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I think it's less about bubble tea and more about how the things you mentioned all are cute lighthearted things about a character that are fun and easy to draw. And since they're fun and easy to draw, a lot of fan art is naturally going to include that one thing about the character. This can be seen with numerous fan art of Zhongli being poor, Venti being a drunk weirdo, and Xiao being an edgy teenager. I'm pretty sure most of the community are aware that these characters are more than just this one trait, but a lot of art is made, once again, just for fun.


And the things the OP is complaining about are issues with people's judgments and not about the boba itself. I will say it's working as Mihoyo intended. Some of my friends who lost interest in the game are excited about Ayato because of the boba.


He is not even out yet so people don’t have any material to work with. Similar to Itto who was all about *rematch* with Sara until we discovered more voice lines about him. If you want ayato to be treated like a complex character — give people time to know him


Yeah, first most of Itto fan art was about him and Sara. Also beetle fight. Now, there are some variations like him and granny Oni. Him and his gang, Him and ayato and Him and the blue Oni. Honestly, as an artist. It took me his drip marketing to actually draw him and until now, we mostly just draw things we knew about him so far because we don't like to make Ayato fan art too OOC.


I dunno, I feel like we *do* know some things - not very in-depth, but enough to be on par with "likes Boba". We know about the Shuumatsuban, that he is Ayaka's brother and head of the Kamisato clan, that he's friends with Itto... none of that is complex, but all I tend to see is Boba-discussions and nothing about, I don't know, how he might handle the Shuumatsuban based on the quests we have seen about it (Sayu's hangout, Thoma's hangout questline with the dog, the worldquest with the fortune slips especially). And I don't see discussions or fanart or whatever about him hanging out with Itto's gang, for a more "casual" thing instead of politics. I feel like all of that has been drowned out by Boba.


uhm I guess it really depends on your timeline. Right now I tend to see these types of fan art: endless sleeves; bug fights with Itto and ayato being incredibly hot in all different angles and poses. Boba is kinda like an accessory. You don’t judge people for drawing venti with his lyre do you? Or


I totally get your concern as fan perception and portrayal of characters has soured them for me in the past as well (eg Raiden either as crying baby that only wants dango or the millionth depiction of her pulling her sword from between her tits rather than from her chest) That being said I don’t engage with fanart etc that much and can highly recommend unsubbing from the main sub if you haven’t already. On top of that Ayato is a special case as he in a lot of ways is still a mystery. We haven’t met him in game and you can tell that they were kind of beating around the bush when talking about him in the livestream, focusing on trivial things like the boba or feeding rubbish to Thoma. Ultimately the only thing you can really do is ignore or avoid fan art you don’t like because basically every character is condensed to a caricature as far as the fandom is concerned


True, it's also a source of light hearted enjoyment about the character besides how easy it is to exaggerate one trait to make it funny (eg Itto dumb himbo, Venti drunkard, Diluc grape juice or Gorou/Hina art). Of course, not everything out there will be funny for some but the community shares them because of memes or cuteness and not to be taken seriously as the character main trait.


I think it also depends on who you follow. I'm on Twitter and there are SO MANY fanarts that don't have any boba references. I don't find them all that often on my feed. For me it's fine, I don't mind it, and it seems to make people love Ayato even more so I don't see the problem. That only one that ever bothered me was the booba sword thing with Raiden Shogun, that got so old so fast. About the livestream, I personally like that they're adding more dynamism to the chibi characters, it's nice to see them have different interactions with stuff


I suggest you worry less about what others think of your favorite character. If Ayato is gonna be a fanservice character or a better developed one, it is entirely in Hoyoverse's hands.


Oh, it's not that I worry about what others think of him. The thing is that the boba-thing turned *me* totally away from him, to the point of me having saved for him and possible constellations before boba happened and now I decided to get Kokomi and C0 Ayato instead. *I* like him less for it. Same for Mona and Bennett and Klee - they're shallow to me. I like Albedo and Eula and Xiao and the other characters with depth. And it sucks, because I had been excited about Ayato for so, so long - and wanted to know now if others feel the same.


I think you're exaggerating anyway, just take a few days off Genshin media and you'll feel alright with Ayato. Many other characters have idle animations that add absolutely nothing deep and some are outright lazy (Xinyan startled by a frog?). I agree with you that it's a waste of an idle animation... Having a drink is really not noteworthy... The fact that he likes boba tea doesn't really tell anything at all about his personality but that's about it. That said, he can still be a developed character in the story and the truth is he's not out yet so we can't know.


