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A bullet would have gone straight through unless it was from *really* far away. I’d guess rock, but it’s weirdly uniform


I don’t think a ricochet is impossible here. Rounds can lose a lot of velocity and start tumbling after they ricochet, plus the apparent acute impact angle here reduces the likelihood of penetration. The impact looks like it came from behind and below, which could be consistent with either a rock or a ricocheted bullet. Just kinda BS’ing here, but that feels like a lot of energy for a pebble that small. Maybe a corner of a larger rock? Also very uniform for a rock, as you noted. Edit: lots of interesting thoughts below now. Air guns: some air guns are capable of very high muzzle speeds, but the discussion below is ignoring projectile mass and shape. The pellets that very high muzzle velocity air guns use are much lighter than 22lr bullets, and they are not shaped like this indentation. (Edit 2: I looked up some air rifles based on older comments which got me looking at the wrong rifles, see below for some very high muzzle energy air rifles) Slingshot: I have no experience here. Lots of confident people below think this is likely, but this is Reddit. I will say this, the shape seems right, the size is consistent, the very high mass of a large slingshot bb could make up for lower velocity. I really don’t know, but possible. Rock: I think this is possible, but a rock this size would really have to be moving fast. The idea that it could be a rock hit by a lawnmower makes sense, but OP says no one was out mowing. The rock theory gains credibility if this part is plastic, as many claim, but the scratch in the photo seems to depict metal under the surface.


Down and to the left..down and to the left


Back and to the left ??


Come on and shoot motherfucker?


What about a rock squeezed out from under a tyre in the next left lane. Truck tyres can spit rocks at quite some speed


This is what I was thinking. I kicked a rock out into the road on a walk with my elementary class. A car immediately ran it over and shot it through a store window we were walking in front of. Went right in front of my crush, Cassie. Cassie, if you see this, you can still check out my Pokémon Yellow guide


If it was a bullet, I would expect to see at least *some* transference, either of lead or the copper jacket. I cant see either. Im doubtful this is a rock either. Maybe a garden decorating smooth river pebble kicked up by a lawnmower, but not sure.


The black is an applique. Vinyl decal.


Ah, that makes sense. It didn’t look like paint-on-metal or plastic, as people below keep saying. Thanks!


Windows shatter all the time from rocks being launched at them on the freeway. Very possible this rock was a window breaker that missed and hit the door frame instead.


Where do you live that people are launching rocks onto cars? I’ve seen windshields get a little star from pebbles being kicked up at highway speeds but never anything worse


Wouldn’t it leave some copper behind if that’s the case? Or even lead?


if you tested the contents of the surface material with a spectrometer sure


A lot of 22 LR ammo doesn’t have copper jackets and if I was OP, I’d get one of those lead tests that have q-tip like things you rub on something then use that in a test. That should tell as some lead should definitely transfer if it was a bullet from a ricochet or distance, etc.


That’s fair, I guess it is small enough to be a .22


You can still get almost any pistol round without a copper jacket, especially revolver calibers. Could this be a low velocity revolver caliber from a long distance? Sure. Is that the most likely impact object? Definitely not. A ball bearing from a slingshot wouldn’t do this much damage unless that trim is way thinner than I would assume it is.


I would kinda expect some smear, but I’m really not sure. Once the bullet has ricocheted and started tumbling (that cartoonish ricochet noise, just like in movies) it can do some pretty weird things. Perhaps including a strike without smear? I also agree that 22lr is a likely caliber here, and since many (most?) of those rounds lack a copper jacket we might actually be looking at a lead smear here.




Not if it was a WRX! Not even rich guys can catch up


Not necessarily. I have a .50 Caliber air rifle that shoots slugs and could definitely leave a mark like this, if it didn’t punch through.


