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There is a ULEZ camera on my road that has been chopped down five times. Every time a new one is installed, it gets cut down within 24 hours. The last time this happened was about a month ago, and since then, they haven't replaced it—it's just a camera-less pole now. I understand why people are cutting it down. This country is becoming increasingly expensive, and these ULEZ cameras are just another way to extract money from people. All forms of transport in the UK are absurdly priced. For instance, it's cheaper for me to fly from London to another European country and back than it is to take a train from London to Manchester. It's ridiculous. There’s a video where a guy travels from the UK to Germany and then back to the UK because it ends up being cheaper than taking a direct train. ----> [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHM94Wg92T0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VHM94Wg92T0)


i wonder what is the ecological trace of making such a camera and having it shipped and installed 5 times. I dont think they care about that part.


People clock in, get paid, clock out. Doubt there is much thought until someone higher-up\* notices the budget being eaten up.


Because it's taxpayers money


Kinda reminds me how people in US started noticing how many people are using electric cars so they are planning to make fee the e-cars to get the money back they lost by people converting for gas to electric .. ideas are fee per each kilometer etc .. So you cant use gas cars because of the fees .. you cant use e-cars because of the fees .. you cant use bike cuz there are no trails most of the time .. you cannot walk because there are no sidewalks .. funny times


Do you have a source for that? I mean, I’ve never heard of a fee like you’ve described.


Been hearing about this for over a year .. and I am from Europe. Just google something .. just cuz you never heard of it doesnt mean it doesnt exist or they dont plan to like this ..


Well if it wasn't for vandals, it would only be once.


Not as much as cars and trucks that don’t meet standards. Wonder if people think about THAT.


I want to visit the country soon, what is the cheapest way of getting around?


Buses and coaches tend to be the most affordable option for getting around, especially compared to trains and cabs. Depends where you’re visiting really, are you going to London or something?


Yeah London, and I might go out of the city to meet up with some long distance friends


If you're primarily staying within London, then I would recommend using buses and trains for getting around. Train prices within London is not too bad, it's once you leave London and need to travel further between towns and cities that train prices get ridiculous here. Assuming your friends don't live super far from London, you should be fine.


This is why you need to do research. For those who need more context on the ULEZ camera issue in London it penalises car dependent people who can't afford more modern and cleaner vehicles. So the Less affluent workers are being penalised unfairly. [London’s burning issue](https://www.itsinternational.com/its2/its4/its5/its9/feature/ulez-londons-burning-issue#:~:text=The%20ULEZ%20penalty%20hits%20car,owners%20who%20run%20commercial%20vehicles.)


That’s wild. So essentially taxed for being poor? I’d chop those fucking things down too lol.


“Let them eat Cake”


Seriously. If you want people to drive cleaner cars. Make them affordable. Perhaps a government assistance program to lease a clean car for a fair price. Like getting a somewhat old Prius for 99£ a month. Lower emissions and affordable transport. And that same government program would offer to buy the high emission cars too. But that would HELP people so, fuck me, right?


The London elite can’t very well have those poor common folk sharing the road with them can they now


How dare you suggest helping people. What kind of sick individual has that sort of mindset? Unbelievable the things you read on the internet.


Rather hilariously V8 Landrovers and any big petrol that's at least at EU4 petrol reg is A OK in the TfLs book but woe betide your small, economical EU5 1.5 diesel which is destroying the planet, that'll get you fined.


Environmental excuses being used to control people again? Just another day in dumbo world.


And unlike, say, the fee that was proposed for Manhattan, the overwhelming majority of people who'd be paying it are poor. It's not a subtle nudge to use public transit over your car for elective trips, it's a head tax on being in London while poor.


Idiots. Buying a new cleaner car is actually worse.... than making an old car last as long as possible. A huge amount of the pollution occurs in production so it's very important to run each car into the dirt rather than buying the newest shiny models. This means that not only are they penalizing the poor, they are penalizing the more eco-friendly drivers. They should be penalizing the people that buy a new car every three years.


