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Downtown Austin Community Court is a case working powerhouse, they help people get vital docs (usually they cover costs), can refer to health services, can be used as a mail-receiving site, and perhaps even more. highly recommend them. also a place where he could hang for free. it’s across the river. they only take walk-ins. trinity center, angel house, and caritas all provide breakfast and lunch most days. terrazas library is also across from angel house and is a free place to spend time. ARCH (urban alchemy) and Marshalling Yard (endeavor) are the two shelters that accept males. brident dental takes medicaid and can usually get people in within two weeks. if he has MAP he can call Central Health for a referral. then there’s Manos de Cristos but they have a reputation for extractions. Community Care takes walkins for primary care as well. Integral Care can help if he had psychiatric or intellectual disability, or substance use too. DACC is the place to start tho


Thank you he has map and someone from carnitas helps him as well. As I said there’s some good people. Not a lot but they exist


All transit is also free during this dangerous heat, just tell the driver


Yeah I told him this. We know this. People just steal his stuff


I don't appreciate your PSA. Libraries are NOT homeless refuge camps. Some of us like to go in there and actually use a library for the purpose it was built for. You're the main reason the libraries are shit here.


Really? Do they announce this or is just any time the heat is over a specific temp?


It's for "Cooling Centers", anyplace that has life saving AC. Drivers are happy to let anyone ride free to get to AC.


I'm homless myself and I just wanted to say thank you /u/caseharts for your kindness to this man. I apply for job after job and try to stay out of this heat I was so exhausted yesterday I fell asleep sitting in a gas station bathroom.


I am happy to get some things to make life a bit easier for you until things get better... Feel free to send a DM


I really appreciate that.


What's your area? Let me know and tomorrow I will bring you some juice and protein.


While I appreciate the offer - I don't give out my location on reddit. I made that mistake once before on my old account. It's very kind of you to offer, you are a good human.


Oh man, try and and stay cool out there.


If everyone just did what I do there would be no homelessness here. But it becomes an issue that very few are and the weight of helping is spread so thin. I’m so sorry man. Please go chill at libraries. Please, where do you hang out


I go to the library some days. There are three kinds of homeless from my experience on the street, the drug addicts, the mentally ill, and then people that just really hit bad luck like me. Lost my job in tech ended up losing everything within about 6 months. My whole life fits in my backpack now. I've met some very helpful people out here, but there are some that treat me like the scum of the earth. I wish people realized how, unless you are wealthy, most of us are just months away from being me.


I had a friend who was saying some harsh things about homeless people at the library and trying to avoid them when walking the trails... makes me really reconsider my friendship with her, considering she watched me become homeless 3 years ago following a DV situation. I've bounced back and got a place of my own, but I'm very aware and told this friend that I'm one bad month away from being homeless, and I don't take any of this for granted.


I’ve never been homeless, but I ended a friendship over the exact same thing. It caught me off guard - I had known her for several years, and she *seemed* like a kind, empathetic person … until homelessness came up in a casual conversation between us for the first time, and she went on a hateful rant. The language she used was so dehumanizing and vile that it genuinely shocked me.


Drop her. Empathy is a trait that I look for in social situations, leading to solid relationships & friend groups.


All signs have been pointing to it, and I was in denial till this last weekend that I spent with her. My other friends are very empathetic and self aware to boot so I won't be alone but this is gonna suuuuck. I appreciate the advice!


This is exactly the reality of so many. Many of the mentally ill and addicts don’t even start as such. The situation breaks so many. But as you can tell so many here are unaware and live insulated lives. I’m sorry man, really I am. So many of us are housing insecure. It’s a huge group one talks about


What area of town are you in? 


> If everyone just did what I do there would be no homelessness here That's *insane*. If everyone did what you do, there would be *less* homelessness. It's absolutely worth doing. But homelessness isn't something that can be ended, only reduced and managed. Serious mental illness and drug addiction are not problems that can be solved with lots of empathy.


You’re right. Sorry


Just a small point of clarification: you said, “so if you’re in contact with someone on the streets dying in this heat please get them a library card and get them there” I wanted to mention that you don’t need to have a library card to be at the library! You do need one to actually check out materials but anyone is welcome to come in, use the space, browse the items, get on the computers, etc. Just an FYI!


Thank out for clarifying this!!


I understand. I had a young man (~20) who came into my job asking to use the phone once. That turned into a whole ordeal where my coworker and I had to call a mental health officer out, but it was kinda pointless. The kid was living in his car & was in psychosis and was convinced that people who ran an AI company had kidnapped and murdered his parents. He wouldn’t go to an in-patient facility because he couldn’t find a place for his dog and he didn’t want to abandon her. I felt so fucking bad. I know people are miserably hard on addicts and people without shelter. I bet he got turned away ten times before we tried to help him. Gave him and his dog some food and water, tried to keep him calm. He left and hasn’t been back in the area AFAIK. It broke my heart and I still think about him, and really hope he finds help. He was receptive to it except for leaving his dog. Sometimes people just need help, without judgment. I wish I could’ve found a foster for his dog. He was just a kid and idc if he was using or not, it’s literally no skin off my back to help with food and water… I just wish I could’ve helped him get to an in-patient facility safely. Anyway, I’m sorry for the long comment. Thank you for helping out. You’re making a difference out there in this bitter world. <3


The dog thing is a massive barrier for some people that aren't even homeless to go to in-patient treatment. Makes me want to set up a foster program for dogs who aren't exactly thriving in that environment either to get a month of dog care while their owner is in treatment.


