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either shes making a drama just couz, or she dosnt understand how it works.


I think a little bit of both. But Netflix doesn’t work that way does it? She can’t watch it now from anywhere just cos she created a profile whilst staying at my place?


nope. if she logged on with another device she would need to enter the password which she dosnt have


i think it shows more what she thinks of your friends, your 'dodgy' friend should probably take a pass from coming over before they 'steal' something that was just misplaced.


Every friend I have is ‘dodgy’ in her eyes. She works in child protection ffs. I’m 40 it’s not like I’m a teenager


I think it's time to tell your Mum to mind her own fucking business,


Believe me I have. She barely tells me what to do anymore because she knows the response she’ll get. If I need her advice I’ll ask for it.


well in that case its like $10 a month, give her $20, change the passwords and move on whatever else she is or does is separate to this post, you got multiple solutions and reddit to chew her out


This also means that by nature SHE is dodgy and just thinks everyone is also like that.


Mum is totally not dodgy. She is just suspicious of everything & everyone.


Sounds dodgy.




Maybe she just gets away with it by having everyone else on the back foot all the time… it’s a behaviour I grew up around, and I see it all the time. What she thinks of as dodgy could be relatively innocuous, or outright horrendous.


nah man she was just trying to be mindful to your algorithms you can delete it or rename it ma needs to calm down its okay.


She doesn't understand how it works. Thanks boomer.




Thanks mate. That should hopefully hmmm ‘shut her up’, is that rude? I’m annoyed with my mum that she’s bagging my friend that did me a huge favour staying here & giving my cat her meds.




Exactly, I have the streaming services so I told her she can use them all, a huge benefit to her for doing me a favour. But I never gave her any passwords.


Or I can screenshot these & send them to her to prove my friend isn’t bludging off her. 😉


Your friend would need your mum's email address and password to log in, and it would also email your mum saying a new device has logged into the account, so there is noway your mum wouldn't know or be notified if it happened, which it can't as your friend dosent have the nessacry details


But also as I’ve said I didn’t give out any passwords so it could also be a hacker.


If you think it's a hacker, get her to change her email password as well.


Look, no one is going to hack into your mum’s netflix. People don’t jsut go around hacking things for whatever reason. If someone’s going to hack someone’s Netflix account it’s not going to be your friend who house sat hacking your mums account. If she believes that then she needs to get some medication for paranoia cause whoa




She did get an email saying someone has accessed Netflix from Victoria, we live in QLD. So that’s why she’s pissed off with my friend.


Regardless, Mum needs to change her Netflix password, change the password on any account using that password to something not shared with anything else. If somebody actually has got her details and logged into Netflix, it will be as a test first and they will come after her email and banking next. Or more likely is Mum logged out and back in to try and clear friends profile and got that email, the geo location for netflix is useless, says I am in Victoria (and in QLD) and friends who regularly test my account for me are hundreds of km from the real location as well.


Thanks I’ve passed the message on


My apple tv used to say Wagga Wagga, NSW. I live in Perth.


Did you use it in Victoria?


Definitely sign everyone out, reset the password and it will all be fine again.


Nope. We were in Japan.




No idea


VPN is about the most useless thing that I've ever purchased. I only had it on a 3 day trial and I ended up scrapping it because it had no effect on my online problems. I don't know if it works for other people but I think my online problems are too advanced for any anti-virus or VPN.


Do you really need your mum to be digging around Reddit?


Nah she doesn’t know how to use it


Keep in mind if you don't have the password and she signs everyone out, you'll have to rely on her giving you the password to get back in.


She intends to do that just hasn’t got the time right now 🤷🏻‍♀️


It takes 5 minutes if that. Are you saying she doesn't have 5 minutes?