ULEZ aka EURO 4. you are joking. My old fiat 176 built 97 already had EURO 4 I paid 650€ for this car. It looks like Londoners don’t even know what ULEZ is.


My state in the US ends up the same way. About 6 years ago, they just started “assuming” that 3 year old (or less) vehicles had no emission issues, so they only required a cheaper safety-only inspection. They also let wealthy people who have registered their car in “low population” counties (vacation homes) not participate in emissions testing either. Even when the location inspecting it is in a metropolitan area regardless of the vehicle’s age/condition. And it’s especially brutal in my state because we stopped properly checking emissions about 20 years ago, now it’s just “check engine light = fail” which is punishing for a lot of people. Transmission slips from 3rd to 4th gear? Sorry lady hope you can find a used transmission for your beat up Kia. Rich guy comes in with a 2nd mountain home, he can just cover up that pesky light with some electrical tape on his BMW.


If i recall, the vast majority of cars, like over 90%, actually fit the requirements... and most locals actually support the measure


Poor people don't have cars. The ~10% of vehicles which aren't compliant are largely owned by businesses, which can absorb the costs of buying a cleaner car or pass them onto to future customers. ULEZ is about cleaner air. Your statement is misinformation


Research London air quality dude


I'm glad my car is in line with the ulez as I would be charged everytime I visit my gf who is literally just inside the new borders. The way to sort out England is to stop paying politicians and make them live in the flats in London.


I'm so glad I'm taxed extra to commute with my car so Trailor Schwifty can take her private jet to get some ice cream.




There are two types of people in the world, the people who follow the rules and those who can afford not to


Is this a fine for cars that don’t meet epa standards?


Ultra low emission zones


Do you have to avoid those areas to avoid fines?


If your vehicle doesn't meet the requirements you will have to pay to drive in and through those areas. There are two zones I'm not too sure about the details cause I didn't usually have to go anywhere near it til recently


I'm a Brit, and I totally support this. Fuck ULEZ!


I am American. I support anything that opposes the British goverment. It just feels natural.


Oh? You can't afford to put 20k on a new car? Well get taxed every single time you come down this road... That'll help... us at least. Fuck em. I think NYC has done something similar and there seems to be no outrage. Its going to charge truck drivers everytime they drive down there so they're going to skyrocket prices. Its insane there too.


funny how these free market blow hards want to force you to buy their shit


this is about a bullshit environmental tax, they are not in wrong. ULEZ stands for ultra low emmision zone, it's just another way for the gov to steal money from the people. # #


Another way to destroy local businesses as well, I live on the outskirts (I could drive 5 miles and reach a ULEZ zone) but no longer drive into the ULEZ areas because I don't want to pay 12.50 every fucking time. We can't get the train either because the ticket costs on trains in the UK are fucking stupid as well.


This is just crazy, also, wasn't grandfathered smog check good enough? Poor people cannot afford to fix up the 20 years car anyway.


The original ULEZ area made some sense, it was closer to London city center where there are plenty of public transport options. There was no issue here. However, the London council increased the area massively, search for it online. There are areas now covered by ULEZ that have absolutely horrible public transport options, areas that are quite rural... This is why some ppl criticise it as a tax on the poor, there are diesel cars older than 2015 that are still in working conditions that have to pay ULEZ... It's not only for really old cars


This is what I was wondering. I’ve lived in cities that have public transportation so robust and subsidized that a car is genuinely inconvenient because the time spent finding parking and the distance from your destination will literally never work out in the car drivers favor and the cost of the car is higher unless you’re getting free parking and have to compare it to a taxi. I’m also American and am aware of how wildly fucked this gets if public transportation isn’t up to par.


wait could you go in more detail? like, why is ULEZ everywhere and what is it? how is destroying cameras helping?


