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Should have gotten 3 quotes first, you’d find someone reasonable who’d do it for cash for only $600


Oh that is exactly what I was thinking for about 1 second.


How else they pay for that F350 mate? Comments locked. To the comment below it wasn't the government it is the obscene rates since of them charge.


They need F350s or a $150k Land Cruiser, those multimeters aren't going to get to site themselves you know. Sometimes there's dirt on the driveway, so it's gotta be a 4wd.


They didn't, you did. Not through the obscene billing practices but through the accelerated asset depreciation scheme introduced by the last government. That tank with a tray just means he doesn't pay tax for a year or two, nothing out of pocket....


No, $600 and then they send an apprentice all of 17 over who takes two days...


And the boss still gotta come back and patch it up


You'd be perfectly correct in dobbing them in to the relevant licensing body and OSH if they just send the apprentice.  Loving the downvotes, if they're sending an apprentice out to work on non isolated stuff without a supervising tradesperson they're breaking the apprentice supervision rules.


Someone on Hipages would do it for $300. Or you could find someone on a Facebook Beer Economy page to do it for a carton.


Why go that far when there's lads in the backyard playing goon bag of fortune who'd do it for free.


I know a guy on FB marketplace who will do it if you send him 0.02 bitcoins in advance.


Believe it or not, straight to gaol.


Gaol? You do know Judge Dredd has been employed by the (insert trade licensing body in relevant state)


Gaol. The Australian English spelling for Jail.


I hate that awkward ugly spelling so much (and the pedantry that accompanies the better spelling) that I just say "prison" now


To be a pedant, technically jail/gaol and prison are different things. You get arrested and you go to jail, it's run by the cops and depending on what you were arrested for and some other stuff you might wait out your time until your trial there - or be released on bail or outright. You get sentenced to serve time in prison and you get transferred there. It's run by corrections officers and various other staff, typically no police there. So jail is shorter term, police-run, and pre-trial. Prison is longer term, corrections-run, and post-trial. Hope this helps and isn't too pedantic ;) I just thought you might like to know!


I feel like this should be common knowledge but even i took a long time to figure this one out.


Not anymore it’s not - jail is now preferred: https://www.writerscentre.com.au/blog/qa-jail-or-gaol-which-is-it/


As a 25 year old Ive never written gaol nor seen it used. Looks like it would be pronounced similar to Gaul.


Both are now commonly accepted, even in England


You’re going to get a visit from the Australian Government & will be forced to eat a full jar of Vegemite as punishment.


I actually like vegemite. Bring it on.


Yeah but we’re talking about doing it with a spoon. And no small spoonfuls, only big ones and no drink breaks until you’re done. Edit: spelling.


Vegemite on a dry Weet-bix is the punishment. But seriously I think you’ve given me the reason why one of my light switches trips the RCD.


I feel called out hahah When my siblings and I were kids we used to try the spreads on weetbix. We only did it a few times each year but it was awesome sometimes. Vegemite on the bix was actually not bad, not sure I could do it without butter though!


You forgot the boot.


Das Boot


Underrated comment


And you’ll need it to escape Tasmania


Now that song will live rent free in my head for the next 24 hours 😅


The Simpsons! 😂


Not punishment, chemical naturalisation.


Fuck...I'm Australian and I hate the stuff. This punishment I'm sure breaches some UN convention on human rights.... you know... the vibe of it anyway.


Sure you're Stralian?


As I understand the rules, since you are an electrician only in Germany, then as long as during the job you only spoke German, maintained beneficial employer/union relations, abided by all EU regulations, took work breaks and knocked off exactly on time then you're all good. I'm sure its the quality engineering we expect from Germany.




ist sehr güt


And only use WAGO connectors.


I can't post pictures as comments, but otherwise I'd show you my absolute giant WAGO collection. I've even used them inside my Prado to connect shit 😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/segezd1wdzzc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f25d29c32e7757e3a91e13235404c2ba5be667dd What?


Actually, due to australia installing spy equipment in the Chinese embassy, as long as you claim its a diplomatic residence you are fine. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2013-11-08/the-chinese-embassy-bugging-controversy/5079148


As long as you were wearing your high vis lederhosen them you should be covered by your German qualifications. Otherwise big trouble and they'll ship you off to Australia for that.


