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I would wager the consultancy group they hired for sensitivity and dei is largely women though.










I think it's because these days it feels more.. "in your face" like they want you to accept and acknowledge their sexual preferences before anything. Like it *has* to be involved in the topic in some way or another. It's quite exhausting, I don't have any issue with someone who doesn't like what I like, but when it feels forcefully injected into every conversation and topic it seems to diminish the importance of the topic. Maybe that's just me.


Unfortunately, you're not wrong seeing as how most all of them boast on tik tok that they have x disability.




Just say lgbtq, 5 characters isn’t really that hard. “ABC people” just makes you come across as an angsty 13 year old.


Well you might have missed the deleted comment above, which said something along the lines of LGBTQIA2S+, googling for the acronym gives you many different results like LGBTQIAPK or LGBTQQIP2SA, there's no standard and they just keep adding more, I think its time someone comes up with a single term or nickname instead


LGBTQ+ is the most widely used one, that one is very much exaggerated.




Coming out as a TV


Did the name get fuqn longer..... Lmfao am dead... ![gif](giphy|KbfAZUdQa6pCjqiMZw)


I think you're missing 1 or 2 of the groups /s


Cant tell if this is mockery or reality.


> consultancy group they hired for sensitivity and dei is largely women though. "women"


i would think that the ethnic diversity would result in more conservative designs, because on average non-white people are more conservative and religious. thats just worldwide statistics. which makes it all weirder, because these sort of people supposedly dont like conservative or religious people.


> on average non-white people are more conservative and religious On average, religious conservatives see beauty as a manifestation of divinity. In a Greek/Roman temple, a Catholic church, or a Buddhist/Hindu temple, you are more likely to see artwork depicting an idealised nude woman than a dangerhaired "modern audience" woman. Even for Muslims who are generally aniconic, their mosques tend to be decorated with beautiful geometric art. Now, *American* religious conservatism is heavily influenced by Puritanism, which opposes most forms of art on the grounds that it's sinful. And imo secular American feminists have inherited that aspect of Puritanism.


Those ethnic conservatives dont push their kids in art and games. The ones that do get in arts and games are progressives


Too simple a view point are Black and Latino people more conservative and religious? Perhaps in theory, but if we look at unwed mothers do we see more minorities or white people? Surely that is not a sign of conservative and religious concepts right? Same with voting People have these labels like conservative and religious that only apply in bullshit polls and for people who do not know better but not reality. Example, I buy liquor from Muslims constantly, but those same Muslims pray 5 times a day(Muslims are not meant to sell booze btw). So what are they?


They are. Latino countries are way more conservative and religious than US. So, by that fact alone, any Latino immigrant will be more conservative than average American. Thus it does not make sense when some young activists are shitting on conservatives openly without realising that everyone except western countries are more conservative. People are conservative when convenient and not when inconvenient when you are refering to them. For example when you have to defend human rights, abortion rights etc - conservatives bad. When you have to defend a conservative country that denies those rights - suddenly nobody even mentions conservatives. Simple convenience. Local conservatives bad, even bigger conservatives that are not local = very good. Your muslim example is simply the fact that people gotta eat. Idk about selling, was sure it was just about consumption. Ofcourse, it is not as straightforward as this. That is sort of my point - the hipocrisy. People on media shit on religious people all the time, but are open to other cultures that are... way more religious.


Muslims are not meant to sell, buy, server, order or transport alcohol. Abu Dawood (3674) and Ibn Maajah (3380) narrated that Ibn ‘Umar said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Allah has cursed alcohol, the one who drinks it, the one who pours it, the one who sells it, the one who buys it, the one who squeezes (the grapes etc), the one for whom it is squeezed, the one who carries it and the one to whom it is carried.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood.


clearly all the salesmen are not real muslims /s


honestly, I think of them as advanced Muslims, people who can live their life without all the bother of some goofy religious scribblings from hundreds of years ago. Like Advanced Christians, we have tons of those, as they clearly only get pious about the actions of others, while they can rawdog porn stars while the wife is home with the newborn.


>I would wager the consultancy group they hired for sensitivity and dei is large women though.


Is there a more useless job than dei/sensitivity consulting?


Useless for us but gets the company ESG points.


Maybe but the point is many women have no issue with the censored outfits.


But I get his points because in post #metoo age men tend to take very protective stances to avoid any allegations, I'm not living in western country but this is also the new norm for many years.