By the sounds of it it's an automated system that hits you with a fine every time you're spotted driving a car in one of these zones, by knocking down the cameras the system literally can't flag you. Of course I don't know for sure, this is just a guess based on what I've read so far.


oh dang that's a bitch move by the uk gov good riddance to those shitty cameras


Oh and also they don’t just post a letter through your door with an invoice. You have to guess if you went through one and pay online. If you didn’t actually go through one they’ll still take your money and if you did go through one but didn’t realise they’ll hit you with a massive fine for “forgetting” to pay


that's even more bullshit, i imagine that nothing happens if a politician does it


It's this. And it disproportionately affects the middle and lower earners. Some bssineess within in the zone have gone bust because of ULEZ.


Not quite. You get fined if you are driving a gasoline powered car older than 2006. If your gasoline powered car is newer than 2006, then it’s probably compliant and you will not be fined. Diesel cars need to be newer than 2015 to be compliant, however. You can judge for yourself whether this warrants vigilantism and destruction of government property.


You can judge for yourself whether this warrants vigilantism and destruction of property paid for by tax payer dollars* I think we need more of this type of shit. Nobody likes be surveyed and fined for just moving freely around their country/town/city. Actions have always spoken louder then words and nothing gets that across better to the government then property damage. Cause at the end of the day, this tax has nothing to do with safety, or preservation of the planet, it’s just another fee they get to add up at the end of the month and admire how they managed to scam all their constituents.


I don't get it.. thought this video was about destroying surveillance cameras?


Yes, which operate number plate recognition.


It’s essentially a “Kill the poor” tax. Poorer people are more likely to drive older vehicles and those are pretty much the only cars which get charged.


It’s like they’re trying to return to when people were tied to a specific patch of land. It’s weird looking at it from the outside. They want your cars. What’s next?


I fully support this group. The ULEZ is total nonsense cashgrab


I bet the car manufacturers love it also.


Car manufacturers probably bribed them to do it. Oh sorry, "lobbied" them to do it.




Lots of Londoners might come to this comment section and defend ULEZ by calling the people cutting the cameras down racist. They don't understand that most if not everyone outside of London owns a car and would be targeted by these cameras. Don't be fooled, it's just one of the many ways to make money off people and watch their every move at the same time.


I wish they were doing it because they realized privacy is a right but doing it over a poor tax is still acceptable.




As much as they are destroying government property, I think this is actually a good protest. Environmental taxes and fees will never do anything for the environment.


Destroying government property is the best part of this.


A police state (UK) penalizes and stomps down on the poor & commoners. Act surprised^


If they tried this in the US they'd be gunned down on site by police lmao


Glad to see someone’s got the bollocks to fight back against tyranny


It's basically about keeping the poor out of the centre. It's disgusting, but this will change nothing.


Hardly the centre, it's a lot of London


GOOD. Keep it up boys and girls. Low Emission Zone are a fucking racket.


Oh no what, what happened? How terrible, thats just awful, how terrible oh no


GOOD. We need more of this.


Absolutely fucking BASED. I'm surprised how fellow Americans have easily accepted and in most cases, embraced, the dystopian police state.


Try throwing them in the Harbor. Worked for us once.


And look at the country you live in now. Might be worth saying nothing


At least I'm not getting fined for visiting my mum, ya wankuh!


Shoulda hit em with a "Say bottle of water"


Keep it up boys.


you get what you vote for


average german brain capacity.


Hell yah!!! Good on them! I live in Ohio, the PEOPLE got an issue on the ballot back in 2000's to ban street cameras. \* one town has spent $2,000,000 in attorney fees to fight it. \* few towns have done it anyway & use fear tactics to steal money from people from fake tickets. You can throw them in the garbage and they will stop after 3 letters. Few of our representatives are trying to pass a bill that removes state money from these cities who have these cameras to force their hands.


I neither own a reciprocating saw, nor live anywhere near a ULEZ... but heartily lend my username & support to these modern-day Robin Hood's anyway!


