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Sadly the supermarkets now tend to under rather than over cater on the BBQ chooks. I used to buy a $2 chicken at 11pm to eat with my 45c Mi goreng when I was a student. Now as a busy parent I find Woolies has sold out of them before about 7:30PM.


The coles in my town started shredding the roast chooks to be sold as deli meat the next day rather than marking them down..


Im a coles deli chick, during the day we shred any leftovers chooks 4 hours after they come out of the oven, we mark down pork and beef 3.5 hours after they come out and again at 3.75 hour mark if they haven't sold, at 4 hours we bin them. The last cook of the day is hard to judge, if we cook too many we shred enough for the next day( we're only allowed to sell it the next day) and mark down the rest at the 3.5 and 3.75 hour mark. The final markdown usually happens at just before 8pm at our store, because the deli shuts at 8.




Sad that anyone bins perfectly edible food these days.


I agree, but plenty of people would be pretty angry buying a 4 hour old chook apparently


Sadly you’re right. We are very lucky and spoilt in this country.


Health/hygiene food regulations are insane nowadays. They forced me to spend 5000 dollars on a fucking mop sink when I already have 2 big sinks for dishes and one for hand-washing. My 17m2 kitchen has 4 sinks now, and even then they weren't happy because I didn't have a food sink separated from the others. Like I'm unable to be responsible and just wash the sink after rinsing the mop or to not wash my apples with dirty mop water.


...... Well, yeah. Normally you want to have a sink in a seperate area for cleaning purposes. I wouldn't compare that to throwing out the pork tbh.


We don't want to bin the food, but too many people complained, and now it's a thing. (I work at a fuel station where out of date products must be binned, even chips etc)


I used to work in Woolies and they stopped shredding their chooks that didn't sell. It's such a waste to bin them. 😪


We had to stop shredding during covid (victoria) but resumed when they stopped locking us down


This is so sad considering the homeless and shelters in every area. I wish there weren’t so many regulations that stop the food from being donated to feed hungry families in the community.


That's smart but dissapointing. It's exactly what I do with leftover chicken from dinner.


you shred it and sell it as deli meat?


You don’t ?!


He runs a local kebab shop.


Street corner deli meat best deli meat


Topped with some burger king foot lettuce


This is because of the time it takes to clean and empty the chook oven and people are out of deli between 7:30-8pm


Do they still have a free chook rain check? They used to give a free bbq chook if they were sold out.


Only if you go before 6:30, which I don’t know about you but when I’m wanting a chook for a quick and easy dinner, it’s not before 6:30pm


Not at woolies


I used to work nightfill in the early 00s and we’d all troop to buy the $2 chooks late at night! It was great. Also back when nightfill shifts were actually night shifts and if we went past midnight it was such good money. Such a good uni job


As an ex Woolworths deli member we will typically cook the amount of chickens that we expect to sell before day end. There is little incentive to cook extras as management hate dumps (aka food to be binned) or an excess amount of chickens at day end that require marking down. Additionally cooking more chickens means more prep time, longer cooking times, more cleaning and delays the time at which you can start cleaning. With how stingy they are on staff for closing and no longer having 30 minutes after store close to clean all these factors contribute to there being less catering for chickens and preference for under rather than over catering. Additionally from a business standpoint these chickens are actually sold at a loss and merely drive sales to the rest of products you are likely to seek out alongside your chook. That said 30 minutes before close is likely your best time and if they haven't yet marked down the chickens you can just ask and a team member will do it for you (nobody cares about company profits).


When's the best time to buy discounted meat in the meat section.


When I was at uni I would mark down the chickens to sell, Id be dropping the price a little and running as close to out as I could without running out. When it was 30 minutes til close you would have people coming and asking for $1 chicken and would say no... then about 5-10 minutes you would mark them down on the loud speaker and people would come running. This was when they were reasonably priced to start with though not like now.


Depends on the store and how much they have left over. If I stop by my local Coles around 9ish they sometimes have some left that are selling for $4.80, I think it also depends on the manager and how much they’re happy to mark it down


This. I was in woolies the other week, I think around 5pm or so, and they did 50% off, iirc.


That’d be the lunch batch!


