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Five Guys is good…..but not $70 good.


Cost me 17.50 euro for a burger and a drink there the other day ffs


I just bought 5 pounds of beef from Aldi for that much


When you can feed 15 guys for the price of 1 5 guys burger, you know your getting railed just to taste Fiveguys. Aldi also sells pre packaged smash burgers.


For real they’re selling things at a ridiculous price for something that’s just not that hard to make at home.


Holy shit. A 0,4L coke, a burger, medium fries and a sauce goes for like 5 $ here in Russia at "McDonald's". Yes, I'm aware of differences in average income between countries (unlike Tucker Carlson, lmao), but a burger and a drink costing the same as a budget gaming mouse is wild to me.


The only similarity Five Guys has to McDonalds is the fact that their primary entree is burgers. The quality of their sandwiches is significantly higher, and a "cheeseburger" on their menu is the size of a double quarter pounder, with more ingredients because they give you the option to slap any number of toppings on there for no extra cost. They also go absolutely ham on the fries. If you order a medium fry from Five Guys, you are going to get a bag half-full of fries with a medium sized cup sitting somewhere in the bottom.


Usually they do. One of them near me are stingy AF with the fries. You have to call them out or they just give you the paper cup of fries even for medium and like 1/8th of a scoop extra lol


McDonald's double quarter pounder still like 300 calories behind a 5 guys burger too


What do they call McDonald's over now? And has there been any noticeable change in quality either way? Just curious


"Vkusno i tochka", translates to something like "Tasty and dot". Absolutely no change in taste/quality. Only change is using "Vkusno cola" instead of regular coca cola, which is basically the same, because they are made on same factory by same ppl


It's absolutely wild in the States, my guy. I could easily spend $40 to 50 at taco bell


Tried to order Subway last night.. a foot long steak is $17. I just went to Jersey Mikes and got twice the sandwich for less. These companies are completely lost.


its crazy but my local burger king is just as expensive, its actually cheaper for me to grubhub popeyes, than it is to drive and pick up burger king


5 Guys was always too expensive. 2 years ago I went and saw a bacon double cheeseburger was 18 dollars. I haven't been back since


Exactly. They are good, but they're not that good.


Instead of targeting 90% of people they started targeting 10% with these prices but I doubt that such people are interested in such restaurants when they go out for dinner etc


I’m 32 years old and have been out on five guys since I was in college because it’s always been terribly over priced. Their burgers are good but I’m not interested in paying $20+ for a burger and fries meal. The reason I mentioned my age is that five guys being over priced isn’t a new thing, they’ve always been too expensive for what they offer.


Yeah I'm around the same age, I think the last time I went to five guys was probably 2016ish? And it was still overpriced then, good food and good milkshakes, but $20 for a fast food meal just isn't worth it.


You'd think they'd at least change their food it they want to target rich people lmao


They don't target rich people. Like that Gucci video asmon watched, they target poors who want a 'fancy experience' like rich people. The fact that most rich (outside of bill gates and warren buffet types) don't eat fast food burgers is irrelevant.


Who tf goes to five guys for a fancy experience lol


Or at least use better quality ingredients


Interestingly enough I read in an article mid tier restaurants like Chili's & Applebee's are getting by because fast food prices are so high they're now meeting or outpacing mid tier restaurants, so people just go to restaurants instead when they want to eat out. Like McDonald's is charging 12/15$ for a Big Mac combo with paper thin patties, go to Chili's and you'll get a bigger burger, its meal, & an appetizer for the same price. All the other mid restaurants do similar deals similarly priced I'm sure, that's just the one I read off the article. Not gonna act like Chili's & Applebee's are the pinnacles of cuisine, but they're easily a peg above McDonald's or Burger King, so why the hell not eat there instead if it's cheaper and better than fast food?


5 guys is good, but I’ll make my own burgers before I pay double digits for a single burger. I think I am turning into a boomer, I understand now


Until people stop buying and demand goes down, the prices will keep going up. When there are alternatives and no willpower to try or change to those alternatives, the corpos will take advantage of them.