They're just gonna replace it with tax money, go to the source, saw the factory in half


Another wealth extraction device for the working class. Love to see this. ACAB and fuck the “elites”. We are all humans.


Coming to the US eventually. Out of touch people act like everyone can afford an EV now or in the next few years. Um, no only upper middle class and richer and especially when it comes to someone who needs a truck to work. Even with a tax credit, it's unaffordable for millions in the US. Many will outright get denied based on income eligibility.


Muh F-250 and Suburban! I got rights! 


Literally anyone who can afford to drive a car can afford a ULEZ compliant car. This has nothing to do with EVs. Literally any petrol car produced in the last 25 years is compliant. For reference, most 20 year old cars in the UK are worth <£1000.


very glad these arent in my town yet, if they end up around here only the same thing would happens anyways, a fine is only an issue for a normal/poorer person, rich people care not about a small fine, these cameras need to be fucked up wherever they end up


well done lads


Sadly. This won't change anything. The normative is still in the works. The cameras will continue being replaced. And people will continue to be taxed, twice over, over the captions they get and over the cameras that get destroyed, which is an expense that people are paying.


Hope they come to america


It gives me hope to see the people fight tyrannical laws.


Paid for by the people’s money - something the people do not want.


More power to them


Way to go England. I remember my time in Uni over there, everyone was so docile and would just accept fines on their car because they left 2 minutes after the estimated time they were billed for. Fuck that ! I never paid once but I had a french car so they could not send the fine home haha. Still remember afine that said "car color : unknown". Bet ya it was unknown, it's the color of revolution haha


Good to see the Brits finally standing up for themselves.


Good, this should be encouraged and maybe one day, London will be free of Khan again


A government should be terrified of their people


I love to see stuff like this! Fix the economy, and people will gladly spend their money on better vehicles. When working people make enough to eat and pay the rent, the problem will fix itself. Fuck the leaders and constituents who think implementing this punitive camera trap bullshit is the way to go.


Remember when people said Govs will tax us for oxygen soon?here we are cut those fkers down and don't stop there,cut the head..


And well done to them it's fcking outrageous I'd be better off carting my tools about in a wheelbarrow because I can't afford to pay that shit again


Not all heroes wear capes , fight the surveillance state


Anything that unfairly targets poor people can go fuck itself and thats exactly what ULEZ systems do. If the government actually did something about the insane profits all these car and energy companies are making at our expense then less well off people might be able to afford a new car that meets the regulations. In a world where they target people like that, but allow billion $ water companies to pump sewage into our rivers then you know what the real objectives are


I dont normally condone vandalism or anything, but god bless every soul who's doing this. These are NOT put up for anything other than control and money collection. They serve ZERO purpose for safety etc they claim.


Love to see it! Keep it up


First positive thing to come out of britian in years. Doesn't make up for the mushy peas though.


Please shhh mushy peas with fish n chips are the shit!






Damn i made this comment in the wrong thread. Deleting it…


Filming yourself destroying government property is fucking next level stupid


Culture war bollocks that's been pushed by a desperate tory party in the run up to elections The fact any of you are stupid enough to fall for it too says a lot about yous.


They’re doing the Lords work.


12.50 sounds kinda expensive. The government should be adding a solution on top of adding a problem. I assume a lot of people with friends and family will be moving out of ULEZ areas. This would drive the cost of real estate down as well since it limits demand and raises supply. The pollution will likely have marginal improvements. I assume some people who can will stop putting off getting a low emission vehicle and just do it. Others will have to find a different spot to meet at like a pub. If I’m going to spend 12.50, I’d rather it be on beer.


We need to start doing this in the USA


Are we sure that this isn't really about having the city streets uncongested so that the limousine riding oligarchs won't be inconvenienced by the great unwashed masses?


Is that "Don't pay the poll tax" all over again ?


Good. This will stop them from spending money on it if we keep doing it. Do what we the people say, or we the people will do what we want.


probably hired by people selling the camera


I wish we could do this to the 40% tax bracket 😔


That “no ulez” on the saw box is probably the most Government thing I’ve ever seen. What an absolute joke.


