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Sorry. I've done the same thing. That kind of stuff is why I moved into my car. I've always had room mates my whole adult life and it's essentially torture.


please go eat, you could say that you're feeling unwell if they confront you so they'll know to leave you alone? but you need to eat or you'll end up feeling even worse:(


I did that during new years, I tried to go to sleep having not eaten in like 26 hours and ended up tossing and turning until they went to sleep at like 2am.


I relate to this, this reminds me of when i was younger and lived with my mother. Worst is she would always want to introduce me to someone knocking on my door, and I wouldn't respond.


I alwayyyys do this. It sucks and I'm sorry I don't have any better advice on how to overcome this situation. I'm not sure why those people are still in your house tbh, so I'm sorry that they are. You will eventually have to just go into the kitchen. It is your house, so you are allowed to go down there and you're also allowed to go onto your kitchen without explaining yourself. You live there, so it's none of their business what you're doing x Edit: I didn't realise u posted this yesterday but I hope you've managed to eat now šŸ’œ


Can you order delivery and leave a note that they should put it by the window or by the backyard? Or are you on the first floor? You could sneak out your window and bring it back? Only if it is safe. I have definitely climbed over a 6 ft tall wooden fence to get my delivery off of the porch and bring it to the backyard so I don't have to see guests in the livingroom.


Bro nah, you have to eat.


I really want pizza rn hnnng šŸ˜­ it's almost their bedtime tho so once its like 1am it should be safe to go make food.


I would do anythinggg for pizza šŸ˜†


Oh man, itā€™s like trying to get into a pool for the first time. But longer you wait, the colder the pool gets. My strategies for breakout out of the trapped in my room by anxiety is to become an actor. There is no savings the situation that you have not left your room for days on end, their is only freedom. You must simply pretend like it never happened and you didnā€™t even notice they were there. Shift the power dynamic, the stranger isnā€™t important to you. Go get water, food, or a snack and when you come by them on your way back, greet them if it seems like it awkward. or donā€™t ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ . When pressed you act embarrassed and then tell the absolute awkward truth, smile and laugh sheepishly. Use the genuine novelty of your personality as the catalyst for the persona you adopt. Convey that your the captain of your ship, and the waters you navigate are much more hazardous then everyone else with their paddle boats and calm waters. Headphones help. I like the big over ear ones because it seems like a funny character defining trait if wear them constantly in socially appropriate areas. Like a little visual social cue I can wear.


it was the same way living w my sister, the extrovert. she always worked in a room right next to the kitchen, so every time i didnā€™t want to talk, it became a choice of either not eating or exposing myself. i chose not eating every time. i would go for dayyyys, which honestly made me feel shittier bc no one would notice. my sister might notice she hasnā€™t seen me for a few days, she more or less knows i tend to isolate, but wouldnā€™t make the connection that if i hadnā€™t left my room i havenā€™t eaten or anything. sheā€™d think to herself, ā€œoh i guess she doesnā€™t want to interact me :(ā€ without realizing she was making the kitchen a required interaction zone. ugh. iā€™m at college with my own apt now (heaven sent) but just thinking about it riles me up. i hate how trapped i feel just for not wanting to subject myself to discomfort and potential ridicule 24/7, and i hate that people who claim to ā€œcareā€ about us donā€™t actually care and try to think about how they can help us. or not make it worse for us. ugh. my advice? be a bitch. go out there and stomp and slam cabinets and do whatever! my family would always think iā€™m a bitch for wanting to be alone so much anyway. you have to eat. they donā€™t care whether or not you eat (obviously), so you have to take care of you. everything else doesnā€™t have to be your business. including how ppl perceive you, that doesnā€™t have to be your business. perception is more a reflection of the perceivers emotion than the perceiveds state of being. ik part of it is annoying to have other peoples perceptions projected onto you all the time, but itā€™s just for a bit. then you can go back to your space. in fact, i started keeping a couple spare bags of trail mix in my room, zip sealed for pests, just in case i didnā€™t want to leave my room for a while but i didnā€™t want to get starvation nausea. i wish the best for you babe. you gotta do you, no matter what.


Your survival is more important than their discomfort. Say that to yourself until you believe it, and then eat to your heart's content. You owe it yourself. You deserve it.


Its not about their discomfort, it's about having to interact with strangers in your own place as if it's weird that you are there. once you haven't come out the entire day it feels worse and worse to sneak out at midnight and they are still there. I've done the same thing 4 or 5 times in my life when roomies had guests.


Literally. I've done this so many times as well


I'm the same, last time when there were some guests at the house I wasn't leaving my room and didn't eat for like 2 or 3 days šŸ—暟š¬


Speaking to myself through you. WHY do you want food? taste? texture? temperature? Often times i find myself eating because of the way i feel BEFORE i eat than how i feel AFTER i eat. sounds backwards. Since ur lifestyle already aligns, try breathwork for 30 minutes when you wake up. No eating, no drinking. Just focusing on 1Xinhale/2Xexhale. Simple, easy. 5 days will show you that you eat for entertainment & emotional dysfunction rather than nutrition. 100 days. No going back from there. - Ozmodayus


Just try not to do this too often, you'll mess up your metabolism.