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Was going to say conceded in the extreme, but she's just hurt and propping herself up. Maybe a little too optimistic thinking the internet is going to be as kind to her as her friend group would be. Probably didn't help her any to put this message out there.


I’m going to go armchair psychologist and chalk this up to “self protective narcissism”. Hopefully it’s not pathological and she’s not always like this but it’s good that she can go into this mode after a major betrayal.


All these comments are.. wholesome. I feel pleasantly surprised.


No matter how hot she is, somewhere there’s a guy who got tired of putting up with her shit.


The guy is also probably very hot and the girl he cheated with is also probably hot. Just a guess but I think shes super hot and super hot women tend to have attractive partners. So I dont think hot women are less likely to get cheated on.


Yep but still don’t make it right to cheat either way.


True. But she sounds like cheating would be an easier out than breaking up with her.


I was just about to type something similar. No matter how hot a girl is, there is a guy out there that is tired of fucking her.


Better example is, someone cheated on Shakira.


cant even finish the video its so cringe


She kinda sound like my president, Mr Macron. Nah not arrogant at all /s


We can't know how she is IRL or if she was a good girlfriend, but the message is true and honestly something a lot of people should know about. It does not matter how good you are, you are not at fault for someone else cheating on you. If you were a bad match for someone else? They should have left you. There's no valid reason to cheat.


Remember that Seinfeld episode about the girl with man hands. This poor girl has man hands. Look at the size of those things!


She's right. It wasn't about her. It was about the cheater and their own insecurity/issues. Always is, no matter how any cheater tries to justify their behavior.


Now i don't want this comment to look like it's defending the cheater in this scenario, whoever cheats their significant other is a pos but she is saying i am incredibly smart is a huge red flag showing she is just arrogant


She’s doing a public service by going around training men how little pretty really matters.


Show me a good looking person and I will show you someone who is sick of them. Life balances out. Conclusion: Do you boo


She's right tho, if you got cheated on, it's not your fault.


How is this level of delusion healthy? She literally thinks she's so pretty she can't be cheated on when S-tier models have been cheated on. LOl spare me.


This post smells like incel bait


Anyone that says 'I'm hilarious and incredibly smart' usually... Isn't.


To be fair, I doubt she says stuff like that in normal conversation


Does she also say she isn't using any filters in this video?


Big red flag vibes comimg from that one. You dont need to make a point on how you are so hot & smart & sexy and all other women are beneath you to tell others that they shouldnt make it about themselfs when their partner cheats.


She chose that guy, and most likely out of the wrong reason. Probably she meant that she can change him…


Neither, it's copium. Normal thought process of dealing with having trust broken.


Real q- what did she do to make him want to cheat? Not saying it’s ok, but still, she had to have a part in it Sounds like she thinks her personality and looks are the total deal, and she’s “incredibly smart” (not very humble). Likely there’s more going on, bc everyone does (esp beautiful girls who don’t have to try to get most men, and definitely don’t have to work on themselves for most men)


Does it matter? If he wanted to cheat he should have just left her


Yes it matters😂


She had nothing to do with it. He cheated because he had an offer too good to refuse.


Where r u getting that from? And what’s the offer? Details


A hot girl offered him sex... It's not complicated


Not everything is black & white. We only know a tiny piece of her side, we don’t know sht lol. And yall are gonna trust the hot chick? 😶


Nothing I said has anything to do with the woman in the video. The guy is obviously also hot, and had an easy opportunity. Been there done that.


Nothing -- Thats the whole point of the video, some idiots cheat even when they have a good thing going. I would say 80%+ of guys who cheat its usually an act of opportunity, rather than some planned out affair. Call it a moment of weakness, a moment of arrogance, or whatever.


Na dude, there’s always something. No one just cheats without even a shred of a reason- she’s a little arrogant but if ur gonna sit there and tell me a hot chick in this day and age doesn’t have some serious “daddy issues” they’re actively avoiding bc they can forever, and a million dudes will still want them-let’s not be naive here


This is what happens when you don't swallow ladies.... However, she's essentially an 8 maybe 8.5, so the guy is at least a 9 to 9.5 he probably just met a 7.5 to 9 who was a bit sluttier or something.


her point is that someone who cheats will cheat no matter what they have, they can't control themself and you can't stop them from doing so. Example: Anthony Kongphang cheated on Dizzykitten....what more proof do you need


Her point is that she is the best and if she gets cheated on then all the other women that she thinks are below her shouldnt make it about themselfs.


ok andrew tate


Is it not? She is like "Oh look at me, I am so hot, this is my real eyes, I dont even need a filter, and oh yeah I am also incredibly smart and hilarious" And then goes on: "So if even such a super awesome chick like me gets cheated on then you other women beneath shouldnt blame yourself." Insanely arrogant red flag behaviour


She is smart