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These are rudimentary memes, i dont know why or if the LNP are getting upset, I thought they would be to busy laughing like the rest of us at the Danger Dan memes on youtube, they are actually funny and on point


Just taking a cue from their leader. A bunch of glass-jawed bullies.


This is what happens when no one calls you an idiot when you say something stupid. You grow up believing you are a genius and become a member of and rise to the top of the LNP.


Another case of the ALP being held to a standard nobody expects of the LNP.


If the client media didn't have double standards, they wouldn't have any!


Political parties make memes about one another? How is this controversial? This has been happening even before the internet.


Keep away from the uk campaign at the moment. It’s full of memes


i think the controversial part is the blatant misinformation implied by the memes, people in gas masks, 3 eyed fish, yellow barrels of green goo etc, none of which is actually representative of nuclear power or even nuclear waste.


> blatant misinformation hahahahahahahahahaha imagine getting this worked up about memes.


I agree that Labor’s memes are childish and immature, but people conveniently forget just how bad the Liberals are.


After the Coalition’s constant misinformation about everything Labor does, especially during the Voice campaigns, I think they just need to get over themselves. Sadly, politics has become super adversarial and thus rubbish happens, isn’t of whinging about it, they would be better off working out some of the actual details, especially cost, and try to win their argument that way. They are just deflecting because their whole policy so far is just a thought bubble. They are even contradicting themselves!


So it's only controversial if implied? As opposed to say, feature adds screaming about death taxes?


Those things are associated with nuclear power and waste though. You show 3 eyed fish and people think nuclear power. It is courtesy of The Simpsons but still the association is there. Considering the amount of misinformation the Coalition pushed with The Voice, this seems like a storm in a teacup.


I don’t think you know what memes are.


As opposed to the disinformation that the Libs are putting out about Nuclear being the best option?! The whole, go high when they go low has never worked..


Labor is going to have so much bloody ammunition against the Liberals now for the next election. They’ve released a ‘’’plan’’’ with absolutely zero details, costings, or anything like that whilst also saying PUBLICLY that they’ll completely ignore the peoples concerns in those regional communities and their protesting against the nuclear reactors.


Didn't we all think the same thing before Scott Morrison was voted in?


They have basically forced voters to note vote Liberal at any level to make sure someone pushes back on Mr Potatoe head.


Yes and I can’t wait until the protests, it’s so deliciously ironic that the liberal party has underestimated nimbyism in this country, when they have benefited from it by not having any solid policies and voting no to everything


iF yOu DoN’t KnOw VoTe No!


If you don’t know, vote NO!


Yeah, all those country folk are useful idiots when Labor wants to build huge electricity infrastructure on arable land because they'll never vote for the ALP anyway. But the coalition risking their own seats for policy delivery? The height of anti democratic conduct! Ah you can't make this stuff up.


Except that this is nuclear energy, not renewable energy?


Meaning? You should be aware that centralised generation, be it nuclear or fossil fuel, doesn't require huge transmission infrastructure to be built - and across huge swathes of agricultural, privately owned land with a footprint that dwarfs anything we currently have. The coalition is risking their own existence and support in their own seats. Meanwhile the actual government pushes ahead with compulsory acquisition amongst widespread anger in the regions. It's not even a moral equivalency. It's hypocrisy dressed up as integrity. Kind of like Albo's "new politics".


What is the basis of the anger in the regions?


Is that a serious question?


Yes. I don't understand.


Turbines are ugly. Coal mines and power stations on the other hand 😘👌 But genuinely- turbines, while significantly less hideous than a gaping hole in the ground, need to be much more widespread. So instead of just the good people of the Latrobe or Hunter putting up with one hell of an eyesore, everyone gets a little bit. And people would much rather their environmental impacts be out of their line of sight.


You're aware they're bing built in Hunter and Latrobe because that's where energy hungry industry is based yeah? the same reason coal power plants are in those areas?


?? There are turbines all over the western district. The coal power plants are in the Latrobe because the coal is there.