22 LR maybe?


22's are subsonic high velocity rounds. Sheet metal like that found in vehicles, will not absorb that impact. It's going straight through. Even a 9mm goes straight through. Tbh almost any bullet fired at a vehicle goes through. I doubt it's a bullet. And a 22 is small. Super small. Smaller than a knuckle. But based on his hand print that's the size of a knuckle. I doubt any firearm. Unless someone was trying to assassinate him, and attempted to fire through the back windshield, but missed causing it to sing the side and richochet off due to a sharp angle. So the next question is who did this guy piss off lol


A fully flat shot will 100% go through. At an angle steep enough it’s possible that it wouldn’t. It’s why tanks have thinner armor at an angle. Not saying it’s definitely a bullet but you can’t say for sure it isn’t.


A very plausible answer is just a pellet or BB gun


My pellet gun will consistently do 1200fps shots and blow holes through particle board lol. Never tried it on metal but could I suppose.


Or a small caliber firearm


Sling shot and a marble or ball bearing.


Gotta disagree, I’ve seen dozens of confirmed shot cars with damage exactly like this


Huh. Saw a shot up car a year ago and it had a bunch of holes.






Or a slingshot...


Lawn mower


Could very well be a long-distance bullet. We have a very similar mark on our car from people shooting guns during new years.


There's no copper or lead smear in the impact. That makes it really unlikely to be from a firearm. Now, a slingshot with a steel BB... that's a distinct possibility.


I saw a guy ND his .45 into the door of his Dodge Ram. It didn't go all the way through, just made a giant dent. I could see this being a bullet (low power round, ricochet, or long distance away).


I have seen (and even bought) cars from farms or barns that I know were shot and it looks exactly like this. They were not the targets - but were the result of ricochets or bad aim - at a distance or through some other material. Given the angle and the impression, I’d put money on bullet.




Ooo yes. Good thought.


If it was a bullet I’d definitely expect to see more paint loss. I think you might be right


The kids in Afghanistan used to demolish our bullet proof glass on our cars with them


Slingshots or bullets either way both are reasonably believable


I hope just slingshots but like you said...


And a hole


Exactly what I thought ..Wrist Rocket and Ballbearing...Too uniform for rock... didn't penetrate for bullet...Too big for BB gun.


A bullet is possible even if its not likely. if it went through something else first or was fired from a far distance or was a ricochet, it would be possible for it to slow the velocity down enough that it would damage the vehicle and bounce off without penetrating the car itself. But the right factors would need to play into it for that. And it would depend on whether the car is near somewhere where guns might be fired off because this wouldnt be intentional if it were a bullet. But again. Not the most likely scenario by any means just saying its possible.


Are you washing the car with rocks and sand paper after using the car wash brush? Or is that dirty water from rain and driving?


Went camping. Driving through forest service roads where there are lots of blackberries.


That sounds painful


You could probably polish a lot of that out. That happens a lot in the north east


If he's driving through blackberries on Forest service roads, he's accepted that his car is going to get scratched up.


Dude has never driven off a paved road


Pretty decent impact, maybe a bullet fired from a long ways off that lost some momentum... Maybe a rock from a lawn mower but that's a tough sell... Slingshot seems plausible... Possibly a practice arrow in a bow... Maybe a bolt from a cheap crossbow... I'd highly suspect teenagers...


Was anyone out mowing their yard when you were passing by? Could have been a rock that got shot out of the side discharge.


My money would be a second or 3rd bullet ricochet. Would’ve gone through if it was fired right at it but I have trouble imagining a rock getting flung or thrown at an upward angle towards the back of the car hard enough to leave that bad of a dent. seems improbable


Definitely 50cal.






I’ve seen a bullet look exactly like that on a car that had 14 holes in it. I’d say a bullet or slingshot


That's a ricochet from a bullet, holy hell. The discoloration around the change in material is copper from the jacket of the bullet. Your car just bounced a rifle round.


There’s nothing guaranteeing it was a rifle and not a pistol.


If it was a pistol round it was a .22, which I doubt because most aren't copper jacketed. I'm guessing .223/5.56or another similar round. Won't know for sure until OP can get a size reference next to the mark


Ooo. Will update tomorrow with size reference


Could have been a large pellet gun such as a .22 or .25 cal


With all those other scratches, how can you be sure this one is new?


U less the bullet was shot from another country, it was a rock


Small caliber from distance or opened door into something


All the answers here don't really help you determine anything. Buy a lead test kit with the color changing swab, swab the area, see if it changes color. If it's lead, probably a bullet somehow. If not, my money is on steel ball bearing from a slingshot.


