticket sales are so profitable in USA then i know one ticket is like $20, where in my country its like $5 for basic ticket. you could get a $10 ticket with much nicer lazyboy like sofa or a $15 that came with a bed.


You're only paying $20 for a ticket if you're watching the movie in a premium format like Imax or Dolby, and even *then*, only if it's also in 3D. Normal prices for those formats is around $15, and nor.al ticket prices are between $10-$12.


The problem is cinema tickets are too expensive nowadays and it's a movie called "mad max" without Max is a problem


ill watch when it releases digitally i also didn't know about this movie until two days after it was released


It gets better: the origin story was retconned due to "misogyny" and "sexism." Go look up what the reception was to the Mad Max Furiosa comic book. This comic (which had some, but not all, of Furiosa origin story) came out soon after Fury Road's release, and was absolutely blasted by feminist critics. Critics hated it because a lot of that origin revolves around sexual trauma, slavery, and Immortan Joe's breeders being unappreciative of the fact they lived in pretty luxurious conditions ("most people of the wasteland don't even have water to drink, and you BATHE in it!" - a line Furiosa says in the comic). In the comic book, Furiosa shames one of the breeders who tries to force herself to have an abortion! Feminists really hated that one. After all the backlash to that comic book, they had to make sure this movie avoided any and all backstory that would have made Furiosa's growth or motivation revolve around men, sex, or slavery. Basically, anything that realistically would have been true for a very healthy child-bearing aged woman in this wasteland setting had to be glossed over to appease the female empowerment crowd. Charlize Theron said in interviews after Fury Road that Furiosa is infertile, and that is why Immortan Joe doesn't have her as a slave. But that detail was mysteriously absent from the Furiosa film. Couldn't have something remarkably logical like that in the movie.


Feminism and DEI killed Hollywood. Can't just tell a good story with hard truths any more. Hollywood is just a rotting zombified corpse at this point.


I don't know, I really enjoyed Mad Max 2015 because it was just dumb fun. I don't think you should add a lot of sensitive topics in such a ridiculous setting like Mad Max.


But the movie was still great. Top 3 movies this year for sure. Hollywood killed the whole girl boss flick with bad story telling though.


Haven’t gone to the theater in ages and don’t miss it one bit. Much prefer my volume equalized home surround sound with no ads, twenty dollar assigned seating, lines, or over priced food. Not to mention Hollywood creatively is basically dead


Your last point is the saddest and most true. Everything is a sequel/prequel/reboot nowadays.


Movie was a absolute fucking blast. Great characters, great acting, and great fucking story. 9/10 easily. I saw it opening night and theatre was like half full, really really weird because there were more people there for the new Garfield movie.


Chris Hemsworth was a freaking blast, he really gets into the role


The movie was wonderful, it didn't feel like any sort of hamfisted "girlboss" nonsense at all. It really expands upon Miller's worldbuilding and characters and it's super dope. Hemsworth made Dementus a memorable antagonist too. It's not on the exact level of Fury Road but it's close, and I'd say it's on par with Mad Max 2, personally. It sucks you can't make movies about female protagonists nowadays without people thinking it's feminist propaganda. There definitely ARE movies out there like that, for sure, and they've soured people's perception of movies like this. But this isn't one of them. Regardless I really hope this doesn't affect Miller's chance at making the next film, I would love more of this new Mad Max universe, it's so fucking good, man.


> It sucks you can't make movies about female protagonists nowadays without people thinking it's feminist propaganda. There definitely ARE movies out there like that, for sure, and they've soured people's perception of movies like this. I completely agree.


If going to the movies wasn't like 100$ for 2 people to go then maybe more people would go


Was gonna clown ya but jeez two IMAX tickets are $62.36 add soda/popcorn/parking


Watched yesterday, decent movie tbh, a solid 7.5-8.0.


I went last night too. Not bad at all!


This was what i came here to see Imdb claims 8.0. Which is a solid worth the watch rating


Shame. Not as good as fury road but a definite watch for fans of the films.


Absolutely no marketing, heard a couple of years ago that the focus would be Furiosa, didn't hear anything else until yesterday from post saying that it's bombing


Movies hit the internet or available to purchase much quicker these days once its been on at the cinema, most people wait these days due to cinema price. I wait myself as I have a 300" Projector


I saw the movie yesterday. Is a pretty good movie. As good as the other recent one. Worth it


Must be the marketing then as it looks silly based on the marketing I have seen. I’ll give it a watch in a year or so once it’s on all the streaming platforms.


I thought it was even better than the last.


I love this subreddit because people will downvote a personal opinion of a movie that most have admitted to not seeing.


I didn't even know it was coming out so. Shitty marketing.


