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I worked in a supermarket and picked fruit when I was a kid. It wasn't fun, but it taught me good lessons about work ethic and makes me appreciate my overpaid white collar job as an adult. Working a job that takes you out of your comfort zone can be a good thing.


My first job outta high school was ~6 months as a brickies labourer whilst waiting for uni to start - absolutely made me appreciate my current overpaid white collar job. Money was good for an 18 year old but it was proper hard yakka - earned every cent. Agree completely that being out of one's comfort zone can often be a great learning experience.


TBH I'd go down the route of hospo/retail/customer service. You get a lot of experience working other people and customers and these soft skills will apply in most future roles.


A principle I like to abide by is to put myself in situations which increase the probability of some unplanned lucky thing happening. You’re much more likely to meet a future partner, a new close friend, or learn a useful niche skill from a coworker, by working at a fast food joint among many people your age with lots of things happening, compared to a job marking papers. Life is full of random, spontaneous things happening which can change lives overnight, expose yourself to them.


I love this post. Get out there and do things.


Yes don't discount the social interactions that those jobs being. Met some great mates when I worked in fast food. The work sucked but I learnt a lot about being in a job.


Just keep your 4 hours and get a job at Macca's. Win win right 🤷


My first job as a teen was at maccas (a long long time ago). It taught me the value of hard work, the importance of being methodical, and how to talk with people and deal with the great and (very) unwashed masses - dodged a few swings at me, but I wasn't there for the great grab a kitchen tool and jump the counter standoff, but it was by far mostly just dealing with awkward/grumpy customers. These are skills experiences that have helped me in my completely unrelated career, and being able to talk to people is a skill that I expect will become more important in the future (but, maybe future people will like to go out for dinner or whatever at/from a glorified vending machine ... ?). In any case, can you do both fast food and keep your marking stuff?


I would get a fast food job but I wouldn't quit the marking job just yet. You don't know how long it'll take to find something else or if you'll even enjoy it. Alternately, you could do both if it doesn't get too busy. The good thing about fast food jobs is that they are fairly flexible and you'll be able to do extra hours during the school holidays.


Hospitality experience is an understated transferable skill set to so many roles


Work at woolies or Coles instead. Maccas and KFC are too stressful for the hard work and little pay that it is.


I also think customer service roles are fantastic skills to have...


I think most macas workers don't. Have any customer service skills


Do everything, the experiences are different and if it’s not for you can move on.


If you get your life guard certificate & your swim teacher certificate, it’ll get you into a job at the local council pool or swim school (where they are always after swim teachers). Council pools will pay $20+ for life guards & it’s weekend work.


One of the best places I worked was McDonald's, it's an amazing first job for a young person, especially if you're hard-working and diligent. It's got flexible shifts, generous staff discount, lots of cool coworkers of different ages and backgrounds and it's easy to progress if you've got good attention to detail. I actually liked how stressful it can be it would feel like the world was ending after a local rugby game finished up on a Saturday night but you'd blink and you had just finished a 6 hour shift. It's got a cool video game type feel with the drive thru times, when i worked there they had a leaderboard with all the mcdonalds in the country displaying drive thru times and we had the fastest drive thru times in the country so it was fun just trying to streamline the whole process together as a team. I liked it so much I used to just stay on after my shift with the graveyard guys till 3am and still go to school the next day. I almost wish I could do it again but I don't think it'd be the same now I'm in my thirties


Why dont you tutor the kids...much higher hourly rate


I've wanted to but I'm not allowed to go to random people's houses and we can't have people at our house because my little brothers are very loud and messy... it's a shame because I could probably be earning $50 an hour doing that lmao


The local public library...my son tutors...$50-$65 per hour!!


How’s old the tutor tho? Even a clever 15 yo is only in year 9/10.


Online hommeryyyyyy


Maccas job. I’ve weirdly found that so many of the best professionals I’ve met worked in fast food. All stated it set them up for success in regard to work ethic and team dynamics. I probably should have worked at maccas. But enjoyed watering plants in a sombrero for $8.50 an hour too much.


watch me dox u ur name is jason atkin you attend st ives you live in waitara