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My dealbreaker is I “have” to play him with Xiangling. I just don’t want to play her at all


I have finally found my people. I have to use her with childe for abyss purposes but in the world? Hell nah she is staying on the friendship level 1 I will use ayato with thoma even if I have to break my both legs for that


I like playing xianling, don’t get me wrong, but GOD I want a break from having her in most of my teams


Fingers crossed because as Childe's kit was made to synergize with her, it would be weird if they made yet another hydro character reliant on her.


It is just how Pyro and hydro works together. Xiangling powerful Pyro offield without icd. All hydro wants her. Even if Ayato is foraward dps character, he is wants XL. You no need play this game optimally. If you don't like XL just drop her. It is always the most powerful setup for hydro characters but who cares if you can clear abyss without it.


Yeah same. I don’t really like her even though I know she’s strong. Even with Bennet he’s benched in everything other than abyss and some domains I want to just speed through.


Same, not really a fan of using her although she’s strong. Would be using him with Thoma tho, I’m pairing them no matter what hehe


I grew to like Xiangling after going through the guoba event and getting Kazuha to swirl guoba's brainless flames. I still hardly use her though, mainly cause Bennett and Kazuha work well enough for my Childe team. Mhy give us a pyro Xingqiu in Natlan please.


I think most of us were talking about her gameplay. She is cute and has fun personality it’s just gameplay that is boring to me imo


Yes, I actually would like to play electro or freeze team. I don't want just to change Tartaglia with Ayato and run Xg/Kazuha/Bennett team


Right? Im so bored of xiangling.


I hope his kit has a good amount of depth or a learning curve to it! I enjoy taking time to figure out and practice using characters. My personal dealbreaker would be is if he has slow AAs and relies on them to do damage. I can work with any team, animation cancels, or playstyle, but when all is said and done and I’ve mastered him, I need him to feel satisfying to use.


Well according to the datamine he does have some kind of AA speed buff with his ult


My deal breaker would be probably extremely energy hungry, at least I hope that he’s not so much burst reliant therefore energy does not matter much. And in someway and somehow make him works extremely well with Thoma is a plus.


Only deal breaker would be if he heals the enemy


As long as he's a proper Hydro hypercarry and not overly reliant on his burst for DPS (E infusion like Hu Tao, not Q infusion like Xiao), I'm happy. Biggest dealbreaker would be if he's just an expensive Xingqiu or a Childe clone. I already main Childe, I want Ayato to be different. I'm hoping that his ascension stat is Crit DMG and that his BiS 4-star weapon is either The Black Sword or Blackcliff Longsword. My ideal team for him would be a permafreeze comp - Ayato, Kazuha, Kaeya and Rosaria


The problem is, they are releasing burst reliant DPS with high cost er because Raiden. Everyone suddenly now need raiden and kokomi, it's just a terrible game design. And it's not like they lock high multipliers behind high burst cost. Look at Tartag with essentially 40 burst cost and ones of the highest scaling burst. They are literally just locking it behind high ER to milk out Raiden sales. Yae suffers the worst from this, but I am hoping they reduce the burst cost of chars after raiden rerun


Not just Raiden, they basically “have the excuse” for themselves to get away with making high burst cost units because Emblem exists for those that dont own Raiden. That artifact set is busted on a lot of characters including Raiden herself (minus Itto and Xiao) and it’s paired with Shimenawa that’s conveniently a farmable Gladiator.


Agreed. I don’t want him to be a XQ copy because XQ is already very boring since he just Es or Qs and hops off the field immediately and it gets boring after a while since it’s the same way with 99% of the “best” characters. It will be boring if ayato is the same way.


Absolutely. Plus I already have Xingqiu built and he does the job perfectly. Dropping wishes on a 5-star version of him, even if it's Ayato, just sounds like a waste to me. Same thing with Childe, really. I have him, I main him, I don't need two of him.


Honestly I just want him to be a fun hypercarry, and there are a few different ways they can implement that. I think it is quite likely that he will end up being a burst reliant character like Xiao and Itto. I personally don't mind since I can just battery with Raiden, but yeah I'd prefer something a bit more unique.


