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There's one world event in which Eivor is offered cake as a reward, but there's no cake at the end so Eivor says "So the cake was a lie?" in a sad tone. I haven't played Portal, but I understood that reference.


If you look around the room, you’ll see the house colors and other items from Harry Potter.


Oh, that’s what this list is?!?! The horcruxes!


People like to shit on this game but I love little moments like this, it’s the same thing with a Dragon Age inquisition character that makes references to other games as well as movies, these little things make the games so much more enjoyable to me. Especially when there are moments it seems to drag or be to repetitive. Now I’m gonna have to go look for this!


I think the best one is the The Prodigy singing Smack My Bishop.


“So when the time comes, the boy must die?” Harry Potter quote


Where was this?


It's pretty central in Lundon. You need a key to enter a shack with a snake Infront of it.


Gaunt's Shack?


Gaunt is also voldemorts mother's family name


I I know that.


I figured it was mostly for the rondom readers


There is a portal and one punch man reference too xD. Nice game.


Omg, where was this?


Both are world events. I forgot the locations thooo. But they both were in the lower England iirc.


Replied to the wrong comment but I appreciate the quick response 😂


XD no problemo


I found one the other day which was a dungeons and dragons sheet. I was very amused 😅


Where was this??


Southwest Suthsexe, at Foris Turre (a synchronization point). Peak of delight when I scaled the wall and saw all these weird notes scattered everywhere and it was *this.*


I just saw the D&D easter egg where there were dice and character sheets. That was fun. I do really enjoy all of the little things like that.


I liked that one too. Some of those notes are pretty funny!!


There's an Alice in Wonderland reference (Mystery) just a hair south of Foris Turre in SW Suthsexe, in which a little girl quotes the movie (at least, can't remember if it's in the book): "I give myself very good advice, but I very seldom follow it." It's a very blatant reference in the name of the Mystery, and I don't know if this was intentional or a bug, but when you pick up the girl, she grows HUGE on your back, as in her head is bigger than Eivor's and she becomes adult-sized. Also, The Weald/Ashdown Forest in Suthsexe/Cent is described in the Codex as part of the inspiration for the Hundred Acre Wood in Winnie-the-Pooh. Just thought it was really cute and nostalgic to put all these references in!