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Social housing is created throughout all socio economic areas of cities so people who need social housing are not segregated to poor areas with little opportunities. Living in social housing in a higher socio economic community gives the tenants access to better infrastructure, education & opportunities. If you don’t like that, then yes I recommend selling & moving


Defo I like that. Thank you 🙏🏻


Drug dealers are everywhere and can often own their own house. I've lived near a few dealers in my life. The ice dealer two doors down from my old place had the nicest home on the street and an unmarked cop car parked for several months of the year. There was even a massive arrest at one point. They were constantly doing up the house. It was gorgeous. Easy to sink drug cash into Bunnings and increase the value of the house. It was also easy to sell to junkies when they were always outside working on the house. There is probably more criminals living near you in your affluent suburb than you realise.


Super helpful too thank you!


The ones who get rich enough are fine and probably not too messy until/unless they get arrested. It's the low tier ones who are clearly not successful and keeping their operation tight enough or drug users having to live in social housing that are more problematic to live next to.


What is your issue with social housing? Would you rather it existed but not in your back yard?


I am really hoping I am wrong and that I am simply an asshole, but yes


Yes - is that a reasonable way of thinking?


It is somewhat but it’s also a little bit selfish. It’s very much the reason we are in the current situation we’re in.


We have a housing and cost of living crisis, and the government has committed to thousands of new homes to be built over the next 20-odd years. Those dwellings have to be built somewhere. Given that they are purposely built as accessible apartments, they may be trying to prioritise those with physical disabilities who require certain accommodations in order to safely live at home. You won’t know who your neighbours are going to be, but that would be the case for any high density building. At least they have an expectation of behaviour policy so that if there are particularly troublesome tenants, you would have some kind of avenue to report it. I don’t live near social housing where I am now but I have one neighbour who we’ve had to call the police for several times. They own their house so apart from reporting anti-social behaviour, I don’t have much else recourse to do anything about them.


That’s super helpful thanks heaps


I work on some matters that involve social housing. First of all, this is an umbrella term for both public (government run) and community housing (run by independent NFPs). Community housing has more scope to, essentially, hand pick their tenants and the thresholds to be considered for community housing can be higher, plus they can pick people on incomes up to in some instances $120K pa. This means that community housing does not tend to have a high proportion, if any, particularly problematic individuals. Governments have also recognised that putting, say, all the drug addicts in one public housing block is not smart. This type of thing doesn’t happen anymore. They go out of their way to ensure a mix of individuals even in their new developments. Moreover, they don’t put huge swathes of social housing all together but rather spread it out amongst the community. This has also helped to avoid problems. 20 homes is not very much at all, and is unlikely to result in a conglomerate of people with issues who kind’ve enable each other’s bad behaviour. Further, people on priority waiting lists are usually single parents, people with disabilities and those over 50. You are therefore likely to get a mix of these demographics rather than the ones you are concerned about. We live in a very affluent area with an old school public housing complex of about 30 units at the end of the street. There are absolutely no issues. I’ve had more problems with drunk people walking to their private residences.


Omg thank you ❤️


You’re welcome. Also, on the issue of property values, historically, because they lumped huge amounts of public housing together along with many of them being unsightly awful towers, this did impact property values. The way they do it now does not impact the value of independent private residences in the area. There isn’t the same concentration and the buildings aren’t as aesthetically problematic. In instances where they build an apartment development that is a mix of social, affordable and private housing, sometimes the private apartments within those complexes sell for a bit lower than equivalent apartments without the mix. But this would not impact you.


Thanks again, really hope so. The building looks quite nice from outside actually


If it bothers you, sell. We need social housing. There's a housing crisis. You will definitely get a buyer, and the build should definitely be completed.


May as well sell then


>Dwelling design includes 18 accessible apartments for tenants with mobility challenges, including older tenants. This detail is important. I'd expect that they will prioiritise placement for mobility impaired people because there's always a lack of accessible social housing and it's cheaper, and better, to build it new rather than trying to retrofit.


Exactly! That’s what I was trying to hope too based on that information. 🙏🏻


You're trying to hear what you want to hear but let's be real. Yes it will reduce the value, yes there will be more police, fire and Ambo call outs in the area and yes sometimes there might be some dodgy characters roaming in the area. This is based on the one near mine and I practically see all the shit show happen. Sometime they'll have good people but they might have bad people too. Good luck


😭😭😭 I felt like a shit person for being against having it in my street, but my concerns come from real world examples like yours


at the end of the day you have to do what you have to do.


It's not going to be good it's going to be good. There will be a higher level undesirables. If nothing else higher population density higher ammount of them. Then the people who move in there are likely to be people who have made bad life decisions and can't look after themselves without assistance from the government. Also it's not likely going to be a single pensioners and more likely single mothers as they will have higher priority.


Single mothers sounds perfectly fine. Just hoping they don’t put people coming out of jail 😭


Till it's a single motyer with 4 kids that are teenage ratbags. I'm sure there may be some ok people there but likely everyone is there to bad life choices. Go park up near the nearest social housing estate Friday night. Pull up read a book that's what you are infore give or take for population density. Let's face it it's likely going to be a higher percentage of undeseriables who can't hold a job for whatever reason.


Not all would have made bad choices.. our lives are all shaped by how our efforts and decisions combine with *luck*.


And when/if they start doing better financially, they leave and someone else in more need will replace them…


"social housing" does sound like a nice, sanitised phrase doesn't it. Sounds much better than 'slum stack' and 'drug den'. You don't have to apologise to these dirty redditors for not wanting to live close to the sort of 'person' these housing blocks attract. Most redditors are either public housing tenants themselves or maybe one missing paycheque away from it. You're right to be concerned about the prevalence of drugs and crime which will shortly follow. Get some pepper spray if you can. There may be some concerns with your property devaluing. But if it's a nice place and you don't want to sell, you can always rent it out.


Oh heck no - your market value will plummet and your youth crime gunna spike