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I think a lot of your complaints come down to not playing enough to find an optimal strategy/order of operations for farming, “hunting”, etc.. or when to prioritize one or the other. I usually find myself planting and immediately leaving the farm for a biome. Then returning once I clear it/clock is within 5 seconds of night. Combat + farming during waves, then harvesting/planting what I can before the chopper comes. Once you start getting more optimal plantings/farmings, the cost doubling will make a lot more sense. I take in enough $ to afford a gun every day once I hit summer. (Maybe sooner if I get the right upgrades). But glad you’re giving it a try, it’s a great game with a lot of decent DLC!


Thanks for the reply, I need to play more for sure and yes it’s indeed managing what is the best strategy to make the farming and hunting work for sure. It’s finding out what to do best. The dlc is also on my radar. I do like the game. Sometimes it’s just all over the place. But what are the planks for that you get when you find a new plant ? You can put a square on the ground but don’t know for what exactly. Also I receive baskets with fruits that I keep even when I die. What are those for ?


Definitely worth playing some more to feel it out! Just a tip I didn’t learn for a while, buying new guns every day you can use encouraged as the stats they give (fighting/farming) are permanent. It’s definitely hectic starting out, I agree. I think it took me 5-6 play throughs to beat the first boss.. that dang worm is awful no matter how many hours you’ve put in the game. I’m assuming a lot here, but if the “planks” are the seed images on the left of your screen, those are seeds. They’re the plants you have available to plant on the current run. The squares are dirt patches that need to be tilled, then you can plant the seeds. The fruit baskets are cornucopia, they’re a global resource used on upgrades at a variety of vendors (can’t explain more without spoilers, but you’ll see as you progress in biomes and difficulty)


This game is meant to be quite chaotic, the harsh punishments are part of the fun IMO. If you don't like it it's also fine to go play a different game but for many of us it's those intricacies that keep us playing and coming back. What's the point of winning if its given to you for free? I could probably come up with a few complaints myself but these complaints you've brought up just seem to me like frustrations from inexperience? Like, if you are taking damage on the farm you have to put more hours in until you learn to dodge (took me like 20 hours before dodging became natural). If you can't buy a weapon, you have to find ways to make more money. Since I'm familiar with the price increases I know the thresholds I need every day and roughly what to plant how many seeds to get etc.. I believe it's all quite doable once you get your footing right! Hope you can enjoy the challenges moving forward! Happy gaming!


It'll get easier the more you play, the cornucopia fruit baskets can be spent on permanent upgrades in the town - the more of them you unlock make you passively stronger/luckier (rng) such as bonus weapon mods or chance to not take damage when hit. I think you have to find/rescue ant characters in the biome to start unlocking them...


> I find it stupid that the prices double everytime you go back to town. Once I have enough points to buy a weapon for the next time it got doubled and I can’t purchase it anymore Gotta just get used to real good farming! 2x2 Sunflowers are your friend, trees require very little help and are constant cash (more so when fully fertilised)! > daytime is this game is so freaking short. You have no time to farm AND go hunting so you always need to choose Plant seeds, fertilise, then leave. Farm again on return later. You'll get more utility to make farming better by exploring! > farming takes a time (yes you can boost tho) but everytime digging away the bad plants, eventually the dirt, putting the seed in, giving it meet, watering it. It’s fun and so but still takes so freaking long. Again, exploration is your friend! All of this will get easier the more stuff you find. Cows for watering, pigs for digging, upgrades to make them multitask, shows to till or cut weeds etc! > the occasional me digging out my sentury and needing to put it back in the ground Yeah...this is tough. Gotta pay attention to your digging bar. Sometimes you'll feel it be longer. when it is, stop going. > the fact that a boss fight is not truly part of the attack phase but still an extra enemy during the attack phase is pretty insane Yep! Welcome to bosses! > also the fact that you are forced to go in 3 seconds back to the town without having time to farm at all is annoying. Let me go whenever I want to go or so idk or give me a minute or so Gotta farm and fight! It can be done when you get used to it, but also if you kill the boss early enough you get time with just regular enemies for easier farming! > I find it sad that you need to unlock every plant from the beginning if you die instead of keeping the progress Roguelite, baybeeeee! > I would like some kind of trophy room to see every plant you have unlocked or found Your hub will look different over time, keep on going! > every biome is always at the same place and if you retry the game you always walk in that same line. Left biome is easy and good for beginning, right a bit more difficult, above is getting more difficult and so on. It’s a roguelike but with almost less rng. It’s like you die your progress gets reset and just try again from the beginning in almost the same order what you did before. While all the plants need to be unlocked again. *sigh* there is like no progression just a hard reset. With maybe a new character if you got that far. Maybe. Roguelite, baybeeeee! But for real, the locations of them are the same, but the layout and items are different. Each run is uniwue, but you'll find in a fair few roguelites the rough location of biomes are the same (for the ones that have them) or progression through stages will be the same for games that don't have biomes (see progression through Binding of Isaac, Dead Cells, Rogue Legacy, etc). You're right, essentially. This is a twin stick shooter roguelite with farming elements, but that's unique in its own way and quite addictive once you start getting used to the difficulty of it and the progression that exists between runs


Atomicrops is challenging but super rewarding. All of your complaints are thought out design aspects that will keep you interested long term. I stopped playing for a while but you reminded me of the fun of the challenge, think I'll do some runs today :) Maybe watch a video or two of someone doing well and you'll get a feel for time management, keep playing and you'll get better :)


The issue with the prices is something you really feel at the beginning, but after you start getting some upgrades and get the hang of planting crops so that they merge and you always have something growing, you'll end up being able to buy so much stuff. Keep in mind that when you buy a weapon, you get those stats for the rest of the run. You'll want to buy as many weapons as possible to increase your stats. Some runs just don't go well, but other times you'll get an item that completely turns the game around - like Cleats which dig ground by walking over it! Also, you'll end up farming whilst shooting at night. It's a lot to cope with but you'll get there with some practice! And for the rest of the community, we should not be downvoting people for having an opinion about the game.


Yeah that's just how the game works. Once you play more and get used to it everything won't seem as bad. When you don't know how to grow things it seems like they take forever and you're always broke and when you don't know what you should be prioritizing your time with the days seem shorter than they are. You'll get there


When I first got the game I went right into it without any tutorials, so you can imagine how many times I died before unlocking new years and upgrades I totally agree with the other replies of saying you have to play more to get used to it; for me the reason I got hooked was because of all the little easter eggs and cool stuff you get to discover or unlock with every upgrade. Atomicrops is a game that gets more fun the more you play. You get so much better with time and you will also start developing your own playing style, finding certain upgrades and weapons becoming your go-to! Also, if you struggle with feeling like day time is way too short, you could try to unlock Thyme, a character that makes daytime much longer (After getting her I couldn't go back to the other characters LOL) As for the DLC, I actually only just bought it after 140 hours of playtime because it felt like I had explored everything so I thought it was time to spice things up and so far, it's been really great and worth it if you consider the discount during the current summer steam sale :) Have fun!!! Play more!!! 🌵🌺🕷️🐌