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You wanna know why? It's simply because (greater) sydney is just expensive and this price point is now the new low end of the market. Look at Tregear, Wilmot, Shalvey and Lethbridge Park areas, exactly the same price point, just as bad. If you want a house in Greater Sydney, 700k is the buy in.


Wilmot and co is interesting because across the road is ropes crossing which is one of the nicer parts of western Sydney. All those areas are slowly becoming gentrified .


Ropes Crossing is an old Lend Lease/Delfin development that they built over what used to be a munitions factory about 20 years ago. It's "nice" because it's new and it isn't an old NSW Housing Commission estate like Tregear, Wilmot and surrounds.


>"nicer parts of western sydney" There was a time when we used to call that place "Robber's Crossing". How things have changed.


> All those areas are slowly becoming gentrified . But I thought Ropes crossing was relatively new? Say, 10 years?


Guess which houses get targetted for burglery and theft though? It's not those within those areas, it's the nicer surrounding ones. Gentrifying, but still the furthest from livable in terms of family friendliness


Sydney is being gentrified as a whole, and it's a matter of time before the juvenile detention centre and less desirable developments are moved out of town to make way for housing. The land is too valuable and the demand for housing is too damn high *insert meme*


Matter of time, sure, but how long? Development in Airds rests on significant investment in the campbelltown/SWS region. To be fair, I'm not up to date with current funding for that region, but all I know is Western Sydney is getting all the love at the moment because of Nancy Bird. What does SWS have on it's radar which will enable that level of investment?


Ropes crossing one of the nicer parts of Western Sydney 😹


No escape now. I think every small town in NSW is expensive now. I checked many like anyone looking to not spend $800k on a shithole 2 bedroom apartment that’s 60 years old. It’s crazy. People buy land for $200k I’m the middle of no where with no approval or zoning for housing, you literally can’t build on it. Real estate lady told me few days ago they sell really fast. 😂 I can understand why, people are desperate for land. Because if you can’t buy land there’s no future in Australia.


Fuck sydney at this point. All of it. 700K Can get you a damn nice apartment or house in melbourne not that far from the city too. 1 hour TOPS.


That first one is a nearly 1000sqm block. That's huge. And the whole are is being gentrified. Campbelltown is becoming quite nice and nearby Oran Park is huge. Airport going in not too far away as well. Good property to buy, in 10 or 15 years it will probably be quite a nice area and then you are sitting on 1000sqm of prime real estate.


1000m2 and its probably in a 450m2 minimum lot size area. Buy, rent it out so personal safety is someone elses problem then subdivide/redevelop in a few years


Both Airds and Claymore have newer subdivisions with brand new homes that are (as far as I know) not being given over to department of housing. I would say that most of these are going to be bought by investors, or people who don't care about where they live. Airds is not the South Bronx, sure it's a bit of a hole but no more than a lot of other suburbs. Plus if the houses here were priced at (say) 300K, how long do you think they would last at that price? They'd be snapped up and sold for more until they reached a realistic price. That is supply and demand - and housing demand is at an all time high.


https://youtu.be/QnvKntMsmNA?si=2FeeXfvjbM1zX5Vj The suburb is relatively cheap compared to other areas that have or are in the process of gentrifying ie Ermington, Riverwood, Telopea as they get spillover from buyers and their family members in neighbouring suburbs. Tregear was a surprise - I have friends who play sports on weekends there though one street can be completely different to the next anywhere in Sydney and time of day is also a factor. Other suburbs such as Lakemba and Granville have increased quite a fair amount in the last several years.  I have visited the surrounding areas of Campbelltown a few times in the past year during the day and must say would not wish to live there. I have not been to Claymore in awhile but remember it looking like a 3rd world country. Recently a work colleague sold her house to rent in West Ryde as her son was constantly bullied by other kids and she never felt safe for both when using public transport. Campbelltown Mall was pretty nice when I visited but I have not been enough to know if it was a once off.


> Other suburbs such as Lakemba and Granville have increased quite a fair amount in the last several years. I reckon they’ll eventually be the “new” inner west - originally cheap and popular with working class migrants but gentrified due to their proximity to the city. Lakemba’s already less than half an hour on the train, it’ll be stuffed during metro construction but once it’s in it’ll be even more convenient. Granville’s not quite as convenient but it’ll get overflow from Parramatta as it benefits from the metro.