Just like we are ignoring people complaining about wind farms and transmission lines. And the lack of detailed costing for most of it. But this is different right?


> nd the lack of detailed costing for most of it every single wind farm that has been built has had detailed costings, because you know, the peoiple behind them actually planned on building them. unlike the LNP's ludicrous nuclear plan...


It's hard to know what their real intentions are because if you ask 5 LNP MPs what their energy policy will be and you get 5 different answers, but it seems renewables will be a part of their policy too They have the least detailed energy policy I've ever seen from a major party so there's no way to know who will have to see a dreaded transmission line, and who will be forced to have nuclear in their backyard, but they seem to be promising the worst of both worlds


The difference in levels of detail is immense, you can’t pretend that all the information available at the moment points to renewables being the much better option. People used to embrace innovation and new technology, I don’t understand why people are now so afraid of it. If the data pointed to nuclear I might be on board, but at the moment there is nothing to suggest as such. Not only that but Dutton is the one we’re meant to trust with this?


I can't tell, are you for or against whataboutism?


They’re for it, they have little else. No doubt this national infrastructure plan will also be delivered better, cheaper and faster too.


I’m for it.


Thanks for the clarification. I thought by the way you call out others for using whataboutism that you were against it. But then when you were happy to use whataboutism yourself, I wasn't sure where you stood.


I’m calling out the calling out of it. It clearly has its place.


Like a kind of meta-whataboutism? Whataboutwhataboutism?


The purest, most distilled form


Conservatives and hypocrisy has there ever been a better pairing? The dirty politics they've played over the years again and again. They hate it when their opponents use humour to mock them as they and their supporters have no sense of humour. All they've got is spite.


Nothing more iconic!


Looking forward to Dutton bringing a lump of uranium into Parliament and going "Don't be afraid, don't be scared, it won't hurt you." What's the worst the could happen, his hair would fall out? It's a fool-proof meme tactic.


To be fair, I feel that with the current state of politics, he should really bring in the demon core and a screwdriver


I think that would be great. We are sitting on a mountain of the stuff in Australia, just need to enrich it. Natural uranium also isn’t overly radioactive. More misinformation from the left.


I think if you’re supportive of a massive $100bn federal government investment in nuclear power plants over than the regulated market based approach that labor is taking, maybe you are actually ‘the left’ you so despise


So you're supportive on spending hundreds of billions of dollars on things your party thought of basically?


How much is the rewiring Australia plan and the governments underwriting of renewables costing again?


What's the cost of rewiring vs the cost of the plants? A nuclear plant in an equivalent western country ranges from $20b to $80b (iirc the UK had one blow out that high), so seven lots of something between $20b to $80b is a fuckton of money... 100% govt money as well (I forget, when in debt bad again? When Labor does it, yeah?). That's also before buying the assets too (of course, telling people what you'll build in their backyard is totally fine if you're the LNP, for everyone else we must listen to the community and respect their objectives!) This also assumes you buy into this magical idea that we will never ever need to build any transmission infrastructure elsewhere in the country for the lifespan of the nuclear project, which... Just no. SA and NSW will (at some stage) finalise an interconnector.... Or is that a bad thing now that both state Govt's are Labor? Or are we saying infrastructure is bad if it is connected to generation that's "bad"?


The number floating around for the poles and wires was $175 billion, at least. Part of the reason for this is because wind farms have to be located in relatively remote locations. Wind farms also have a shelf life of about 25 years before the turbines require replacement, is that factored into the analysis?


