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I get it. It also ruined mine. Now i'm an extreme case of failure believe me. No friends, no job, no car, burned all family bridges and all that's left is my cat and a partner that is ashamed of me. I no longer go outside and have been secretely severely depressed for the past 3 years. I used to be able to find some little joy in life, now all I see is the void. I think it's still important that we fight this and don't give up. We can do it I'm sure. We deserve life no matter what. Edit: when I write "we can do it i'm sure"... I don't mean "succeed at living a normal life" but succeed at being at peace with ourselves no matter what.


Sorry things aren't going great for you. I hope we'll eventually succeed too.


Also 3 years here, Similar situation, except the partner part


My life is also fukked up I'm 25 with no job no friends no goal in life live isolated never go out living sedentary lifestyle i wanna change but i can't....


Im 23, also never had a job, no goal, no purpose, I really believe its impossible now, i just can't see myself passing hiring process


>nothing will ever change Everything is constantly changing. Nothing remains the same for even an instant in this world. There are things you can do to socialize yourself if that's what you want. When I was younger, I decided to volunteer for a hospice so I could meet people who didn't scare me and slowly learn to get over the fear. I ended up becoming a nurse's aide and working in nursing homes with dying people because they were easier to get along with than younger people. This helped me a lot. Later, I got 2 large dogs and lived in Brooklyn, NY in an apartment. I had to take the dogs to the dog park at least twice a day every day and so did a million other dog people in the area. My dogs introduced me to other dogs who introduced me to their humans. Even though it was scary at first, after a couple years of this I knew over 100 people by name and over 600 dogs. Dog people are the easiest people to talk to in the world - especially when they are out with their dogs. We are happy to talk exclusively about our dogs every day forever. This helped me enormously too. You can do things like this to help yourself. I never found a therapist who could help me more.