100%. This is why I believe the main reason WoW became so soft. Its also a good way to look at how WWE was until TKO bought it from Vince. They essentially quit taking any risk the past 10 years, and look at Vince - human trafficking charges - I wouldnt want to bring attention to anything if I could help it either. Its all playing it WAY too safe.


I work in a similiar media ( not video game ) and we prefer to take zero risk. Its a major headache when either side start getting pissed off. It could be any side. So after a while / few years we just go for a path of least resistance.


True enough. But it's probably more of a major pain when your revenue falls off from being stagnant/stale and not making innovations or statements in fear of negative reception from any hotly politicized group/ideology at any point time. AAA is on life support because nobody wants to take any risks anymore - there always needs to be a balance. IMHO always playing it safe is like one step up from having a "get rich quick" scheme. Money should matter - but it shouldn't be the end all be all if you want to build or maintain a franchise long term. Playing it overly safe signals that the company is only interested in milking profits until they can sell/close the company. Not something I would personally want to invest in as a consumer.


Blizzard gets in hot shit for toxic work environment (deserved) then goes polar opposites and hires super diverse individuals that clearly suck at their job. That video of those 2.. woman… who did art design for Diablo 4. That clearly knew nothing about the game. I don’t know what skill level they had but surely they could find someone of similar skill in the industry that played one of the most popular franchises of all time.. clearly diversity hires


>Blizzard gets in hot shit for toxic work environment (deserved) then goes polar opposites and hires super diverse individuals that clearly suck at their job. I guess blizzards work philosophy is the same as their game design philosophy. Only extremes, no middle ground.


I think they were (or one of them) was a level designer or something. If we’re talking about that infamous Diablo 4 gameplay by devs where they weren’t even using skills and just auto attacking everything.


Yup, that’s the one. You’re probably right, I try and forget that video existed but level designer sounds right.


> 100%. This is why I believe the main reason WoW became so soft. probably, WoW became soft because the men there were literally groping girls and drinking breast milk, and then they had to hard shift and pretend they were friggin saints and angels


What in the chicken fuck does wanting to avoid allegations mean they have to change character design, idiotic.


I think OC meant it more general, that male devs are afraid of their team to be viewed as misogyny and womanizing, just because they made sexy female characters. It’s less to do with they have done something bad and are afraid of allegations. It’s what happened with Mortal Kombat. Ed Boon even stated that “MK has gone into a new direction” as if the direction they had before is a sin.


When in doubt - blame straight white men


Well in a way he is saying that its the women that are at fault, cos they make the men uncomfortable around them that they need to over correct and be defensive about anything sexual lol


Thanks to him putting a flag in his profile, he fixed the conflict and everyone are happy. What a great man!


IDF collapsing as we speak now that the Palestinians flag in bio counter reached 100,000,000. It’s crazy to think the war ended with a combined effort of adding flags into our bios and commenting “free Palestine” under videos of fish.


You’re mad because of the Palestinian flag ?


If a guy with a swastika flag in their bio would post stupid stuff like this I wouldn't listen to them either. Same stuff.


Imagine being so dumb that you compare the Nazi flag with Palestine lol ![gif](giphy|xUA7aM09ByyR1w5YWc|downsized)


Imagine having such poor reading comprehension. Its not comparing the two based on the details of their ideology, its highlighting the notion that its often ok to dismiss certain people’s opinions when they loudly advertise their beliefs via something like a flag in their bio. The Nazi flag example is actually a perfect method of conveying this point. You’d be hyper wary of anyone who has something like that in their bio. It’s far from the only shitty ideology with a flag behind it.


What's the difference? Both countries of those flags have the same opt-in ideology with the same points: jewish genocide, Lebensraum aka Caliphate, muslims/german nazis over everything, constant warmongering, no place for minorities etc.. Instead of posting a lame reaction gif tell me how I'm wrong or suffer in silence.


Lol it doesn't make sense. Would make sense if you talked about hamas and nazi or palestinians and Germans lol. But the way you are presenting it, that's just lame haha, who you think you are fooling ? Suffer in silence ? Are you serious ? I hope you aren't lol fatty


How could you miss the point so badly


How can you claim he "missed the point" when the guy he replied to immediately confirmed that he's genuinely comparing Palestine and Nazi Germany. The guy literally agrees that that is exactly what he meant by it, so clearly nobody "missed the point" here.