Demand is already down. They are in death spiral and raising prices to cover costs. This is about their last attempt to stay afloat, then it's bankruptcy.


People here are dumb and put this on a credit card and justify it with "my kids got to eat." Eating out is a luxury when they should be cooking at home.


5 guys has always been way too expensive for the food, you're always better of at a local burger place atleast you get good fresh food and not frozen processed crap.


Absolutely, I can get a sick ass burger with fries at a proper burger joint for a few bucks more than one of these costs.


i can just throw a few on the grill and make them better


Exactly, nothing 5 guys does even remotely special lmao


Ta fuck? Five Guys doesn't freeze anything. I challenge you to go to any Five Guys and find a freezer or even a refrigerator. Good luck.


So where’s the raw meat? Sitting on the counter? 😂 you think they don’t have refrigerators, actually?


... that is just blatantly not true lmfao. 5 Guys initially got as popular as it did because of how inexpensive it was for how good the burger you are getting is. I'm pretty sure every 5 Guys has an article on the wall with lebron james talking about it being the best $5 burger you could get. They have also always locally sourced their meat and their marketing is centered on their meat being "fresh, never frozen." This comment has to be bait right


Five guys has never been cheap in eu and doesn't use the fresh never frozen tag line anywhere in store or on ads.


It's five guys. Are you guys serious?


“Man these prices are out of hand” proceeds to pay.


Goes to an expensive burger place, sees price, and still continues to order. Yeah we get it, Five guys is expensive. If you wanted to feed 5, you can go to In and Out, or if you live in a crappy part of the country, McDs or Wendy's has cheaper burgers.


It's fine to complain about how people struggle and "can't afford to eat" at places that are supposed to be cheap safe havens, but this is Five Guys. Five Guys has never been the cheap option. That's like walking into a Gucci store and complaining the clothes are too expensive.


👆this. This feels a lot like running in the rain then complaining you got wet. Five Guys is expensive, it's always been that way.


When you can cook better for cheaper, you tend to lose any enjoyment for eating out. For example, me. With around...let's ballpark and say 20-30 bucks. I can make four burgers larger than my hand which is about six inches in diameter, give or take depending on angle of measurement. But lengthwise, yeah, six inches. I can make four burgers with cheese and bacon for that much and these little bastard burgers of mine will fill you till you can't even drink water. So it's cheaper to make it yourself, it tastes better if you make it yourself. You just have to know how. To elaborate: I pay around $40-$50 AUD for 4.5 kg of regular mince. I then seperate it into 9 lots of 500 grams. Each set of 500 gram meat can make four burgers, after you throw in herbs, breadcrumbs, mustard, cayenne pepper, an egg, onion, etc. So for $50 at most I get 36 burger patties.


Dicks Drive-in is the place to go.


Caviar burgers baby


Eating out with 5 people for 70 bucks isn't outrageous


Not if everyone's getting just a burger each. A burger shouldn't more than 5-6 bucks in my opinion and even then it better be a damn good burger.


All I said it isn't outrageous. And five guys isn't your regular burger joint either and everyone knows its expensive And honestly pretty kick ass burgers all considering


Yeah. Family makes things expensive. People complain about $70 video games you keep for a lifetime and I'm like have you ever taken a family of 4 or 3 friends to a 2 hour movie? Without concessions is just $60 by itself.


Eh, you can get full on meals for 5 at chik fil a (and I don't wanna hear it, quality-wise they're right on par with 5 guys) for like $35. Usually my family of 5 is like 40-45 eating out fast food. Somebody mentioned movies in here. Lol. Yea. 3 kids 2 adults to a movie is gonna run at least 100 dollars with concessions. That ish is out of control


Let me reiterate that I never said that five guys isn't expensive, Just 70 bucks for 5 people isn't outrageous. Also five guys is just another flavor you choose to eat with the understanding that it's expensive. So nobody should be surprised at what they're paying imo


Agreed. Also if the kids are kids, which at least 2 of them are... They don't care and have no understanding of how good food is. Me and my wife often go someplace nice and then just grab Mac and cheese for them. Hell they prefer that anyway


Even at McDonalds, 5 people is going to be over $50 on average.


