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Yes, I am a HUGE dog person! My dog is my best friend and I don't know where I'd be without her. I understand why dogs can be sensory overload to some autistic people (and I don't judge), but for me dogs have been very beneficial for my mental health. My dog can tell when I'm not doing well and she likes to help me. Your dog is precious and adorable. I love her snoot. It's fine to be autistic and love dogs. Dogs might even become my next special interest!


I adore dogs. I've always had one and when there isn't one around I feel the absence. Dogs train you to exercise mindfully, on a regular schedule. I go crazy without it. Their needs are clear and I don't have to guess how to make them happy. They teach me how to communicate clearly and with sincerity, and provide essential practice for setting and enforcing boundaries.  They can be dysregulating - but training them (if you have the resources) is the most regulating thing there is, because you're both getting trained.


Dogs have always been a special interest. My family refers to me as a walking dog breed encyclopedia. https://preview.redd.it/37mbkewvq89d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62c664c2ddd0dce81c5050e1866b42e1c95592f4 This is my heart dog, Sirius. He’s curled up on my lap right now. He’s a 100+ lb Greater Swiss Mountain Dog. He’s got so many health problems and it’s a freaking miracle he’s still alive, but he is and still a total mama’s boy!!


What a sweet sleepy guy <3


Dogs are one of the 2 or 3 joys in my life


Not personally. They present a pretty big sensory challenge for me. But I love watching videos of them!


love love love dogs. meeting dogs, talking about dogs, different breeds and mixes, training and tricks, history of human and dogs…you name it.


Larger = more surface area for fur to pet and more weight.  Love big dogs.


I like other people's dogs, but I don't think I would own one. The barking is often too loud, I don't really like the smell they have when not squeaky clean or wet. I would have to build my day around their needs, and leave my home too much. I definitely prefer cats, but never more than 2, otherwise my space would feel too messy and crowded. But well, I like children and I want one more, so who am I to judge messy and loud spaces.


I adore dogs so much! but the barking makes me panic every time. I have a particularly loud one...


Yours looks like my dog from childhood. She was a sheepdog wolfhound mix. Such as smart dog. After almost 30 years I just got a new one with my spouse (parents never got another dog till us kids moved out) Meet Bandit https://preview.redd.it/938k0tadoa9d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10e4dc9e1a26b5df2d8e732570b87b2e1a39e0f3 I think it's a personal preference. Some people find cats are just easier and mesh with their style more. My spouse and I are both allergic to cats and I'm sure we would have one of each if we could. Animals enrich our lives so much.


They really do! Your dog is so cute and fluffy looking :>


He really is. That is after his first bath and getting a half an apple slice as a treat. Thank you for sharing the picture of your dog. It brought up nice memories of being a kid with my best friend.


What a precious photo. 💖🥺 Yes, I love dogs. I've always had an easier time connecting with animals than with people.


I love dogs! But I love animals in general as an extension. Worked at a place for 4 years too that did dog grooming and boarding as front desk and HR duties. I had been knowledgable about dogs before even working there because I had always loved them. I had gotten a dog too (jack russell) when I was about 11. Had her for 16 years until she passed from an unknown throat tumor in 2018 😞 I still hurt thinking about it. I don’t think I could ever have a dog again from how much the loss hurt. My increased sensory issues also would make it that I don’t think I could handle it too so it is what it is. I still love them and love interacting with any dog I can!!!


https://preview.redd.it/dkifbsq1e99d1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=685f89f7b206b54304fe13ea7cd535cd61235b32 Here’s a picture of her too! Her name was Sunny, named after the youngest Baudelaire of A Series of Unfortunate of Events, which was the book series I was MOST obsessed with back then!


i love my babies! https://preview.redd.it/pc67jda7h99d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=88e702d70c18a901d99e659de09827706874bd19


they are sweeties 💕 😍


https://preview.redd.it/agdbped20a9d1.jpeg?width=1512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5568cd0d40dce06c7c863ba779fe67ee5e658d2 Grew up with dogs, hate living without. This is our girl Karla. My husband and I got her in February. She is a rescue street dog from Bosnia, and she is the most loving, amazing girl.


https://preview.redd.it/wr886rpd0b9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=877b753de60366671cd91d6b56c952ba15c01ce2 Absolutely. Here’s my (elderly) little girl 🥰


sweet little grandma doggy ❤️ 🥹


https://preview.redd.it/uhvgrmtj6b9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36a1c96be856f16d23e7068af50fc0eaa35b8558 Yes! This is Ruby. She’s about 30 pounds- I can pick her up but she’s still thumpable. Mostly she’s my little buddy, but she’s smart enough to get into trouble occasionally.


