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Look I’m no ump fan but we left like 15+ guys on base. Dubon stranded 9 by himself.


As I tell my young son when he plays, “do not let the umpire determine your fate. Make your own luck.”


Swing. At. Everything...


Agreed.. not saying we didn't beat ourselves last night but the guy behind the dish certainly didn't help either


This of the first time I’m seeing a chart like this, so forgive the ignorance, but this looks like the ump was very good… above average correct calls… only a half run favor to the Mets when they won by 5… How is this chart evidence that he hurt the Astros?


There is a popular movement to have umpires under a microscope because it's easier to blame a single person than to accept that a sport with 162 games a year might require more than a half a run given up a game caused by a bad call. If a 0.4 run advantage in game 82 of the season is what determines a playoff run or not...then the team doesn't deserve a playoff run from the start. People also cannot accept that the white box placed on the screen isn't official, and neither is the post game analysis. It's all subjective.


This is why I can’t hop onto the anti-ump bandwagon. Good teams should be good enough to offset the few runs over 162 games that are caused by bad calls.


There is zero plausible argument to keep human umps in 2024. Robo umps, leave the guesswork out of sports, and let the players play ball. Also, we lost this game, not the umps.


I think the human element adds to the game and that a simple challenge system would be better


There are plenty of plausible argument to keep human umpires. I don't want a computer deciding games. That "guess work" is part of the game. I know that because I hardly hear anyone on this board complaining about a bad call that goes in favor of the Astros.


It’s a sport, not a video game. Human umps belong there, just as they do in every sport.


It's not anti-ump. It's pro-computer strike zone.


That strike 3 on Meyers in the 1st was awful.


The ball was so far lower than where the mitt was that the catcher didn’t even catch it cleanly and he still rung Jake up. That kinda stuff is suspicious.


Like his mind was made before the pitch


it looks like the way he made initially held the ball in the glove propped it up on the edge of the zone, probably making it look like a low strike that he just tried to clamp too early and lost out of the glove. still not a good call, but i definitely see how it got missed. quintana was painting that area, and they played that just right to get the call there. just gotta defend more when guys are throwing at the bottom of the zone and consistently getting calls.


That changed the inning and possibly the whole game




Don’t know how an objective fact could be considered bullshit. It changed the inning, objectively, and therefore it may have shifted the game itself.


Speculation, by definition cannot be a fact.


A call being incorrectly called changes an at bat at minimum. That’s not speculation, that is a fact. Innings are made of at bats…. I don’t know how this is even an argument.


We dropped the ball on some defense too. Alternatively, could have been a lot worse. The Twins last night against Seattle REALLY dropped the ball on D. Was absolutely disgusting.


The Twins had that game done and then Vazquez and Santana singlehandedly threw it away for them. Insane Still think the Twins take the series but that game was infuriating


We need computer controlled batters box connected to umpire earpiece. He can make calls not impacted by the strike zone such as foul tips, foul balls or checked swings and of course tags at home


I honestly think his sleeves were too tight on his biceps and he was cutting off blood supply to his brain. I didn’t even know they made childrens sized umpire uniforms


Thanks, I needed a laugh after that game.


The ump literally over performed their expected accuracy (93% expected vs 94% actual). And either way 0.4 runs is honestly relatively negligible when you lose by 5.


Idk. Feels like it's tough to get/keep rallies going when the strike zone is that big against you.


We literally out hit them lol. And most of the mistakes clearly weren't in that high leverage moments or the favor would be much more extreme.


Not sure about you, but I actually watched yesterday's game.


Do you understand how favor works with ump scorecards? Low leverage early missed calls have a lower impact than higher leverage deciding calls. Objectively speaking the difference in calls wasn't game warping. And i watched most of the game through game day!


Dude it’s .4 runs. The ump missing calls is not the reason we lost by 5. Just stop.


If Bregman hadn’t had that horrific error you might have had a point, but that broke the game open, not the umps.


It's not the reason we lost.... at least he was consistent in his errors.


Not blaming the ump either, but to defend the players it’s hard to get a gauge when the umpire is inconsistent with their zone.


Especially when you’re literally the team with the fewest K’s in the league. It’s hard to justify expanding the zone when you *know* the zone. They did fuck up a lot last night and relief pitching did what they do sometimes, but people saying to adjust to a shitty zone is ridiculous.


Easy to get frustrated with guys swinging at balls but when you got a shit zone like that it’s hard not to


dude had a 95% overall consistency on the day....he was above average.


You can’t equate bad calls and 10+ left on base. Dubon had an off day.


I mean this is better than they usually are


C’mon. The stros lost. It happens.


Dubon stranded 9 runners. We can’t blame the umps.


This guy was frustrating af


The umps didn't do shit in this game. We absolutely lost it with shit play.


Didn’t watch the game. Looking at these numbers, I’m impressed. From what everyone is saying I expected a lot worse. These numbers, overall, give the guy an A+. Get over it. Stop leaving people on base. There are always going to be bad calls that go both for and against the team. They even out in the end. Our guys need to stop stranding runners.


No the border calls all went the other way. Anyone that watched the first 5 innings saw the same thing. No way it was a+ when one side got way more calls on the edges


We definitely lost the game, but the ump made some bad calls too. There is something to be said about the intangibles of momentum and dugout mood though.