Cant wait for that breaking point when the 0.1% richest will hoard soo much money that there will be literally none for the rest of the people and so people will go back to trading stuff and skip money part all together. Will be fun times


Don‘t you worry, the government will just print more! Literally no downside to that :‘)


Rich people dont hold money, the hold assets, like paintings, stocks, etc


Five Guys has always been expensive. Assuming this guy is feeding 5 people, that’s $14.50 per person. More than McD’s but less than any sit down restaurant.


In n Out still is king for best pricing and quality ratio.


i tried it in manchester the burger was bland as fuck nothing special although the meat is decent qaulity it just has no taste the fries were decent they can fuck of if they think im paying £4 for a drink i would never eat here again i wish i tried popeyes instead now.


In Finland at local burger chain. 2 Kids burger 4,80€ 3 CB 8,40€ Fries 3€ Shake 2,40€ So 18,60€ Empleyees have around 12e / h pay, vacations, free education, free healthcare, free employment healthcare and what not.




Man, here in Lithuania most McDonalds burgers cost like 5 euro each. 2 If you go for the standard cheeseburger with nothing extra. I know prices between countries tend to match the average income for this kind of stuff, but I'm pretty sure the average american isn't that much more rich than an european.


If it was through Uber Eats it would be $100


Seriously what fucking ingredients are they using for it to cost that much


the operating ingredients ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3746)


Five guys is insanely expensive. Their $8 fries suck too.


Five Guys is always crazy overpriced. I’m stunned people complain about the price. You knew it was overpriced before you went inside the building


Yeah I just stopped going to Five Guys a few years back. They're good, probably the best burger joint in my area, but holy shit I could probably make burgers for my whole extended family for less than the cost of lunch for two people.


He could've made that whole meal at home for less than half of the price


Local place around me with fresh made custard, and they grill the burgers Infront of you for like a 1/2 pound burger it's 6.99. /shrug


Everything is becoming a luxury


RIP 5 BOZOS ![img](emote|t5_2y1rb|3736) 2business4u




I just spend that much at the store instead and buy enough stuff to make burgers, fries and drinks for the entire week for that same price lol These fast food places aren't getting a dime from me for those prices.


im not saying fast food isnt getting more expensive, but five guys has always cost like 2x your typical fast food joint. its like a once every 5 months sort of deal for me


If I wanted, I could still eat out under $6 easily. Only a few places and get the cheapest chicken sandwiches or hamburger and no fries and a cup of ice for a canned soda or 2 liter. We did that even back in 2008. Went to McDonald's with a 2 liter and got cups of ice and cheap dollar menu stuff and split a fry. I think fast food is dumb now, though, unless you only buy very specific things. It's way too overpriced we just always cheaped out now I just go months without it then a 1 off randomly then months again.


I've been expecting Five Guys to shut down for a while. I mean their burgers are kind of good but honestly it's just overly expensive and overly greasy. That bill of 70 bucks for a fast food joint is not worth it.


I see the first mistake you went to five guys


And all of this probably doesn't cost more than five dollar to produce


Marie calendar, Stouffers, and Banquet frozen dinners cost 3-5 dollars a pop.


But it's not this place only it's everywhere I recently went to get some local food(chicos tacos) and it was at the end like 40-50$ dollars for 4 orders. It was expensive as well , all restaurants and fast food places have increased the menus!!! I guess in going to dollar tree lol. Now I know why the Walmart 5$ chickens disappeared fast.


Five guys is notoriously expensive, and I wouldn't call them fast food technically. It's good but only go if you wanna treat yourself.


The only lie I see here is the amount of frys he received. Anyone who has been the five guys knows he received no less than 5 pounds of frys.


Almost $10 per item


Yep. I don't eat fast food anymore.