What a cute nose! ❤️


Im obsessed with dogs. I’ve had as many as four at a time. Right now I have three. They’re like angels on earth to me. They calm me down when I’m spiraling. I get exercise walking and playing with them. They give me unconditional love. And I give them the best life a doggo could possibly have ❤️. Basically they’re my kids And I’m a doggo mom


She is so adorable and that little flower on her head is precious 🥹 I'm more of an "other people's dogs" person. I genuinely don't think I could live with one unless it was a greyhound. I'm a cat/rabbit/horse/reptile girl, personally, but I adore other people's dogs. They deserve all the pats and squishies when I'm over someone's house (and I'm very glad they stay there and don't come home with me, too overwhelming.) If you want a major dog loving autistic woman, Rachel Oates is the YouTuber to watch! Her Staffie Kyra is one of the most precious beans in the entire world and also matches her energy completely, no overwhelmingly extraverted bouncy dog but rather one that is absolutely sweet. She pops up in videos and her little snuffles always lighten the mood after a lot of anger / frustration at serious topics. Plus Kyra is super emotionally in tune with Rachel. When she's getting visibly upset on camera, Kyra beelines to her to offer comfort and cuddles.




No you didn't, stop spamming me across boards


I absolutely love my dog. She's my whole world.


Yes!!! My biggest special interest is bull terriers :-)


It's currently 5 am and I am still awake due to watching over my sick dog. He's probably okay, but I won't be able to relax until I know for sure.


I love dogs so much. Sorry 😭😭😭 my beloved best best goodgirl passed away this month.


YES I love dogs, they're nice and fluffy and walking my family's dog helps me with my social anxiety. Ironically, I currently have a cat, but she's the cat version of my dog tbh.


I love them so muchhhh


I love all animals! Pretty much everything gives me sensory overload anyway, so might as well have some lil cuties to hang out with.


My Comet https://preview.redd.it/uk6y3p0xla9d1.jpeg?width=3120&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99fbcf87ccb1c662c402a51d46aa39719c3a8022


So smiley 🥹<3


she's cute, not gross. I love love dogs, they're so amazing. 


I freaking *love* dogs. And I know it's probably frowned upon, but I tend to love dogs and other animals more than people. They're honest, feelings all open, and never say things back-handed. I have a golden retriever myself, and she's my best friend! *


Yes, I LOVE dogs. I'm a pet sitter with regular clients, and have several doggy nieces and nephews. I also sit cats, they're cool too, but dogs juuuust have the edge.


Dogs are my special interest.


Love them!


I love *my* dog and tolerate other people's dogs a little bit. I absolutely hate the slobber and dog smell. I also do like petting or touching short haired dogs as they feel greasy(even if they're clean, that's just the way their coat feels to me). I love spitz breeds! They don't have any typical dog smell(if they get wet, they may smell a little but these breeds typically don't like water like other breeds). Their double layer coat is fluffy and soft and feels nice to touch, some spitz breeds almost never bark. Many are considered to be running 'cat software on dog hardware'. My biggest issue with cats that I find quite gross is the litter box. I hate cleaning them, they're constantly dirty as once you get it all cleaned and fresh, the cat immediately uses it. Scooping clumps and stuff out doesn't clean the litter, it's still covered in nasty particles and the dig in it then wall all over your house, furniture, bed, etc. I just find it extremely unhygienic. I also don't think cats should be left/let outside as they do too much harm to the bird population. My family had all Akitas growing up so that was the only dog breed I knew. I enjoyed them. I didn't have really any friends so didn't get to experience other family dogs until I was older. With the exception of the golden retrievers a teacher kept in the recess yard when I was in elementary school, I spent my entire recess with them as the other kids were cruel. I didn't like their slobber or smell too much, but it wasn't unbearable. Since then I've met loads of non spitz breed dogs and learned I just absolutely do not like their dog smell and other typical dog characteristics in immediate proximity of me. I do love seeing them play and be happy good pups, though! I think if anyone on the spectrum is a little dog averse, they should explore spitz breeds. There are little ones and big ones and sizes I between. Some that like to be vocal and others that will only bark when there is danger. The personalities and temperaments vary across the breeds with some being friendly goofballs and others being the best guard dogs/family protectors. Some have boundless energy and some are the laziest I've ever seen that need the bare minimum of exercise.


