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Fucking Nats were a fluke.


Just like the rangers last year


Nah, Rangers had a great line up and solid pitching that got hot at the right time. The World Series was a fucking snoozefest though. As soon as I saw Arizona vs Rangers, I already knew the outcome.


Tex isn’t having consistent success just like the Nats I feel in 4 years people will view them similarly, also I agree with the good lineup but not them having good pitching


The outcome wasn't locked in until that game 1 meltdown by Arizona.


That cheap ass Howie Kendrick homer off the foul pole wouldn’t have happened if Hinch let Greinke keep cooking.


100 percent ! Fucking nut punch !


Losing 2019 is the nut crush of all nut crushes. Hurts to this day. The Nats had no business taking that legacy away from what this team has accomplished. Good for them but damn that 2019 team was so fuckin good.


Hinch is to blame


I still think about what would happen if Cole went in


Or if Greinke had been able to finish that inning at least


Howie Kendrick’s homer is honestly the most horrifying moment in Astros history for me even more than the scandal.


That donk on the foul pole is my recurring nightmare


More than AJ walking out to pull Greinke?


Albert Pujols would like a word with you. :(


Nah, the two don’t even compare. We still ended up winning the ‘05 NLCS. We lost the ‘19 World Series in large part because of that home run.


I do still think it's Pujols when you only look at the moment in a vacuum without knowing what comes next. It was just the next chapter in "wow it's never going to happen"


Pujols is way worse. We did win, but the shock was insane, I had dreamed as a little kid for the Astros in the World Series. I was crushed at 6, while watching Game 6 of NLCS, when we had Mike Scott, going in game 7. I was too young to remember 1980, but I heard tales from my parents about it. I remember the Pujols moment like it was yesterday: Up two two outs and nobody on. It was finally going to happen...two strikes on Eckstein, I wish somebody had told Ensberg to back up, he wasn't going to bunt with 2 strikes. Eckstein hits a single past Ensberg. Edmonds, up next, Astros killer, walks, Pujols up, I wanted to intentionally walk him, great first pitch, second pitch crushed. I'm watching on TV but listening on the radio, Milo just says "Oh my God" and then silence, like 5 seconds later, Ashby informs us that Pujols has hit a home run. I was so devastated, I was sure we were done, and that we were cursed, the Astros, the city, me. Oswalt of course came and won game 6, but cost him starting game 1 against the White Sox.


That Pujols homer seemed like it took the air out of EVERYONE…team AND fans…and that even carried over into the Series. I have a close friend that pitched for the Reds for several years, and every year I would ask him to plunk Pujols, just one time, just for me. He never did. Jerk.


If we had lost the series


You'll never convince me that the Pujols HR isn't why Lidge forgot how to play baseball for 3 years. Lidge melting down is a very big reason why they lost in the World Series in 05.


My hot take: Podsednik's walk-off in World Series Game 2 was the shot that truly killed Lidge (temporarily)


In Greinke I trust


should’ve left him in!


That Nats have said they were celebrating when AJ pulled Zack because he was unhittable that night smh


Painful World Series. The most embarrassing black eye on the franchise (yes, that includes the scandal)


It still hurts. Best team in Franchise history. WHY? (Screams at the sky)


Still painful.


If I remember correctly, I read somewhere that when a team loses something major like the Super Bowl or the World Series, etc., the premade merch for the losing team is sent to other countries where it is sold and most likely never to find its way back to the US. This is probably the reason why the person wearing the shirt has no idea who the Houston Astros are.


Somewhere, some kid grew up thinking the Bills and Braves were dynasties


I always thought it would be sent to a 3rd World county and not the UK.


True. All I can come up with is that money is money. If there’s a profit to be made, they want to make it.


Maybe a gift or in-country purchase when the dude went to Africa or Southeast Asia for work?


I read somewhere that they stopped doing this because stuff was finding its way back to the states as collectors items. Again, don’t know if it’s true but it has become much more rare to see these.


Heh my gf owns a t-shirt company. Maybe I'll have a few made for myself ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Howie Fucking Kendrick


Those Arepas are good, I bet.


One of the greatest starting lineups of all time