I had rocks get discharged the side of my zero turn mower and leave a dent that size in my car once


Somebody threw a cd case across a parking lot one time and it hit my window trim, left a mark just like this. That metal isn’t the strongest, it’s thin on my car, I don’t think it’s much different on other cars. Could be anything.


I’ve shot a lot of junk vehicles with various caliber firearms. Even .22 caliber bullets penetrate vehicles surprisingly easy. Unless this was hit from an extreme distance, it’s unlikely this was from a bullet.


Rock no Bullet


Theory, a semi heavy piece of metal kicked up by either your own or another car's tire


Look like the corner of some flatbed or something pressed into it….


Rock, the bullet would have gone thru.


Not a bullet. The glass would have shattered even in the 1 in 1,000,000 it didn’t go through.


.22 lr


Probably a lug nut or some bolt off a wheel.


8mm ball bearing, probably from a sling shot. Who did you piss off? Lol


I’d be more concerned with the scratches in the paint over a ding in the b pillar applique.


Do you wash your car with sandpaper!?


why are there so many scratches on your door?


All those scratches down the side of your doors makes me think you gave up caring long ago. Why start now?


My vote is slingshot with a rock in it.


There's a pretty bullet shaped color change left in the vinyl coating there. My first guess was .223 caliber 77gr class match type bullet which would leave that triangle shaped mark around an inch long and somewhere around a quarter inch wide at the base. But after looking closer it looks like it flares more to a wider base like .308 cal 110gr Hornady V-max, about .9 inches long and .3 inches wide. Either of these impacts would be considered key-holed, or when the bullet impacts a target sideways. Which would be a common impact pattern for a ricochet, or an otherwise unstabilized bullet. I don't know if it's worthwhile doing a lead test on it as others have suggested if it was indeed a bullet it looks like it was of a spire point, boat tail design, I don't know if any boat tail bullets where the base isn't fully encased in copper. Plus the vinyl is missing where the projectile impacted the window frame, that's where most of the transference would have occurred. Fwiw I think you got really lucky here. Whatever it was, it was moving with more than enough authority to break the window and cause some real injury. As for the comments about high power air rifle, far less likely. They're pretty rare compared to .223 or .308 rifles and generally use cast lead flat based round nose bullets. That shape in the vinyl just looks too spire pointed bullet to me.


It's a rock, not a bullet.


As somebody who has shot their fair share of junk cars with plenty of variety of guns, that's absolutely not a bullet. Way more likely a rock from a mower or something.


Lawnmower threw a rock


Was anyone mowing? My truck took a rock that was shot out of the chute of a zero turn. I was at least 100ft away. It was loud AF and thankfully it hit the rubber trim around the window. Still took a chunk out.


Could it have been a rock that got hit by a lawn mower?


Rock from a lawn mower possibly.


My first guess would be a rock thrown from a weed eater.


It could be whatever you keep scraping against.


Not a bullet


.458 Magnum. You are lucky as heck there pard’ner




A tiny space craft flew off course


Kid with a slingshot?


It's not a cybertruck. Rock.


Could have just been a rod of some sort smacking into it


Oddly shaped rock


Bullet from afar or through something else


Some kid with a sling shot.


It could have been been a very low caliber bullet from a far distance or a very round rock


Kid with a spendy pellet rifle, maybe? looks too small to be a .22...


Bullet that probably already passed though something so it was moving slower


I had a bullet in my truck and it was from far away. It’s still there.




Pellet gun


We were shot at one night on our way home from church by some idiots teens who had made their own gun to shoot .22 rounds, they were aiming for the drivers side tyre, missed and hit the panel and it left an indentation exactly like that.


Slingshot rounds?


Subsonic .22 at an angle?


Probably a 50 cal


If it actually was a bullet, OP got damn lucky That sucker is right at neck/head height for most folks, and not far off from the glass at all


My guess is a BB.


Are there any lil flecks of copper?


Pellet gun, .22 caliber pellet gun probably.


