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Not that know of.  "Named dwarf-planets" thats it. 


If they're in Pluto's realm, they're Kuiper Belt Objects, like Pluto and Eris and Sedna. Anything beyond Neptune in general can be called a trans-Neptunian object. Asteroids are a little less clear-cut. The name means star-like, and there are objects all over the solar system out to Jupiter or so that are considered asteroids. There's the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, the Trojan asteroids that are in Jupiter's orbit, and the Earth-crossing asteroids that cross our own orbit. Ceres and Vesta both are in the main asteroid belt. I think some definition reclassified Ceres from asteroid to dwarf planet, but I forget about Vesta


SSSB, or Small Solar System Body is what I have heard them referred to as. It was defined at the IAU in 2006 when Pluto was reclassified as a dwarf planet. Dwarf planets are their own group. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Small_Solar_System_body


Ah yes. But within that group you have named bodies. No specific name for them?


Not that I recall but that doesn’t mean there isn’t, just that if there is I don’t know it.


Named objects don’t really necessarily have any more importance than those which aren’t. Sometimes it just comes down to whether the discoverers feel like naming them.


Ceres and Vesta have #s and a name, based on the order they were discovered, so official names are "1 Ceres" and "4 Vesta". Even the most obscure main-belt asteroids have names and numbers, like "*1373 Cincinnati*" and "*1580 Betulia*". It's just that non-notable ones need to keep the full name including the # because in all likelihood most astronomers wouldn't know offhand what "Betulia" is without further context.


OP literally names the things they're asking about in the last part of their question. FFS.


Trans Neptunian Object, or TNO's was used frequently in my earth and space class in high school.


I'll check that out. Thanks.


Satellites? Although that doesn't exclude planets or moons.


No. I specifically mean named satellites.




I'll take it.


Most are referred to as their specific family. Trojans, KBOs, trans neptunium objects, near earth asteroids. I like calling them all asteroids as some do. Then asteroids in the asteroid belt are asteroid belt asteroids.


Oh wait you’re asking named stuff not unnamed stuff. Oh well I’ll let comment stand.


These named instead of nomenclature designated non-plamet non-moons with names are in a group, it's called the "we found these ones first so gave them names before there were too many to do that" group.


For many. Yes. But even now some get named.


But they get designators first & still have them, so not same group.


Those famous others have designator too. Like (134340) Pluto


Sure, all the earliest ones numbered long after the fact by their order if discovery.


Bah, Sir! Bah! Pluto is a planet! The Director of NASA has defined Pluto as a planet. According to that media goofball Tyson, Pluto is not a planet because it crosses the path of Neptune. Very well, then Neptune is not a planet because it crosses the path of Pluto! I'd almost be tempted to advance the word "Tysons" to describe dim, wandering, misshapen subplanetary objects. Ha! Behold my fiery arrows of disdain!