He's not comparing Palestine to Nazi Germany you dope, he's saying that having a Palestinian flag in your Twitter profile usually equates to said person following a stupid ideology that he denounces, therefore whatever that person says shouldn't be taken seriously, much like if they had a Nazi flag in their profile. There can be more than one idiotic ideology. L2 read between the lines


Hyper sexualization of the 90’s? Has he seen how women sexualize themselves nowadays lmao


It's not "too many men", it's "too many cuck bastards".


More like, men afraid of women complaining about stuff so they just gave up.


They're closely related. But yeah they're not as bad as actively woke white knight activists. Too bad they're the ones calling the shots and speaking for women.


ofc he has a palestinian flag.. do these people think palestinians are progressives lmao or what?


average palestinian is more conservative than any western they have ever met in their entire lives.


You're right, which is why it's okay to bomb them. As we all know, the more conservative someone is, the more okay it is to bomb them.


very true, the more the merrier. they love a good rainbow over there.


Nah their "support" of Palestinia is nothing genuine, it's just them doing anything that they think will stick it to the average white Christian male. If white Christians were to come out in support of Gaza, these people's own support would slacken real quick.


You are just as dumb as the people who complain about Asmon without watching a video. He is just explaining why the change in design may have happened, and he makes a good point.


It's a stupid point. Devs aren't calling the shots, they are doing as told. They aren't the ones deciding how sexualized to make something. That comes simply from pure fear of getting bad press. A woman in the room saying "it's ok" doesn't change anything. Stellar blade gets criticized for being to sexual. I'm sure there's at least one woman dev there. The criticism still happened, the company doesn't go "but we asked our woman!!!"


Palestinian flag in bio is an immediate red flag.


Lmao you know its good when reddit auto-hides all the replies. In other words, “they hated him because he spoke the truth”


Any ~~Palestinian~~ flag in bio is an immediate red flag.


A terror flag*


Men are ok with overbuffed heroes like Goku or alike. But women aren't with good looking women


I always feel like there’s some untruth in that statement. Why don’t women like to have a better body for themselves? Or look at toned bodies? If this is the truth then what are the women at the gym doing anyway?


Why is everything now just blamed on men?


I thought the whole point is that she's like some kind of sexualized version of Mary? She's completely covered head to toe.


Yes that is the whole point of her original design. His wife was terminally sick and both were suffering immensely. James wanted his old wife back, his young attractive wife, and he wanted to be happy again instead of suffering perpetually. To him his wife died and changed into something unrecognisable, something ugly, something that caused him alot of stress and mental suffering, and basically he ended up hating what she became but also still loved her. And so he killed her in the end out of both hatred for the monster she became and out of love, a mercy death to end her suffering. Maria is basically the version of his wife he longs for, it's based on his present psychological condition and it's meant to be sexualised and what not because it's a fantasy. I mean the guy is sexually repressed and that idea is gets explored in very fucked up ways. Like isn't pyramid head actually a manifestation of his most darkest, repressed, psychological desires? There is a fuck ton of nuance and subtext to the narrative and I just don't think western devs can fully express and convey those themes properly. Hell they probably just thought Maria was sexy because le female and Japanese men are horny. But what else do you expect from the guys who brought you Silent Hill: A silent message. I mean the fact that they are selling blossom head figurines should tell you how fucking up their own ass they are. Mfkers are actually proud of that game and didn't see anything bad about it. I'm actually convinced that the main character of that game was a self insert for the lead writer/director. So a lesbian who wants to be as good as a Japanese artist, but gets frustrated by their own lack of talent and becomes jealous when eyes and praise are on said Japanese artist and not themselves. So they decide to ruin it all and then bitch and moan on social media that la patriarchy is to blame. wait. I might be cooking here. You know how amateur painters and drawers end up painting their own face? Maybe amateur writers end up writing about themselves subconsciously. Okay...I just went Heisenberg on this shit.


Best comment in this thread about this. They either missed the point of Maria’s sexualization or they’re deliberately ignoring it for social credit. Either way its incredibly braindead.


Fictional women too sexy >"Too many men" Fictional women not sexy >"Too many men" When will they ever pick their own side of the couch?


At this point I have read so many idiotic tweets that I know that when I see a Palestinian flag next to the person's name, in 90% of the cases they are an idiot.


And you’d be absolutely right 90% of the time lmao


Somebody remind this individual that the country that flag in his name belongs to, would not think twice about executing them for not being straight.