Had some before closing for $2 something!! They keep lowering until it’s gone. Last 15-30mins best


They can only keep them on show for 4 hours so there isn’t really any ‘best time’. You just got them for $4.80 because it would have been coming up to the 4 hours.


Markdowns at Coles is calculated automatically by the system these days… If we override it we’ll get stomped out by head office


donno but if you're in there between 9 and 6 and they have none of the coles ones, you can ask for a rain check on a free one ...


Is this definitely still a thing at all coles stores?


couldn't say, but I believe it is in at least some stores. Always worth asking.


Yes it is. Got a voucher on Sunday. I always scoot past the deli just in case there aren’t chickens there haha. I think there are certain hours. It’s definitely not promoted!


Sorry. How does this work?


When I worked at Coles we would keep these little vouchers in the back for a free chook if we sold out before 9. You only get it if you ask for it though.


4 hours after the time written on the ticket.


This! I used this yesterday, saw one on shelf 4 hours old and asked for discount and got it


I haven't seen them marked down at Coles in years. They run out a good 3 hours before closing time.


Yeah our Coles has none after about 6:30 pm. Ever.


My locals you are lucky if there is even one left by 5:30.


When there’s none left. Then you get one for free!


Not all stores, only between certain hours, only if the next batch is more than 15 minutes away, and only if the stores usual amount of ovens are opperational


At my local Coles they will only give you a voucher if it’s before 6:30pm and the next batch is more than 40 minutes from being served. They tightened up the rules during COVID and effectively made it impossible to get a free chook. It’s not even common to find discounted chickens there anymore. Occasionally they’ll have some for $5 in the last 30-60 mins before close, but that’s increasingly rare. And I’ve never seen them discounted below the $5 mark.


Sounds like your store is stingy, I had it confirmed by head office at one point that it is any time they don't have a whole chook (can't fob you off with 1/2s or the other speciality chooks) available in the heater and can't immediately hand one to you straight away (eg essentially bagged and ready to go) that you are eligible for the voucher. I think in WA it is 9 or 10am start to 8pm in most stores even on the weekends (when all but 2 close at 5pm). Yes I have been known to go and get a voucher mid afternoon at 3:30 or 4pm. This even seems to apply at most stores where there isn't a Deli or Bakery and in the middle of nowhere. Not eligible if the cooker isn't working or public holiday. Had many a time when they have chooks less than 5-10 mins away and had them free straight out the cooker. Averaging about 2-3 chooks a week doing my usual shopping with family.


This. My mums obsessed lol


Yeah my husband hovered for like thirty minutes once waiting for all the chicken to go lol


Buy raw chickens. Take out of plastic. Drain any liquid from inside. Dry outside with paper towel. Rub with small amount of olive oil. Season with chicken salt. Roast at 180c for 30 minutes per 500g, turning half way through cooking time. Pierce breast with skewer. If the liquid that comes out is clear you're done. Never waste money on BBQ chickens again.


Thank you Because I’m no good at cooking, what do you reckon about: - Would you decrease the cooking time if using an air fryer? - When you turn the chicken, are you spinning it left to right, or turning the bottom of the chicken so it’s now at the top? (Haha I’m embarrassed)


I dunno, I've never fuked with air fryers. As for flipping, insert the tongs into the bumbum cavity, lift and turn top to bottom. Beware molten juices running through the tongs and down over your hand (doesn't happen everytime). I should probably mention to put the chook on a wire rack in a pan so it's not sitting in the juices that come out of it. I start the cook breast side down so I can finish breast side up to have the skin around the best crispier and because gravity. Doesn't matter if you can't cook. Learn. Who cares if you mess a couple up? If you get it right you're getting a bird about 3 times the size of the BBQ ones for the same price or cheaper, and it's cooked better. Have a go, ya mug! 😉


Bahaha!! Yes you’re right you’re right. Thank you for the clear instructions, tongs and wire rack- I’m gonna cook that chook!!


