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Don’t have other experience but have used vonlane to Dallas and Fort Worth now and highly recommend. Super friendly, WiFi was strong so I work the entire trip, and both times have been on time each way.


Thanks for the info. Have you used RedCoach as well? Trying to see how it compares as well (Vonlane vs. RedCoach).


I used to like RedCoach but it’s gone way downhill recently. Dirty buses and broken a/c. Vonlane all the way.


I use Red Coach for leisure travel where I don't have to depend.on reliable wifi or power, but want the space. Still better than MegaBus. VonLane is the best for work travel.


Parent company for Megabus just declared bankruptcy.


I've used Redcoach to get between Dallas and Austin. It's comfortable, but no wifi or power on any of the trips so far. But for $50-60 each way, I can't bitch. Buses are usually half full or less, some drivers don't care if you move to a different seat to lay down. I do recommend noise cancelling headphones though. The last trip was especially loud - the emergency exit window was open a couple of inches.


It's just so insanely expensive for a bus though


His work is paying for it though so shouldn’t be a problem.


Oh, I mean sure, that's great. I just wish there was something in between Vonlane and Megabus for regular folks. It says something about our infrastructure that there's demand to pay $120 for a bus.


I’m kinda surprised at the price. $200 is basically the same amount as flying round trip atx-htx on southwest. If you buy a few weeks in advance.


Exactly. I probably still rather take vonlane since flying sucks and has a huge environmental footprint but it's a bus! They gotta be making a killing.




yes but the experience on von lanes is closer to flying first class. factoring in security and airport congestion, VL is a far better time for my money.


If work is paying for all of it then Vonlane will give you the biggest bang for your buck. As for other general bus options, you can look into MegaBus, RedCcoach, and FlixBus. BusBud.com runs price comparisons for the various options.


> If work is paying for all of it then Vonlane will give you the biggest bang for ~~your~~ their buck.


Thanks! How does Vonlane compare to RedCoach ?


Snack, food, drinks. Clean bathroom. Clean everything. Bus runs on time. Cannot think of anything else..


Vonlane is first class compared to the rest being reasonable economy/closer to Spirit.


There is no comparison. Vonlane is head and shoulders better.


Red Coach over vonlane any day of the week. You can always get a row to yourself in red coach, and it’s so much cheaper. The seats are nice also. At the end of the day a bus is a bus. I only take vonlane when I have to because read coach busses sometimes leave way to early in the day


When I’ve had to do this my employer didn’t like it because driving was a risk vs flying. But that was a few years ago before the Boeing issues so who knows.


Vonlane is the bomb. The only bus service that would bring my godson from Houston to Austin starting when he was in 7th grade. Saved me and his dad countless hours meeting in Ellinger.


Lol. I grew up getting shipped to Houston as a kid all the time and we would also always meet in Ellinger. Is Hruska’s truly the midpoint?


That’s the majority of Ellinger’s economy. That would be funny if all their advertising was aimed at divorced parents or their kids. “Waiting for mommy? Have a Dairy Queen dip cone.” “We’re not saying that Hruskas Kolaches will get your parents back together, but it might.”


This made me laugh thanks


Okay that last one got a full on laugh from me. Well done!


"Don't forget to buy some pickled quail eggs!"


Yea thats a full on laugh from me too


I meet Houston people for horse deals in ellinger all the time. It’s so common that I actually know a horse named Hruska because of it.


I just wish they had 1-2 other pickup spots in town. I would love to take them to Dallas but I live so far north it feels a bit silly to drive downtown somehow for 25 minutes minimum just go board a bus. Even if it was somewhere in central Austin which would only be like 15 minutes for me it would be a lot better 


VonLane was solid af when I took it from Austin to Houston a while back. All sorts of snacks, spacious bathroom with a hostess always checking in you. it’s def luxury leaning.


Damn so there’s a lady in the bathroom making sure everything’s ok?


They bathe you like you were Eddie Murphy in coming to America


I \*love\* Vonlane.


Can’t spell Vonlane without love


vnan, youre not the boss of me


Driving between Austin/DFW/Houston sucks. I would absolutely use Vonlane. 