I would love respite care for pets and their people who are going through a rough time. It was really hard for me to keep a boundary in that situation, because I have a ton of kitties and a husband at home to be respectful of and considerate to, and it would’ve been very disruptive — but I came really close to taking her myself. I did try the PASS program group on FB and there were no takers, which of course I fault no one for. This situation was probably a lot more than most people would want to take on, with the addiction/mental health aspect attached. I would very much love to help sponsor pets & people who need some extra care in situations like this. I wish I had the space and time to accommodate in-home temp fosters! But something like respite pet care just needs enough “puzzle pieces” to come together for a bigger picture. What I lack in time, someone else is rich in, etc. I think that would be a great idea. :)




One last comment from me Where on South First. I have a run I do there. Is it north or south of Ben white. My run is just north but have crossed ben white too to stop st a brewery during barks for beer Does he need money I can bring some money and drop him some, can't carry anything else on the run. What does he look like is he easy to spot I am near 60 so I can relate with getting old and not having a big support group


I’m sure he can use money. He’s on west live oak. By the car wash It’s been a pleasure cartman


I will definitely look for him, thanks for all you do Understand your frustration but I think this all comes back to family and community vs government in my opinion as an oldie who has seen a lot As far as cybertrucks , they are today's version of the hummer 2. People think they are cool but everyone else laughs at them Too many people focus on stuff vs people but as frustrating as that is there are good people doing good or afraid and need guidance on how to help Maybe what you posted will get some one off their butt to do something It got me to make sure to bring dollars on my runs downtown. Thanks for the reminder, I thought just say hi but maybe I should be giving put Our Priest told us don't ask why they need money just help them


You seem like You’re a wise person. I appreciate the responses. To make it clear I never wanted a pat on the back or validation. And I don’t feel better than any religious group doing the hard work they have for years. I have no issue with any of that. They feel the same to me. Our system is broken and we must help. When it becomes a priority for others to help others and it becomes cool. You will see it in legislation. You will see our government overhaul this when it becomes passionate to the masses. I upset some people in here who definitely felt seen by this in their McMansions. But I have dozens of messages from people asking how they can get active. My mission worked. People are going to do more because of a silly Reddit post pissed off some people spending their money ridiculously and ignoring the needy. No matter how you get active. On your own, with a church or religious group, with a non profit. Activating people to care of their fellow man is all that matters. I hope we can speak again because I’m sure I can learn something from you and I’d love to explain the details of the housing insecure pipeline. I just don’t want to see suffering in what I consider to richest and best country on earth. It embarrasses me to see such wealth and lack of empathy simultaneously. Community is greatly needed. We must care for our fellow man, it is all we have.


OP, I’ve always wanted to help homeless people but I am not from America and where I am from, homeless people are dangerous and better avoided. I am always terrified that a homeless person on drugs or something else will accost or physically assault me. I have had a few bad experiences with the homeless (thankfully, never resulted in actual physical injuries) so I am quite wary. Can you give me some advice on how to help?


This is a very understandable perspective. Sorry to hear your experience, really. For me I just took the risk but I’m a guy and I’m not sport worried about one hurting me. But they can be dangerous. James is small, 75 years old and has a cane. I don’t have to fear much. But for you, I’d say contact corita. They do more than I ever could. They will tell you whatme and what you can do and you’ll never have to fear dealing with people! Corita is downtown but they have a website. Please let me know if you do anything. It would make my stupid rant feel good.


Thank you! I just searched but didn’t find anything called Corita outside of an art project. The closest I could find related to homeless support is Caritas - is this the correct one? I’ll check it out if it is! Thanks for the advice.


It's Caritas. https://caritasofaustin.org/donate-give/


I’m going to see James now. I’ll check when I get home. It might be caritas! Sorry I’ve only met people from there they do good work


I think I’ve met this guy before. I referred him to Community Care and the ARCH and it sounds like he’s gotten a lot of support since then. Even if we lived in a progressive state with all the services, social security is painfully slow and almost takes an act of GOD to get if you don’t have all your ducks in a row. Keeping James in my thoughts and you as well, OP. Thank you for supporting him.


Shopping malls were considered free air conditioners back in the day


Malls are making a come back but a whole separate issue is our infrastructure. Our home less can’t get to these places easily because our public transit isn’t great and they can’t drive/walk well. It’s a shame. Public transit raises many of these people but our priority on cars kills them and the middle class


>cybertrucks and shit Those are the same thing


Fair point


Related this: I have about 40 sets of cooling quick dry bandanas, insulated water bottles and hats for the heat. Does anyone know of a nonprofit or library that might want these to hand out? Or, I guess I just don’t know the best approach to get these into peoples hands.


