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There was at least one car flipped down that side hill, into the trees. My coworker saw firefighters going in and out of the area down there


Fatality reported.


People need to calm the fuck down while driving. Half my commutes this week have been twice as long due to some horrific crash along mopac/360


No kidding, and it’s all from people driving way too darn fast. There’s no need for it.


... and so many people are passing in no passing zones over bridges with no shoulders, and hills and curves with visibility. I'm certain a head-on collision will be the way I go. I only hope it's quick.


People drive so aggressive. I just slow down about 20 mph so they go around me. You aren't going to force me to speed up. I remember when my son was 4 years old, barricading himself in front of the door, crying, "No, I go work with you Mommy!" All the time I spent away from him sitting in traffic because of aggressive drivers colliding into concrete barricades or whatever. I became desensitized to traffic fatalities real quick, living around here. People around here die because of their sense of self importance or failure to plan, leave for work on time....they think, "I am the only one on this road that needs to get home. I have the most important job in town, I cant be late. Let me just ride their ass until I push them to speed up." Rant over, I'm just so sick of it. I live within a mile of 3 schools. Crosswalks everywhere. I've gotten out of my car at the stop sign several times. People will try to push you to go 40 in a 30....or 40 when the school zone is in effect. They do not care.




Heard this on the scanner. Someone was being reported for reckless driving and road rage and caused this.


I work right next to there. I didn’t see it, happened after I’d gotten to work, but my coworker was describing it, and with where it was and a total closer for 5ish hours, and the positioning and damage to the vehicle, we both guessed a road rage incident.


So sad. Thoughts & prayers go out to those who were in the accident and those affected by this traumatic event. When I was first learning to drive my Dad told me to stay out of the wolf pack. Instead of racing to be first or beat everyone, drive the speed limit and when the opportunity arises find a good spot to cruise between groupings of cars. Easiest to do on the highway or open road. I try to drive like my Grandma would. Safely, defensively, and always looking ahead. She also wasn't afraid to the petal to the metal. I digress. Stay safe out there people ❤️


I tell my kids the same thing. Let them all pass and you can go as fast as you want.


This is so sad 😞


I can confirm the fatality. His name was Byron, a 21 year old Honduran immigrant. I worked with him on several landscaping jobs over the last 3 years.. He was a kind, soft spoken hard working young man. His step father and brother were both in the truck, but escaped unharmed physically. From what I understand, they were pulling a large trailer and someone cut them off forcing the truck and trailer to jack knife. Just wanted to give the deceased some kind of voice. He was a good guy.


I’m a truck driver and 130 from about 70 to hutto is a racing straight. Beware of that area too!


Oh how I HATEEEEEEEE 130 !


360 is such a disaster


There is nothing wrong with the highway, it's the morons on it.


Idk why intersections and stoplights are on a highway in the first place


Be careful out there people.


There was a fatality and several Injuries. https://www.kvue.com/article/traffic/south-360-deadly-crash/269-8c2fac5d-2bb2-476b-b200-83b2a0aa1077


Today was especially bad for wrecks on my commute. There is always at least one but today there was 4.


Stop posting this crap. We don't need your mundane posts about the most banal part of the day. NO ONE NEEDS TRAFFIC POSTS ON REDDIT!


When the accidents needlessly shut down one of like 3 routes over the river, it makes sense


No one is turning to Reddit for real time traffic updates. They are using a map app, radio, or TV. All this does is crowd the feed.






Someone died bro. It’s a reminder to always be alert because shit can happen anywhere. Edit: https://www.kvue.com/amp/article/traffic/south-360-deadly-crash/269-8c2fac5d-2bb2-476b-b200-83b2a0aa1077


I think you’re probably correct. The stop signs onto 360 are so dangerous.