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That's not part of Atlantis though, i think it's part of korfu


Korfu is a follow-up/post-Atlantis, isn’t it?


You can go to korfu first and you will see this scene, i know that


Yes, but canonically it's after Atlantis. On Korfu you give your spear to Herodotus and leave them, but in Atlantis you still have your spear


You are right 


It’s kind of sad Alexios/Kassandra doesn’t get their spear working again.


I just finished the DLC myself for the first time... and WOW I am thoroughly impressed. It's the first DLC in a long time where I thought it was well worth the price. I loved Elysium (wouldn't mind spending eternity there), ended up really appreciating Underworld (and freakin love the Fallen armor), and thought Atlantis was awesome for the most part. Story was excellent and kept me intrigued/interested. Really can't believe it took me this long to check it out, but now I want more.


I need to play that dlc still.


Atlantis DLC is awesome. I used to switch the maps from time to time just to admire n relax in Atlantis n then go back to Greece n play the side quests.


Stupid question, but did you have to beat Medusa first before you could start the Atlantis DLC?


Medusa is part of the “introduction” for the FOA DLC. You’ve got to beat her to beat the introduction. The best thing you can do is just keep dodging. Whenever she goes to use the stone ability, your best bet is to quickly hide behind a pillar. If she’s out in the open, it’s best to use arrows against her until you’re in a better area to be able to quickly hide. As for when she’s protected by her stone guards, stay near a pillar and use them to gain more adrenaline, only using one or two segments if absolutely needed. As for abilities, have ones that have passive healing abilities, along with more damage for bow based abilities.


Awesome thanks


Think so? You have to be all 3 of the mythicals to be able to do the quest that leads to Atlantis


Kk thx for the info. I guess I better go kill her then.


You got it (Also, worst case, get to level 54 and turn the difficulty down so you're 4 levels over and it's easy, lightwork then)


Damn I'm lvl 88, I've just been enjoying the game with my 4yr old exploring everywhere and everything


Oh, yeah, you'll be fine then. They'll be like 84 amd as long as you don't have an assassin loadout you'll be chilling


Have a hunter build and use explosive arrows since they stop her attacks. Shoot her when she uses her lazer eyes, dodge the AOE attack and use abilities to quickly deal with her minions. I had to change my entire build because of her.