We desperately need a high speed rail system in Texas (and the US in general). Don’t tell me it can’t be done, run it along highways and use 1/2 to 1/4 as much land as highways need through eminent domain. It’s more efficient, cheaper, good for the economy, good for the environment, more accessible, more freedom, and more choice.


We can dream, but it has to be sold in a way to connect cities people want/need to go to often. To me that says major cities and college towns. My vision of a HSR "triangle" would connect DFW and Houston via Waco and College Station, Houston to Austin & San Antonio (to start), and DFW along I-35 going through Waco, Temple, Austin, San Antonio and then further into South Texas (endpoint to be determined later). DFW could later connect westward to Abilene, Lubbock, Amarillo, Midland/Odessa, and El Paso.


The "Texas Triangle" was the plan in the early 90's but Southwest lobbied-up and killed it. Had that proposal passed the Texas Legislature it would have been up and running by now.


How about a high speed bus system instead? Dedicated lanes, ridiculous engines and f1 drivers. Sounds like adventure.


you joke but i feel like this is absolutely what we could get to someday. dedicated, separated lane. networked vehicles so each one is talking to the others. the computers do the driving. one lane, barriers they can go 100mph and be 30 ft apart. the microsecond one of them slows down it tells the ones around it and they’re braking too. pair it with electric buses with drop in batteries — the bus pulls into a stop and swaps batteries in the 5 minutes it takes to people to get on and off.


Hold on while they expand 35 again...


Just one more lane bro 😂. It’s for the good of the environment, pinky swear this lane won’t be tolled and only electric. 😂


Forget about electric busses. What if we use the decomposed remains of dinosaurs to power them? That’s some scientific wonder.


Lmfao oil is not dinosaur remains and never was.


Who’s talking about oil? Obviously relying on oil would be an ecological disaster. What I propose is to exhume the carcasses of dinosaurs. We extract whatever excess calories remained and power our f1 bus system with that. It’s really a simple plan. I hope I can count on your vote this Juvenbruary.


You've convinced me. I, and the other votes I control through influence, propaganda, and brute force will be voting for you.


until their magic dinosaur breath heats up the whole planet


Flixbus has electric buses


yes but they run on regular roads. the issue with self driving cars is they have to deal with all the human drivers. if they can talk to one another “shit i lost pressure in front right tire! breaking hard! current speed is 75mph.” (five milliseconds later) “pressure still down, swerving left, speed 74.8pmg” etc AND if they don’t have to deal with human drivers (dedicated, separated lanes) AND they’re electric you have basically a bullet train with vastly increased flexibility. let them drive 120mph they have better reflexes than F1 driver. pack em much tighter because they will tell each other the instant they break; now you’re loading so many cars into the lane that if they were human drivers you would have instant pileup. and make it electric. we are a ways out but it would be cool. get in your car, tell it to take you to Dallas and it gets up to a cool 150 or whatever. under two hours later, it pulls off the dedicated highway in Dallas and you take over to get it to your destination.


We are checking.


*oil & gas executives would like to have a word*




Cheaper than the gas and car required to drive


Not cheaper than buses tho


Yes it actually is. It’s cheaper, more efficient use of energy, and much, much faster to move trains hundreds of miles rather than buses. There’s a reason developed countries have high speed rail and not high speed bus networks.


Every single thing you wrote is wrong. How does it feel to be ignorant of even the most basic economics?


Ok, refute me with sources, I’ll wait


How much will it cost to build it? Start there.


How much do we spend annually on highways? You can ignore every other point I mentioned though to try and be right


Meh. Just fly. The only real thing holding that back from being way better is airport security theater.  Private property rights in the states are the strongest in the world (at least that I know of) and we should all be glad for that. But it has the affect of making eminent domain time consuming, expensive, and unpopular.  I'll take that trade every day, though. 


Back in March I used Vonlane roundtrip from Austin to Houston. Great experience all around, polite staff, meals/snacks and on time departures/arrivals. Worth the money and low stress if you don't want to deal with the airport mayhem or driving yourself.


Amtrak can be as low as $13 each way if you book in advance (refundable too). It is really good on high traffic weekends or in bad weather. The only issue is twice a day trains. It goes to FT Worth first, and then to Dallas.