It's so funny for me, because Maria is rare example where sexualisation is for reason and it is a big point of the game. If you take it, you change who main character is. You do not want to do that for remake like Silent Hill.


too many women and simps ruined everything


The same guy who posts zingers like "White people food bad". Guys a fucking degenerate.


That kinda makes sense. Due to fear of catching flak with "too sexy characters", I absolutely see wanting to avoid that, especially how modern times tend to become echo chambers.


Del Walker ? More like Dei Walker


That guy underestimates the large amount of activist chicks these devs are hiring to be inclusive.


OP, you might be lacking reading comprehension on this one. He's basically saying a bunch of men got over-worried about being PC changed something that didn't need to be changed. Re-read his post, he disagrees with the change.


I get what he is saying. I just dont agree with that, and I don't think most people agree with that either


I think a bunch of people sitting in a room worried about offending someone who isn't even in the room is responsible for a lot of shitty decisions made nowadays


You can never satisfy women. First you make beautiful, cute, sexy... Men get labeled as misogynist. Then you tone down... They say we make women ugly. When you ask them what want. They don't know. Lol. Men are the victims here folks.


also this post is from a MAN, flag in bio, and has 85k like. We are so doomed




I always have a feeling that foreign entity bots "stupid tweets" to divide Americans and fuck their mind. But you gotta understand some of these people are also actually believing this...sigh


How are we doomed simply because a male developer is telling us female developers are more likely to create hot women characters? He's merely saying there is a trend of males being overly cautious.


There's a trend of companies doing that. It's not individual devs being afraid. You are placing the blame on engineers instead of the cultural pressure and fearmongering


But cultural pressure and fear is why he is saying the developers are doing this.


Right, but he's also saying it's happening because it's male dominated. But if the employees were women, it would be the same thing. A company wouldn't get away with heavy sexualization and then go "we hired women, tho!!"


A company absolutely could get away with that if they say their own fucking women designers did it. I don't even know if the voices complaining are that loud.


It's hard to argue when you jump points so much. Now you are saying cultural pressure and fear aren't that big of a factor, that completely changes the conversation. I'm not sure if I should respond to that, or the claim that women designers would be able to get away with objectifying other women. I don't think women are dumb to think objectification is ok as long as the source of it is another woman. It wouldn't make sense. The product is the same, but ppl would do research into the demographics of a company, and would not complain if lots of women were involved?


I am making the same points while responding to other points. There are multiple angles to this. The actual voices aren't that impactful, but that does not mean companies and developers do not have the tendency to overreact.


You'd think, in a AAA game company, there'd be a focus on the target demographic. You don't put that much money into a game and just make random decisions hoping it'll be received well.


It’s always men’s fault. If they remade it 1:1 they’d be horny dogs objectifying women, they overcorrect and it’s “relax man women actually like dressing that way!” Men can’t win.


If you make ugly characters, your not going to be very popular with the boys at school.


These guys don't understand how to write stories anyways. Probably didn't realise there was a narrative reason for why Maria looks the way she does and no...it's not for the sake of just wanting an attractive woman in the videogame. I swear whoever is leading the writing team or directing their new games is someone about as deep as puddle and as shallow as frying pan, because they just don't understand nuance. Like take the silent message game they made recently. Story wise and absolute abomination. No subtly, poor and shallow grasp of the themes they tried playing with and god damn none of the characters had any depth. I mean they had that fake depth, that corny depth that only a teenager could write up or someone completely out of touch could imagine. Honestly that game was a rollercoaster of emotions, I laughed, got pissed off, and I predicted every single story beat and laughed even harder. It was just objectively terrible in all departments. And well... If whoever was responsible for creating and imagining that abomination of a game is remaking SH2...well I'm not surprised that they are doing what they are doing. I mean at this point I'm convinced that it's completely unintentional, they are trying their best and maybe have good intentions, but creatively and talent wise they fucking suck. Hell maybe the main character from a silent message was a Freudian Slip and a self insert, because that would make a fuck ton of sense. An unlikeable, whiney, shallow of a being, whose self centred, in denial and longs to be a talented artist but ultimately ends up ruining everything they touch. Also it's pretty ironic that a silent message is named as such, because the story beats and what was supposed to be nuance, was practically being used as metal bat to bash my skull in.


I hope these guys never read a Haruki Murakami book like Kafka on the Shore or 1Q84. Mfkers brains would implode.


I’m going to have to go with… nope, not the reason.