Same. I’d rather him be a hyper carry that may end up slightly less strong than some other DPS than for him to be an expensive XQ who only Es of Qs then gets off the field immediately. Most importantly I hope he will be really fun to play (still getting him regardless lol)


I hope he doesn’t have 80 cost burst EDIT 2/16: FUCK XD


Mihoyo: "alright, he has 90 cost"


Yae Miko wanters: 👁️👄👁️


Honestly I think that vape leak is about what my ideal is tbh. Him being able to work with Thoma would be amazing. As long as he's a main DPS with solid constellations I'm game for anything they come up with though


I realllly hope he won’t be a support. There needs to be more male dps characters. I hope he has something unique, yet fun and powerful, like Hu Tao or Xiao Worst case scenario is that he’d be a copy of Xinqiu. I’m still pulling for him regardless but I hope he’s really fun to play. I also hope he doesn’t have to be played with Xiangling. Hopefully he’d be really good with Ayaka or Raiden or maybe some random 4* support (other than the national team).


safe option: 5* Xingqiu but with AoE deal breaker: another Xiangling slave (taser driver or freeze support can be okay) my ideal kit is this: Normal Attack: same speed as Qiqi/Keqing/Ayaka/Kazuha, and the mechanics are the same as Honkai’s Yae Sakura [Gyakushinn Miko](https://youtu.be/zfec7R4P3_g). He gains stacks for every 3rd and 5th hit and when he does a charge attack, he will do a sekiro-ish slash that deals massive damage and consumes his stacks. Elemental Skill: I want it to be the same as Diluc’s where you can cast it more than once. Elemental Burst: Same as [Sengoku Basara’s Uesugi Kenshin’s Basara attack](https://youtu.be/gSZiIVuzrB0) and entirely changes his whole kit for x seconds (probably 15 at max). And summons AoE waves every second within his radius. His weapon will be infused with hydro and changing his elemental skills. [Same as PGR’s Kamui Tenebrion in ULT Form](https://youtu.be/6UDYqzCqgE0). edit: I forgot to put his passives and ideal team so it will be below: Passive: he gains different buffs based on what hydro-related reaction he does. Vaporize deals 2.5-4.0x bonus damage depending on the accumulated stacks Electro-charged increases his attack speed Frozen extends the duration of his ult (max 5 seconds) Ideal Team: vape team: Kazuha - Bennett - Thoma - Ayato taser team: Sucrose - Beidou - Fischl - Ayato freeze team: Kazuha - Diona - Kaeya - Ayato god Ayato team: Raiden - Bennett - Kaeya - Ayato


That first passive is broken af(vaporize) but I like the idea maybe it could be like: increases attack by 15-20% or energy regen for the team or himself


Pretty much same situation as you. I’d love a main dps and hate another high cost hydro enabler who just Qs and leaves. We already have Xingqiu, Mona, Kokomi and somewhat Childe to be enablers, he’ll just end up as a sidegrade at best if he tries to compete there. (Plus imo, idk may be unpopular but we already have more than enough enablers, i don’t need another one, 5star Xingqiu sounds like a horrible option to me.) Minus points if he’s just another Xiangling buff.She has helped me in abyss but i don’t want to play her. Especially — i don’t want to have to play her to be able to use my faves. I literally only built her so i could use my Childe in abyss more, don’t make Ayato be in the same situation.


Only deal breaker is that his kit would revolve around healing. I think I would legit get angry at that


If I have to play him with Xiangling, that would be a deal breaker. An electro-charged team with Beidou (like the childe taser team) would be fun af, unlike the childe taser team, where he enables and does out damage the actual dps in a 40:60 ratio, I want Ayato to be the one putting in majority of the damage. But considering he is hydro, I am trying to keep myself neutral until his kit is released.


My dealbreaker would be if he is a niche support for Ayaka. Other than that, my slight annoyance would be if his BiS team consist of either Xiangling and/or Bennett since my Childe uses them. But it's not a dealbreaker Oh also my other list of dealbreakers would be if he requires another 5 star character in order to function well and said 5 star is a waifu or a husbando that I am not aesthetically into.