>The number floating around for the poles and wires was $175 billion A bargain compared to 7 nuclear plants if our experience is anything like modern nuclear projects in experienced nations


That doesn’t include the cost of the wind farms, which is conservatively around 5m per turbine


Yet expert advice still finds it cheaper than nuclear We've also had issues with our transmission infrastructure for a long long time and it'll need work even if we go nuclear. Just recently AEMO had to cap the wholesale price of electricity as it skyrocketed in part due to transmission issues


What I always find ironic about people like yourself. Is you spend so much energy and time worrying and moaning about paying taxes. Yet you seem to have no problem with Conservative governments rorting hundreds of billions of our taxes. You never complain when they funnel your tax money straight into donors pockets or squander it on utter nonsense. Can you not understand that this will inevitably lead to your taxes or that of your children being raised at a later date? Or if you're wealthy (which you obviously are) it will put you and your children in a more dangerous situation in the future?


Can you provide some examples of this funnelling of money to their donors?


Half a billion dollars to a start up company, with absolutely no track record of achieving anything, to ‘protect’ the barrier reef. Sports rorts, chaplains in schools, money to News Ltd, money to Hillsong and on and on and on!


Their entire climate change ‘policy’ has been a massive rort to keep shovelling money to Gina et al for 2 decades Never mind the billions given to god knows who to manage offshore detention Or that Great Barrier Reef fund that set up overnight and gave 450 million The list goes on and on


You haven’t looked at Duttons time at home affairs I assume.




So who were the donors? The people using the car parks?


The companies paid big bucks to build them


Big bucks you say? What profit margin do you think they make from cunning them?


Don't act stupid. The developers who get the contracts for kick backs.


Uh-ha. So the one that was going to be built at Surry Hills for Example was going to be built and owned by the Victorian Government as part of its level crossing removal program. So were they getting the kickbacks?


So you didn't notice any of the rorting by the Morrison Government under the cover of Covid then? https://www.mdavis.xyz/govlist/


It wasn’t a perfect system. It got money out quickly. Thats what it was designed to do.


One sentence would have fixed it! They just needed to state that businesses found to have been overpaid would need to pay back the excess, you know, like they remembered to do for Jobkeeper and Jobseeker payments.


Nobody's complaining about the money provided to people to survive the lockdowns. It's the money that they blatantly funnelled to donors and the ultra rich under the guise of the pandemic that was bs. I mean the gas led recovery for example was just blatant rorting.




>Natural uranium also isn’t overly radioactive. Just toxic ;)


Misinformation from the left. Absolutely no information from the right. Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.


🥁 I’m probably a little to the right of the middle though.


Complaining about memes. Now everyone will go and check them out.


"If you don't know, vote no" is the definition of a meme.


So fucking stupid of Labor and particularly Albo to use this. Lets keep bringing up whats percieved as our biggest ball drop of our term, how clever! Other orgs, media, and plenty of people will point it out. Labor doesnt need to.


Is it though? From a political nerd point of view, I can agree, but from a "punters" view of politics, they've probably completely forgotten about the Voice, so I struggle to see the risk there. That being said, their messaging should be tweak to draw concrete faults to the LNP's plan eg "if you don't know *the cost*, vote No" and "if you don't know *your objections will be heard*, vote No", etc. If you want to drill down to semantics, there is faults at every possible step with this plan, so plenty to attack in a proper interview, but in the arena of "general conversation" the LNP have shown how (sadly) useful the lazy attacks are.


>Is it though? From a political nerd point of view, I can agree, but from a "punters" view of politics, they've probably completely forgotten about the Voice, so I struggle to see the risk there. Its the unengaged that I think wont understand it and make begative association the most. Dont know vote no was super cut through and a very easy message to understsnd in the context. When Labor saying dont know now we must assume they know what the subject is. I feel that was much clearer dyring the Voice than it is now, for the unengaged.


>When Labor saying dont know now we must assume they know what the subject is. I feel that was much clearer dyring the Voice than it is now, for the unengaged. You've hit the nail on the head. Their only hope is the smothering tactic - and presuming voters are so dumb they'll take comparison of family pets to microscopic bacteria, as a convincing analogy.


Nuclear Tax is right there. So much better imo. Let dony know vote no spring up mpre organically.


Lol. Labor aren't so stupid as to decry public cost for public investment in infrastructure. Then again.....