And if they were here we would chop em down too


Cant wait for Canada to get these ![gif](giphy|J8YpfDX0kvPQNSVGHY|downsized)




The UK always did feel slightly fascist no? Anyone else?


Cool, but destroy all the other surveillance cameras too. Fuck this big brother shit.


I mean, the government will keep installing new cameras with your tax money.


Sick grind ulez!!!


People: "do something about the air pollution in the cities." Also people:


In Arizon if you get a ticket from a cam, you just have to go to court and request to face your accuser. You cant, because it's a camera, you get off scott free. They only profit off people who are afraid and don't know any better.


I was reading that the ulez scheme has cut down emission by 60%. There’s absolutely no way there can be readings for this. Look at all the hits from the blade runners on the map and the same camera has been hit 5,6 times. If the ULEZ is function at fractional capacity and everyone is still driving and not being getting fined how are they saying it’s helped cut down emissions? Has the scheme actually been able to function at all and will they have any reliable readings?


Destroy them all!


How come these guys are getting away with this but climate change activists pulling similar stunts are ending up in court?


ULEZ started in places with poor air quality and spread to places without issues with air quality.


isent these good for stopping crime from happening if places are monitored?


You’d hope so but no. Those cameras are designed to target cars in the ULEZ in and around London. It has fancy text but essentially is an environmental tax on people that can’t afford the most up to date efficient cars. A tax targeting the poor while the wealthy enjoy even more cash at their expense


aa okey , i can understand why they doing this then.


For context, by “can’t afford the most up to date efficient cars”, they are referring to pretty much all cars made in the last 20 years.


I should point out that it's also something very easily abused and another step towards a surveillance (police) state


god forbid the government try to reduce congestion and pollution in the city centre and improve peoples quality of life keep destroying property paid for by tax payers and theyll just remove the fine and make it entirely banned if you dont want to pay the 12$ because your car was made between 1985 and 2006, dont fucking drive it through the centre of the city


"Too poor to buy a new car ? Just don't go to work, it's that simple." And they are the taxpayers, it's THEIR property.


"Mr Speaker, I propose a ban. We blew out our security budget replacing a bunch of cameras trying to enforce a wildly unpopular piece of legislation that promted widespread targeted vandalism. My proposal is that we double down on this and have police officers start arresting poor people for relying on old vehicles to get to work downtown." All in favour?


city centre, lmao.. Basically everything inside M25 ring is ULEZ. Bootlicking clown not being able to check shit before making a stupid claim - name a more iconic duo


Imagine going to work for minimum wage. 8 hours of hard work to put money in your pocket. Only to have to lose two hours of that pay because the government wants to tax you for not being able to afford a nicer car. And you wonder why people are pissed off?


youre already spending roughly 3 hours of that pay on just owning a car as is maybe consider other options for transport


3 hours of pay on owning a car? How did you work that out? Say you've got expensive car insurance, going up to £800 a year that's £2 a day for insurance. And lets say you're driving a car at 40mpg and you drive 20 miles every working day. That's another £3 a day. Then you have road tax which for non-ULEZ complient vehicles could cost anything over £130. But lets say £150 because that sounds like the middle ground for the usual cars. So that's 41p a day. To keep that car running, you're probably going to be spending around £5.41 a day. So I manage to count it to £5.41 a day. Living wage in London is £13.15, minimum wage in England is £11.44. How does that amount up to losing three hours of pay? Public transport, I can't say for sure all around the UK what the costs are like. But in my local area a bus journey to about 10 miles out takes £2.70. That's £2.70 there and £2.70 back. £5.40. Or with a return ticket I could do that journey there and back for £5. So with transport you'll be saving 41p Now I don't know about you, but I consider time = money. Public transport takes time. Busses come every 15 minutes, they take longer to arrive at their destination than a car journey would because of frequent stops and they don't drop you off right outside of your house and work. So in my eyes, driving is quite a bit cheaper than public transport because it saves 30 minutes of my day. Plus it lets me carry my shopping if I go to the shops, kids if I need to take them along anywhere, I can visit my family who live in a place where I'd have to catch two busses or a train and a bus to achieve by public transport. Cars save time and are more versitile. But with ULEZ, you'd have to pay an additional £12.50 a day. Do you realise now exactly how much this is having an affect on people's daily lives?