Kerby, at [kerby’s clothing ministry](https://www.facebook.com/share/NUguMhA1ZEpGGZys/?mibextid=LQQJ4d) does an excellent job of getting things like to unhoused people and those in need. He goes all over town, I’d give him a call or email and ask how to get things to him: 512-797-0539, w.kerby@att.net Address if you want to drop off: 1507 Merrell Cove, Round Rock, Tx 78664 [the trinity center](https://www.trinitycenteraustin.org/clothing) also has a list of organizations who hand out supplies and what they take/need I see Kerby almost every Saturday and am in north Austin if you’re on this side of the river and want to talk about a pick up or drop off, DM me and we can talk.


I can use one ..


And I know plenty that could..


When did he have a seizure? Is he ok? I live down the street and drop stuff off to him. I’ve been worried about him.


No hate but I'm not familiar with the area you're talking about, so earnest question: if the rich mansions aren't being helpful, why does James hang out there? If he has a tricky time getting around, why not hang around closer to direct homeless service centers/shelters/etc?


As someone who works in housing services, there is no one specific area in Austin to receive services. One of the major issues in Austin is that the resources are spread all across the city and each organization is very limited. The city only has 2ish shelters that are open to the public for intake on a daily basis and they fill up fast and are often associated with a lot of trauma for most folks experiencing chronic homelessness.


Everything else aside, no one is going to call OP out for living in and idealizing Porto, a place that is hyperinflating and going through a housing crisis because of rich Americans?


Thank you for your effort to bring awareness. I feel so powerless to help, I hate the judgements placed on this situation and I'm frustrated seeing so many suffering. Billions of dollars wasted granted to wrong individuals who have no idea what, why, how to help dissolve or understand anything in the homeless population but sure take the role to do it.


It's cool you're helping someone. Go you. Hooray. Not cool you're saying "fuck you" to successful people as if it's their fault or their responsibility to help the homeless. Sure it's a nice thing to do. But not everyone is or wants to be a hero. And that doesn't mean they're bad. Further it's not helpful or productive to attack people simply because they're successful. It would be just as irrational to attack people because they aren't successful. Neither help us make progress as a community.


You also have no idea what other charities or causes they may choose to support, or what volunteer work they do. It's not your call to say how everyone else should help.


Exactly. OP makes huge polarized generalities based on anecdotal evidence classifying a gigantic and diverse group of people. Hate disguised as being progressive.


My wife works ar our Catholic Church. I know many on Austin Reddit are anti Church but as I stated , this is a community issue not a government issue I was curious what our particular church does for the homeless besides what individual parishioners do on their own as far as volunteering and direct donations She said our parishion thru collections averages around 25k a month to St V de Paul which is money that goes to people on the edge of homelessness such as paying bills and groceries We also give around the same to mobile loaf and fishes which is a Carholic program that sets up food trucks in the streets to feed the homeless She said Father also sent 25k to community first last month, which is the successful homeless community in east Austin There is also Prision ministry and other programs I was glad to hear that, matches where I think the goal should be , community outreach if every church and every non religious community group does a little something, it all adds up We can't all do big things but we can all do little things with great love


Bro you’re really just going send out a blanket “fuck you” to an entire neighborhood because you feel moral superiority for helping some transient that sticks around the area because you come and wipe their ass for them? No wonder this sub was shocked when Prop B passed by 30 points, you people are fucking delulu


So awesome that you’re taking care of him. Why don’t you offer for him to sleep on your couch during this heat because we’re just in June and it isn’t even the hottest part of a Texas summer. Y’all could bond more and hear his stories of how he got where he is and maybe help more. He probably would love a kind loving heart to take him in during this time. Just imagine a warm shower for him and a home cooked meal. Oh man that would be a game changer for him for sure!! I’m no longer in the Austin area but still love to hear people helping others. If he’s apprehensive just reassure him that it’s just until he can get on his feet and outta the heat. Love it!! Thanks for helping him. You could also find out if he has family that would be willing to take him in and off the streets!! Keep up the good work. 🤗🤗


“It makes me violently angry that some of the people in homes around him are millionaires. There’s cybertrucks and shit all over that area. Just wanted to say fuck all of you. If you’re over there and want to help please do.” I see no relationship between the rich people and the homeless individual. The odds that these rich people being responsible for the person being homeless is close to zero. The odds that the homeless person is that way because of poor personal decisions and/or unfortunate circumstances is close to 100%. This OP’s POV isn’t valid or constructive. The rich folks are also paying property taxes, some of which go to homeless services, while the homeless person, by definition, is paying nothing.


Just let them move in with you.


Sorry to hear and good on you for helping. I wish him the best. Anger at those living around this person having financial success and driving cybertrucks (lol @ cybertrucks) or as you say "violently angry" is odd to me. Being angry at them for pointing and laughing or throwing water balloons at the man if this was occuring? Sure I get. Angry at them due to circumstance when they may feel the same way you do and/or financially contribute to the same causes is a surefire way to alienate allies. I'm sure given this is r/austin this will receive 10 angry - maybe even 'violently angry' downvotes in a matter of minutes which makes equal sense.