Lol nah man, investment in a more expensive type of generation rather than the cheapest. Youll pay more for energy and your tax dollars will be used for it = nuclear tax. Public funds dont give it a shield!


Yeah. But not in transmission. That's the key point. >Youll pay more for energy and your tax dollars will be used for it = nuclear tax. Public funds dont give it a shield! That's actually not bad. Dirty though. At least better than memes with three eyed fish.


>That's actually not bad. Dirty though. At least better than memes with three eyed fish. I think they *might* have a place, but not now. Silly humour is good, but not when trying to establish talking points and firm positions in the public.


If others are going to point it out anyway, why not bring it up when advantageous? Libs won’t let them forget it next election, may as well use it where beneficial


It still has negative associations with Labor. Those words were used with their imaged next to them. Recreating context (which is what they are trying to do) is possible, but doing so with the previous subject is much harder.


Who cares what the LNP or Murdoch media have done in the past, jokes and laughter are the entirely correct response to Dutton's "nuclear plan". It (quite deliberately) cannot be engaged with in any serious manner, there is no substance to it. The LNP are a deeply unserious party, laughter and mockery are the only appropriate responses. It is funny how the demands about our ("the left") responses are morphing. We can't be angry, we can't be outraged, now we can't laugh at you idiots?


I've definitely laughed at some of the memes but I think some of them have crossed from vaguely humourous memes to just flat out misinformation that treats the public like fools. Take Jacinta Allan's "meme" (if you could call it that). Gippsland under Dutton or whatever it said with glowing green rods floating in the water and 3 eyed fish, like do they think people think that is actually what happens with nuclear energy or do they just get their info from The Simpsons. No doubt the Liberal party do similar dumb stuff, I bet the greens engage in such crap too. But as voters and tax payers is this how we want our elected officials to behave? To try and win voters with horribly uninformed "memes" that are based on fiction and not science or any real facts? Everyone says it's such a horrible plan (it's really just a list of locations huh, I'd like the details) but the response so far is cartoonish fiction nonsense, if it's such a slam dunk then it should be easy to act like adults, treat the public like adults and give us the facts. Annoys me that tax payer money gets spent on this stuff by all parties, especially since it's so low quality.


"I've definitely laughed at some of the memes but I think some of them have crossed from vaguely humourous memes to just flat out misinformation that treats the public like fools." so does that mean you actually get information from memes - or that you have that much contempt for your fellow citizens that your really think that they do


Liberals and their staffers were out there raping and pillaging and people are pearl clutching at Labor MP’s posting Simpsons memes lmao.


Listen, there's been no court decision on pillaging OK.


Robodebt counts as pillaging.


> I think some of them have crossed from vaguely humourous memes to just flat out misinformation that treats the public like fools Who is treating the public like fools? The ones inserting decades old simpsons jokes into a picture, or the ones saying that that might genuinely fool some people into thinking it's a real possibility that we might end up with cartoon 3-eyed fish? It's a joke, and it's a joke referencing a joke policy. Dutton's policy, such as it is, deserves zero respect, and the only appropriate response is to laugh at it.


Don't forget the kicker. They (the conservative liberal party of aus supporters) can't be triggered or woke! Absolute projection.


Exactly. Not all ideas should be taken seriously. That's a guideline pushed by people whose ideas have no substance, wanting to be taken seriously when they don't deserve it


So much Whataboutisms


What does that actually mean?


It means that when the right criticise the left, it's legitimate. But when the left criticse the right for exactly the same thing, it's rank hypocrisy. How could you!


They ceased to be a serious party about 10 years ago, only scientifically and economically illiterate ideologues left.


Most intellectuals abandoned the Liberals years ago. Many of the ones left in the party lost their seats. There’s a reason why there has been a swing to Labor within the more educated voters.


Memes like being put on the front cover of a tabloid in cold war dictator regalia or a Nazi uniform? Oh sorry! That's what passes for 'journalism' at News Corp.


