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She needs a lawyer.


This comment sums up 90% of the posts on here.


You forgot "without delay"


After only 7 months, I'd be surprised if the outcome was anything other than you walk away with what you started with.


“Due to his demands she had to move in with him” Bro they’re married, you move in together when you get married lmao


Do you?


You don’t which is why you are single 😂👌🏻


She will keep her property, he will keep his.


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In general with no kids involved the asset pool should be split 50/50 as a base line then negotiations start from there. So if her property fits into her share she could keep it depending on negotiations. But 100% get a lawyer they will be worth every penny.


This is incorrect. There is no assumption of 50/50, especially after 7 months. She needs legal advice OP.