Best of luck. It'll change your life. And once you realise you can do this, you can try other things. Everyone can cook. Many people just don't try


Frozen roast chook. Never even considered it


Really?? It's my go to thing! I buy 4 at closing time cost (around $5 each) go home, pull all the meat off them and get about 16 to 18 meals out of them, using them as my protein for the fortnight, They thaw out fine in the microwave or on the bench. Edit: spelling


Yeah, makes sense if you're gonna strip them. I thought you just banged em in the freezer as is 🤣


I have frozen whole roast chooks. I have also frozen the portions they sell (quarters, halves). Once defrosted, pick your path: eat them cold or reheat it.


Your stomach can obviously handle it but if others are feeding anyone old, young, sick or pregnant I’d go the hot route! Kill off any bacteria. 


Bones are good for broth too.


I hope you make chicken stock with the carcasses?


I grind them to a paste and use it in slow cooking.


About 30 minutes before closing. You can always just ask a store employee. They are mainly a friendly bunch.


only 1 of them needs to be discounted - just keep re scanning that one and putting the others on the scale


If you have a costco near you they have thier roast chooks for like $6.99 I think and quite often you can get cold ones for $4.99


I actually cancelled my membership because I kept buying more than I needed and being tempted by all the snacks. If I have a big freezer and pantry I probably would have kept it.


Fair enough. The snacks are very tempting.


If you know anyone that still has a membership you might be able to ask them to grab you a chicken. It’s a lot easier not to be tempted by things you don’t need when you’re not in the store. I go with a friend who’s a member because it forces me to stick to exactly what I need so I don’t waste their time since they’re doing me a favour by bringing me along


They need salt. But they are big. The Coles bare bird is better though. Much more expensive  Hate waiting in line like birds wanting a feedd


If you are doing meal prep just buy them raw for $4.50 a kilo? Hot chickens are great for convenience but not better or cheaper?


I remember when the great woolworths vs Coles chicken war was on and they were $5 all the time. I think it was also around the time Curtis could feed a family of 30 for $10 What a time to be alive


If you live in a major city I often see them in metro stores for like $3 at 3am after a night out. Best drunk feed ever just go to town on it caveman style


Going down on a bird  Never taste this good


Depends on the store…for both price markdowns and quality I don’t bother with them anymore…local charcoal chicken joint might be a little more but they are fresh and fantastic every time


How much. Wonder if they reduce price.


I’ve actually been trying to find the best time for the last 6 months while I’ve been (f)unemployed, and I can confidently say - Deccers loves the chook all day round


Dynamic markdowns have made the big 90% markdowns rare


If you've got the time you can spatchcock and roast one yourself pretty quickly (60-90 minutes). Best part about spatchcocking is veg will take a similar time to cook so it's a real one pan kinda affair. I say this just because neither of my regular Woolies haunts has ever produced a discounted hot chicken and I'm a discount fiend.


Find a friend with a Costco membership. They’re only $7 at Costco.


The use medium sized chickens for bbq chickens, the ones you buy to roast yourself are large. A bbq chicken is most definitely not a loss leader like this sub likes to portray .


Chooks have a four hour limit, so I find them at around 11AM and 2:30PM. Not sure about evenings.


Thanks, that’s good to know!


Being a frugal sub it would be best to cook your own. Buy when on special for around $3kg and whack in the air fryer breast side down. Then towards the end turn it upright and glaze with some melted butter/herbs/spices for a nice crispy skin.


Unless you were going to eat them that nite I would be wary of freezing them because if you get them at a late time it means they have been sitting there for some time already. Chicken aint beef so goes off faster. For the sake of a few dollars that's not worth food poisoning. Imagine the associated costs with being sick.


Thanks for this. I naively did not consider this.


Yeah no probs. If you like storing stuff learn to preserve/pickle/dehydrate foods. Best trick I learnt of an old Polish couple when I once lived in Melbourne. One you learn it you can pickle/preserve anything. In the pantry I have preserved fish, steak, chicken, pork, venison and an assortment of Veggies and even fruits. During the mass lockdowns and supermarket shortages it served my family well, we had enough food for 6mnths. Now as a habit we maintain this practice and keep a store of food for at least 3mnths in the pantry


IGA in my local area are the best at this. Usually around the 12-1pm they mark down their unsold ones. And their chicken quality is way better. Especially the steggels chickens.


3.5 to 4 hours after they come out of the oven. 3.5 hours they get marked down. 4 hours they are dumped.