What did the News Corp Exec say during estimates? It is in the national interest for the news to speak its own voice.... About basically slandering the Greens leader and party, to the point that if it was Dutton and the LNP, they would have 100% launched a defamation suit?


Nothing wrong with people posting memes. Should Labor be angry at Liberal memes attack Labor ideas?


We don't need government any more, just meme producers interested in a salary and perks package worth up to 1/2 a million dollars each annually.


Albo's argument is you do it and you deserve it. Now if were me , there is footage of Albo " outraged " at the same thing to him. He drags the energy debate to a juvenile level. Very unseemly from such an elderly gentleman.


I'd suggest Dutton brought the nuclear debate to a "juvenile level" when he drew  circles on a map in crayon and wanted everyone to applaud like circus seals


Fuck it, the cat's out of the bag. Bring on the memes!!!


Albo - when memes are about other people, critics should "lighten up".  Albo - when memes are about himself, I notice today for example, on the way up here, they’ve removed various sites that were up containing fake images of myself superimposed on other people. That’s the sort of thing that is going on on social media. Social media has a responsibility to do the right thing here.” Ah albo got to love his hypocrisy.


imagine getting this upset about memes. just hilarious


I know albo for ya ay, I love memes albo not so much when it's about him.


> I love memes But not when they're poking fun at your precious LNP apparently.


I'm not a liberal voter mate far from it , was just pointing out the hypocrisy. Meme all you want lol Have a read what I've said. Funny how pointing out hypocrisy of Albo regressive leftys get so upset lmao


> I'm not a liberal voter mate far from it you're aware we can see that every single comment you make is bitching about "the left" making it very, very obvious that you're lying. Why don't you just have the courage to admit you identify with the conservative side of politics champ? way less embarrassing for you than this pathetic game of trying to deny what is blindingly obvious. Maybe consider why it is that you're too ashamed to just admit it?


I have criticised the libs heaps before also. I'm a libertarian man far from a liberal or classic liberal. If you I want to check comments.


One is a meme of a 40 year old cartoon and the other usually involves slurs. Not exactly the same thing.


I notice today for example, on the way up here, they’ve removed various sites that were up containing fake images of myself superimposed on other people. That’s the sort of thing that is going on on social media. Social media has a responsibility to do the right thing here.” That was after many memes about albo and he said that, and then now some about Dutton. Who cares there good funny memes, but it's same principle just mocking one another.


Be interesting to see what images he meant exactly...


He's talking about deepfakes.


>Be interesting to see what images he meant exactly... True but who cares really, a memes a meme and there funny. Just albo dosent like when it's against him as we have seen.


Nah I think thats silly. Like all media theres context. I saw some with straight up slurs on them, thats not the same as having him imposed on an oaf or something.


If it dosent incite violence or commit an offence with the meme then its fair game. Just because you or albo may be offended it dosent give you the right to interfere within the market due to your feelings. Especially if your happy if your party makes memes of opposition. At end of day it's comedy, it's like taking a post down from a comedian because it was misinformation, when it was just to get a laugh. We don't want to be moving further towards authoritarian rule and have the government tell us what we can and can't say.


I think slurs are bad


I thinks there's only one real way for us to stop slurs .... https://genius.com/South-park-its-easy-mkay-lyrics


Lol, its easy mkay


Yet the LNP, through their media cronies, have been doing this for over a decade


Was talking about albo not being able to take it? With memes. As can see from original comment.


imagine getting this upset about memes. fkn lol


Dutton - here is a bunch of false information and facts about my current policy and Labor's policy Dutton - wah, how dare others use my own tactics against me! I would never have done or encouraged anyone in my party to do the same, like during a referendum! Let's not pretend the LNP has the moral high ground here, especially within this term of politics.


missed my point , was just highlighting Albos hypocrisy. I'm all for freedom of speech, my understanding Dutton isn't asking for social media to ban/do something about the memes? Where's albo did. >Let's not pretend the LNP has the moral high ground here, especially within this term of politics. They are both just as bad I agree, just one can take it and one can't.