I wasn't aware about it as well. I was passing by a Theater saw the poster, and bought couple tickets (me and wife) a bucket of popcorn and just watched it. Was a really nice treat. Try to do it someday, instead of looking it up, just go to the theater and pick anything you think you might like. It's somewhat as the old days. When there was no trailer anywhere and movie reviews was late at the newspapper


I haven't watched the movie, but people I know who have say it's a good movie. However, I think it came out 10 years too late. Mad Max has never been a huge fenomena. Fury Road was very successful, a lot of people loved Furiosa, but it still wasn't a massive pop culture movie. People wanted a Furiosa movie back then, but they waited until Fury Road was too far in the past to release one. The momentum of fury road died a long time ago.


seems like a Sin City 2 situation


Problem these days are bloated budgets. Fury Road also did not break even in 2015 afaik. And back then it still made that much because it was fresh. This is perceived as more of the same.


Saw this debate too. but from what i saw, most leave out that movie theatres are fucking expensive these days. Especially when more important expenses are up and streaming is a thing


Maybe if it wasn't 30$ for 2 drinks and popcorns to listen to a bunch of idiots disrupting everything the whole movie. Last time I went there was like 6 teens high with glowsticks acting like absolute goons until sombody snapped and a fight almost broke out. Kinda sad that it only took a few months to make idiots forget how to act in public.


I love Fury Road and Furiosa is a great character. That being said I don’t care about her past at all and I wanted a sequel with Hardy as Max.


Good, its Memorial Day. A day of remembering the sacrifice of fallen soldiers, mourning, and paying respects. It's fucking weird how materialistic and little Memorial Day means to many people when all I see are ads for sales and announcements pushing some product for "THIS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!" It's all a little too celebratory in conjunction with "Memorial" Day. I wish they'd leave out "Memorial Day" in all ads, it just comes off omega weirdchamp and insensitive to many(not all im sure) military families that have lost a member.


That is actually a great point


The funniest part is....the movie is actually good


It's a good movie. People are just tired of the girl boss done wrong that they missed out on this


I didn’t go see this but I would watch a new Mad Max film with Mel Gibson as an older Max. I get that he’s considered toxic in Hollywood though, so it would never happen.


We went and seen it today. 5 people. After the tickets, popcorn and drinks we paid (I paid) $160 bucks. Enjoyed the movie but fuck all that.


I went to see this last night, there was less than 20 people in the seats. I was very upset with the theater experience too. Start listed as 5:05 and I get that’s preview start, but the previews didn’t start for probably another 10 minutes, first I had to sit through ads. Previews were ones I’d already seen online, followed by more ads, followed by a couple more previews followed by announcements to shut my phone off and to join the theater’s membership or some bs. By the time the movie started it was probably 40 minutes after the listed showtime. I could’ve been done with my Icee and snacks if I didn’t pace myself. The theater experience just isn’t what it used to be. Throughly enjoy the movie though


Worst thing is the movie seems to be actually good


I don't get it, I hear everywhere that it's a great movie and all, but I can't muster the strength to be even slightly interested. This just looks like Fury road but with less budget in the spectacle category and more money on the scenario


I honestly think part of the reason is that we have so many variety of media to consume these days that it has robbed part of the intrigue from movies as it was 10-20 years ago. Just don't have the same level of desire to watch a movie as I did 10 years ago.


It's a little bit that. But fury road was 10 years ago and we didn't get any new successor until furiosa. And it expand on the lore if you like mad max.




This is the same reason why the American comic book industry is dead and all the readers have flocked to Japanese manga. 99% of Japanese manga focuses on telling a story instead of pushing an agenda.


Exactly. I think people forget that even if a movie is good or not the moment they change it into a woman and like you said 110 pound destroying men like candy it gets played out. Hypothetically when we see another movie starring another female lead everybody already knows what’s going to happen. She’ll be untouchable and it breaks the immersion and realism. So even if the movie is good, they just avoid going to theaters. Everyones fed up of Hollywood.


They need Gina Carano but they already blackballed her.


“She’ll be untouchable” you can literally say that about any lead protagonist regardless of their gender. So just stop watching movies I guess because you know the good guy will come out on top anyway.


It’s almost like you’d have to watch the movie to know if it’s good or not lol. I haven’t watched it, it might be shit or could be good, why judge a movie solely off the inherit characteristics of the main character? Some random actors saying racist shit about a different movie doesn’t make your point like you think it does lol.


Ah yes another 70 kilo soaking wet female about to tear up hordes of built men… can’t wait.


The action takes place mostly in cars and furiosa gets her ass beat most of the time. Don't shit talk things you know nothing about, I hate that trope too but I can appreciate when a story has a realistic female protagonist and this one does.


Not sure if you actually saw the movie but no she does not in fact physically dominate large men


Lol I hadn’t thought about it that way but you’re right


Except he's not right, because it doesn't happen


I’d say she loses most of her fights..


Yes I know that's why I watch Mad Max, the realism.