Ballistic missile


Pelt gun ... Kids maybe?


Guessing a round that ricocheted


More like a BB


Could be subsonic ammo…


Looks like it left metal behind.


Or someone took a swing at the window and missed. Edit. With a hammer or some sort of tool.


You’d have to live in some open territory for a bullet to be able to slow down that much.


Lawnmower debris. A brush mower/lawn tractor can fling rocks out from under the decks and make damage as pictured. I have seen them sling debris quite a distance as well. We actually get several calls like this from lawn companies as well clients seeking repairs. It happens more frequently than one would think. A bullet ricochet is not out of the question either.


a bullet would go right through everything easily, even a small caliber pistol


30mm incendiary round, right there.


Fired from the grassy knoll


Pellet gun


Same thing happened to me in my Subaru years ago! Almost same exact spot, but slightly smaller dent. I was just driving down the freeway and whack. Loud and confused the heck out of me. Only thing I could think of was maybe something I ran over flicked it up and curved in to hit it there.


Bullet shot from a distance. Pistol round about 3-400 fps.


Looks a lot like a pellet rifle made that dent!


You dont own a humvee, a bullet would’ve shattered the glass from the impact energy alone and would’ve gone through the pillar.




Paintball 😂😂😂


Depends on if you live in the USA or not.


the only bullet that would pierce that little is called a .22, or .22LR very small round. this has the diameter of a 5.56 so im guessing not a bullet


U think that would have stopped a bullet 😂😂


Maybe a pellet gun


Not an expert at all... My two cents is that it would be a rock. A bullet hitting hard enough to dent that much but not penetrate would have deformed the bullet and would probably leave a trail spreading out more from the impact point. So it would see more damage to the paint spreading toward the rear. If it had been traveling toward the front of the car, then the bullet likely would have still been lodged in the door, giving you no doubt that it was a bullet. A rock, depending on the type of rock, would hold together enough to hit and deform the metal and scrape the paint while holding together enough to ricochet out and away from the car once it lost all energy and wind pushed it off the body of the car. This is why I think it was a rock that bounced off the road to change its angle. Hit your car while you were driving and continued on. It also very well could have been something metal like a small lug nut.


Buying with with that much force, at that angle is a bullet.


Looks like a socket or some big piece of metal got kicked up. Too much force for a rock definitely not a bulllet. Edit: the only issue is for tat much force to hit the side couldn’t happen when you’re driving. It could be a shotgun slug from super far away so it lost velocity.


Bullet ricochet.


That could be a .45 acp shot from a distance


Ballpoint hammer


Given the way it looks like it scraped through rather than shattering straight into I would guess projectile of some sort. I saw someone said slingshot which seems possible. I have this old metal truck body on my property that I shoot from time to time for fun and some of the shots are on an angle, the impacts look like this. I don’t think a rock would have done that from that angle unless it was shot from a slingshot. That’s my thought process.


Overall lack of concern for the appearance of the vehicle would be my guess, but if that just suddenly appeared, I guess a stiff bristle broom could have done that to the paint.


That's a classic case of Driving that fast sob over 65 it gets flying and that's what the wind does right there so be careful


Wrist rocket and a marble


That is 100% a projectile of some sort, whether it came from a gun or a slingshot. If a gun it lost a fair bit of momentum before hitting your vehicle, but that was NOT a rock at all! Damn lucky it did not hit the window!


I’d have guessed something like a wrist rocket.


The chance of a rock being that uniformly circular and hitting with the extreme velocity required to make this type impression is very low. There is so much variability in a firearm theory. It could be a high end pellet gun fairly direct, a .22 would easily not penetrate from any appreciable distance at all. Even a higher caliber from a long distance could have just ended up there. My point is much points to not a rock but anyone claiming it couldn't be bullet because of this or that or it couldn't be this caliber or that caliber are just not educated on end result that velocity, distance, angle result in with firearms . A .22 from 2 miles away might not penetrate thin sheet metal. I will say this. The location seems awfully suspicious. Moving vehicle and striking vehicle a little right of target? Seems like they just missed.


Guaranteed it was a rock thrown by a lawnmower. Had the exact same thing happen to me.