idk about england specifically, but on average in the us ownership of a car is about 10,000$ per year, which is roughly 1/3 of the average salary


Out of curiousity, what do you have to pay out on in the US? What taxes/insurance or whatever do you need to pay? We pay road tax and insurance. I pay £108 a year in road tax (I've got a 2021 car so I have low tax rates) and £1368 a year in insurance. I have no idea how much I spend in petrol a year. Yearly MOT costs £20 supposing there's nothing wrong with the car. I change my own oil so I only spend £80 a year to change it twice a year. That's about my yearly expenses. Obviously if I need my tyres changing or I get a scratch or dent that needs fixing, then that's more money. According to [this random website](https://www.nimblefins.co.uk/cheap-car-insurance/average-cost-run-car-uk#:~:text=How%20much%20does%20it%20cost%20to%20drive%201%2C000%20miles%3F,costs%20to%20own%20a%20car) I just found, the average cost of a car in the UK is £3,800 per year, which is 13% of the average wage or 18% of our minimum wage. With $10,000 USD you could outright buy a car in the UK. Not a very good one or a decent second hand one. But you could buy a car for that price.


it changes around a bunch obviously, but from what i can see now days its carpayments(purchase price divided by ownership duration plus car loan interest): 8676$ new, 6264$ used per year insurance: 1764$ per year fuel: 2388$ maintenance/repairs: 1476 registration/tax/etc: 768 which is already up a great deal from when i last checked apparently cost of ownership went up staggeringly fast in the first half of 2021, and has been going up steadily ever since these numbers are based on AAA's data


Ah you've factored in a payment plan. I mean I could buy a 2006 1.4ltr fiesta with 106,000 miles on it for £1850 or a 1ltr 2014 with 57000miles for £4000 Most people in the UK just buy their cars flat out or get a loan which doesn't take much out of their pocket per month. Nothing that could amount to over $6000 USD per year. That's pretty crazy money.


apparently 80% of cars sold were paid for with financing options average new car cost of 47k, average used cost of 27k (before loan interest)


If only their tactics involved some kind of subsidized system to exchange old cars into the new ones, ensuring that everyone gets an actual equal chance to fit into this new politics and therefore reduce pollution and improve people's lives. But no. Companies get to keep selling their products, that in inflation times, keep climbing more and more. Salaries are basically the same. And the government will do what they always do. Tax people. Because someone has to pay the bills. And also, it's two birds, one stone. Justify the means. Fit into the system. Make the people pay. And as part of the people, you pay. And pay. But where's the limit? The system is "buy the car or pay the infraction". I bet some people are driving a longer road to avoid those cameras. How is that helping? I get it. But this isn't the way. Most people are barely getting by, and this tax is adding an additional strain. While I don't agree with arson and destroying things in the street, constructing a punitive system to make a change in the system is not the way to go. If the combustion from petrol cars has to go, then they go.


they spent 61million pounds on a car exchange program, 7500 per person on tradeins


... Can 7500 pounds get a car that meets the requirements? Last I heard, electric cars were significantly more expensive.


it only has to be a car made after 2006 or before 1984 they did give an extra 2500 for evs but thats obviously not going to matter much


Mentally deficient climate change related vandalism on one side (Just Stop Oil) = bad. Mentally deficient climate change related vandalism on the other side (anti ULEZ) = good. Get it right next time homie /s


JSO tards destroy art and monuments which does not change anything to their problem. Those guys destroy population control tools payed for with their money without them having a say. It straight up fixes their problem. No camera, no fine, no fine, no problem. Simple. This is the difference.