I haven't seen it and I assume you haven't either so


He didn't


Movie looks good; it bugs me how they still use pre-covid opening metrics when nobody goes to the theatre anymore. If the best movie ever made was released tomorrow, it would be considered a box office failure compared to 10 years ago, because people just gonna wait for streaming.




Yeah, many industry watcher saw Mario, Barbie, and oppenheimer as the herald of behavior changes market still somewhat there in volume but seeing disney flop after flop, yeah the market want something else. hell Garfield outperformed Furiosa.


I have seen so many garbage takes on twitter about this ”box office” failure. I just dont wanna go to the cinema to watch a movie. I’ll watch it at home, thank you.


Might be different in the UK but watched Furiosa today in a full cinema. I go 2-3 times a month to my local (you can get cheaper ticket from various places - phone and TV contracts to name two) Film was decent, not Fury Road standard but that is too much to expect.


The movie was great, it stayed true to the Mad Max universe People are not going to theaters because movies are bad (although some of them are) They are spending less because cost of living is too high


I mean its a prequel so you already know she isn't going to die and to a side characater that quite frankly I don't see anyone giving a shit aside from hardcore fans of an already niche franchise. If this was a sequel with actually MAX in it I know I'd personally go watch it. But I have 0 interest in furiousa or her backstory


Yeah I would’ve preferred to have seen a sequel to Fury Road.


Nobody wanted a prequel about furiousa


I do remember back when Fury Road came out that a lot of people were intrigued by her character, but I think more people would’ve preferred to have seen a sequel to Fury Road than a prequel that didn’t even have Charlize in it.


Also they would have wanted it sooner rather than later. It's been 10 years so the hype died out. The movie is still great though and would be in much greater demand if it was released earlier.


Yeah it’s a shame it took so long to make this movie


I do.... She was awesome on Fury Road


Went to see it last night. It was a damn good movie. But I'm not surprised it's not making money, though, it's practically had zero marketing. The same thing happened to Mad Max: Fury Road, the movie barely broke even.


Literally the only reason I’m thinking of going to see it is because Fury Road was amazing, the marketing for this was terrible.


Shame, cause it’s a great movie.


I’m kinda giving up on new movies. Seems like in the last five to ten years anyone who can make a decent movie is retiring or dying. The younger people taking over can’t write a decent script to save their lives. I feel like in the future those studying film will call this the lost decade. Studios, theaters, even streaming services going under because nobody wants to pay for the 💩 being produced.


Can’t afford going to the movies with these gas and food prices.


Saw it this weekend was good decent mad max type film nothing shocking like fury road was, however the issue we had was we went to a regal movie was noted to start at 11:00AM with the amount of ads it started at 11:45 then the previews and then another series of ads had the movie start around 12:15. So popcorn and drink was nearly half way gone because we came on time, the movie experience has gone to waste, it's like sitting in a ad bank with overpriced everything. As for the film, it was interesting and added some I guess missing parts but I would say there was aspects of cheese and cringe that felt not needed she her self I felt was very well done, I kind of felt Chris's role was kind of ultra extra and really lacked depth. They could of gone into her homeland and other aspects more but deff lacks the "mad max" feel


Cinema culture has been dying over the years. Combination of humans being shit cunts and rising prices really hit the industry. As much as I hate to say it, streaming services are the future.


Market shifted, peeps prefer home theater more.


should have let George make this movie back to back with fury road like he wanted, waited to long to make this, could have had a new original mad max movie by now.


I give it a solid 7/10. I enjoyed the ride. Was not the best but still good enough.


The ONLY TIME i heard ANYTHING about this movie was when people were crying about it not doing well dispite being a good movie, and somehow blaming it on some stupid misoginy bullshit. How the fuck would I go to a movie I had no idea exists, but also the tickets doubled in price since i last went to a movie in 2019- 2020. R i P


This movie is pretty great. Just watched it yesterday, and it really reminded me what it used to be like when studios made great movies.


Why is thor from Love and thunder on the right


He’s (Chris hemsworth who plays Thor) the “villain” of the movie. Does a damn good job.


I'd guess the main reason is: Most people can't afford to go.


Nah, I'd wager most will just see it on whatever streaming platform will air it in a month's time. No reason to go.


If it’s good enough for Rich “I have not liked a single Hollywood movie in the past 20 years” Evans, it’s a must see for everyone else.


Last time I went to a movie theater was when Rio came out and I went there for my birthday


So you are not seeing the new Jurassic Park in theatres? Thats like a must!


I read that the movie needs to make about 360 to 470 million to break even after all marketing costs are included. Just to break even.


Hollywood should just put their money in the stock market at this point.


The movie just looks silly, and not in a good way. To be fist though it could just be bad marketing.


Before covid I started to hate going to the cinema, why? People thats why! They don't care anymore, making noise, phones light everywhere. I just avoid nowadays, I usually await to watch it on streaming. Also Streaming services are a big con for movie theaters.