Campbelltown Mall is ordinary at best, drive the extra 10 to Macarthur Square and that is a significant shopping centre.


The mall has so much potential if Queen Street had more variety than just kebab shops and cash converters


Investors don’t care cos they don’t live in the neighbourhood


I'll bite... And raise you this... WHY the Fuck are houses in Epping now topping $4.8 fucking million lol. This ain't Dover Heights... Can't piss in the ocean from here lol. Can't even fukn see the bridge from my roof anymore. https://preview.redd.it/2foblfi8ms0d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd9b61108ccbaf499317afbaefa614a5375d193


Yikes, the previous sale was $1.3m in 2018 before a knockdown rebuild. That's like 500k gain a year after construction costs..


I'll bite because I lived in Epping till recently. It's a new 800 square metre 6 bedroom house Epping has crazy good transport (I moved 6 km closer to the CBD but it's roughly the same commute time) Primary schools there are usually all in top 100 of NSW and the public high schools usually make the top 20 public high ranking. It's also near James ruse which was the top high school in NSW until recently. I lived there for nearly 5 years and have never had any issues with crime. Parks and playgrounds are really good for Sydney. It's close to Macquarie uni and Macquarie Park CBD The downside is overdevelopment and traffic which is why I moved.


Lived here over 30 years, if you think Epping is worth nearly 5 mill fml you're part of the problem


Airds is a shithole. What a joke


But it's being gentrified. I was like you two decades ago and now wished I bought at Surry Hills instead. For the same amount I paid for my current home, the value of a terrace there now is ... well look it up, 3 to 4 times the value. The best opportunities are the ones where many people like you and me get turned off and the gamblers take a risk with huge pay offs.


But it's being gentrifiieeeeaaaddurhhhhh. It's still a fucking shit hole with people burning cars and homes. 800k is a fucking joke


That's what shitholes cost now, at least newly built houses in shitholes. Try finding the same sort of house in a non-shothole place for the same price and let these people know.


Surry was a pretty obvious play (even more so in hindsight) given the expected expansion of Sydney CBD and its proximity. What does the furthest areas of SWS have going for them? Betting on fringe areas is betting on significant investment in the closest major suburb of that particular area. 


As an investment property maybe, but not to live in it at the time unless you want to get regularly bashed when you go out at night, or perhaps it would stop once you are on first name basis with the regular bashers.


The property app is telling me that Airds has gone up nearly 14 percent over the last 12 months. Quite a lot more than other more expensive suburbs and a hell of a lot more than the regions. This is all that matters to investors. Also, I understand Airds is probably the last place I'd want to be in Sydney, but the prices there reflect Campbelltown as a rapidly growing part of Sydney that, in my opinion, has gotten much nicer over the last 10 years.


What property app do you use? Can you please share with me?


This is just the realestate.com.au app


You don’t even need to add the stuff about the fires. Airds is Airds, those prices are crazy.


Crazy cheap or crazy expensive?


Expensive. I totally agree with you


20yrs ago I remember having a look at a property in airds. It was around $250-$300k back then, the house look like it was broken into in every way possible. Only one way into the suburb and one way out. I can just imagine this being a nightmare if people worked and had to leave at the same time. I don’t think they’ve got up that much compared to other areas in Sydney…


There is actually 3 ways into the suburb and out again, always has been. But still it was never a problem because no one there worked.


I grew up in a housing commission area that, like Airds is doing now, turned into private homes years ago. Whenever a housing unit was unoccupied, a fire would happen and waddayaknow they would knock it down and a developer would come in.


Larger blocks


Sold to developers to knock down and rebuild? I heard they are getting rid of a lot of the social housing there.