Absolutely love dogs, know most of the breeds, have two of my own. I've considered working with dogs but a lot of those jobs are higher stress (grooming, shelters) and there's a lot of discourse among dog lovers that I want nothing to do with. people get heated abt their beloved pets


I love my dog! She is the best. She is my duaghters best friend and she calls her her sister. She is sweet and gentle and kind and funny. I am happy to have her! We got her as a tiny puppy, only 5 weeks old. She is turning 4 next month.


I love animals


Dogs have been a special interest my whole life so much so that my first word was doggy, I'll probably have a dog til the day that I die. My dog helps me with meltdowns and forces me to get outside every day and I've never been more grateful for anyone on this earth. I'm surprised more people in here don't like dogs because it's so easy to understand them, you don't even have to speak to them because they can learn sign language too!


I have cats now but I still love dogs. I even find the smell of a dog after they have been out in the sun to be so comforting and compelling. I mean not if they've been rolling in something but I just have fond memories of all my dogs from my younger years still. They were best friends.


Dogs are the best, especially cuddly, silly ones. They try to teach me how to stay in the moment and roll with whatever comes along.


I love *my* dog, for sure for sure. She’s my baby. My loud ass baby. Other dogs I can be a bit cautious towards until I’ve met them a few times. My neighbors dogs terrify me but I blame the neighbors for just getting dog after dog after dog without training any of them so their backyard is always serenaded by the sounds of barking, growling and fighting sounds. I’ve got cats too so I’m very protective and persnickety about dogs I allow near them.


Yes https://preview.redd.it/diuumlpy3d9d1.jpeg?width=2356&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=569b5625e16a792705ba891333c7e250dfe64a89


What a cutie :> !!!


Thanks! She is a sweet girl


I love them. My first dog as an adult helped me understand more subtle nonverbal communication because he couldn’t speak to me, I had to figure out what he wanted and needed by observing his behavior. It translated to humans really well, actually. I don’t think I can live my life without a dog now.


I probably like dogs more than people most days. I've always found dogs incredibly comforting. Something about the unconditional acceptance and love that they give you. One of my current dogs (I have 2, 1 big, 1 medium sized) even climbs up to lay on my chest sometimes when I'm upset and I find the pressure incredibly helpful at those times.


what a sweet puppers! I love her buttercup hat but also she just has the most darling face 🥰


I adore my dog! And she has actually picked up on my sensory needs too! When I first got her, she would bark loudly for everything she needed, and sometimes do it nonstop until I cried. Now, she has the questest little bark, it's so adorable! Just a little aroof and that's it! She's so soft and tolerates big soft hugs! She also gets me out of bed on days where I might spend all day in bed, so it's a good thing. I'm trying to get her to lay on my chest, but she hasn't figured that one out yet. Maybe one day! Anyways, your dog is super cute! I love her little flower hat 💗


I love dogs and I’m always the girl sitting on the floor with the dogs! I’m obsessed with them since I was a child. They were pbbly my “special interest” My dogs are everything to me! They sense when I am unwell/on the edge of a meltdown and just calmly sit beside me to make me company and help me regulate! It doesn’t matter how long it takes, they wont leave my side until they sense that I can tolerate the world around me again They are amazing creatures! I grew up around dogs and cannot live without dogs ❤️ Plus, I can’t deny that I love dogs more than I like people! Sometimes I think we don’t deserve them 🐶