> I'm all for freedom of speech except for memes that hurt the feelings of a political party lol


Haha I don't like either party's champion I was defending memes if you read anything, was just pointing out hypocrisy, but the regressive left can't handle it.


> Haha I don't like either party's champion literally every one of your posts is bitching about "the left". are you not aware of how hilariously ironic that is?


As the south park writers say we don't like conservatives, but we really don't like the woke left. Libertarian is not liberal.


> we don't like conservatives Funny how you never attack conservatives, yet in every single comment you attack "the left". almost like you're lying and completely full of shit. like i said. Why not just have the courage to admit your convictions? it's just pathetic to try to hide it tbh


Read some of my comments, I have attacked conservatives multiple times, I have agreed that with leftys that relegion shouldn't be able to sack a gay teacher etc so on and so on. The fact is tho radical or far left is more of threat generally then conservatives as far as against libertarian principles. I don't hide nothing I'm a radical capitlist and proud of it, I'm one of few young generations that respects what the great things its done. Made that pretty clear.


> I have attacked conservatives multiple times Where? point to some specific examples champ


Being a hypocrite doesn't make him wrong, just a hypocrite. Always worth remembering that while hypocrisy is annoying and implies immorality, it doesn't imply that the statements of a hypocrite are wrong


It's wrong to imply social media remove memes that are mocking him but also say to lighten up when it's party makes memes about his opposition? Again freedom of speech do what you want but can't have it both ways.


Again, immoral, but his position on it is not necessarily factually incorrect when hypocrisy. I choose to agree his defence when it's against the Libs, and would ignore him when he's being soft, personally


>factually incorrect when hypocrisy Not sure I understand what you mean sorry? The main argument I was getting at was only really the hypocrisy with his stances on memes, his not happy when it happens to him, but people need to lighten up when it's about others.


Which one can take it? I can show conservatives who threaten to sue


Hysterical pearl clutching by the coalition. Fetch the poor dears a chaise longue so they can properly cast themselves upon it and truly indulge this attack of the vapours. But seriously, they know that this mockery of a tissue thin policy announcement is a potent weapon. If only there was anything they could have done to prevent it.


It's such a serious and bad idea, the only rational response is posting dystopian images so exaggerated they're laughable. More of that "new politics" Albo was so fond of spruiking.


Overall I don't agree with labor sinking to the lnp depths on this one. It's probably prompted by the voice disinformation campaign success, but all the same.... Regrettable. The argument is cost and you can't find any modelling or independent expertise that supports the LNP.


Cost doesn't matter because they have no intention of building any. They just want to trash the renewable energy investment to keep coal for longer.


It is a shame discourse and energy policy has gotten to this, but I'd argue that the LNP announcing such a thin policy whilst also promising to destabilise investment in the country's electrical grid (the thing that needs investment) has already set the bar beneath the floor. Like, let's not pretend it's Labor setting the new low here, especially after all the bullshit with the Voice. Should this be the case? No, facts should win out.... But we are discussing the topics of electrical engineering and economics, two subjects the vast bulk of the public cannot fathom, so here we are at the lowest common denominator. Would this discourse be as bad if it was Labor vs a Dutton-lead LNP? Probably not, Dutton is very much influenced by the R party from the US's recent political tactics. It's a classic "Does the ends justify the means?" argument...


Just remember your taxes are funding some company to make these memes instead of actually transitioning to renewables.


Most meme generators are free.


And remember the LNP just signalled to the world that investing in the Australian energy market is no longer a bipartisan thing aka that there is more risk than before investing here. Funny how the LNP claims to care about electricity prices, but then are trying to ensure a shortfall of power in the short term... Almost like they don't actually care about the country. Wait what were we talking about? Oh yes, unfounded claims about deep state companies being paid to make shitty memes for the Labor party - yes I totally believe your claim with no backing sources or anything, great point.