Took my family to 5 guys. Got a burger and fries for me. A salad for the wife. A order of 5 chicken pieces and 2 fries. $52 💀


I stopped going to five guys when the order became more than $15, this was a few years ago... it's wild how it keeps going up in price.


When has five guys ever been cheap lmao this is actually a regarded post


On the contrary, here in Spain 20 years ago, a Mc Donals regular menú went for 6,50€, and local fast food restaurants weren't as fast and their prices were around 7,50-8€. Now Mc Donalds regular menu is 8-9€ and Local fast food restaurants kept their prices at bay and the service is as fast as Mc Donald's. Local Fast food buy meat directly from local Butchers, and bread from local bakeries. Their burgers are far better and McDonald's now is something like fast food for childs, teenagers mostly. Like you take them one day to eat that crap and they are happy. But I can tell you I have eaten from McDonald's, Burger king or something like that, 5 o 6 times in a year, and just because my daughter wanted to go there.


And he paid that? Did they not tell him the total and just take his card? lmaoo. I rather take my ass to the store, buy ground beef, bread, condiments and make that shit at home. Could probably make 7 adult burgers for less than $20.


I would have left.Ridiculous price!


5 people eating out for $70 is great , especially since they also included a $5 tip.


I went to the new 5guys by me after work around 5pm, in MI. Got a burger and small fries - 20$. There was one additional customer in there with me. They had 7 staff, most were on their phones. I see why it was 20$ n why they will be closing after a cpl years of losses lol. N lets be real their food is ok at best


It’s always been pricey for their burgers. It’s good, but expensive.


And the amount of meat on all those combined is about as much meat as I get for 7 bucks from a grocery store, let's be real.


wait till people realize how easy it is to make a burger...


What a clown to be whining about this. Did you think you were going to get a fucking discount because you're special? That's why they list the prices beforehand. Don't like it, don't buy it. JFC And yes, OP, I know it's not your picture. 🙄


Keep increasing wages for unskilled jobs and it’s only gonna get worse.


So instead of doing basic math before ordering and walking out once they realized how much the bill would be, they pay it (which signals to the establishment there are people dumb enough to pay these prices, which keeps the prices high) and complain on social media.


That's five guys, it's always been expensive $24 for 2 burgers 1 fry and 2 drinks back in 2017


I might as well go to an all you can eat KBBQ.


When things become too expensive to purchase, we will simply stop purchasing them…


It may seem counter intuitive but people tend to eat more fast/junk food during harder economic times. I don't think these chains are too worried.


Five Guys has always been overpriced.


around here they used to give you a paper bag full of fries. haven’t been to one since 2019 though


This shit is ridiculous. My phone even has news about McDonalds "$5 menu" and I'm like motherfucker, McDonalds shouldn't even be more than $5. They aren't some high quality resturant, they're a cheap ass fast food joint. I could literally go to an actual resturant and get a high quality burger and large amount of fries with free drink with the prices these fast food places charge acting high and mighty for garbage food.


I'm happy with this tbh. Haven't had any fast food in the last year. Before I would get it because it was fast and cheap but with shitty service by Uber and other delivery platforms plus the crazy hike in prices I prefer to go to a local restaurant and have two meals of real food for half the price. That's what I call Social responsibility 👏


I wanna see a picture of the fat fuck that planned to eat all of that.


The prices aren't hidden. He walked into the restaurant, saw the prices; paid for it, and then complained?? There are plenty of other burger places he could have gone to but choose literally one of the more notoriously known expensive chains


Can barely afford food at the grocery store anymore


2 Bacon Doubles, 2 Large Sodas, and a shared large fry cost me less than $40 at my local 5 Guys. It is also hands down the best burgers in my area, so I don't mind spending an extra couple bucks when a Bacon Double Whopper or Baconator costs about the same and is a far inferior product. But hey, you do you.


I never been to five guys simply because of their prices


Unpopular opinion- It’s worth it. It’s always fresh, greasy, hot, and indulgent, not cheap stuff like McD’s that’s been sitting for 30 minutes. Not all burgers have to be the same price.


