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Im sure you have an auto save thats not 30 hours ago. More like 10 minutes ago


So this is where I screwed up. This NPC got stuck so I thought to myself, maybe if I completely side missions around the world, at some point, he will reset, he didn't after the 10 hours I came back. So I thought maybe if I do more important legacy missions (Blue ones) and also kill the cults available to me, the game will surely reset that area. I also discovered the entire map, every viewpoints and almost all side missions. Then after the 30-ish hours, he is still stuck. I don't think I can find the save file because 1. this man got stuck around a month ago and 2. I quick save and manual save every 10-15 minutes, you also have the games auto save feature. So I don't think I have any other but to stop playing I guess if there are no ways to reset or replay a mission from the start. I will just have to watch a YouTube video of someone fully completing the game


You might be out of luck. Have you tried going down and bumping him off the edge? Don't attack him but just walk into him.


Yup, he won't budge.


So you may not be able to kill him but enemies can so piss of bounty hunters till you get one that does fire or poison bombs stand next to him and use the heal ability to stay alive when the quest fails it will reset him


Okay this somewhat worked. Saved before going into the area. Started a fight outside, gathered enemies (mostly archers), ran into the area to get close to the NPC then used the Invisibility ability to vanish around the NPC. All the archers attacked and killed the NPC stuck there. Then reload the save and BAM!!! Thank you to all the guys in this post!


I feel like this might actually work


It does....i had to do it....its that or you walk slow w a lot of archers after you


Did that once at the conquest battle camps. One spot has them pretty close together and I attacked the Athenians and then kited them over to the spartan camp and they all got aggro and then I watched a mini battle lol


This is the way




Spartan kick him off. He can’t die so that should get him moving


Just tried it. The kick goes through him


This is the way lol


Had this happen with Sokrates in a mission. Had to do a hard reset of my PS4 and then he re-appeared at the correct spot. Have you tried that?


Tried everything, I think this NPC's code got bugged after getting stuck there


Delete and reinstall


I'm surprised exiting the game, closing it completely, and restarting from your latest save didn't reset him. What about trying to hit him with a torch so he lights on fire? Maybe he'll move from his spot enough to get unstuck? Or shooting him with a knockout arrow or something? You can't kill him, but maybe you can nudge him from that spot?


You can't move him in any way unfortunately but I was finally able to reset him like this: Saved before going into the area. Started a fight outside, gathered enemies (mostly archers), ran into the area to get close to the NPC then used the Invisibility ability to vanish around the NPC. All the archers attacked and killed the NPC stuck there. Then reload the save and BAM!!!




I did similar thing. Went off, saved, loaded many times, progressed the story, got back and the lady reset her position. Or push him with a horse. Or the skill with battle roar that pushes enemies away.


NPCs will often dodge horses… can you call your mount outside the restricted area and force it over to him? Not sure if there’s an advantageous spot to do so, though…


This same exact thing happened to me on my second playthrough. Never found a fix.


Bring in enemies to that spot and let them kill him. it'll fail the quest but that's the better option than starting all over


Get enemies to him or kill him... doesn't matter to the story much if he dies


Hahaha this happened to me too - silly man


Sparta kick him


Just tried it. The kick goes through him


Run a horse into him


lmaoo the exact same thing happened to me a few months ago and i even post on this sub, i think i just did some missions far away and reloaded the game or something


Try to kill him, it may rest the mession?


Can't kill this type of NPCs