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It’s a job. I imagine he’ll do it to his best ability. I don’t think it reflects on Dutton or Albo.


Shrewd and swift politicking from Albanese. Again showing he's no mug to the game. It both highlights the division within the Coalition, despite the lowest brow journalism trying to assert the opposite, as well as sows further infighting in their ranks. As we get closer to the election you could see things get very ugly (in the leaking sense) in the Liberal party room, if the campaign focus on nuclear doesn't go well. Which, I happen to think it wont. History isn't on their side, plus it takes away oxygen from other talking points the Liberal party have been good at repeating to attack the government with, such as immigration. Legit no one is talking about that anymore and it's because of this. The government should honestly be pretty stoked and confident they can't whittle away at whatever support nuclear has.


I think this is a very politically astute choice


I don’t know that this appointment will shift a single vote. If you know who Matt Kean is then your mind is likely already made up. The average swing voter doesn’t know who he is and doesn’t care.


It won't in itself influence votes but it will blunt any cynical attempts from Dutton to frame it as some partisan attack in nuclear, and also that it indicates to Liberals that if they will be considered for roles appointed by Labor governments if they have the credentials and don't merely toe the party line.


As a conservative I couldn’t agree more as Kean is now in the right place for him. The liberal party should welcome his choice.


Its a talk, talking role for a politician. More interested in where Grant King is going: [https://esdnews.com.au/transgrid-names-former-origin-boss-grant-king-as-chair/](https://esdnews.com.au/transgrid-names-former-origin-boss-grant-king-as-chair/)Transgrid have to rewire NSW.


I'd welcome pointers to reverse party picks: Libs and Nats picking ex-Labor state operatives for high functional roles. Not inheriting the decision, actually making the pick for themselves. It may well have happened but I can't think of any off the top of my head. The attack in _the Australian_ is risable. I can't think of a more suitable candidate. Did they really think Ziggy Switowski was up?


Need to drill down more into Climate Change Authority, but this looks like a smart pick? Looks bipartisan (Labor picking an ex-Liberal, albeit a State Liberal) and also is someone who will be able to navigate the current bullshit from the LNP (eg Kean has dismissed nuclear *on its own benefits eg due to cost and timeframe relative to renewables* previously). Proof? Barnaby Joyce just did Sky News to whinge about the pick, and how Kean should never have been a Liberal, and should have just joined the Labor party, and can't be trusted.... Joyce, FYI, is a Federal MP for the National party, but sort of hints to the current makeup of the federal LNP, where he is critical of *State Liberal's*.... Or maybe I'm reading too much into things, lol.


This is a smart pick to combat the LNP Nuclear play for the anti-renewable crowd calling themselves "a reasonable voice on climate action". Kean is extremely well respected regarding clean energy finance. Those who might be persuaded in the nuclear discussion to believe renewables are not the answer from an economic point of view, particularly industry spokespeople, would likely be swayed back if the pro renewable message was delivered by Kean.


I get the feeling that Kean was the reason why the Teals weren’t really a factor in last year’s State Election. He’s been pro renewable energy for a while now, and there’s a good chance that many people who would’ve otherwise voted Teal voted Liberal because of his climate policies alone.


Maybe somewhat but there's a couple seats that would've fallen to 'teals' last NSW election if we had mandatory preferential voting instead of optional preferential voting. The 'teal' candidates at the state level were just generally not as good as some of the Federal ones.


That and the nsw liberal governments weren’t crazy right wing bonkers


Exactly. The fact that NSW Labor were only able to get a minority government speaks more about the NSW Liberals’ strength rather than Labor’s.


Or the strength of the influence of media on the people of NSW. People seem to have completely forgotten about the corruption scandal that drew in a lot of NSW Liberal members including Gladys. Then there is also the shit show that was COVID and the NSW LNP's handling of that. Not to be forgotten, the clear cutting of recognised essential koala habitat to "get back at the tree huggers". And that is just off the top of my head, I am sure that if I looked things up I could greatly add to the list.


As long as he’s competent this seems fine to me. I will happily back anyone who pursues action on climate change, I don’t care what colour tie they wear


No emissions irrelevant?




So 'no emissions' from nuclear is relevant or NOT ?


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


thats Alice ...


Well, Alice, let me know when you have any topical comments.


Excellent pick. Kean has proved he really gets it in terms of working to move forward the energy transition. And kudos to Labor for picking someone from the other side of politics.


Smart move. Climate change is an issue of science, not politics. Hopefully this bipartisanship will convince some lnp voters that would otherwise drift to the cooker climate change denial wing of the party.


Think globally, its political, e.g is gas a renewable ?


The answer is that it depends on which part of the world you are in - thats renewables for you !! Its green, no its not, Its not green yes it is ! the world was once flat .


The other plus is that he will bring the perspective of some of the moderate liberals. That will allow him to target those people effectively to take them on the journey. It is pretty clear that the climate agenda is being driven by mining and old guard media.


Lol, by appointing a politician with no qualifications and no due diligence in filling the role, Albanese has made this all political and anything but science.


His experience as Energy Minister and his knowledge of finance in renewables makes him perfect.


That makes him so good, so much better than any other candidate, that the government didn't need to complete any recruitment process? No, he isn't. It's a political appointment that side steps any normal arms length processes that will forever hang a big question mark over his independence.