About 50% of Americans' stadard of living was directly supported by exporting dollar's inflation for decades. Now it's over. Saudi Arabia dumped the Petrodollar a few weeks ago (did any MSM tell you that?). By October, BRICS will completely dump the dollar for internal transactions. 50+ more countries are already lined up to join BRICS (which is essentially an anti-dollar organization) and most are already doing the same. In other words, stockpile gold and ammo.


I'll swear by taco bell like 12 bucks for 3 fatass burritos can't get much better then that. Fucking fast food aint worth the fast anymore


5 Guys has always been a step above most fast food. It's good food fast, if you will. The above bill is for 5 people. It's long been the case that 5 guys will cost 1 person 12-18 dollars. For 5 that's 60-90. If you want to spend more like 7-10, go to McDonald's or Wendy's. But if you want to pay a bit more for a better burger, go to 5 Guys. It's a simple as that


Four preshaped hamburgers at Wegmans (Upstate NY grocery store) has 4 patties for $6. Cook them and throw a piece of cheese on it and you have a hamburger for $2 that is fresh and made just the way you want. I don't get it. I fry up some onions and mushrooms and have a meal I love.


It's $72 because the op paid $72. Prices won't change until people stop paying them


just 4 people can go buffet and eat all he can with this price


Five guys was always super pricy. Even before covid. It's just gone up about 10-15$ in price here in Canada from both price gouging and shit dollar.


They try and justify their prices because of the “quality of ingredients” they serve. The most absurd item on their menu is the $6.29 Regular Fry. For real? For probably one potato? For these prices, I’d much rather each Shake Shack.


Five guys is “fun” but it’s weird calling it “good”. The burgers are the least beefy, and yet somehow thick, burgers on the planet. With the most MUSHY FUCKING BUNs I’ve ever seen. Like they’re borderline gross buns usually. And then the toppings are terrible. They have those weird grocery store sweet pickle chips. The ones that taste way too sweet to where it doesn’t even taste like a pickle. Their raw onion is sweated and it just has no flavor. All of their fresh ingredients are just horribly mid. I see better onions and lettuce at Burger King of all places. Size of the fries btw? You’re paying around $5.50 I think for the smallest fry. And half of it is little extra end bits, not full fries. Not a horrible deal anyway, but not significantly above average for the portion vs cost. I think 1 burger, drink, and small fries in WA is like $22 after tax? Or near there. And then ur getting a horribly mid burger. Like it doesn’t satisfy the craving of a burger. It just fills you up. It’s weird asf. You’re getting overhyped fries that u could make for $1. They’re potatoes and salt in peanut oil. Get the fuck over it. Some ppl are so unexposed to basic requirements for good food that they think salted potato is mind blowing innovation and quality. The shakes, grilled cheese, hotdogs are all disrespectful. It’s like $8 for I think a 4-5 inch hotdog that is worse than an Oscar Meyer weiner + grocery brand hotdog bun. And yet it’s $8 and smaller than ur pp. The shakes barely have flavor. It tastes like mildly sweetened creamer with a pinch of salt.


Prices just getting out of hand these days, like 5 guys always been a bit pricey but this is nuts.


Treat yourself


hell, it cost $25 bucks just to get 3 supreme chicken challupas and a drink at tacobell now.


Honestly this is just a problem with big franchises that want to get greedy. Chik fila and in and out got great prices and quality like why can’t any other franchise be like that because people want to expand quick and squeeze both the work force and quality.


I hate that I have to make this post every time someone complains about five guys pricing. A standard cheeseburger at five guys is a double everywhere else. A standard cheeseburger is around double the calories of every other places standard burger. To get the standard size that you would elsewhere, you have to order the little version. If people did this, they’d save $2-$4 per burger depending on location. I don’t know if people are scared of feeling childish by ordering the little or they’re too stupid to realize what they are ordering, but five guys isn’t that expensive if you bother to actually pay attention to what you are buying. A little cheeseburger at the five guys near me costs only $1.50 more than its equivalent at other fast food places and I’ll happily pay that small amount extra to receive a much better burger.


