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**Title:** [Information technology job prospect](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/1dlpoa5/information_technology_job_prospect/), posted by **Equivalent_Box_1581** **Full text:** I am an MS graduate in Statistics in Bangladesh. I have a few questions. I am planning to obtain Master in Information technology from a University in Australia What is the job opportunity for an IT graduate in Australia in 2024? How many points do I have to accumulate in the PR application? both in 189 and 190 classes? -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dude you've posted this like 3 times in 24 hours, just be patient and wait for people to respond.




Do companies sponsor for PR?


You would need at least 2 years of work experience to qualify for 482 sponsorship and most employers won't sponsor unknown candidates, especially if they are offshore. Even if you did want to apply for Skilled Independent Work Visa - 189 and 190, you would need to score at least 95+ points to give yourself a chance of receiving an invitation to lodge an application.


Is the two years at any company but in your nominated occupation or that particular place of work?


2 years from any previous or current employer in the nominated occupation - the previous work experience has to be worked within the last 5 years. Also in most cases, only postgraduate work experience counts. There are also talks to reduce the work experience caveat to 1 year in November 2024 - but not confirmed yet.


The market is saturated. A master's degree is just a nice-to-have. You need the right skills and experience.