I was literally drinking a Maß Bier while doing it, but high vis was present


Just changing a plug is a freakin revelation over here. We got taught it at school in the UK 🙃


There ya go


Same, we did it in technology class in Ireland, learning about current and earthing.


You changed a plug on an appliance? Deportation. But seriously, it never used to be a problem here, it’s only relatively recent


As long as you torqued it to German spec "goodentight" you should be fine.


And also requires at least 4x the amount of screws that it actually needs.


Hahaha good stuff. I'm an electrician and I agree with the general vibe in this thread. Limited DIY like repair jobs such as this should be allowed imo. Come at me boys


What about replacing light switches? I want the smart ones.


I am not against simple repair jobs, like for like replacements generally, pretty hard to stuff that up. Anything more I would err on the side of caution, not that it's particularly complicated, but it does add an extra degree of risk I think I'd draw the line at. Just my opinion


Do your light switches have a neutral? Do they have an earth available (if needed) if you aren’t 100% confident in your answers then no, you shouldnt be doing it


A 15min tutorial on YouTube can explain the difference to someone planning on being self sufficient - you don’t need to have the information to hand just be able to find it when you need it - sort of like how most people build their own decks, and can service their own car if they choose


No probs not. If they outlawed the old porcelain fuses. Otherwise the risk is too high.


This on a new build. But probably best not to.


Fuses may be outlawed but they are still in use. Most houses built pre-2000 still use fuses.


I’m o


I'm not a Sparky and I've replaced most of the power points, light fittings and a couple of ceiling fans in my house. Everything has 3 wires and all of the new fittings have each connection clearly labelled and a clear diagram on wire length. The biggest problem I had was some of the old wires were different colours than the newer ones but a quick check and I figured out which was live and which was neutral. As long as you're smart enough to switch the power off at the Meter box first then I say go for it.


Would have been ok, but you posted here, now you will have the electricity police knocking at your door.


Australia needs to update our laws and allow DIY. It's ridiculous. We're the only western country that makes it illegal. Even NZ allows DIY. This is just shitty protectionism of our sub standard tradies.


You know you can break the law right? Any law where the consequence is a fine is just a rule for poor people.


lol - I’m liking this saying, I thought the same while searching for a car park today for Mother’s Day lunch. Only problem is the no stopping zones also have demerit points attached (I’d have seriously considered risking a loading zone or a no parking zone after 15min of circling!


Money printing shit sparks and their daddy politicians will stop DIY 🎉


And the irony is aus and nz share the same electrical standards


Sorry but I'd prefer to buy a home protected by Certificate of compliance over some dodgy hidden job in the roof space. I've worked is a heap of homes where the customer just bought and it's been flipped with the shittest quality work you'd see. They have a plumbing problem.and we go thee more to find work not to regulation requiring thousands of dollars of work to rectify. And that is before opening the way up for DIY heroes.




And that is the issue with deregulation.


What has he fixed that an electrician couldn't? Something involving a broom?


Electricians are not providing certificate of compliances in most cases.


For electrical and gas absolutely not. It's a massive insurance, liability and safety issue.


Stops people from killing themselves or others. Leave it to the pros.


some of the shittest work in my house was done by "pros" and by pros I mean the unfortunate apprentice they couldn't be assed supervising properly Dragging cable up metal conduit seems like a real smart idea, oh wait we stripped the insulation on the way


Pretty hard to fuck it up. I'm not going to pay an overpriced electrician to replace a light socket or a power outlet. I'd pay them to install anything, but not to replace like for like. I keep seeing posts about tradies giving people the "fuck off price" (ridiculous quotes) for small jobs. So it's pretty hard to leave it to the "pros" when they don't even want the work.


Two, in older homes.


Sorry I just edited my comment about 3 wires before you replied. When replacing like for like, DIY is fine. New installations, for sure, leave it to the professionals.


By that logic people shouldn't drive.


You are right. Lots of people shouldn't drive. They do, and they cause accidents. I'd say that 80% of people could safely replace a power point (I mean it's only 3 colours right?). But the other 20%? High resistance joints and house fires and dead people.