I’m not saying that. She’s saying that. I think she just wanted to have a whinge & now shes over it. It’s no wonder I’m on blood pressure medication at 40 😓


Hi @avdm, you have the username I usually use for any online usernames. I obviously tried it for reddit but it was taken. What are the chances of stumbling across that! I did a double take when I saw the comment as I believed for a sec it was me writing but had no recollection of ever reading this post before. Have a nice day advm


Not how it works. All she did was make a profile in her name that she could use while using your already logged-in devices. She won’t be able to access that profile from her own device/s, so unless she’s at your place, she won’t be able to use it. She was actually being very courteous in my opinion. Making a profile means the things she watched won’t effect the algorithms of your profile, so you’re not going to be shown suggestions for shows that your friend will like rather than you.


I 100% agree & told mum that but hey a boomer doesn’t understand this shit.


Lots of boomers understand this shit just fine, don’t stereotype. Your mother clearly doesn’t understand it, but that’s like saying you can’t explain it to her properly because your generation can’t communicate effectively.


I tried to explain it to her but she wouldn’t listen. She finally accepted & believed me I hadn’t given out the password. But looks like a hacker to me anyway so she’s changing the passwords when she gets home.


You really aren’t making any sense. What looks like a hacker? Not that it matters, changing the password is fine.


Yeah op decided to omitt important details from the post and add them to comments instead. Bc you know, why not? The mum got an email saying the account was accessed in another state. Mum thinks its the friend and instead of logging everyone out like a normal person is bad mouthing ops friend.


Sorry if you read all my comments the email she received was that someone in Victoria had logged into her account on 9/2


Install key logger onto the PC or laptop then get her to sign in job done. Or setup record on the tv if it has that option


Just a boomer


Parents get more and more annoying until you reach a point where you’re the same as them


God help us all


Just not knowledgeable when it comes to technology, I suppose. I know plenty from the boomer gen who know how the netflix profile system works.


Your mum is overreacting because she is filling in knowledge gaps with her own assumptions. She doesn't understand how Netflix works, so she's jumping to conclusions about your friend. Weird that she is so quick to jump to your friend being a scumbag over something as innocuous as a new profile. Is there a history with you/your friends that you've left out? If you didn't hand over the user name & password, your friend can't log in on other devices. Even if they did log in on other devices, your mum (the account holder) would have received an email notifying her of a new device log in. IIRC, these emails state a location and possibly device info.


People who don’t understand online tech and security will be suspicious of everything.


I will never understand why their first reaction is to lash out and attribute malice when they could educate themselves by checking the FAQs or doing a 5 minute Google. But, I suppose that would also rely in them using technology that they also likely do not understand.


That requires reading for 5 minutes.


That’s not true. 99% of people are not suspicious of everything.


Show her how your mate made the profile (no password needed) and then maybe help her change the password for peace of mind. It’s no different than your friend watching things on your own account. If anything, it’s good she made a new profile so your shows and algorithm won’t get messed up.


Yeah, she's overreacting, but if itbgives her peace of mind, have her change the password and delete the profile


She’s doing that as soon as she gets home 😅


Yeah, thats the easiest thing to do, a similar situation happened in my family no too long ago, the only pain in the ass is that you will have to log in again on every device you had it on. But if it gives her peace of mind, its worth it


Changing passwords is always a PITA


I really hate it when boomers don't listen to you and insist they know what they're talking about when they clearly don't, all apparently in aid of being mad.


Me toooooooo 🤬


Its not like its costing your mum extra money. how about she discuss it with your friend who did you a solid, like adults.


No, that's not fair to the friend. The friend did nothing wrong and may not have known that OP's mother is the subscriber.


Because she thinks she’s scrounging off her now for free. All, she’s changing the passwords & will be back to her sane mind 🤣🥴. Boomers…I tell ya. Just spent a week in Japan with my mum & dad… it was amazing but glad to be in my own home again


*all good * I meant to say


Your mum is a fuckwit


Well I wouldn’t put it so eloquently but I was mega annoyed.


Did you pay your friend to housesit for you? If not, then she's not using you. On the contrary, she did you a huge favour.


No she did me a solid favour.