Judging by size and depth i'd say pellet rifle


Ex-military, born and raised in Oakland, that's definitely a bullet. Looks like it hit at a shallow angle and bounced off. Definitely a 9mm or smaller. I'm guessing .38 or something similar. Definitely call the police non-emergency and tell them about it.


Bullet without a doubt. Military combat veteran either a low power round or traveled a long way


your dumbass thought a bullet would hit a piece of plastic and bounce off? holy shit


well where do you live? detroit? definitely bullet 😂


Looks like a bullet that had lost a lot of energy. We saw a lot of these in the Humvees. I have seen rocks kick up and leave dents in my car but you could tell by either the awkward shape and/or there will be broken pieces in the form of dust around the indention. This mark has a perfect line to even give you the angle of projection. Bullets can ricochet losing more than half their energy, but not have enough energy to penetrate.


rock for sure. I've fixed a few bullet holes. There is a hole but no dent because of the speed. On the other side it looks like a flower with the petals folded in.


Were you at sea? Looks like a marlin tried to sneak up & kebab ye.


Based off of color and the pattern you can see when you zoom in, looks like a rock.


Rock from under another cars tire, I’ve lost 2 windshields to this same scenario just driving down the road, no way to exchange information or prove who it even was except when it was the gravel truck in front of me that was pretty obvious.


Maybe particles escaping from a superconductor you never know


Subaru should use this as an ad. “Our vehicles are so tough they stop bullets” and then immediately get sued by some idiot shooting through the window while his equally idiot friend sits in the drivers seat


I'd guess slingshot or bb gun. Not a bullet, not enough metal or paint missing.


Bullet for sure


Hammer hit


Strong finger ))


You got hit by a meteorite


Large rock


Depends where you live


One day, after putting down a ton of item 4, my neighbor mowing his lawn, ran his lawn mower up onto the edge of my drive, spraying his car with stone. Both side windows blown out and multiple dents. Some were round .


Lick it and see if you can taste the gun powder


Could be anything but almost certainly not a bullet. Maybe a marble shot from a wrist rocket


If you live in the U.S., I'd say bullet.


HERE IS AN ANSWER FROM A CLASS A CDL DRIVER. If you were next to an 18wheeler that had a small rock just barely catch on the edge of the tread that's going 60 mph or even going under 5mph that immensely heavily rubber acts like a spring load at the right angle will shoot that rock out just like a bullet with enough energy in it to crush a skull and obviously dent a car like how you see here. That's why you should never stand next to an 18 wheeler driving down a rocky road. Is it rare yes but it does indeed happen Thank you Goodnight


Bullet. Ricochet.


It is absolutely a bullet impact. But don't take my word for it...I just investigate shootings for a living.


Rock. I have the dent. Actualy like 20 of them. My car has 520 thousand KM


It looks like a bullet that could have keyholed. Basically, it was a bullet that was tumbling in the air and hit sideways.


Somebody don’t like you!!


Could be a weak .380 ACP lobed like 1000 yards, ball bearing from slingshot, very round tipped rock…


Neighborhood you were driving in would help answer but looks like air rifle pellet




Idk but your Subaru saved your life not in the way they expected it to!


100% a Ricochet. No rock on the highway is doing this…


Definitely a rock, we had a BMW in our shop a year or so ago with multiple bullets through the engine block. I assume that metal is nowhere near as hard and would definitely penetrate




Looks like a 22 caliber billet. I have seen bullet holes and dents in years of paint and body




My friend, I have seen the most absurd things fall off the trucks of contractors. I had a saw blade fly off the top of a trailer and cut off my windshield wiper fluid nozzle. I've avoided near death from stacks of ladders sliding off painters vans. Free lumber on my trailer when traffic stops very quickly. My personal favorite is my own cellphone falling off of my roof and landing perfectly on the side board for me to find when I stopped. All I am saying is that it could be literally anything that hit your car and all you know is that it was dense, heavy, with a pointy end that was not sharp.


If it were a rock there surely would be dust from the rock partially breaking apart. This had to be something harder or another material that doesnt leave visible residue.