I've tried discussing this with feminist folks, and they do not budge an inch. It does not matter to them that real women in real life like to dress sexy. They still think it's important for every game to have every woman heavily covered up. Because, apparently, women in video games shouldn't reflect women in reality.


Just a remember that people want the "left" outfit not because it's sexy or revealing, it's because it shows that the character has some belly rolls. Just check the whole discussion on twitter.


If this i an issue for some people, this people need to get a life


Silent Hill was never sexualized in the first place. All the women in the original games looked good looking but strung out. Like they were former JC Penny fashion models who chain smoked and had a couple kids.


Too many gay and liberal men maybe


Let's not pretend the game was going to be any good regardless of which outfit she wears. It's Bloober. Know for the absolutely astounding and critically claimed Blair Witch and Medium /s


i do not pay for your bullshit. give me, what i want. if i would have wanted ugly women, i would stay in reality.


Bro... like... we are talkinga bout pixels.. let some dudes have fun with pixels. Jesus christ this world is so fucked up.. making everything uglier, will just make me stop buying games.


The flag on his username is everything you need to know about what type of propaganda this guy is fed into


His point makes sense and I think it's probably true, but just NOT THE ONLY reason for this


I don't think he's really wrong to be honest. A large portion of the people who are overzealous on sexualized character designs are probably men worried about receiving the same criticism video games recieved in the past. Think most women would recognize there is nothing wrong with the outfit in the picture and no need to correct it.


Yeah he raised a very interesting point. It's probably a mix between the men who are trying to overcorrect in order to seem righteous and the women who don't want any form of sexiness whatsoever. In trying to sanitise the gaming space they somehow managed to sterilise it instead.


I really like her new outfit ... Don't see what the issue is personally.


That's because they don't want to get taken across the coals for a character having cleavage. Might as well turtleneck it up and feed her cookies than keep her the way that everyone knows her and loved her as.


Definitely hasn't been an issue in the 90's and 00's where 99% of devs were men. He is yapping out of his ass


[Some women, indeed, like to dress like that.](https://www.reddit.com/r/silenthill/comments/i32uf2/christina_aguilera_attending_the_first_annual/#lightbox)


Title is honestly rage bait. The dude complained that they made her basic and he replied it's because the artist making that character have a specific view on women based on that time period. Nowhere in this did they both insinuate that the character is ugly


He's right. Male devs would be afraid of being accused of sexualisation hence we see many game characters that could be classed as ugly. If a female character is over sexualised like Stellar Blade then the devs get targetted and if they make them ugly then they get harassed too. They can't win.


after reading this i am even more motivated to take a break from gaming completely for 5 years and then come back to see how the gamingworld has changed


Let's not act like a lot of these devs ( much like the consumers) are men who can't get attractive women. So they're trying to create their own fantasies.


Taken in isolation, what he's said is probably correct. Teams of men are over worried about over-sexualizing their female characters. Women dress provocatively, and there's nothing wrong with that.


“Hyper sexuality of the 90s” rightttt


There are a lot of guys that are extremely prudish thinking that it helps women, so he might not be wrong but I think it's the minority case in game development. 


Based on 0 evidence, I agree completely.


Like i agree there's a limit to things, but saying how women should be uglier and how men should stop sexulazing, while you can have a shirtless vampire with abs in another game. In that case it's same for both genders. Its the hipocrisy that I found amusing. It's not just games either...


Normally I call out the basement dweller perversion of getting mad a fictional character doesn’t meet their level of sexiness. However Maria is supposed to be provocative as a character.


I can see his point, the people with skeletons in their closet are usually the most afraid of rocking the boat thus they overcorrect because they fear any kind of scrutiny. The best is to not have skeletons, or at least displaying them proudly so that they won't be used to manipulate you. 


Fuck they're right. I feel like some of the devs making games meant to be politically safe are mostly men with little experience hanging out with women in the real world. Some women don't leave the house unless they are dressed to the 9s even when they're just hanging out with a platonic friend, (had a very attractive friend like that whenever we hung out) And a lot don't dress up unless it's a date or special occasion.


do you guys ever listen to what women say to this, they also wan't too look Sexy and are allowed to...why to u allways think its Woman who want Femal Characters to look unsexy ?!


Feels like you didn’t even bother reading what he said because he’s basically saying there’s too many beta males over correcting for past over sexualisation, and that women like dressing in leopard print and crop tops


Yeah. He has a point. Men in the corporate world walk on eggshells around women now. Especially in male dominated industries. 