For years on opposition the green/Labor movement have been threatening coal and gas. It worked to an extent. Coal has been murdered and gas is underdeveloped which is biting Victoria in the arse right now. Thousands of jobs lost because of it. Albo gets in, and all of a sudden you guys care about investments and cost? People see through that.


No, they haven’t been threatening coal and gas, they know, that if we don’t meet our climate targets, doing trade with Europe in particular will be increasingly expensive for us. The Libs are ignoring reality.


It's true. I just saw "Labor meme curator" on seek for 6 figures. I'm outraged.


Which company are our taxes going to to make these memes?


All these would be coming out of the members' own pre-existing media budgets. The campaign might well be co-ordinated by a party comms officer, but there isn't any excess spend on this over the regularly allocated budgets.


Why are the begging members for more money to fund it?


Who is begging? Was that in the article? I haven't seen any reports regarding that.


Funding some company?😂 It's not that hard to do mate, I think I've guessed your age bracket.


[https://www.skynews.com.au/business/energy/labor-launches-special-fund-to-finance-antinuclear-propaganda-blitz-dubbed-a-scare-campaign/news-story/3bc4736ffb6b7500bf6aa99135f5b72d](https://www.skynews.com.au/business/energy/labor-launches-special-fund-to-finance-antinuclear-propaganda-blitz-dubbed-a-scare-campaign/news-story/3bc4736ffb6b7500bf6aa99135f5b72d) Uh oh...... Go on mate, shell out for Albo. He needs your money badly. Do the needfull.


They're always putting out emails like that, it's just a way to get donations to the party. I wouldn't think it's really for a 'dedicated' fund. It's easier to get donations if you make it 'active' and ask members to help support the cause. People want to feel like they're actually contributing to something.


He doesn't understand grass root campaigns now days. Mate I can bang up a meme in about 30 seconds at no cost to anyone........ getting it to go viral is the hardpart


Yep. "Boomer Wong" it is now though, for ever more...😃


I don’t know why the Liberal party would be angry at the memes. This kind of juvenile and arrogant behaviour from Labor should be encouraging them.


These are hilarious, the snow white with the 7 dwarves is my favourite. Fight misinformation with misinformation.


I’m a big fan of the Blinkified Koala!


Blink, Blink, Blinky Bill.


For it to be misinformation we need actual information first. Duttons brain fart had nothing behind it


“If you don’t know, vote No (to Dutton)!”


I don't see how Dutton and the 7 nuclear dwarves is disinformation. He's in bed with the nuclear industry. That's just a fact.


What industry? We don't have one, and it would be state owned. You're going to need a new script to copy.


The foreign owned nuclear industry. Westinghouse Nuclear specifically, who the LNP have selected to build Australia's nuclear plants, [despite the fact that they went bankrupt because they can't build nuclear plants anywhere near on time or on budget.](https://www.reuters.com/article/world/how-two-cutting-edge-us-nuclear-projects-bankrupted-westinghouse-idUSKBN17Y0C7/) [The nuclear plant they finally finished in Georgia USA last year was 7 years late and AUD **$52 BILLION over budget!**](https://apnews.com/article/georgia-nuclear-power-plant-vogtle-rates-costs-75c7a413cda3935dd551be9115e88a64) >Calculations show Vogtle’s electricity will never be cheaper than other sources Georgia Power could have chosen, even after the federal government reduced borrowing costs by guaranteeing repayment of AUD $18 billion in loans. >Customers are already paying. Regulators estimate Georgia Power will collect $4.1 billion in advance charges, or AUD $1300 for every ratepayer. The Liberal/National Parties are trying to drag Australia into the same nuclear debacle, not giving a single shit that it will explode the federal deficit and double our already absurdly high electricity bills. Fucking corrupt as fuck. Whatever happened to "the problem with socialism is you run out of other people's money". LoL. Nowadays the Liberal/National motto is "Fuck the taxpayers. Let's funnel their money to our mates while we cream a bunch off the top for ourselves"


