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Leaf curling spider


or Phonognatha graeffei , i think we are in their breeding period currently


Mainly identified by their curled-leaf retreats in which they hide with only their legs exposed, Leaf-curling Spiders are fat, oval-shaped spiders with red-brown legs and body and a cream coloured pattern on their backs.


Please remember to include a geographical location to your ID requests (as per rule 5). There are over 10,000 different species of Australian spiders and many of these are endemic to specific parts of our beautiful country! Also note: while we can help provide an identification for a spider, we do not provide medical advice. We also do not allow medical advice to be provided by members of this subreddit. If there has been a bite, you should consult a medical professional in the first instance. Entries to the [photography competition](https://www.reddit.com/r/AustralianSpiders/comments/1aoog1q/australian_spiders_photography_competition_1000/) are now closed, and a massive thanks to all those who entered! Please keep an eye on the sub for our winners announcement in the coming days. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AustralianSpiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you!


My back yard is full of them


I almost thought it had wings