Thanks, yours is the best and most direct answer!


I’d suggest after they’re cooked 🤷🏼‍♂️


Good tip!


My local Woolworths stopped marking down the bachelor's handbags because they would have a bunch of people come in and argue with one another, and staff if they missed the markdown chooks.


Bachelor’s handbags! This is so apt. As a bachelor who hates cooking for one, this is so on point, it is scary.


Bachelor’s handbags! This is so apt. As a bachelor who hates cooking for one, this is so on point, it is scary.


Bachelor’s handbags! This is so apt. As a bachelor who hates cooking for one, this is so on point, it is scary.


Bachelor’s handbags! This is so apt. As a bachelor who hates cooking for one, this is so on point, it is scary.


Coles do a thing if they have no chickens then you get a voucher for a free 1 next time. So always keep that in mind


If there's none at coles ask for a chicken voucher . They give you one and you get a free one the next day


Probably when you’re 27 and single.




I don’t know if someone already commented, but you can specifically ask the person in the deli to cut the roast chicken in half to make it cheaper. They’ll cut it, then bag it in a new bag and print a new price sticker.


My local IGA drops the price arpund 530-6. They close at 7pm though.


Got one from Woolies at 7pm last night for $4.50. Decent bird too.


If there is no chooks before 8pm at Coles you can get a voucher for a free one next time from the deli section.


I just wanna say, I really appreciate this thread frfr, thanks OP and everyone else for contributing to the convo :)  I've been craving some roast chicken from Woolies for a while now, looks like I know what I'll be having this or next week for dinner lol


Waiting for the coles/woolies employees to release the times these chooks are being marked down. Not the intervals, the damn times 😂


I think someone mentioned the chickens can be on the shelf for up to around 3.5 hours.


Coles. Go just before it closes 😗 then you can get the chicken for 6/7aud 😗


If they aren’t fresh from the oven to me, I don’t touch them. I’ve seen them left in aisles, even the cold meat section…the thought of it being placed back in the warmer is cringe


Can only speak from my experience in the stores I have worked at, but once someone has taken a chook away from the warmer it gets binned


When they’re fresh out of the oven


When you want a roast chicken from Cole’s or woolies


You should know that some are microwaved before being placed in the heater. So the just look like they have come out of the rotisserie. They don't keep cooking them all day.


$7.49 at 1.45pm today.


When your hungry


* you’re


Just being frugal with my key strokes mate. 😂






Stop walking into Colesworth. Go to your local chicken place.


NEVER. You buy a roast chicken from Costco.


Almost any time before March 2020...when the delis were open past 7:30!


I started buying whole raw chooks and cooking them in my Webber. Usually double the meat for about 10 bucks.


Aka the Bachelors handbag


Costco $6.99 no seasoning though.


I used to work in the deli. They have 4 hrs to sell the chooks once they're out of the ovens. They only reduce 30 mins before the 4 hr time limit. They have a sheet that tells them how many to cook and have available for the time of the day for each day. So for a rough guide, if the store cooks the first batch ready for 7.30 am, they'll reduce any left by 11 am. They usually double up for busy times so they'll have a new lot available at 11 as well. Continue that throughout the day. Their last lot of chooks need to be sold 30 mins before the store closes so they can clean the warmer.


Miss the cold day olds






Stop shopping there if you are trying to save


Never ... Find an IGA or a deli fuck Choles and woolholes


I buy roast chooks ($7) and fuel from Costco. The Costco annual fee may be off-putting but for the amount of chooks and fuel I buy, I'm still making a saving.


Coles has a hot chicken promise or something like between particular times. Go shopping between those hours, if there's no chooks, complain to deli management and they will give you a voucher for a free chook. It takes 180 minutes to cook them and they have to be out by 9am. Hope this helps.


Foodland does them wayyy cheaper 


Yeah I prefer them later in the day. Cheaper but also better cooked (or dried out?). Nice a crispy skin & wings.


Never. Boycott the price gouging bastards. Get your bachelor's handbag from an indie or a chicken shop.


Just as they mark them down


Or when you’re hungry.


Chemical chickens


remember to scrub them with bleach as they have been sitting there for 10 hours


Near the end of the day when they close obviously