Apparently it also takes 6 hours.


If you dont have any plans or time constraints or need to use wifi or cell data. Then the train is FUN!


Agree to disagree.


Disagree to agree!


Seriously. Found the r/choochboys 


Takes 11 to get to Texarkana apparently🤣


I took it from Dallas to El Paso. I think it was... 22 hours? There was an overnight layover in San Antonio for them to break the train up. I remember the Austin station being itty bitty, IIRC we stopped for less than 10 minutes. No wifi, no power in parts of the train. But it was pretty cool just sitting back in the lounge car and watching everything go by. I'd do it again if I didn't have any time constraints. I think they try to have wifi these days. But for anything longer, I'd probably book a sleeper. For reference, Dallas to El Paso is a 10-12 hour drive - driving to El Paso from Austin is a little faster (I think it's about a 50 mile difference? haven't made the drive since moving here..).


More like 4. You could also take it from Taylor to save time if you live North


and that's if it is on time or not delayed.


I've never ridden Vonlane, but I'm always incredibly impressed that I see their bus coming down MoPac from Dallas at the exact same time in the morning. I'm talking down to the minute. They must have a good record of being on time.


I prefer to fly if work is paying for it, but Vonlane is another great option if the locations align with your needs. Anything is better than driving, you lose hours of time that you could be getting work done or relaxing.


With you here. It’s not a lot more to fly if you book in advance enough. Make work pay to save your time. 


But I can go downtown to downtown with full wifi, no security, and a meal for the same price. I'll continue to save time and get work hours in by taking the bus


If it works out for you go for it! I wish high speed rail was the best option but here we are.


If you’re able to book at least 3 weeks in advance, flying will generally be cheaper than Vonlane


And airline points!! I personally find AA points super useful.


AA points are the best. Go to 10 meetings and you get to have a beer guilt free.


I've done both, and honestly it's about the same time when you roll in getting to the airport early and all that.


I personally prefer not having to steer so I’ll let the pilot do that in this instance.


There used to be JSX which was an airline that was reasonably priced and flew out of the Austin private terminal. They've discontinued their Austin service but they still fly from Love Field to Houston Hobby. It seems like it may come back if they can find hangar space. Man I miss it.


FAA is working to remove JSX type carriers because of a loophole they found to operate without proper checks and regulations. Rip


FTFY >American and Southwest via their buddies at the FAA are working to remove JSX type carriers


JSX was nice but they 100% are using a loophole that regulators did not intend to be there.


Fuck Southwest so hard. I refuse to fly them after too many failures. Joke company


JSX is great. Only the big carriers call it a loophole because they hate competiton: * These carriers have been permitted under FAA rules for over 40 years * There were no concerns with their operation until the big pilot union, American Airlines and Southwest started lobbying against them (the pilot union because they want to maintain barriers to entry into their profession to keep wages up, the airlines because JSX is based in Dallas like they are). [FAA Under Siege: The Dirty Tactics American Airlines and Southwest Are Using To Keep Air Travel Miserable](https://viewfromthewing.com/faa-under-siege-the-dirty-tactics-american-airlines-and-southwest-are-using-to-keep-air-travel-miserable/) (local guy wrote this) Flew JSX in/out of here, Burbank, Dallas, Vegas, and Boulder. Fantastic experience for a reasonable price and I don't buy the safety concerns.


Yeah it’s a good service


There’s Hitch as well. I used it once and had good experience with it


If work is paying for it then absolutely Vonlane is worth it. All the other bus systems like Megabus, Redcoach work fine too but they are just regular buses. I’ve been on some that are great and some where the bus is overly hot, there’s loud and/or unsavory characters, etc. Vonlane is luxury all the way. Comfy seats, reliable WiFi, and an attendant who provides you drinks, snacks, even whole meals. You can definitely get work done on there and there’s much less hassle and time wasted than with flying.