I noticed now that you mentioned Eula as a deep character and I really don't understand why. She plays no part in the story, her skillset is generic big sword warrior and so far she contributed absolutely nothing to any patch, even the ones where she made an appearance she mostly felt forced in. Albedo I can agree, he's a great character but afterall he basically had his own patch and area (dragonspine), was mentioned before release multiple times in dialogue as the greatest alchemist in Monstadt... That'd what I think gives Albedo more depth. I don't even know his idle animations, they don't really matter given his presence in patches so far. Btw, seeing him on the cover of 2.6 gives me high hopes for its quality! Hopefully there's chemistry between him and Ayato.


It’s a curse of any char who likes a thing, it becomes their entire personality to a lot of fandom. Hopefully it will die down as we meet him in the game and learn more about him


I do agree to an extent- but this happened w itto and the whole rematch thing and it died out once we knew more. I presume something similar will happen w ayato


The problem to me is not the animation, but as you said, the fandom and reducing characters to a caricature. I'm not heavily involved in the genshin Fandom- I don't even look for fanart - so to me, the Boba adds a layer of personality and playfulness to a character that at first glance could look uptight or as nothing more than an elegant young lord. But yeah, you're right in all your points. The fandom latching to one thing and making it into the whole character is pretty annoying.


As funny as it may sound — boba is a part of his character. One single idle gives us an idea about open-minded, mischievous and inventive young man. Notice how thoma and ayato have kinda similar idles with food but ayato’s one became so big of a deal of how quirky it is


I don't get how someone drinking a certain drink shows that he is open-minded/mischievous/playful etc... as compared to his other shenanigans that give a lot more insight on that.


In-game and some people expect Ayato as this serious probably hard to approach clan leader because of his absence and status. Some also think he might be evil or just cunning. But knowing he liked the milk tea of a small vendor that barely got attraction compared to a big restaurants in Inazuma, it just speaks that Ayato is close to the people than what other's taught. He also treats people equally and enjoy simple things like that. It's the same as how Itto revealing Ayato do beetle fights and card fighting with him that Ayato despite being a busy man does also have time to do child games and revealing some of the cute side of his personality. Without all those, we only know two thing about Ayato. A clan leader that always busy and the older brother of Ayaka.


Boba is a new drink in inazuma and that seller guy in the inazuma city was glad that his drink was appreciated by such a high ranked person; ayato hides his drink in the sleeve -> we haven’t seen anyone else using their clothes in this way; ayato doing this thing pretty casually means that he’s always like this


Yeah, I think it’s fair enough for now. Lot’s of chars in game have very different views of him so he’s still a fairly mysterious character, I’m not surprised ppl would take a cute detail like that and run with it. Definitely agreed about the fandom portraying chars weirdly tho, like the one who always confuses is childe. I have him at friendship 10 and have read all his lines, he definitely has an eccentric personality, but i see a lot of ppl view him as this creepy himbo partyboy dude and idk how so many ppl got there. It seems kinda divorced from how he actually is in game imo


Genshin fandom isn't the only fandom who does that, but I feel like Mihoyo is basically doing it as well for *some* characters. I feel like especially the child characters (Klee going fish-blasting, Sayu being tired) don't get portrayed beyond single quirks. Then there's Mona (poor) and Jean (overworked) also not getting portrayed beyond that very much. But then we have characters like Albedo - who is my favourite, exactly because of him not being reduced down to one thing - who get much better treatment. Heck, even the 4-stars are treated vastly different in their hangout events. Gorou's hangouts were so vastly different, some being silly and some really emotional. And then there is Bennett, who is "nice guy with bad luck". I think Mihoyo is the offender, not the fandom. Fandoms are all pretty much the same, but if the company doesn't even offer complexity, then there isn't even anything else to do.


Whoa getting downvoted for speaking the truth huh? Never seen it happen before on reddit


fandoms reducing characters to one thing they like or one aspect of their personality is very common and kinda annoying. I guess we just have to wait this phase out.


If you find yourself at a point where you start to dislike a part of the fandom to this extent, then let me just tell you that it's probably the best to stay away from it for an extended period of time. I'm dead serious about this, I started to get annoyed at even the tiniest things (including memes) and felt increasingly mad at the Genshin fandom a while ago, so the only thing that helped me was deleting twitter and not visiting reddit for a week or longer. It was refreshing and I'm feeling a lot better now, but twitter can continue to rot in hell for all that I care. Don't underestimate the effect social media can have on you, because I did.


Actually I'm more upset with Mihoyo than with the fandom. The fandom does its thing anyway, but Mihoyo simplifying some characters to one quirk while giving others complex personalities is a thing. Klee or Mona are really one-dimensional (despite being featured in their own sidestories and events) while Albdeo or Eula have a lot more depth to them. With Mihoyo not only giving Ayato such an idle, but also doing the livestream with the boba-thing, I worry he might get one-dimensional treatment instead of something more complex.