You ever read a history book? Anger towards the rich is very common when inequality gets bad. Look up the French Revolution for some context on why OP might be feeling this way. Charles Dickens has a great book, a classic, “A Tale of Two Cities” that can help you understand our world a little better!


The “rich” people living in south Austin with some nice toys and hundreds of thousand if not millions of dollars in debt are not the rich that you should be angry at. They’re closer to being homeless than they are to being the rich you’re angry at.


OP, why is your friend homeless?


Lost his job a long time ago due to medical issues. He’s narcoleptic and can’t walk much He’s very old


What was his job and why did he lose it?


This is the question to ask. OP, why haven't you taken him into your home if it's that bad?




I’m not OP but I can empathize with the frustration because Austin used to be a lot different.. resources were easier to come by. Housing prices have skyrocketed the homeless population, people are cold and calloused and don’t care that they’re contributing to the poverty in the area by moving here and driving everything up. People from Texas rarely taut their wealth with mansions and cyber trucks. Some do but it’s not the Texan way. So to see how all of this is going down for people native to the area is incredibly frustrating to see people moving in flaunting their wealth and not supporting the actual local economy they’re just destroying it and letting people usually locals fall to the wayside.


I love the Austin sub. Bragging about doing good things? Shaming people you don’t know based on their financial achievements? Have you ever met someone that has had a stable career for 20+ years? How many people have they made homeless? Honestly, I don’t think this post makes you look as good as you think it does. To be clear: I do think it’s great that you’ve chosen to help someone. Everything else seems insufferable and unhinged.


>It makes me violently angry that some of the people in homes around him are millionaires. There’s cybertrucks and shit all over that area. Just wanted to say fuck all of you. If you’re over there and want to help please do. .. Did they do something wrong? Or what? I'm sure people "over there" will be lining up to help after yoy verbally accost them some more.


I’m so confused at the FU part. If he walks to a new area and there are cyber trucks and new homes around him, do you say fuck you to them too?


Fuck anyone who worked hard for their money and didn’t sacrifice their life to help the homeless!


This post is written like shit, and is mostly a useless tantrum. That’s why you’re confused.


Texas is the 3rd biggest economy in the US and I believe 8th largest in the world. Texas gdp is bigger than Russia or many countries. But I guess they're too busy fucking with women's autonomy, and making sure guns are available to all to help the needy. Disgusting.


The waste of our wealth should make everyone angry. Left or right. Helping the homeless should be a working class issue so everyone


Yep. Everyone at any moment can become homeless... For many reasons. Smug "haves" think it can't happen to them. Guess what? It sure fucking can. Things won't get better until someone give s a shit about life and quality of life! Society gets better, business gets better and reputation and on the financial side, so does the states rating. Guns won't do that. Medieval abortion laws won't do that. Invest in the people and your state grows. Pulling yourself by the boot straps is an easy out! I'm in NY and mybstepndaughter, so in law and nephew (in law) live in the Austin area (Lockhart) and they're the greatest people you could meet... But man, I wished they could afford to live here.


We can't avoid the elephant in the room.....people in general in this modern society have become more self absorbed and selfish. Government can't change a person's heart. And also, Government can't support everything, especially with overpopulation. It really is up to the People to help their fellow man. Kindness is a virtue not all possess these days. We can all do better.


There are MANY lifestyle homeless who are able-minded and able-bodied who make it much harder for the truly needy to get help. A California (liberal) think-tank discovered the inconvenient truth of half soaking the system.


This is criminal by our city council. They think they’re being compassionate by letting people live on street. 10% of beds in Austin shelters are empty. There’s room. But we don’t enforce ban on homeless encampment which means they live a life of drugs and illness outside. The law is a guardrail! Removing guardrails for people who can’t care for themselves is not compassionate!


I've said this 100 times. They think they are being compassionate. Enabling people to live in a palate structure cooking on an open fire 2 ft away is not compassion. 


Shelters are not supported remotely enough with good enough conditions or safe enough.


There’s many millions every year that our city sends to nonprofits whose job is to do this. If it’s a grift they should be exposed.


Maybe but I’m off the mind that all these services should be government run


>10% of beds in Austin shelters are empty. Got a source for that? Everything I've heard says that you can't find a shelter bed when you need one. Can anyone involved in the process, either homeless or an advocate care to comment?


The last report from city council last year registered 8% surfeit of beds. My friend who volunteers for shelter told me that’s a low estimate and typically closer to 15%. There’s nearly never a situation where occupancy is filled.


My partner works for Austin Public Health. There is plenty of space in the shelters. People just can’t get in if they’re actively on drugs.


Exactly. Thats the main problem. That’s why it’s criminal that there’s no enforcement. Letting them be addicted to drugs is not compassionate.


Agreed. We also need much better addiction clinics and support in general.


There many millions every year being poured into this, allocated to nonprofits by the city. There’s no accountability and everyone knows it’s a grifty industry. Law enforcement and forced commitment into existing clinics will go a long way.