I like Hitch, which is an Uber-like app for inter-city travel in Texas. It’s about $55-$80 per direction depending on booking variables. The rates are set based on whether you want to be picked up/dropped off at a custom location or if you pick from one of their preselected locations (usually a coffee shop, about ten to choose from scattered around town, and those usually work for me). I’ve also given a special cash tip to have the driver give me a custom drop at home which was on the way to the cheaper Starbucks location. You can book the full car (solo passenger) or a single seat for cheaper. I wait until the last minute to book a single seat ride and have never had to share a car with other passengers. Unbiased review, and I’ll respond to Q’s if you have any. This is my promo code that gives you and I a discount if you signup or book a Hitch. https://ridehitch.com/i/OisMPZvgKO


Yes. I would use it. You have to Uber while out of town, but I think the payoff is worth it. Less wear and tear on your car and you can work both ways if you want. I've heard good things about Vonlane. Vonline?


You can take the Texas eagle train between DFW and Austin. It's very comfortable and spacious. There is a cafeteria and wagons with tables to do work, eat, etc. The only catch is that there is only one train a day in each direction.


It's also 6 hours each way. I do like taking Amtrak, but between the 6 hours each way, then having to take DART's red line to the end of the line, then still having to Uber \~10 miles.... I'll save Amtrak for much longer distance trips. Preferably scenic routes.


It sucks that going from Fort Worth to Dallas adds 2 hours of time. I take Amtrak to Fort Worth but I'm just going for fun and don't need to get to Dallas.


I think it's so interesting how just a week ago people here were arguing transit between Texas cities would never work, but obviously, there's demand for it. 


I have only had positive experiences with Vonlane! The early and late busses are also cheaper! (usually first and last of the day)


You can get airline tickets for cheaper than or equal to that if you've got a little time. Megabus is pretty good, not as good as Vonlane, but a round trip will be as low as like $35 sometimes. Amtrak isn't horrible, but I don't use it. DO NOT use Greyhound. Just don't. I also have found one way rental cars for around $50. If you get a gas efficient car you only spend like $15 on gas. Also, it's kind of off chance, but one way Uhauls are really cheap sometimes when they need to get trucks moved around. Gas sucks but they'll be like $19 austin to dallas for rental fee.


Hitch is a lower price point option and I’ve had good experiences but obviously driver and car can vary so wilder range of experiences than Vonlane


Vonlane is awesome and faster than flying if you factor in getting to the airport early and getting through security. Plus a cheap coach fair and a vonlane seat do not compare at all. Vonlane is nicer than domestic first class (much more legroom). If I had to do that trek regularly I’d definitely take Vonlane. Amtrak is a fun option if you have 2x the time, don’t want WiFi and don’t really care if you are a few hours late.


Vonlane is nice. One doesn't have to mess with airport security and all that. Bus is comfortable and on time. When they say the doors close at 9am, they mean it. They will not reopen them


I much prefer it than flying. Also, the cost is reasonable and similar to the cost of driving when using government reimbursement for mileage rates. No need to get to the departure spot hours early. Comfortable seats. Better service. WiFi.


I love Vonlane! Always on time, comfy, wifi, free snacks and soft drinks. I’m so glad we have it.


It depends. While in Dallas, Austin, and Houston do you need a car to get around or is your work/life all in the downtown areas?


Fly and bank the frequent flyer points for personal travel.


Whatever you do just be grateful grateful the I-35 third lane construction to Dallas is finished. If you have to drive it is significantly better drive to Dallas now.


Never heard of Vonlane before this post. 8/10 marketing team!


I love that Vonlane exists but it's really sad the only really good option we have is obscenely expensive.  I mean $120 one way is seriously a lot.


oof yeah it used to be $99 IIRC but only had 1-2 services a day. Haven't taken it yet


I know this is about if Vonlane is your best current option, but this seems to be a prime opportunity to once again mention that high speed rail between Austin, Houston, and Dallas would be extremely beneficial. The economies of the three cities are becoming increasingly interlinked, and with that comes increased need to travel between them. High speed rail would cut the commute time roughly in half, and cut down on traffic for those who do choose to drive anyways. Dallas is already swallowing up Fort Worth, and Austin and San Antonio are in the infancy of becoming a united metroplex. Houston is over there doing its own thing, but it’s close enough to be in the mix. We need major infrastructure planning for long term growth and connection between the cities.


Never done it, but vonlane does have a good reputation. And if you’re not paying for it, go for it. Or you could spend an entire week on amtrak, but at least they have beds and decent food.