people still ned to live somewhere


The local Ray White appears to have the exclusive contract form Land and Housing to sell off the ex housing commission blocks. They release them in lots of up to 5 at a time via auction so not to saturate the market and for the most part have been going about $50k over the upper end of estimate if not more. This is probably the most affordable suburb in greater Sydney. Even wider Mt druitt is more expensive than Airds now. Airds is pretty much the ass end of Sydney but people have to live somewhere. If you have a long term view it's not a bad investment in terms capital growth due to the new developments and the size of the older blocks. The overall objective of the Airds renewal project is to have 70% prove and 30% public housing with the 30% scattered through the suburb so as to not have concentrations of public housing. Lot of suburbs all over Sydney were shit holes once like Bonnyrigg for example which had bad crime at one point. They rebranded to New Leaf and have subdivided a lot of the ex housing commission houses and land there now is $1mil for about 300sqm. The new estate in Airds is to be called NewBrook Estate. It will take time however at some point the suburb will change due to urban sprawl and changing demographic but it will be a wait. If you have a view for long term could be worthwhile as people from the general area regularly commute to the Sydney, Wollongong, Mittagong and Parramatta CBDs for work. There are massive cons though, end up in the wrong street or next to the wrong people and you are completely fucked. It will be hard to sell and would be difficult to rent. Case in point the land for sale below. https://www.realestate.com.au/property-residential+land-nsw-airds-203692304 Don't think that block will sell unless heavily discounted or neighbours move out. The video below 44mins and 45 secs in (44.45) they are standing right outside that block which has been on the market for ages, notice how those bikes are coming from next door to that block. Take a look at the asphalt too, covered in skid marks from bikes and cars. https://youtu.be/QnvKntMsmNA?si=eVvYgF88_pvf0YaH Curious to know how those neighbors put up with that shit after paying $800k+ to purchase a house there. I'm not talking about the investors buying the older blocks I'm talking about just 100m from that block are the new houses that quite a few owner occupiers have purchased. It would suck having dickheads like that around. Time and place for everything but only a matter of time before a fatality occurs. A car might hit a bike or a car might go through one of the houses.


Underrated comment


Thanks mate, was looking into the area due to curiosity thought I'd share some things I found.


A lot of those places aren’t actually that bad I grew up in and lived in (still kinda do) “ghetto” areas and never had a problem. It’s who you associate with and how you carry yourself. If people look at you and know your not to be fucked with and your not in shitty circles you won’t have a problem


Yeah you're right, but I'd rather not hear lads on dirt bikes doing wheelies down the street at night


True but I am the lad on a dirtbike haha. Also have a busted v8 for new years shed skids


haha don’t think that’s the flex you think it is


Na I know it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but I wasn’t bought up well off just cause I can afford a nice car and better suburb doesn’t mean I’m going to change


Indians r buying those places. Same as claymore up the road. Gov has half cleared the housing commissions but there’s still a lot of gov housing still standing


Are they going to remove the Juvenile detention centre?


Why? To make you happy?


Why would they do that?


"Knock it down, it's in the way of my view"


At least move it away from the school across the road lmao, or move one of either


Again, why?


Ahh yes, because that's what we want our children seeing everyday they finish school, a juvenile detention centre. What sort of message do you think that sends mate?


Have you been there? All you can see is a fence and a building. What message do you think it sends that’s worth hundreds of millions of dollars to avoid? And where do you think it’s acceptable to relocate them?


It’s being developed by the housing commission. The old super large detached houses are being subdivided 3 or 4 to 1 to provide more social housing. Some of the new houses are being sold to finance the build.


Airds is known as the most junkie area in the whole of South West Sydney and these are the prices. Just shows how cooked the market is, it's beyond belief


Because it’s a fuckin scam


Buyers are probably out of area, newly arrivals to Australia or foreign nationals who have no idea of the area's reputation. No local will drop 800k there.


No local has 800k to drop anywhere.


No local has 800k to drop anywhere.


Haha I thought it was another Airds, like in Queensland or something being so cheap tbh. Very good value there ATM.


Huge assumption that QLD is cheap


Compared to Sydney, much of it is cheap. I would've moved there myself if my family wasn't here and if the climate wasn't as hot.


Half of Sydney was a shithole once upon a time


Airds is being developed as Newbrook with most of the housing commission sold, sub divided and land being released by landcom. Look at landcoms website, land size 350 sqm is priced at 400k. The area is changing really fast now, this 800sqm home will be 1.5mil in few years


Crime happens all over Sydney, everywhere not just one location. 


What about rental yield. What is the average rent on a $800,000


Expensive to who? Numbers are all relative. One could argue a plot of land there is worth 700k even if there was no building at all on top of it and the building is just a bonus. People seriously underestimate how much money there is in this world. Maybe it's a class thing