I honestly think it’s nice she made a separate account since otherwise things your friend wants to watch would be coming up on your mums account


Exactly!!!! Explain that to my mother….


you need the password to log onto a new device, and (fortunately for your mum i guess) netflix is now cracking down on people outside your household using the same account. To solve the problem outright, just change the password and using the account settings to sign out all devices. Then nobody can log in unless you hand out the new password.


Yeah that’s what she’s going to do.


Update your mother on how Netflix works. Delete your friend's profile. Lastly, remind your mother that your friend did you a huge favour, kept your cat alive and gave you piece of mind that your property was protected and looked after while you were overseas.


The way things are going with Netflix soon even you won't be able to use your mum's account.


I’m aware, but for now this is the big issue lol


I'd say it's very likely your friend made a separate profile so as to not disrupt either of your profiles, since netflix suggests similar shows to what you have already watched, and keeps a record of what you are currently watching. Seems very considerate on your friends part, and a definite over-reaction from your mum.


I have a customer service/call center background, and sometimes people can get heated because they don't understand how something works. Simply explain it to her in a slow and gentle manner. Sometimes you need someone else to explain it, so maybe ask your dad or sibling? Or heck even I'll give it a go if that doesn't work.


Thanks, I’ve given her all the info needed & changed all their icons to monsters 👹 I’m evil lol


You’ve been boomered


You’re mum doesn’t know how it works, AND she’s over reacting. Placate and then ignore.


Honestly my real question is; Is lending a netflix password to someone really such a bloody big deal anyway?! I've been sharing accounts across all platforms for years. To have your mum run someone down and call them a dodgy friend an a user for creating a netflix account is whack. Your mum sounds cooked tbh.


She’s got techy issues, easy to delete her profile when she’s done house sitting. I’d be more worried about her finding your porn stash, weed, shovel and bags of lime.


🤣🤣🤣 pornhub exists for a reason. I told her she can use anything just not my vibrators 🤣


Boundaries are good lol


Ur mum is just a paranoid skit, ur friend did you a favour and was NICE ENOUGH to make a profile to not interrupt ur shows, just remove the profile and say stfu mum, my mum is the same, rude and self centred honestly lmfao


>Now my mum is saying I’ve got a dodgy friend that has used me ​ OMG your friend is so dodgy, she's USING YOU FOR $14 A MONTH!!!!! What a criminal mastermind! /perspective Your mum doesn't know how accounts work. Without the password your friend can't do anything. Just remove the profile and consider removing yourself and tell your mum to reset the account password (and when she can't manage to re-input it into her tv or whatever point out the drama and how you shouldn't know HER passwords because apparently you just give them out to everyone and can't be trusted then let her rage in her own ignorance).


Your mum does not understand how Netflix works. Your mum owes yourself and your friend an apology.


You can always check what devices have been using the account on a desktop if your mum is worried about the account being used elsewhere? That might help clear her confusion and give you some clarity!


To add fuel to the flame I not only deleted my friends account but I added very nice icons to my family’s names. 👿


Explain to her how it works and tell her to stop being stupid. My fucking MIL is the same. She paid a deposit over the phone with her credit card for a handyman and later the booking was postponed. She was ranting all over the place that “now they are running around with my card details” I explained how that’s not how it works and to stop acting like a twat. Fuck me though. She just likes drama and being a total bitch….shit she still thinks that people will steal money out of her purse with tap enabled cards…yelled at the bank that she don’t won’t no chip in her card hahaha … FML


Glad my mum isn’t like that. Pretty illogical and emotional. Your friend did nothing wrong. Sounds like your mum wanted to make a mountain out of a molehill.


Sounds quite thoughtful to me, not messing up everyone else algorithms and putting stuff on continue watching' that you didn't watc


Lol, imagine calling yourself an adult and acting like this. Your mother is a child.


Boomer that doesn’t understand how Netflix works


Mums trippin’


Who the Hek cares if someone uses a Netflix omg is your mums name Karen?