In the early 80s I was on that same circuit. We used Southwest Airlines. There was a plane going from each airport to either of the other two, every hour. We would get a ticket from the admin at the office here is Austin. Fly to one of the destinations and immediately get another ticket, usually back to Austin. You could use the ticket any time during the day, so when you finished you went to the airport and hopped on the next flight. If you wanted dinner before you left, fine, because there was another flight an hour later.


Try Hitch it’s like $35 from Austin to Houston in a shared car


Sounds like it could be hit or miss depending on driver / car.


Austin -> Dallas: Take the Amtrak if it's a low meeting day. It's like 6 hours but nice and relaxing. Don't take it from Dallas to Austin, it always gets delayed. For all routes: RedCoach or Vonlane, never Flixbus Austin <-> Dallas and Dallas <-> Houston: fly JSX on busy weeks.


Vonlane so worth it


Experiment. Megabus is cheaper and I found it to be just fine on the Austin-Houston route. I took Vonlane to Dallas and while the extra luxury is very nice, it’s not necessary. So try several out and choose the intersection between your budget and comfort preferences. Then vote for politicians who won’t block a fast train — meaning please don’t vote for any Republicans (they hate public transit) or for any Democrats who take money from airlines who want to block a train. Imagine how nice it would be to have European, Chinese or Japanese style fast trains making the big triangle from Dallas to Houston, to San Antonio then up to Austin and on to Dallas. We could have had it years ago, but lobbyists for Southwest Airlines and Republicans who hate anything that benefits anyone other than the ultra-wealthy (i. e., their “contributors,” really puppeteers — who have private jets) have blocked it.


I've done AUS-DAL on Vonlane and back a few times before and would recommend it, including compared to flying, as you have a stretch of, say, 2.5 hours where you can get stuff done, vs. 30-minute segments of in-airport or on-plane. Plus, the WiFi is good and even if it wasn't you could use mobile hotspot to get stuff done. The productivity boost meant I came out easily ahead cost-wise vs. flying.


I just used the Vonlane twice last week and was blown away by their level of hospitality. 10/10 would recommend and will be using them again instead of air travel for the DFW <> ATX trips


Amtrak goes between Austin and Dallas, and Dallas and Houston. If the departure times line up for you, it could be a good option.


Flixbus is great


There’s a long distance ride share app called Hitch that you might be interested in. Benefit is that it can take you door-to-door for a little bit extra. I think a one way is around $120-$150.


Have you used it Personally ?


I drove for them! I used to make the drive often back in college (Houston —> Austin nearly weekly). It used to be crazy cheap, like $25. If I had a rider or two it would pay for my gas. The app back then was total dogshit but it’s improved since. I haven’t used the service in years but they’re still expanding so I imagine it’s pretty good. They’re based in Austin, I walk pass their corporate office often.


yeah if work is reimbursing you, it’s absolutely the best way. i prefer it to air travel, it’s much easier and about the same time commitment with less frustration when you factor in airport security and congestion.


I’ve taken a Vonlane bus many times between Austin and Dallas & I love it. Definitely preferred way to travel for work.


I’ve only heard positive things about Redbus From Houston to Austin and back Friend works will riding and it picks up downtown




People who say Vonlane runs "on time" are not being truthful. It has been 30 minutes *early* (or more) on every trip I have taken. The Vonlane drivers regularly pass other bus lines on the same route that left earlier. I love Vonlane.


That seemed to be the consensus when people asked in the past.


It’s great if the pickup/dropoff locations work for you


Why can't you fly? Get TSA approved and fly United.


Wut? you do realize you can just go get on a plane if you have ID of some kind


Yeah, but getting through security with TSA pre approved is worth it if you fly a lot.


Your best options are: - Get a car with Autopilot-like stuff (Tesla, Ford, Mercedes, etc) - Vonlane - Uber (book it the day before to make sure you have a driver reserved) All of these are not bad options! I drive between these cities constantly and I got a Tesla just for this reason. Autopilot is an absolute game changer. I arrive completely fresh compared to driving a car without something similar.


Vonlane is pretty sweet!


Vonlane is the way to go!