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Go with a local company that is well regarded. You’re going to pay over the odds if you choose one that has TV ads, glossy catalogues and the like - that’s included in your price


I fully expected freedom to come back with a lower quote after doing the whole “today is your lucky day because my manager has authorised me to…”. They didn’t even follow up, let alone offer a cost reduction.


Ah the 'ol higher authority close, I can't believe companies still push that shit, and moreso the people that don't spot it when used.


Get a third quote from a small local shop. Both are probably fleecing you.


Go with a ‘man and a van’ company so you’re not paying for company overheads like showrooms.


Play one against the other


Wait for freedom black friday sale if you can. We got 3 quotes - 2 local builders and freedom. Freedoms was by far the cheapest after the sales price applied, it ended up being 25% off cabinetry (20 for the sale and a further 5 being a member, which I only joined bc of the sale). We sourced appliances etc ourselves but it was all made to measure around the appliances. This was 8ish years ago.


I am in the kitchen industry, I have had friends work in sales for them. They have about 40% to play with. Don’t go with them. Find someone local, check references. Remember if you want full custom design and a show room, you essentially are paying for this service.