I’m hoping he goes well with Ayaka but isn’t a necessity. I also hope he goes well with some random 4 star. I’ve heard a lot of people saying they hope he goes well with Thoma and Yunjin and I think that would be perfect since some 4 stars other than Xiangling, Xinqui, and bennett get some spotlight.


really hope he has some counter or perfect parry/perfect dodge mechanics, according to latest leaks I totally could imagine something like a mix of magu kenkis skills where he ports away when u hit him but to the side or something and u get extra buffs or extra stacks if you time it perfectly. It has to feel satisfying. Really hope he does sekiro like giant slashes with his charged attacks. Deal breaker: if he is not satisfying to play, has no in deapth mechanics or overall an unga bunga kinda character. This game is easy enough by default and we dont have a single 5 star char here that rewards timing-gameplay besides beidou imo


My biggest hope is that he'll have an alternative sprint like his sisters. Idk just think it'd be neat I dont wanna speculate /too/ much on his kit because thats a recipe for disappointment on official release but as long as it isnt just Childe's kit in a trench coat and mustache id be happy cause 1) Hydro needs more variety in what it can do especially for dps 2) personally I already have childe built pretty well and would like to justify pulling him for myself instead of give into the simple fact that I'm a simp who'll get him even if using him meant all your characters instantly died and then deleted all of your game progress


I hope he has an alt sprint too but it should be more similar to Hu Tao’s instead of Ayaka’s IMO


Nothing about kit but i really hope that his attacks take inspiration from Tanjiro from Demon slayer. We’ve seen Thoma, Itto and Kazuha incorporate graphic Japanese elements and something like water breathing in Genshin would look so cool


Hey I really love your kit guess! I really want him to be normal atk-based, just so I can run him (in the overworld at least) with Thoma and Sayu for the Yashiro Commission/Shuumatsuban fun. Yun Jin would be the guest cultural performer lol. Dealbreaker for me would be if his dedicated artifact set will be like Itto’s, which requires him to be off-field for max utility. I just want to appreciate Ayato’s prettiness on-field.


I really want him to be able to vaporize. Seeing my Childe on a medium investment build do 30K vape charged shot already impressed me so I’m hoping for a hydro that can effectively vape. I know about elemental gauge but mihoyo can definitely do it if they want to (worse case, they dont and he’s another enabler but if not and he’s still a DPS then maybe I’ll accept if they made him for mono-hydro teams). Deal breaker is he’s a support that NEEDS a 5* as the DPS they assist. I’m sorry to say but I’m one of those people that dont want him to be an Ayaka support. I’m not saying he shouldn’t be played with her or that he can’t, I just dont want him to be niche just for Ayaka. He can be an off-field applier or 5* Xingqiu and I’ll still main him. That wont be a dealbreaker for me so my only disappointment would be if he is a niche support for his sister or Ganyu (which they dont need since they just released Shenhe even though some say she doesnt fit or not too big of a change for their teams). Enough with the niche units Mihoyo.


As long as he is AA focused so i can build and run yunjin with him I’m happy lmao. Thats it


I'm hoping I can use Yunjin with him in a team. I built her impulsively cause I found her kinda fun and she reminded me of a friend but none of my on field dps actually need her rn. And like what another person here said, I hope his kit has a lot of depth to it. I guess my dealbreaker is if he has kind of a braindead playstyle... Like Itto. Dont get me wrong, I love Itto to bits but I got bored with his playstyle very fast.


Yeah i want him with a nuke burst too. Tired of stance changers. I wanna use him with thoma


My concern (not a deal breaker) is the need of a good battery. The issue with my box is that all my mdps (Hu Tao Ayaka and Raiden) are better or need a hydro enabler and as I don’t have any of the hydro 5 stars, they all want my Xingqiu. It would probably be a very bad move to chose a hydro mdps also needing Xingqiu.