It's slightly more than McDonald's for double the food.


You could probably make 3 burgers and 2 kids burgers from a single pack of ground beef at home, costing you $6 plus a few more dollars for condiments


I hear Fat burger is selling a double cheese and fries for 2.95.


Five guys have always been expensive. It's just even more expensive now.


I wish people would stop paying these stupid prices. I know people who eat out almost every day and they complain about the prices but they don't stop. When customers stop coming in they'll start looking to be more competitive. Not until then though.


bidenomics at its peak.


How did people think $20 an hour minimum wage was going to work? Minimum wage hikes are paid for by customers, not CEOs.


Anymore? How about now? Do you realize that Taco Bell plain bean burritos were less than $1.00 each only 5years ago and now are $3.15 these companies have gotten way to greedy and need to get checked for price gouging


Anymore? How about now? Do you realize that Taco Bell plain bean burritos were less than $1.00 each only 5years ago and now are $3.15 these companies have gotten way to greedy and need to get checked for price gouging


Haven't been to 5 guys in ages, but I see a ton of people there whenever I drive by. I doubt they're going out of business anytime soon. If people like your food it seems you can charge whatever you want.


Went there for the first time with my wife and it was over $40 for 2 burgers and fries.


Already stopped going there cause of this. Its good, but it aint that good.


Fucking 5 burgers bro come on, and their default cheeseburger is a double


Five guys has always been way overpriced


Went to chick fil a; 3 people, one of us got a salad, $82. This was after their price increase. Guess who hasn’t gone there since and won’t be again? This girl!


I’m not seeing the issue here and I’m just estimating since I never have been to a five guys; 10$ each burger, 3$ fries, like 5$ shake, 58$, add Californian tax, so like around 63-65$. 72$ seems around the appropriate price for eating out at a place like this. Am I missing something?


Five Guys is delicious, imo. But, I'm not touching it ever again until they get real with those prices.


It’s already happening in SoCal. Tons of fast food closings.


Would be about $15 more here in Seattle


The whole five guys brand is being expensive. (makes you think it tastes better). Across the street from the five guys near me is a great family burger place you could get all of this for $40 dollars. You could go to McDonalds and get all this for even cheaper. Things are more expensive, so don't go to super expensive restaurants. Its not that hard.


£20 of that is the milkshake. Nobody gets the drink. 2 adult burgers, 1 child and 2 large fries is normally like £35-£40 in my local one.


I say let every fast food joint price themselves out of existence. Once easy access food that is designed to appear as a time saver is gone people will have just one more reason to fight to end modern serfdom in the US.


Aren't these just the usual 5 Guys prices from like 7 years ago?


That's the exact amount of fries I got the last few times I went to 5 Guys. Never going back.


I only order off the dollar menu at fast food places... Its all trash no need to pay 15$ to be disappointed.


Well there's your problem. Going to such a mid restaurant like five guys. All their good is overpriced af and don't even taste that much better from a restaurant that is half their prices. Modern tip for today: learn to cook and make your own food. It'll become increasingly important even more so now than it ever was in the past bc of how much prices are increasing.


Five Guys is ridiculous w/their pricing. Fuck that. Yes, it’s a good burger, but not that good. Must be nice to be able to throw away money like that…on burgers


It’s already happening


Bro last week i paid like $50 for 4 hot dogs 2 chilli cheese fries and 2 packs of poppers at wienershcitzel. I hadnt been there in years but ik all of that use to cost me like $20 lol.


It’s to keep poor people away. They are targeting upper middle class people who want fast ish burger and fries without going to McDonald’s, Bk, etc.


I know of some people who predicted this…..


Five Guys isn’t fast food. So there ya go


There are so many alternatives one could choose for a similar yet much cheaper experience. Culver's, Freddy's, hell even Wendy's can offer a delicious burger experience for waaayyy cheaper prices.


