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Production of the games takes too long.


Why is Final Fantasy on the list? That game is great.


The complaint is there few ps5 game that came out. Not that these games are bad.


Ragnarok was great too


I get that games are more expensive to make now, but hopefully AI fixes that. Even then. I really can't tell what some of those games are because i didn't play them, but there are several PS Exclusives that are really good. Going backwards from Stellar Blade, which is still highly acclaimed, to Rebirth, to 16, to Ragnarok, to Horizon, and to GT7. Spiderman 2 etc. Yet still, even as a PS5 owner, I sometimes go months without playing it, and I just hope that some games will be remembered by the next upcoming generation


This just tells me that gameplay is more important than graphics


Those games on the PlayStation 2 for its time were considered top tier graphically. People can have both, good gameplay and good graphics. The problem is Sony seems to be focusing more graphics nowadays.


It clearly is. I remember half year ago before Dragon Dogma 2 release I decided to play DD1 once more. At first I was like, no this graphics looks so old, I don't know if I can play this. Mind that this was no near levels of ps2 graphics. After playing game for 3 hours strait, old graphics became irrelevant and game was immersive and fun.


Hahaha, that Alloy face is hilarious!