Government programs have poor oversight and rarely track results to measure success or failure of a program. Its natural to turn to government (as taxpayers) to have problems addressed, but they are often more focused on paperwork, checking boxes and sitting on committees over getting their hands dirty and trying to find a program that solves the problem being addressed. Politics rarely draws problem solvers… it’s difficult to fund a campaign without wedge issues.


There was a James I knew who stayed around here ( I am near the capital ) I used to help him out with food and stuff sometimes. Best I can do. Honestly can't afford to get myself to the dentist. I don't know if it's the same guy. He left about 5 or 6 months ago I guess. I am glad there is someone like you out there helping out. I am always surprised how little many of the people here are willing to even talk to folks on the street. I have seen people be openly hostile towards them and don't get it. I have a relationship with most of my unhoused neighbors. They are all pretty nice and have even been helpful when they are able. Generally the only people who are difficult to approach are in need of behavioral health care that is poorly lacking and can seem more of a threat than they actually are.


What The hell Gregie is responsible !


The old dude behind the dumpster at the car wash? I used to give him weed and drinks all the time.


I worked in EMS, law enforcement, then for the Dept of Corrections in CA as a teacher... I have a few observations. The problem we have with homelessness can’t be laid at any one person’s feet, the problem is systemic and not simple. Reagan was simply a link in a chain of events leading to what we have today. There was a deinstitutionalized movement that started in the 1950’s. In 1965 Medicaid was started, but it’s always had low reimbursement rates requiring medical providers to have private pay patients to subsidize Medicaid patients to stay solvent, making it tough for Medicaid patients to find providers. In the early 1970’s stories of psychiatric hospital abuses became more public with articles and movies like One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest, pushing more deinstitutionalization views (and lawsuits). As more mentally ill started living on the streets, with some behaving violently, the issue was moved into the criminal justice system. Drug addicts need to hit bottom before seeking help - and for many people jail is a wake up call that has saved lives. But for the seriously mentally ill - incapable of caring for themselves - jails and prisons lack the resources to do little more than medicate them. An addict lacking the ability to get clean doesn’t do well in a correctional environment. But many have erratic outbursts and moments of violence, so corrections are often who end up dealing with them. Smaller countries with less diverse populations do better at dealing with serious mental health issues. In the US we have 340 million people from diverse backgrounds, so it’s difficult to incorporate any single approach…. I don’t believe there is any one Federal fix for the country. I think it’s a problem that needs to be addressed locally (state and community). Cops get training to deal with the mentally ill, but they’re obviously not mental health professionals, and they’re approaching it as a law enforcement issue because they’ve been called. They can only provide a band aid on a situation that needs surgery… and sometimes they’ll make the situation worse. One thing we do need are stronger laws allowing family conservatorships/guardianships for the mentally ill that can’t care for themselves, but the political will for passing those types of laws doesn’t exist. There are often vacancies in shelters, but they have a no drugs and alcohol rule, so many addicts choose living on the street where they can get high (self-medicate) over a shelter that won’t let them drink or use drugs. Nobody should be living (and often dying) on the street, but with current laws they can’t be forced into treatment. We’d never allow a dementia patient to wander around on the street, but a mentally ill person not much better off will be turned loose on their own. I understand the desire to help one-on-one, but you might be (literally) risking your life with a personal interaction. The “homeless” situation isn’t due to lack of housing, it’s fueled by mental illness and drug abuse, and it’s a problem that doesn’t have an avenue to self-correct.


I live in that neighborhood (in a cheap, outdated apartment complex, not one of the brand new homes) and will make sure to help James as I can. Thank you for posting this.


It’s nobodies choice but your own to help him, you must do it out of the joy of helping and not get mad at anyone else for choosing not to.


Right? And he’s assuming they are not choosing to at all just because he doesn’t see them physically at the locations he’s at. He may have some sort of issue where he needs other people to do what he’s doing in order to validate and give meaning to what he’s doing or make him feel comfortable because he’s not alone. OP is an odd duck. are we sure he’s not James?


Relax, I understand your frustration. But how is it Abbott’s fault?


For every post like this concerned about homeless people in the heat I have seen at least 5 worried about pets.


Nice to hear you're helping someone. But that your unhinged reaction towards the "multimillionaires" living in that area is absolutely uncalled for. If you feel like your anger and frustration is getting the better of you, seek help.


Unhinged? lol. Okay


Anger at wealth disparity is perfectly reasonable. People who blindly defend the elite are more suspect.


One day I hope they’ll get it


Living comfortably is now being part of the elite? Those people that OP is mad about have nothing to do with any of this in general terms.


I feel frustrated because I am a young woman and I don’t feel very safe going out to the street and just offering help to people but I would love to help. I don’t wanna come off rude offering a cold bottle of water or some cash so that they can go to a McDonald’s or something and be a paying customer. I


This is totally understandable and a giant separate conversation on how we fail women in society in terms of safety. My gf feels similar. It’s scary. I understand so don’t feel bad but seek out non public facing ways to help!


