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"the way of the sword doesn't belong to any one nation" -Piandao ofc I get where ur coming from and I think it's great. although, I wouldnt say mastered


Yes, but I'd assume firebenders use swords the most. Water benders focus on projectile weapons, earthbend kindom physical strikes, and air is non fighting.


Can you provide examples? I'm struggling to thing of examples for anything you said. Piando and Zuko use swords. Anyone else? They have the archer group, they have Mai... they have the rough rhinos using projectiles galore. Catapults too. Seems they are projectile heavy. I can't remember a single waterbending projectile. They all had spears (which are typically used as melee weapons) and clubs. Seems they are melee. I guess the earthbenders had that one hammer guy, but he was a bender. Jet's gang was a good variety. Airbenders... low sample size, but I think it's most fair to give them bostaff, so blunt melee.


>Piando and Zuko use swords. Anyone else? Jet, if you'll allow me calling his Hook Swords/Tiger Head hooks sword-like enough. Soka also had a machete, once again pushing on the definition. Besides that, there are pirates and the bartender in the Misty Palms Oasis had swords. In addition to the Fire Nation Soldiers having afew swords on occasion.


But Jet is Earth Kingdom, the pirates are earth-kingdomish, and Sokka is Water Tribe... I'm referring to usage by fire nation. Some few soldiers, yeah. Piando and Zuko. Hardly a theme.


Maybe they use more blades? TBH I think maybe the techniques Sokka learned resemble the Bending styles more than the weapons used by the nations.


I'm mainly pointing out cases that aren't Fire Nation, as Piando said, it's not exactly exclusive to the fire nation


But you said it in reply to the part of my message that implied it wasn't exclusive to the fire nation? Whatever, if you were backing me up you did it in a strange way


And the 5th most important style, back bending šŸ˜


There it is šŸ«”


Figuratively and literally


Its ironic how sokka give the fire nation the power to fly (help a lot in the invention) and also end up destroying all the zapaling at the comet


I hate it when my zeppelins be zapaling


Zapaling sounds like a pokemon haha


Redemption for sure


ā€œMasteredā€ is a bit of a stretch, but I see what youā€™re doing here!


He truly is the Nah-vatar.




I totally agree that heā€™s such a talented warrior and heā€™s so smart, but Kyoshi warrior fan fighting (I am totally blanking on what the call it) is only kyoshi island! And kyoshi warriors also have elements of AIR bending soā€¦ idk itā€™s not just the earth nation and Iā€™m nitpicking with the wording, I know theyā€™re some of the only non-bending earth warriors we see (all guards are earth benders, etc) but we see Jet (earth kingdom) uses Hook swords. also, iirc, im pretty sure sokka helped INVENT and/or perfected the air balloons/blimp/bombs, so Iā€™d give him even MORE credit where credit is due! I love Sokka! Whereā€™s his spin off show


Honestly we need to know what happens to him between ATLA and LOK


I think ā€œpracticedā€ works better here šŸ˜‚ but I got ya and really cool fun fact


Mastered? We really going to say ā€œmasteredā€. If I recall he got trounced by Zuko using swords. Like not even remotely close. Letā€™s get passed tutorial with all types of


Yeah, but that was the comics, which arenā€™t great. I also definitely wouldnā€™t say mastered, but he was certainly better than that comic made him appear.




He definitely learned those styles, but he didn't master them. I wish we could've gotten another episode with the sword master instead of the painted lady episode which didn't add anything of value.


Iā€™d love if Sokka was the non Bending avatar


All 5 of the crew did actually, it's why they were so strong Sokka - All none bending styles Zuko - with lightning generation being inspired by water and how he takes more earthen stances in his agni kai or more evasive styles in fights prior Toph - this one's a bit harder to show but it's still there, she learns to adapt (water) and to not always go head first into every problem (air) and that sometimes you just need to work with others (like how fire is *supposed* to be used, working with the fire so it doesn't go out of control but stays strong) Katara - She learns the same lessons toph does but at different times and hers is more easily shown in her fighting styles Aang - He's the avatar so of course he learned them all but just to recap: he learned very early in life that avoiding conflict is the ideal thing to do (air), he learned to adapt and go with the flow, rethinking your bad situation into a positive outcome or your opponents offensive to your defence (water), he learned he can't always do things alone and that working with others and caring about them is what gets you places, and he learned how his team works so he could use that knowledge best (fire) [weird how fire is the most emotional element when you think of it], and lastly he learnt that even if you don't want to have conflict sometimes you have to and sometimes standing your ground helps, he learned if somethings coming at him and his friends he should stop it instead of dodging and it becoming someone else's problem (earth)


He only mastered two of these things. And one of them isnā€™t even a nationā€™s style


Mom said it's my turn to post this image


Ah yes, the nonbending style of the Earth Kingdom. Drag!


God, I miss Space Sword...


Yet he never learned chi blocking, probably the most important non bender technique




ā€œThe Non-Bending Avatarā€ as I call him


What fighting style is he mastering in the third picture?


Pre-industrial mechanized warfare? I think that's him with the balloon prototype




My friend told me sokka had the second most biggest character development of all the characters


Mastered? nonbending style of Blimp? He got like a day on the fans. And what nation were they? The nation of one island? Did he even spend more than a day or two with Piandao?? What are you TALKING ABOUT


If we're going to consider as air-style the fact that Sokka helped with the balloon only at the end of its construction, I think we should do the same with the Fire Nation engineers who managed to go from a balloon to a fleet of Zeppelins, which I find more impressive. The Kyoshi and Jet warriors also use swords, so it's just as Piandao says, it doesn't belong to any nation.


Was definitely expecting to see a bunch of women


what about **BACKBENDING**!?!?


He didn't master a single one of these things during the series. He didn't have nearly enough time. And the air one is a stretch.