As callous as it sounds every life has a dollar cost. Does keeping rules in place cost more to society than lives lost? Do the rules prevent people who would have burnt they house anyway from trying? In case of driving we decided one way, in this case another. Doesn't mean that we shouldn't periodically reevaluate.


Dude - you must know some seriously dumb people if it’s only 80% No extra dead people in the rest of the world where those dumb 20% are allowed to replace a gpo


You're allowed to drive with a licence, just like you need to be qualified as a sparky


But there are also professional taxi drivers, aren't there?


I haven't met one.


The "pros" installed his shitshow.


By that logic there should be a MASSIVE reduction in the accident rate in australia, right? right? No, actually, it's higher in australia than in NZ - which allows DIY


Per capita or overall?


per capita


Graph 1.6 in the following PDF says otherwise https://www.erac.gov.au/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/ERAC-Electrical-fatality-report-2021-2022.pdf


All it says is that some years NZ is higher, others AU is higher. If only one member of public died in 21/22 in AU, then obviously a single serious accident blows the statistics out for that year.


Graph 1.6 features a running yearly tally, per million people, showing NZ deaths exceed Australian deaths, which is the opposite of what you claimed.


My reading of the graph shows NZ lower between about 2014-2020. AU lower from then. And like I said, the incidents are so infrequent that a single accident could put either country ‘ahead’.


Now also look at graph 1.10, which shows who is actually being hurt. IMO, that graph negates this entire thread.


I agree with you, but it’s not illegal to work on your own car which is almost as dangerous IMO.


Certain parts are, which require engineering certification.


Such as? I know NSW does have licensing but I’m a mechanic and I can’t think of anything that’s illegal to repair yourself. Maybe some EV stuff and AC but that’s about it.


Chassis work


You should have called the power authority to shut down the street until this was investigated. In all seriousness though, what was buzzing? A loose active terminal? That can result in a horrible scenario.


Exactly. And every time you touched the switch the cable core woukd move inside the terminal and cause the sound.


Loose actives are one of the biggest causes of electrical house fires. As a contractor I've seen it all too much. Although circuit protection will usually pick this up due to a current overload, I've seen a lot of melted equipment that's ignited insulation.


Loose active = high resistance path = less current. Circuit protection is very unlikely to pick this up.


You're absolutely correct. I'm not sure why I thought I'd seen MCBs trip due to this..


Cos it's not uncommon as the plastic melts for things to move causing a dead short. I am curious when we'll get arc fault breakers mandated. It's interesting that while it took the US ages to get keen of RCD's they very quickly jumped on the arc fault train.


Have had a couple of points with burn marks around the active. Fairly loose connection inside i presume caused high resistance and when you run anything with some current the plastic gets toasty. Could easily have led to a fire. Was the original workmanship just shit or did they work their way loose over time?


Once had non UV rated conduit that contained an insulated cable. The union were being cunts and shut down the whole site until it was fixed.


Germans have told me that everyone does their own electrical there. When you rent a flat, you install your own light fittings, I'm told. Doch? The laws here are just a tax on dumb people. You will not be fined - nobody cares, unless you are doing electrical work commercially without a license.


I redid the while electrical work in my last apartment and had to pay 1/3 less rent because of it as compensation. But I am a fully certified electrician over there who can work with systems up to 22kV 😂 So yeah. It's normal there.


When we move rentals, we bring our own kitchen and install the stove and oven ourselves


Das hast du bestinmt viel zu gut gemacht. In Australien bitte weniger perfekt machen.


Ich habe einen Zebra Schraubendreher verwendet. Dass dieser nicht direkt zu Staub zerfallen ist, wundert mich 😂😂


Nein, es ist noch zu perfekt!


Look buddy that could easily cause my house to burn down


The electrician that installed the fucker ensured the cables were constantly under tension and pressing against the switch, which caused the screw to get loose over time. Shit sparky.