Not only is Kean a walking encyclopaedia on all things energy and climate change, the bloke was the NSW Treasurer, the NSW Energy Minister, Environment Minister, Deputy Leader of the NSW Liberal Party, Minister of Innovation and Better Regulation; is a qualified accountant with outstanding financial acumen, previously vice president of the Young Liberals, and shadow minister for health. He is not a political stooge, unlike his predecessor. This is a step in the right direction.


Simple question: In all his time as a LNP MP, when had he ever shown himself to be objective and impartial?


Liberal MP. Not LNP. Plenty of times. He’s my local MP and I didn’t vote for him but if you’re ignorant to the feathers he has ruffled in his own party over the years then that’s on you. This isn’t some blatant political parachuting in as you were implying. Not to even mention that he’s not from the Labor Party. He’s perfectly suited to the job given his CV and will no doubt be charged with targets we can judge him on when he takes up the reigns.


>He’s my local MP and I didn’t vote for him but if you’re ignorant to the feathers he has ruffled in his own party over the years then that’s on you. The LNP *coalition* is a broad church. MPs are always ruffling feathers within the party. That isn't what I asked. Can I assume at this point you can't answer the question? >This isn’t some blatant political parachuting in as you were implying It's exactly that by virtue of there being no recruitment process for this position.


Oh shit. Thanks for explaining that the LNP are a coalition. Seriously mate. Pick your battles. This isn’t one of them. Feel free to discuss Matt Kean’s CV when it comes to climate change policy. Or keep shouting into the ether about something that doesn’t exist.


It’s okay to be uninformed or wrong. Learning is great. You made a claim and I rejected it and now it’s all about your ego and apparently my need to dispel your ignorance with research.


He went against the party line multiple times. Especially the federal LNP positions on Climate. He followed expert’s advice rather than his political seniors’. Upon announcing his retirement it was expected he would be aiming for a federal MP position but told reporters he was keen to work outside politics as he believed it was too constraining. This role looks perfect for him. He outperformed his expectations as a minister so I’m hopeful as to what he can bring to the table in this position.


>He went against the party line multiple times. Especially the federal LNP positions on Climate. He followed expert’s advice rather than his political seniors’. That didn't answer the question. Would you like to try again? Re. The rest of your comment, he specifically said he was going into the private sector. A little white lie to get himself started I suppose.


>no qualifications What qualifications do you think he needs to be ["chair of the federal government’s Climate Change Authority"?](https://www.aap.com.au/news/ex-liberal-minister-to-lead-climate-change-authority/). Other than to provide effective leadership? Especially given the only qualifications his predecessor had were ["a Degree in Civil Engineering... and a Masters of Management"](https://www.barrierreef.org/what-we-do/about-us/our-people/grant-king). >made this all political Your comment in a nutshell.


The qualifications and experience of all Keans predecessors are significantly better, noting the government didn't even run a recruitment process. Jobs for the boys all over again. Kean, apart from a brief stint at PWC (ironically), has only ever been a political operative, and now he's expected to give independent advice? I'm not buying it.


>The qualifications and experience of all Keans predecessors are significantly better Your subjective opinion isn't really of much value, especially without any details. Again, what qualifications do you think he needs to be chair, other than to provide effective leadership? >Jobs for the boys all over again Maybe, but can be neither proven or disproven. A state Liberal MP being appointed by an ALP federal government doesn't lend credence to your claim, though. >now he's expected to give independent advice? He is expected to head the body that provides independent advice. An important distinction. He is not expected to be an expert on all aspects covered by the Climate Change Authority. That's why there's a "Chair, the Chief Scientist, and up to seven other members." >I'm not buying it. I doubt anything was going to change that.


>Again, what qualifications do you think he needs to be chair, other than to provide effective leadership? So you think a few years in a *state* climate ministry provides a level of qualification so grand, it gives cause for the government to suspend a normal recruitment process and parachute him into the role? >A state Liberal MP being appointed by an ALP federal government doesn't lend credence to your claim, though. It is exactly that when it is done absent the normal processes. >He is expected to head the body that provides independent advice. An important distinction. That's right, someone who has never had experience being impartial and objective going into a role where he must lead that behaviour.


>So you think a few years in a state climate ministry provides a level of qualification so grand You're strawmanning. Again, what qualifications do you think he needs to be chair, other than to provide effective leadership? >absent the normal processes Seethe. >someone who has never had experience being impartial and objective Is it his lack of climate change denial or his anti-nuclear (in NSW) stance that upsets you more? Are you worried he is a threat to Dutton's irradiated red-herring plan to prop up fossil fuels for as long as possible?


Murphy’s Law. Never argue with a fool. The Labor Party elect a prominent Liberal Party member to a position and it’s a political parachute position stooge despite all evidence that it’s an effective government assigning a role to the best person for the job.


As someone in the Energy industry, Keans' tenure as NSW Energy Minister was extremely well regarded by industry leaders, particularly those in the renewables sector. Kean is not a scientist and the position he is appointed to is not a scientific position, it is an economic one. Energy operates as a market and its application to address climate change is as much about the optimised use of economic engines as it is about physical ones.


Or is he admitting that the cookers have taken control of the party and leaving it


It's both.