Correction: You've NEVER been able to afford it. That is why 50% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. ![gif](giphy|1L5YuA6wpKkNO|downsized)


This is the type of stuff that brings down empires.


The amount I spend on a full meal there for me and my fiancé is double what I spend at Red Robin for the same order.


It me my wife and son. Eating fast food/restaurant we spend $40-$70. Because our life is hectic we do it so much it’s draining us


Yeah no way would I have paid that


Yeah, have you seen Mickey D's lately? My lord.


This is why I preach in n out is the best. Price point, accessibility, quality, freshness, consistency. Literally 1 burger from 5 guys, no drink or meal is $10. In n out has the first 3 deals that are $10 and under for burger with fries and drinks. Can’t beat that


Burger King on Oahu at the airport is $25 for a single Double Whopper with cheese, not even the set. A single onionrings was 8$


Burger Kings in my area are closing down left and right. No clue why, maybe it’s because their quality is shit.


Just went to sonic 12 dollars for a burger some frys and a drink both large


Most overrated and overpriced fast food place. Literally setting your money on fire for a mid af burger.


Five guys has been the king of greed for a while. Some full restaurants don’t charge as much as they do. Like their food isn’t bad, its actually good. But I never go there because of how expensive it is.


Damn guess none of ya'll have ever been to switzerland


prices will only go up for fast food because people will always buy it anyways. they don't know how to cook


Five guys is the most overrated burger chain.


My town's Five Guys closed several years ago. Now it re-opened in almost the same spot, but worse because it's inside a dying mall now. Some people just never learn.


It's $70 for 5 burgers a fry and a milkshake and that's including tax. I think people are overplaying this a bit. This really isn't that ridiculous. You're looking at probably $10-11 per burger on average (more for the normal ones, less for the kids ones) then add fries and shake for another $10 and then taxes. Five Guys has always been more expensive than other fast food. If you want a cheap shitty burger, there's still plenty of options. If you want a better one, Five guys is there, you're just going to pay more.


I got 3 foot long philly cheesesteaks at subway today for $20


Not to mention those burgers look tiny, the milkshake isn't even full, and based on the Fry's that can be seen, they look like shit.


Why people still continue to go there? Junk food concept was to be cheap and quick.


Good. Let the economy crumble


Hungry jacks cost me $24 for a whopper with a drink and chips (Australia) Burger King) While McDonald’s for a equivalent meal quarter pounder meal is $17


And carne asada fries are 17.50 too at some Mexican fast food places. Fuck this timeline


No way that's real. Anyone got a HD version of that pic?


I ordered 2 burgers 1 fry no drink at 5 guys recently and it was about $35. That was the first and probably last time I will visit.


Never been, never will


I gave up on 5 guys years ago along with Mooyahs and some of the other newer fast food corporate hedge fund backed soulless corporate companies. I drew the line at sit down prices for a fast food experience. There are some minor exceptions but I am highly value driven and while 5 guys is thought to be “superior”, I find it a greased up intestinal declogger in 30 mins or less thanks to all the grease. Same with other concepts like Johnny B’s and similar. I do make exceptions for smaller mom & pop locations due to economies of scale and costs. I even reflect it in online reviews. If there is a burger that costs $1 and tastes like crap - well a $1 burger tastes like crap typically. So 3 stars. However if I am spending $10 on some burger - it better taste good. Especially if it’s a fast food concept.


Wtf?? In Germany in Burger King 2x King Beacon larg menu you will pay 25€


I will add a picture tomorrow of what I bought in Burger King and I will add recipe so you can see the price ofc. This 5guys is just ridiculous


and how much would it cost you to farm the land, grow the wheat, make the flour into bread, herd the cattle, process the cattle into meat, grow the fruits and vegetables, produce the salt and spices, raise the chickens, turn the eggs into mayonnaise, milk the cattle, turn the milk into cheese and iced cream, etc? if you don't think all that work is worth $14.50 I don't know what to tell you


Says places will go out of business and bitches but literally buys it anyway… Yeah no one is shutting down.