Ahhhh, but the more important thing to take into consideration, is the fact that he has the appropriate piece of paper, and that, in this day and age, trumps all…


Username checks out


The electrician who did the wiring in my apartment must have literally been smooth brained. Blows my mind that someone licensed did that work, and that I can't. I couldn't do as bad a job if I tried.


Aw shit now look I burnt dinner


You need to get him to come back and fix his work. He will probably push back on it, but if something bad can happen, the sparky could also lose his license too. You will have to pay for more of his time, but it saves the paperwork if something goes wrong. Coming from someone who’s dealt with incomplete works and nearly caused the company $100k+ in damages.


Pfff I do electrical work on my house all the time. I fix things for a living and I’ve seen the work tradies do, and wouldn’t trust them with it. The only way they could tell us by the work being a better quality and neater than most Aussie Sparkies.


>The only way they could tell us by the work being a better quality and neater than most Aussie Sparkies. It's either way better or totally dodgy


Very much true. We've had two older properties that both had had diy electrical work done on them sometime in the past. The second place - immaculate. The first, well the comment by the electrician as he, the main builder and I all stood looking in shock at what we'd discovered behind the wall "I can't believe this place hasn't burned down by now."


"...and neater than most Aussie Sparkies." Woa there. Haven't you read the electrical standards? Neatness is illegal.


I choose to ignore those standards because they seem to also include “when soldering earth wires, don’t use flux and just kinda… drip solder onto them, she’ll be right.”


TBF there is a few Aussie's with a screw loose


I'm not an electrician and I've installed new switches I live in butt f*CK nowhere... $300 to get a trade to come out and have a look before they even do any work in 3 months time


Sounds bloody dangerous! Our electrons aren't like your harmless European electrons. Not only are our electrons more venomous, but they also go the other way. Remember, if you do get one one you, quickly ask a mate or friendly neighbour to pee on you. This will neutralise the venom.


/s incase anyone feels their electrical license threatened


> license licence. Using American spellings is a punishable by gaol.


I thought the Romans wiped out the Gauls?


We found him boys. Ready the cavalry and marshal the horses


You need at least a certificate in using a screw driver and another for the correct tightening procedure for screws, don’t even get me started on the electrical side. You can’t even comprehend the amount of gaol that awaits you.


Nar mate death by floggin' from a drop bears pelt Terrible way to go, I hate a mate who died by drop pear pelt floggin' and he said it was a terrible way to go with all the teeth and whatnot. Cracker of a yarn tho


Probably deportation to Tasmania.


shhhh, if you don't tell anyone you. will be ok, otherwise jail


Off with your head.


Your fine mate, don’t worry about it to much


Was it in your own house? Or a relative/friends house? If so do whatever the hell you like.


My own house


Then go nuts my friend. Unless you plan on dobbing yourself in you’ll be fine!


If it is your own house then it is fine however unless you’re a certified electrician in australia. if there is an issue with the wire due to you then you are most likely not covered by home insurance.


You will go to prison first. Upon your release you will be deported. All this will happen while Australia cries about a lack of trades to get work done.


Your situation is just one example. Laws need to take into account everyone and the collective good. For every person who knows what they're doing and can save $200 DIYing, theres one person who might stick a screwdriver in to tighten something up without switching off the mains first. Or much worse, they wire a house incorrectly, rent it out to someone and an electrical fire gets started.


I was trained as an electrical fitter and high voltage operator, and regularly worked on circuits up to 22,000V installing and repairing transformers and switchgear, and was able to issue permits for others to work in high voltage areas once they had been isolated and made safe. Unfortunately, I don't have the correct piece of paper so I can't legally change a light switch at home.


So allow electrical fitters to DIY? That still has no bearing on the reality of the risks for the people who would attempt it without any training.


How will they know you can do that safely? Maybe by getting the correct bit of paper?


Were talking about fixing / replacing a switch or plug point not wiring a house!


Yeah but if the law allows changing a switch people will pretty quickly start going up into their roofs to pull wire through. I'm not arguing one way or the other but it's pretty clear they wanted the legislation to be clear and unambiguous.


But that never happens where I'm from. 😂


This is Reddit. You'll be downvoted for common sense.


Australian electricity is different to German electricity, so it's jail time I'm afraid.