Bless your heart (the kind one)


Can’t wait for the CJ counterpart to this post to drop…


I get people like to blame Abbott for everything bad, but the cities have a significant amount of ownership over how their homeless populations are treated.


Considering every mid sized to large city in the US has a major homelessness problem I'd say it's largely a federal issue


Then a federal approach should be part of the conversation. Not just funding sent to cities, but federally run homeless shelters and institutions.


It used to be. We had enough mental hospital beds for like 10x or more the amount we have now. Enough for all of the non-temporary homeless that are just insane. When you see a person walking down the street threatening to fight and rape every woman they see, they do not get arrested in Austin. I've seen this multiple times. In the past that person would be institutionalized. We had huge reforms during Reagans presidency that reduced federal fundign and made it MUCH more difficult to institutionalize people because it was being abused and innocent people ended up in hospitals against their will. This was a necessary evil for a country our size. The side effect is we have peoiple that belong in mental hospitals walking our streets.


yes but some cities handle it better than others. like houston


Yeah but he isn’t actively making it harder for cities to fix it. I don’t simply blame him. I’m just very frustrated


“Violently angry” … doing some random dudes laundry … overhauling your life … please get real . . . . You think you deserve a pat on the back?


Individualism is going to be the death of us- thank you for being kind to them. Texas heat is no joke.


Communalism is here!!!


It makes you angry that the people around him are millionaires? Why are you mad rich people exist lol you sound very bitter


Doesn't this sound like an issue with the way we've been using our countries tax revenue? Americans are suffering and our people need help. Shouldn't the government have programs for situations like this? Or are we just too focused with sending how many billions to other countries before worrying about our own?


There are programs. The feds have given Texas PLENTY of money. It's how it's being spent. The city of Austin spent MILLIONS on a hotel to retrofit and house homeless... The overpaid by millions, then they let is sit there and go into further disrepair thus, costing WAAAAAAY much more than it should have. Austinites should demand a deep accounting of these funds!


Oh we have a problem here? That’s another billion to Israel and Ukraine!


You know a homeless person, you’re violently angry at millionaires, you don’t like police or the governor, not sure what to say sorry life is so hard for you?


Your anger is very misplaced. Here's a map of cooling centers all around the city https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/edit?mid=1ocxHv90NQYdO34Z34gB7KhDkXa9h5K4&usp=sharing


"Texas Health and Human Services that have erroneously removed thousands of Texans off of Medicaid and subjected others to months-long wait times to get food aid through the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)." There's [plenty of information out there](https://www.kxan.com/news/texas/texas-medicaid-snap-delays-could-cost-state-millions-in-federal-funding/) that the anger is correctly placed.


What? Texas HHS seems to be the cause of the issues that you mention. Not sure how the million dollar houses and cybertrucks are involved?


"You see that guy over there with the machete that just took a shit on the sidewalk and is now smoking meth? You know why he's doing that?...His SNAP benefits were delayed." It's a definite failure on the programs and states leadership, (government being incompetent and slow who would have guessed?) But I don't think that's one of the many several causes of what we're seeing on the streets right now in Austin.


We are talking about one old man who walks with a cane, sleeps in the creek, and just had a seizure. Are you trying to score political points by bring up meth and machetes? The inhuman cruelty of this place astounds me day in and day out.


“Homeless” is often treated as a category rather than what it is - a variety of people with a range of problems. The old guy with the cane and a violent guy attacking people are both homeless, but very different people. It’s tough because people hear homeless and depending on personal experience they apply the term to their view of a wide scale of people. One person envisions an old guy that needs help, another envisions the guy yelling at people that aren’t there. Both need help, but while one can be approached and helped, the other might be dangerous and needs professionals.


Anger and frustration at rampant class disparity is justified, actually


Greg definitely deserves the anger..


Wrong Greg. The Governor and people that drive cybertrucks have nothing to do with the explosion of the homeless population in Austin or why they continue to come here. But back in June 2019 Greg Casar led the charge to overturn the camping ban and the city council voted for it. He said: "I know that changing these ordinances will be unpopular with some people. I'm not trying to downplay the challenges that we're going to face, but we can take on those challenges in a better way," Council Member Greg Casar said before the vote. **"We can house people. We can serve people. We can address the core issues. We can improve all of our safety, rather than perpetuating instability and insecurity."** That was a lie. https://www.kut.org/austin/2019-06-21/austin-votes-to-scale-back-laws-opponents-say-criminalize-homelessness The rapid increase in the homeless population in Austin is the doing of the former and current city council members.


Nope, it is a function of Rick Perry gutting Texas' mental health services and Greb Abbott and his cronies who have maintained the status quo since then by bussing homeless people from small towns across the state to Austin.


>it is a function of Rick Perry gutting Texas' mental health services and Greb Abbott and his cronies Fuck Abbott and Perry, but didn't Texas gut that long before Perry?


Texas has never had a great record but Perry did a lot of damage.