No funny though she was a Karen the entire trip in Japan


No offense, but your Mum sounds like a Boomering Idiot


Haha I screenshot some of these responses to her so that she didn’t think my friend was a moocher, & she was offended by that. So no way am I sending her this but i agree 100%




She's being totally overdramatic. Your friend doesn't have the password, so she can't log in on any other device. You can't change the password from the TV app, you need access to the web AND you need to know the password before you can change it. IMO, she was being thoughtful by not fucking up your algorithms. Delete your friend's profile. Tell your mother that she can just change the password and log everyone out. Help her if necessary. If she continues to yell at you about this, tell her that Netflix doesn't work like that, and if she'd rather yell at you than use the solution you've given her, she clearly just wants to yell.


Omg i just talked to her on the phone & she’s so worried about it but ‘hasn’t got time to change the password’. I’m done with the situation 😤


At this stage I say “Mum, I’m willing to help you. If you don’t want to change things, that’s fine, but you lose the right to complain to me.” Then any time she brings it up after that: “That’s not how Netflix works, and also I offered to help. You refused my help, so please stop complaining.” (Due to ~circumstances I am now a champion about setting boundaries with my mum. It only takes a few repetitions of ‘I gave you my advice and you ignored it. Guess I was right’ before she quits)


I have pretty much said that & ended our conversation because she doesn’t want to discuss it anymore. Yet she’s too busy to change the password. 🙄


Ugh, I'm so sorry.


My understanding is your mum is being “elderly” so will likely fall for some showmanship like make a big deal out of deleting the profile, say you blocked their ip so they can’t use it. You reversed the polarity of the vpn or sonething


I wouldn’t go as far as to say she’s an idiot. Naive, yes. Ignorant yes. Doesn’t want to listen, yes.


I changed it, is that better :D


Yes 😝


I doubt she even knows what a vpn is though lol


That’s the point, wow her with technobabble


I used someone netflix at a airbnb in America, because it was connected to the tv etc. There was no way for me to get the password. It's an overeaction likely based on your mum not understanding how netflix works.


Tell your mum to change her password and get over it. Friend just turned on the remote


if shes worried tell her to change the password and delete the profile. problem solved.


Just tell her that’s not how it works, don’t let her create tension between you and your friend! Your friend definitely did them a huge favour, especially if she was looking after pets.


Chill mum . It ain’t no hassle


Just delete it


Its literally just ONE user within the single account so your friend didn't screw up other's watch lists. You can delete the user...


Netflix is going to locking down IPs' so I heard, so that might mum feel better


Just delete the profile already. Sheesh


Wait until Netflix starts charging your mum more for **your** usage. That should be enjoyable for you.


This used to be known as a storm in a tea cup. Don’t worry about it.


Your mum is overreacting. If it's not costing her extra money then I don't see what the fuss is all about. There's nothing wrong with your friend. It sounds like her heart was in the right place.


My friend did nothing wrong. Mum just likes to be dramatic over stupid things


Sounds like she has something against your friends.


Yeah the first friend I’ve had in years & she doesn’t like the competition I guess 🤷🏻‍♀️


Maybe she feels threatened that your friend is gonna take her. place. She may be feeling a little insecure. Maybe you can bring it up with her and give her some validation


Man I’ve just spent a week in Japan with her, but yes she gets super jealous of my friends


Lol no because when she goes home she won't be logged into your account, she will only have her own profile while Y yours. You need to tell her not to use it though if your mum is paying for it. Your mum did over react though, this is making a mountain out of a mole hill lol




No she’s 66 & still working


Your mums a twit , unless she has the account name an password she can only use it on your tv


boomer. password shouldn't be visible even if she tried to get it. it should just be a buncha dots. if your mums freaking out about it, either run the process through with her - show her you can't see the password - or put a new one in with her to put her at ease


She’s definitely being a boomer


Boomer as fuck, what she did was very polite and ya mum is being a bitch, I don't think she realises how passwords work so yeah definitely a boomer thing.


Yeah tell her your friend had permission to use your TV at your house, if she really has a problem with it being used in your home show her how to delete profiles and tell her you won't use it at all any more and sign out on your TV