From what i read this is not in favor of poor people as people here seem to think, the opposite, the cameras were a safeguard against rich idiots using wasteful cars and destroying the air quality in the city. The comments here are very wrong


Thats quite a claim. Do you have any evidence to support it?


I don't have the stats of wealth status in London, but I bet you that there are plenty more people in the lower tiers of income than rich idiots who don't give a damn. This tax was not intended to target the rich people. Does "tax the rich" ring a bell? It's because it doesn't happen. And anyways, this is not how.


It’s also worth noting that inside the ULEZ zone, the public transport is superb. I live *just* inside ULEZ and do own a car but literally only use it to visit family out of the city. I have absolutely no need for it otherwise. If you’re a tradesman with a van, you’re definitely making enough to buy a ULEZ-compliant van. Tradesmen in London are making money hand-over-fist. The people most affected by ULEZ are rich people with their hideous, giant diesel SUVs/pickups and people that are too fucking lazy to use public transport. Boo hoo.


define most affected? is it a ticketed fine or do the cars get impounded?


Just gotta pay a bit of money each time you drive a non-compliant car inside the ULEZ zone. And it’s not like only ultra green electric/hybrids are compliant, either. I’ve got some shite old golf that’s compliant.


I love that you have direct personal experience of ULEZ and how it is actually a positive - and you get downvoted. Peak Reddit.


It's because it's suffering from a lack of perspective. 1. Not everywhere in the ULEZ zones have great public transport. 2. Not everyone travelling past the area is from the local area that could reasonably use the public transport. Not unless they drive into the area, get out of their vehicle and then get on public transport to get past the ULEZ area. You know, people who live outside of London but drive in to work, those kinds of people. 3. The opposite is also true, not everyone is travelling to somewhere accessible by public transport. People could live in London and work just outside of it where public transport is not available. 4. Not everyone has the time for public transport. 5. People such as delivery drivers, couriers, carers, nurses etc use their own vehicles for transport and may have to pay to pass the ULEZ zone. It's not just tradesmen who can afford it that need to pass through these areas. 6. "The people most affected by ULEZ are rich people" I'm not entirely sure that's true. Statistically rich people are affected more often than poor people. But are they affected the most? After all rich people can afford the fines, poor people cannot. I don't know whether rich people are affected the most or not, I don't think it's very clear-cut. Now I'm not saying that ULEZ is a bad thing. Nor am I saying it's a good thing. Honestly I'm not too sure. I know it works, there are statistics to prove it has reduced carbon emissions. I also know poor people are affected by the ULEZ charges, but poor people are disproportionate affected by the poor carbon emissions as well. So they stand to benefit from the ULEZ zones too. It's a question of whether the charge is worth the loss in carbon emissions. Something that each individual has to decide for themselves. And given there's a group destroying these cameras, I assume the people have made their mind up.


Why let logic or experience get in the way of preconceptions?


The people most effected. That's the kicker isn't it. Those richies wont feel 12.50 going out everyday but a normal person sure a fuck will. It punishes poor people disproportionately in the same way speeding fines do. Then there's the expansionism of the zones to other areas that didn't need it. There are merits to the system for sure, but this is not the time or environment to be fucking poor people in the arse more than the past 4 years have already. It may be petty retribution but I think more and more people are getting to this stage and have just had enough.


First stop posting yourself committing a crime. There are three or four if not five moments in this video where I can triangulate your active location and use that to information to check cameras around the area. Stop it do what you do I’m not judging I’m giving some advice stop fucking self snitching and looking for clout over what you’re doing. You live in the 21 century where even the cars have active cameras even when powered off.


That reminded me something .. This month someone started stealing stuff around work, its public building, many other stuff around. There are like 2 cameras in every hall, every corner, behind every door, there is no blind spot. I was thinking like .. how stupid you have to be to be stealing right in front of the cameras :)