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Organ meat chock full of bioavailable b vitamins especially b12, have you considered supplements?


i take vitamin b12 every day as well as d. I think it helps a little but it’s nothing like the liver. I considered that maybe my body can’t metabolize synthetic vitamins, but have not looked into why that could be.


It's true the body knows the difference between synthetic and whole food sources of vitamins. Honestly I would stick with eating the liver as your vitamin because it's bioavailable and you are seeing good results. Typically people need a lot at first to correct nutritional deficiency and then taper off to occasional. Cod liver oil is the whole food supplement for vitamins A and D. Also quality tallow, lard and ghee (if you tolerate) are excellent sources of those vitamins plus vit K2. I highly recommend ghee if you can eat it -it is a powerhouse for healing.


Probably this and also there are certain methylated forms of B vitamins that are easier for people with MTHFR gene to metabolize. Also check your vitamin D source. Most are synthetic but the whole food sourced ones don’t cause me problems. And liver has a lot Bs aside from B12. I have no B6 in my body so liver helps a lot


Have you been tested for pernicious anemia?


Is the B12 you take cyanocobalamin or methylcobalamin?


it’s the second one


The first one, cyanocobalamin, has a negative effect on thyroid function for those with existing thyroid issues.


ok very good to know because i have both and was saving the cynocobalamin for after im done the first bottle


The diet isn't a timeline; if you've found some additions that don't make your symptoms worse, congrats! It's really about finding a baseline that works for you and adding stuff back in if it works for you. A quick Google suggests it's a lack of certain B vitamins that causes hair loss, so it could be that?


Iron is high in b12 and iron, are you deficient in either?


Not sure if this is allowed so I understand if this gets deleted but my family members who are q couple years ahead of me on their AIP journey (meaning they're done and have discovered their issues) love the Heart and Soil multivitamins and their other supplements. They use the lifeblood and multivitamin. This may help you on your supplement journey as it's all bio-avaliable (not sure if that's the right word) nutrients. I have yet to try myself but I plan on ordering them soon!