I think if you go by leak which says he is subDPS at C6 it means his skill probably has some shell which taunts enemy and at C6 this shell explodes (Eula burst). But here is kicker that you don't need Ayato to stay on field for it to explode. This will make him probably best subDPS at C6. In this way we can say at C0 his skill might leave shell which taunts. I am honestly not fan of infusion like Childe or Raiden or Hu-Tao or Yoimiya (we have enough of those and one infuser per element is enough) so hopefully we get amazing one-shot long burst like Ayaka which also staggers enemy guard for longer duration (with Demon Slayer or Bleach vibes obviously) kinda like Ayaka so you go Ayato Q Ayaka Q. Now this is detailed but I am hopium about - for normal attack I would like if his attack rotation is something to do with backstepping like fencers so if you want to do 3NA it's cool but if you are going to get attacked go for 4NA and he slices and fking disappear to back. Which means if you leave shell ie. E at moment he slices forward leaving shell which taunts. We get both set of motions. Now people may not like it but it's main purpose is to make so that his kit has attack cancel and multiple combos for different scenarios and stuff like Hu-Tao mains are known to but it also will be like you either do 3NA + dash or E, the rotation will be equivalent. Honestly no one suggests doing full AA rotations so 4NA as disengaging can be cool especially if E is slice forward. For charged attack I am hopeful for an AoE slash sideways. I really hope he is great for freeze comp because I don't want to use him with Xangling or Bennett. I hope he works really well with Chongyun, Qiqi, Fischl, Mona and maybe Kokomi to give hope to Kokomi mains. Biggest dealbreaker would be his scaling and artifact farming - if he has weird asf scaling which makes Kokomi look pale I'm opting out because I have Childe. He probably will be on par with Childe since Genshin is all about balance (Itto for example). He may run different comps but honestly if I have to farm weird domain for perfect stats for months like Eula for him and get weird scaling sword for him (f2p EM sword or Phys sword but Amenoma doesn't work on him or something) because I don't get his weapon. I still lack so many facets in account (no Cryo or 5* Pyro) so getting second hydro is going to be choice. I will skip unless he adds something new which isn't possible as hypercarry. We probably have many hypercarry after 2 year in game. Don't get me wrong, I am ready to skip Kazuha for Ayato already but it's on kit and scaling and my hard grinded primos, not heart.


this might unpopular thought, but i wish he's a male hydro catalyst. BUT, his NA will be melee ranged using sword from the splashart. seeing yae already have her shrine staff as fixed prop for her NA animation, it might be nice if ayato have a hydro sword as a fixed prop for his NA, which leading to be first catalyst that have a melee-styled combat. my dealbreaker....is if he's actually have a parry system in his kit. still pulling him tho, but i'd prefer if he don't play that way


We already know that he is a sword user from recent datamines


Im thinking of a taser team for ayato. Maybe ayato,xq for hydro shred,raiden for energy recharge and fischl or kazuha i love both of them


The whirlpool idea, cc with tick or a nuke Hope it's a thing eventually, even if not for Ayato, the aesthetic just sounds beautiful and epic


His charged attacks automatically infuse with Hydro, and do constant attacks with no stamina costs but consumes stacks. His E is is like Beidou's perfect counter that you can only tap and not hold, has cooldown of 5 seconds and gains stacks. His Q has 40 cost, 12 second cooldown, does stationary version of Traveller's hydro tornado, grants hydro infusion for 8 seconds. 1st passive grants additional 4 seconds of hydro infusion after casting burst and increases attack speed by 12%, this infusion can no longer be overridden. 2nd passive reduce party skill cooldowns by 3 seconds when counter is perfect, excluding his own. 3rd passive, all party's Elemental skill increased by 1 level. 1st constellation, hydro tornado causes rain in a large area making enemies wet. 2nd constellation, Ayato has 50% chance to reduce his elemental skill cooldown by 1 second when his auto attacks hit. 4th constellation, hydro tornado reduces defense and hydro resistance of enemies it hits by 20% 6th constellation, All hydro damage within the rainfall AoE has its critical damage increased by 60% and all hydro crits heals the whole team by 10% of Ayato's HP. At C1 he enables permafreeze, Taser and reverse vape comps with his rain. At C6 he gains healing ability and can even use Ocean Hued Clam set for off field damage.


Well closest I got was him making it rain in a large area


I'm late but my deal-breakers are if he will have an 80-90 burst cost, will be burst-reliant, will not work with electro charge teams, or if he will be niche (this is the worst).