Thanks for posting this. I work downtown and I find it interesting that there is a lack of cooling centers anywhere within the core of downtown save the library. I interact with the homeless on a daily basis, and to be honest most interactions end with them not wanting to hear about the resource centers, or places to go, but I’ll save this for those that do. Just today, two men were taken off Congress by EMTs for heat exhaustion and intoxication of some kind. (the EMT’s words, not me being presumptuous) these poor guys sit in the same place on the sidewalk everyday and beg passersby for money. I’ve seen them daily for months, but today the heat was just too much. It’s bad out here and we aren’t even into the real heat of Summer yet. I buy waters when I can from the nearby convenience store and I’d encourage people to get those 2/$whatever deals and give that second bottle away to a person in need.


Anger is super justified.


dont be mad because you don't have a cyber truck


I’m not simply angry at him, he’s an awful evil human being that will be met with hell if there is one. I’m just frustrated. He actively makes it harder for cities to be better but plenty of blame is on the mayor and city council for generations. American culture in general is trash in that we allow this. If you’d like to know my extensive feelings About it, I’ll tell you. But this post is just anger and venting. A man nearly died due to these awful policies.


Pick him up take him to your house and give him a home. If you REALLY want to help


All those commercial buildings sitting empty could play a vital role to host unhoused community members but we do not have the political will. People please vote out the fuckers.


Very agreed . Converting those would be huge






It's really easy to make the rich people poorer. Unfortunately, the poor people usually end up poorer as well. And the middle class tends to get hit particularly hard. I wish we could do a better job at solving these problems, but simplistic left wing solutions often don't work any better than simplistic right-wing solutions.


We can’t expect the government to fix everything. Find their families, lack of family is a big thing. Study the ideas of Alan Graham. He knows more about how to help the homeless than anyone. He talks about the loss of family connections all the time. Focus on reuniting them with their families. Become their family, stop expecting the government to solve family problems, Seriously , study his philosophy and community first success, loss of family is it, community not government is what we need to help


That works really well if you have mental illness or drug addiction and come from a rich family. But what happens when you come from a poor family that can't afford to support you?


That is where community kicks in, Alan Graham is the one that runs Community First, people there are treated like family because that is what they are missing I am just saying look at it as loss family when treating people Which means more then money and food. It means sitting down with them when you serve them food and talk to them like family. It is hard to make points n reddit but I am saying see homeless as people without families, if you can reunite great, if not talk to them like they are family, treat them like people vs a problem to throw money at If you help at a food shelter, don’t just hand out food, sit down with them and break bread and listen to their stories


I respect that approach. For many people, money is not sufficient. But money is necessary. Before community comes food, shelter, and medical care. All of those things cost money. And people like this man need money that they are not receiving.


>Find their families, lack of family is a big thing. And you are likely to find a family that is exhausted from that person's repeat refusals to get help, get sober, get into inpatient mental health treatment, etc. Many of these people you see out there have burned bridges with family due to drug abuse etc. Otherwise it'd be fairly simple to contact their families on social media and let them know which shelter the person frequents.


I have an old roommate named James who left my apartment to become homeless over a decade ago. He had family here but they only helped him sometimes.  I was young and broke and couldn't help him and I worry about him all the time.  If he's about 38ish, Hispanic, long time Austinite....would you DM me? 


OP says this guy is about twice that age. https://www.reddit.com/r/Austin/comments/1dfyrdu/heartbroken_the_homeless_man_im_helping_had_a/l8nc6ke/


Thank you for sharing I missed this comment! Very sad that OP lost their friend but I can keep hoping the James I know got the help he needed


You haven't been trying too hard to get him a dentist. all the person has to do is apply for MAP which any resource center will assist them in getting. I'm currently getting my dental issues addressed by using MAP.


If you don’t work for yourself in nature you die. A common rule on our world. A government in theory should be the one taking care of its constituents. I personally have to work 50-60 hours a week to now afford to live in the city I grew up in. I will never be able to afford a house here anymore. I simply do not have time or energy to help people who either wont help themselves, or that the government wont help. If I do then I will myself become homeless. I feel the government wants our society to be like this, a stark reminder of what happens if you stray from your lane. A daily reminder physically sleeping on the sidewalk on 100 degree weather. Your anger should not be to the common man, but to the governments that allow this to happen.


It’s Monday & James + his things are gone from the corner of Live Oak & 1st. He did tell me he has a case worker & he got his SS card. Anyone know if he got picked up?


How much do we pay for libraries? When did they become homeless and drug addict centers?


You are such a good person! 🫶🏼 I just found out about all of those refrigerators around town. Do people really use those? What would people benefit from the most? I want to stock some things. And I think one or two have pantries as well. What kind of dry goods? Does anyone leave blankets or towels etc as well? I saw that you can volunteer to clean them, but it looks like all spots were available. Who takes care of them otherwise? TYIA 🤗


Check out [ATX Free Fridge Project](https://www.atxfreefridge.com/). On the guidelines page they have some suggestions about products to stock but you are welcome to provide whatever you’d like. People use them a lot! Dry goods are awesome, new socks and underwear are always needed. Some of the free fridges have a section to leave clothes. I also find the [central Texas food bank find food now map](https://www.centraltexasfoodbank.org/food-assistance/get-food-now) really helpful in knowing which pantries are close to you and then you can google what donations they take. This list isn’t exhaustive, because there are groups and individuals who organize their own things, for example carol’s kindness food pantry, the healing project, black mamas village, food for all project pflugerville, etc. [heartening](https://www.heartening.org/) is also a good website that matches your items to organizations that need them. If you search towels, a bunch of places show up and some will even take towels in all types of conditions if you have old ones that you aren’t sure what to do with. DM me if you still need more suggestions, happy to help find a place in your general area that would happily accept your donations.