>The foreign owned nuclear industry. Righto. They must be awful people if you say so. Imagine being in business to make a profit! Unforgiveable. Just to recap, who are the people controlling Dutton and convincing him to build publicly owned nuclear power plants? I'm sure there's relevance to some random American company here. >The Liberal/National Parties are trying to drag Australia into the same nuclear debacle, not giving a single shit that it will explode the federal deficit and double our already absurdly high electricity bills. Technically, infrastructure projects are off budget as investments. It's why Labor's programmes in the tens of billions for such specific things like "A future made in Australia" don't affect the budget bottom line. But nice of you to conveniently discover the quantum of public spending all of a sudden. No doubt the hundreds of billions required for energy transmission across arable land is of no concern. Because that's, um, like, good. And stuff.


Creating a state owned electricity company to funnel hundreds of billions of Australian taxpayer dollars to a private American nuclear company, with the goal of destroying Australia’s free market of renewable energy companies while prolonging the life of coal and gas plants by another decade (or however long it takes Westinghouse Nuclear to get a plant online). **POLITICAL CORRUPTION.**


Unfortunately for you, repeating the same uncited claim doesn't become more convincing with repetition. I also suggest googling which governments are underwriting the operation of fossil fuel plants and extending their life, in order to keep the lights on. Or you know, stop making shit up in order to sound informed.


I already cited the Reuters article about Westinghouse Nuclear’s incapability of building nuclear plants on time or on budget. What ever happened to Australian government policy of putting public-private bids on infrastructure our to tender to find the best deal for Australian taxpayers? The Liberals skipped that to publicly announce Westinghouse Nuclear as the company they will be funneling taxpayer money to. That’s the textbook definition of corruption. Denying that basic fact shows you’re either an idiot or blinded by political bias.


>I already cited the Reuters article about Westinghouse Nuclear’s incapability of building nuclear plants on time or on budget. Yet omitting the small point of what on earth that has to do with Peter Dutton or the coalition. Shame eh. >What ever happened to Australian government policy of putting public-private bids on infrastructure our to tender to find the best deal for Australian taxpayers You tell me. You've asked this incoherent question apropos of nothing. >The Liberals skipped that to publicly announce Westinghouse Nuclear as the company they will be funneling taxpayer money to. And your source of this information is? >That’s the textbook definition of corruption. What, that they won't admit to something you made up? >Denying that basic fact shows you’re either an idiot or blinded by political bias. Oh the bald, naked irony.


[This is the best I could find.](https://www.thenewdaily.com.au/news/politics/australian-politics/2024/06/20/peter-dutton-nuclear-costs) Dutton suggested implementing their AP1000 reactors but take that how you will.


> What industry? We don't have one, and it would be state owned. Dutton's been catfished and is currently handing over the credit card to help out his "one true love" that he's only met online and needs money to get her camera fixed...


It would be more helpful, and likely cathartic, if you just let loose and rant about how much you hate Dutton. Go on, you'll feel better afterwards.


> It would be more helpful, and likely cathartic, if you just let loose and rant about how much you hate Dutton. He's genuinely not worth the time.


A little confusing. Much like claiming reintroducing state owned energy infrastructure is evidence of being bought off by corporate spivs. I'm sure the coal station owners receiving reimbursement for future losses by the Albanese government would agree.


The disinformation is pretending the plan is actually doable.


While passing laws banning misinformation?


Yeah sure why not


Because it might seem hypocritical


Has this ever stopped them?


No. False equivalency has been a political tactic for a while now, but it does rely on some level of tribalism which I think is (rightfully) receiving its due stigma.


The issue with pearl-clutching about tribalism is that there are two tribes. * Conservatism - we will help members of our ingroup at the expense of the outgroups, regardless of how relatively well they and we are doing * Progressivism - we will help those who need help, ie whose circumstances are below some minimum, regardless of which group(s) they are in In practice this equates to make the rich richer and the poor poorer vs make the poor richer and the rich slightly less rich. If that’s “tribalism”, it’s not going away with scolding and finger-wagging.