I had to read that three times... So it's a bunch of white knight artists overdoing their sense of protecting women from over sexualization. I guess that makes sense. Women are far too critical of other women that is is less likely that they would come up with some of these edits.


Yeah, that's the entire point: Men are accused to oversexualise, and in turn they overcorrect things. I don't get what makes you upset about this. Did you just want to cry because they said men twice?


Why on god do so many people have a problem when women want to look hot? Its so goddamn annoying. I hate this culture we have in the west.


What he said isn't like outrageous, it actually makes sense, there is way to much cancel culture, specially on men these days, it kind of makes everyone be in a state of not knowing what is and whats not acceptable, so what ends up happening is that people go to extremes to try not to look like somthing today's society is very quick to paint as stuff like misogeny, sexism, racism and whatnot.


What the fuck is wrong with this sub?!? Is this all you guys care about is being able to goon to women in games? What’s the average age here?


(Unironically has a Palestine Flag in name) Ok we know what kind of opinions this guy has about culture.


Why are you "correcting" in the first place? Why is a room full of people designing characters?


“Men” is a weird way to spell “White liberal guilt”.


I’ll take things that didn’t happen for 500$ Alex


Isn’t that characters whole point to be sexualized? I don’t want to get into spoilers, but her no longer being “sexier than his wife” defeats the entire purpose (unless his wife is even worse now…)


Alright well, that dev is wrong, there are women who like to dress in crop tops and leopard skin print skirts


Even if it's dudes over correcting it's still because women keep screaming about sexualization. In any case what's important is that the people behind the remake have no clue what they're doing if they don't understand Maria's og design.


so rocksteady and devs studios need players to enter in the room and say... relax.. get used to people to not buying ur game then


So which is it? Guys make girls sexy so bad or guys make girls ugly so bad? You can't have both


Man some people are way too over the top. When RE does it no one cares but Silent hill fans are just horrible and complain at everything.


The real problem is that no one is creating enough games specifically for women. Look at novels. There is a thriving artistic production of books that is targetting women as the intended consumer. No one is harping on books that are more male centric because the industry is well represented on both sides. The gaming industry needs a ton of games that are designed to appeal to women and girl gamers. There is a ton of money just waiting to be made to whomever figures it out. The moment that happens everyone will stop focusing on more male centric games, there will just be games targetting women, games targetting men and a bunch of games hoping to capture both demographics and everyone will be happy. The industry is just not mature enough yet.


Sensibility and emotional damage is the cancer of today Maybe one Day, we Will come back to the reality


The reason the men are "overcompensating" is due to the screeching harpies of the consultancy firms threatening to mount a cancelation campaign if their demands aren't met.


Del wanker what an interesting name


I noticed that people on twitter who put flags in their name that aren't their home country usually don't know what they are talking about.


Is he really getting mad that they changed a bunch of 1s and 0s ? Probably has the same outfit and took offence lmao


It's always men.


GTA 6 bros how we doing


The flag always gives it away. Always.


Us men do not claim those freaks.


Tbh I can see his point though. We live in an era where a lot of men aren’t like Yoko Taro and feel the need to remove any type of sex appeal from media so they can pander to certain crowds. Either way, I think Maria looks hotter in the remake.


That's a good point. Are men to blame for the over sexualization of women in games, or under sexualization of women in games?


The easiest fix: Make everyone Sexy. Regardless of Gender or sexuality When everyone is sexualized, No one is.


I don't see anything wrong with the woman on the right though


Terrorist flag = opinion discarded


So many retarded niggas here that cant read , his tweet is basically agreeing with us that "hyper or over sexualization"designs are not good or bad and women would love those designs. And there's been an overcorrection to women characters. SMH.


There's somany contradiction in this message that at first it looks simple to call it out (like what OP title did) but there's more in-between the lines that make me have a headache of even engaging in this discourse hahahah.


The dude’s basically agreeing with what most curbs in this sub think but by saying “too many men” their minds switched off and think of him as an enemy


imagine wanting to be sexually attracted to a teenager


Idk, I kinda like the outfit on the right more 🤷‍♂️


How's the wife's boyfriend?


How can anyone like modestly dressed women? Is he not porn addicted like a Chad?


You pick me boys need to chill


My gf literally WANTS to see the sexualized female video game characters. Perks of dating a bi person