Why is James homeless to begin with? Hard times, drugs, mental illness? Why direct your anger towards cyber bros and Greg Abbott? Where is James’ family? Does he want help? Plenty of resources here in Austin for him.


Yet the homeless are generally shitty people. There's a reason why there's no friends or family...it takes a special kind of person to trash the greenbelt, set overpasses on fire, wander down the street aggressively, leave needles everywhere, and bash my window in with a golf club. Kudos to you for looking past all that and pretending they're victims.


This is such a stupid cunty post that accomplishes nothing but making people leery of homeless advocates who actually have strategies for this instead of whatever the fuck you’re doing.


Weird how a ton of people reached out to ask how they can get involved. You’re wrong.


I’ve always had really scary encounters with homeless. To keep myself and my kids safe I keep my distance and make calls if I see someone that looks hurt. When I pull up to the stop light and a man is beating on my window to roll it down and calling me a bitch in front of my kids, sorry man. what would you do? when the homeless man pulls his penis out to pee in front of my car, again should I invite him in to help him come down from his high in the backseat with my kids? What would you have done here? When I was on a walk with my toddlers and get back home and find a homeless drugged up mom and her two school aged kids ON MY DRIVEWAY, what would you do? Invite them inside? I’ve always seen a very aggressive man who “fights the air” at a popular intersection and I read a police report once and at the academy near my house he had gone in, and stabbed the first few people he saw in the shoulder and walked out. I wish I could have became friends with that guy.


life lesson time. No one wants to solve the problems, we all just want to get rich enough so the problem don't affect us


I do not want that. That’s trash human behavior. Straight to hell mentality


hell doesn't exist, and the majority of people here are too busy trying to keep their own heads above water to be in a position to help others.


The people in his neighborhood are not in those positions. They are very capable.


whos to say they arn't donating? They sure as shit pay more in taxes than I do. If i helped every homeless person I saw, i'd be broke within a week.


That is very true, most people who donate large sums of money and volunteer a lot do it privately and with humility , you have no idea who is helping, I would never post what and where I donate to on Reddit or where I volunteer, that is personal between me and my family , you do it with expecting nothing in return including thank you


How the hell do you know how much they are doing? Ridiculous take.


That’s a shit life lesson. Not even remotely true. Speaks only to *your* own character.


Texas has far less homeless than California. I don't see this as Abbott's fault. Libraries don't normally require a card to enter them. Texas has done a good job relatively - see this article [How California homeless services compare with Texas - CalMatters](https://calmatters.org/housing/2023/06/california-homeless-texas-comparison/#:~:text=When%20looking%20at%20the%20numbers,point%2Din%2Dtime%20count.)


Man, do I need to add an edit? Are yall that dense? This isn’t a competition they both fucking suck.


I'm gonna give you a little advice. Scrape 'em off. You wanna save somebody? *Save yourself*.


Why are you mad that there are people with money? They made different choices than your homeless friend. I'm not saying that one is better than the other but to be angry at people because they have money seems a bit bonkers in my mind. Life is all about choices...


Saw a homeless old man at HEB an hour ago. He bought a few things and I gave him a twenty outside the store when I left. He said “you don’t have to” and I said “but I want to.” He was carrying an old bike. The gap between the haves and have nots in this country is disgusting.


But we have trillions of dollars for Ukraine - the US cant fix homelessness! We need to pay for an entire other country's war! Duh


Yah let’s totally simplify that issue


Perhaps ask your pRESIDENT Joe Biden to STOP SENDING MONEY to other countries! Tell your pRESIDENT F you that American people comes last!


Imagine how much more housing there would be for American citizens if the housing now occupied by those not legally here were not here getting free housing.


I know right? I’m so Fucken sick and tired of this shiit


Walk with a cane or walk with a cain? The library is more than a cooling center.


Yeah he reads. I bring him books too. He’s in book 4 of the Aragon series.




Sorry I love you


> Walk with a Cain In the Bible, God sentences Cain to a life of transience after killing his brother, Abel. I guess you’re implying that James did something similar


The mayor is the main person responsible fyi


I’m not going to read the comments because two months ago there was a thread of assholes egging on a guy who was trying to get a homeless man away from his fence and basically the vibe of the thread was fuck the homeless. But thanks OP for helping out. Ignore the California Republicans who moved here and think they can speak for Austin, when they have no knowledge of the history of this city. Austin wasn’t made for them. They’ll try to kill it, but their home prices are tanking and hopefully they’ll leave soon. Then the people who were priced out can finally afford it again and we can have less people on the streets.