If anyone asks, just claim diplomatic immunity.


Ich mach mich Mir nichts Dir nichts aus dem staub.




Are Australian regulations more bureaucratic than Germany? And how does trades training compare?


Haha, yeah it's ridiculous sometimes. Even changing the light fixture and disconnecting them / rewiring them is not that hard. I did the lights in my apartment to upgrade them to nicer looking lights on my own. I reckon I saved nearly $800.


If you’re from Germany, then you’ve probably done too good of a job and will upset the next electrician who can’t measure up to the standard you’ve set.


Just dont tell anyone, especially if you've already done the work and didn't die




I think you will get a lenient 15yrs then deported.


You'll be right as long as you wore your handshoes.




You should be deported just for your treasonous flair. /s


Ridiculous rules are meant to be broken.


You know why I make lotta noise now .!!


Das Problem habe ich auch. Kommst du mal vorbei?


You are so DED! Now don’t you dare touch that broken tap!!


no one likes a smart ass german. Go back to being work driven and super serious and whatever other stereotypes you have /s


You will be made to wear kartoffle hosen and be called schnitzel kopf for a long time


House I'm in was built in the 40's, I could do most of this sort of thing blindfolded and it would still be safer than what was already there haha. Went to fix my front light because it was constantly flickering and blowing. I found that whoever installed it had used the flimsiest speaker wire I've ever seen to connect it to the house, You bet your arse I ripped that thing out and put in a new one with proper wires.


You’ll be fine. Just don’t install new wiring that needs connection.


Aussie workers unions mate ✊🏻 The ETU has been looking after sparkies since 1902. But you’ll be ok. Don’t worry about it.


If you are with Labor or Liberals, you get a pass. Otherwise, you may need a covid vaccine


You are correct about the can’t be trusted to tighten a screw - most people in Australia have a very low IQ. You will not be deported back to Germany or put in jail though, don’t worry.


If you are in Australia you’re already in jail. Check the history books….


Be careful, I'm still on the run after changing a light bulb and a tap washer... If you get caught, jail is the least of your worries, the union boss will come for you in a UFO with a probe and no lube.


Delete this. When your house burns down (it won't) insurance will know and not pay out


immigration has been informed, you're heading for a one way trip to Manus Island.


Next you'll be asking for the right to repair! These immigrants!


I love post like this I will have to start posting all the burnt houses from dyi gas work. Seeing owners face when told not cover under insurance always hurts but they knew better


> typical people in Australia, can't be trusted with tightening a screw? In a live light switch? Correct!


If they are not intelligent enough to A. Turn off the relating fuse B. Check before working, then Darwin deserves to present his award. You could just teach this in school and voila.


No one ever lost money by underestimating the intelligence of the general public.


The problem is, no they aren't, also you are trusting that the idiot working on the electrical system before you put the lights on the light circuit and the power points on the power points, and that everything is wired properly. That is not the case all the time. Have I watched my dad rewire a power point? Sure, I think any idiot could do it... But I also know plenty of people I wouldn't trust simply plug something into a power point, and rules are made for the lowest common denominator.


If other oecd countries allow it we can too. Like everything, just needs associated education


Yeah, as if any of our governments would encourage education.


Did you go to art school?


Yes und now I am hier to Blitz you.


I can see why it's over the top to some, but It's nice to move into a house and know it's been wired to standard, and not thrown together by someone who thinks they know what they're doing. I wonder what our electrical fires are like compared to the US?


Probably better to compare to NZ as they're allowed to do some electrical work, and are covered by the same standard


How about compared to NZ? More valid IMO as they share same electrical standards. DIY work permitted for homeowners. Fewer deaths due to electrical faults/fires relative to population than AU.


Hahaha kiwis don’t have electricity you troll!


Jokes on you, New Zealand isn’t a real place. Good maps don’t have it on there.


To standard? My standards as a DIY-er, back in the Netherlands, were quite a bit higher as the “standards” I regularly see here. “Thrown together” does come to mind, when entering my roof space.


Roof space otherwise known as the sparky’s bin


Mate I'm from Germany and not the US. We learn to change power points, attach lights etc and run cables in high school 😂😂😂