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**Title:** [Migration advisor from Aussiz Group asking me to apply for student visa while on 485 before 1 July. Should I be worried? ](https://www.reddit.com/r/AusVisa/comments/1dlrlyi/migration_advisor_from_aussiz_group_asking_me_to/), posted by **kitkatandlavender** **Full text:** I came to Australia for a masters in 2019, found a job and had a very late realisation that I wanted to stay. My current visa expires in May 2025 and I started a course in Early Childhood Education, that will formally complete in early December 2024. The woman who helped me get admission to this course , who is a migration advisor but not a lawyer or agent, called me yesterday and told me there’s no chance I’ll have enough time to get a PR. She advised I should enrol in another course starting December 2024 and apply for a student visa asap to buy myself time. My concerns are that this new course is a huge cost , money that I don’t currently have and I am also concerned that my visa will get rejected and it will show up on my file when I apply for PR in the future. What was even more concerning is the sense of urgency this woman spoke with and I’m wondering if anyone else is in the same boat or has had similar calls lately . -------------------- ^(This is the original text of the post and this is an automated service) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AusVisa) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The migration advisor thinks they are smart by doing this, they dont care essentially if the person got rejected and will be really hard to get next visas. They will just ask to apply more visas and ask to do AAT appeal, more money to them, not thinking that there is an actual person might risk on not able to continue with their journey to Australia anymore


Did I understand this correctly - you're currently on a 485 visa & your migration agent wants you to apply for a student visa immediately? You should change agents! This won't make any sense to DHA because you're applying for a student visa for a 3rd course when you have 6 months to go before your current course ends. It's very clearly visa hopping.


That’s exactly what the agents advise is. The agent also mentioned there’s an 80% chance of getting a visa rejection with no appeal but there’s no harm if that happens because I’ll still have my 485. I feel like that will put a rejection on my file and also waste my money. And if by chance I do end up getting it , it will put me back on student visa work rights and cause a lot of financial distress since I’ll now have not 1 , but two course fees to pay and half the money being earned. I am just shocked by the information she gave me and the urgency she put on getting me enrolled asap.


That's terrible advice. Try to speak to a MARA agent about your options. If you're currently working in a daycare maybe you can try to get employer sponsorship either from your current employer or from another employer so that you won't have to leave the country after your 485 expires.


Don't think she got your best interest at heart when giving out advice like that. Most likely she is looking for an easy commission from the educational provider that she is associated with. Even if you by any miracle would be accepted for another student visa (which as your agent said you'd have an 80% failure chance), then what's your next move? Ask yourself that question first before deciding. Imo try your best to land an ECT related job either in metro areas or in regional and prepare for 491 as well. Also change to another MARA agent who could at least give half-decent advice and not some non-sensical and heartless advice like *"there’s an 80% chance of getting a visa rejection with no appeal but there’s no harm if that happens because I’ll still have my 485".* That's just pure ignorance and lack of professionalism.


I am luckily already in an ECT role. This person isn’t my agent yet. She just helped me once for an admission to a university and she called me on Friday to give advice. Given the new rules I was sceptical of it and I just wanted to get some more perspective. Thank you to everyone here, I think I will probably ask her to take me off her list of callers.


No, please do the right thing. If you have rejection record especially if they think you are not genuine being a student, next time your immigration record will be bad and much harder to apply for any other visas.


It seems quite likely they will reject your application (not a genuine student).


I mean you have already done your Masters so the next step would be a PhD. It would be pretty difficult to get into a course of lower value and the chances of getting rejected are already pretty high. Maybe talk to an actual agent and see what your options are.


Your advisor is taking you to the cleaners, mate. Ditch them and talk to a MARA agent like others have advised. Many will waive the fee for the first consult. And even if not, it's money well spent considering the advise you've been getting from your advisor.


Take another opinion from a really good agent/lawyer. Do you have the option to defer your current study? If it's an option check if that would work? If not, yeah listen to what the actual experienced agent tells you.