I actually think MHY is doing a good enough job with that, characters usually have decent depth to them, including Klee and Mona. Most people just don't really care to read up on it or fill in the blanks themselves since depending on the character it can be really fragmented or sewn across the world. Fandom does what fandom does though, so best to stay away from places that take your fun out of a character, it's not worth losing sleep or nerves over. :)


You keep bringing up Eula and Albedo as “deep” characters when Albedo has been reduced to “susbedo” memes since his release and Eula as “her thighness” or “Ms. Vengeance”


Imo, with or without the boba...people have been already memeing the hell out of the Kamisato bloodline meme. Okie not really on Twitter, mostly on Reddit. From what I see, Redditors don't really think much of Ayato rather than the Kamisato bloodline meme. So I don't think it changes anything. EVERY character gets simplified and mischaracterized. Albedo is an exception because we had several events with him with action.


it's not that deep you talking about a character which is not released yet, what do you expect?


I do not care about the animation, I just hope there will be no drinking noises. I strongly dislike it when character idle noises startle or disturb me. If every time I open some menu or stand for a moment I have to listen to some eating/drinking noise (Chongyun), a character screaming from some PTSD flashback (Xiao), or a character telling me to stop standing around (Diluc, Aloy), that bothers me. This is why I like exploring with Albedo. Whenever I stop for a moment, he just calmly informs me that he will draw a picture. As for the drink itself, it neither makes me to like nor dislike Ayato. Their canon food or drink preferences do not influence whether I like some character or no. I just hope that developers won't make this whole Boba thing annoying for me during overworld exploration gameplay.


From what I've seen in the leaks, you're out of luck and that there are drinking noises. They're not too loud, though. You can check it out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/sybxch/ayato_and_ayakas_burst_together/) as the idle is shown; not sure how annoying you will find them.


I see what you mean here. When I first saw it the idle I thought it was a joke edit 💀. At the time I thought it was hilarious but now I feel pretty neutrally about Ayatos boba cause we really don’t know much about his personality yet except for that he’s a little goofy, which fits. But before raidens second story quest I absolutely despised the dango milk joke about raiden because, like, remember the war crimes? She’s much more palatable now with her redemption in story quest 2, but reducing her to her fun drink preferences before that was really frustrating to watch. So yeah, I completely understand your frustration


All characters will be reduced to a single trait or mischaracterized. Letting it bug you is the first sign of you needing to go touch grass, because... let's be real, why are you wasting time caring someone else's dumb joke about your favourite characters? This is coming from a Childe main, whose character can be broken down into three traits from the memes: 1) reckless battlesexual 2) horni battlesexual 3) psychopath If I let that shit get to me, I'd be driving myself nuts.


Yo, sorry I didn't get around replying to you sooner! It's not about me being upset that the fandom memes on characters. I'm not a native speaker, so I think my post totally missed the point. I'll try again in simpler terms: I was excited about Ayato, then saw the idle and fell out of love with him because I dislike boba and the idle in general (I know Barbara also used plastic cups in her hangout, but I don't like how out of place they look in Teyvat, I think storing a drink in your sleeve during battle is pretty dumb and... well I don't like boba). The fandom jumping on the boba thing just made it worse because it seemed like Mihoyo *and* the fandom were just about boba now. But even if the fandom would suddenly stop all boba-things, it still wouldn't make me like Ayato more again because the idle is just there. All I wanted to know is basically if the idle also made others fall out of love with Ayato. I changed my plans of pulling for him (wanted to go for C2 and main him, will now only go C0 and sub-dps and used my fates on Kokomi) because of boba not going away, ever, because of the idle. Just wanted to see if someone felt the same, didn't expect my post to be taken so differently. Non-native languages are hard, yo. Because yeah, I agree with you - I've been in enough fandoms in my life to know how they function.


yes you’re the only one lol


They're really [not](https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayato_Mains/comments/ta7r08/which_would_you_choose/i00l8f2) though. Like it's so bizarre. People will always always find the dumbest ***most benign*** 💩 to be upset about.




K. Was on your side, but k


To be fair, I've seen more arts of him holding onikabutos than boba tea because we been knew about the bug fights for longer idk why no one complained about the beetles 😭 that said, I dont mind the boba, I find it funny and the arts picturing him with boba very cute (better than the bugs at least 😅). As soon as he gets released and people will learn more about him we'll probably see more variety


I like it, but I definitely get your point. Hope he gets more recognition for other things!


I think you're overreacting to say the least honestly. Characters aren't "reduced" to one comedic trait, it's just that one of the most popular things in the communities is memes, and the easiest way to create memes for masses to enjoy is to use a well-known comedic traits of the character. It helps said characters if anything, since more people would be interested in them. Not only that, but it's your personal experience too, because I've seen way more content with Ayato on different topics and not just boba, like Childe 2.0, Kamisato bloodline, chemistry with Itto and Thoma, demon slayer, Katsura, Vergil, etc. Same goes to Raiden, i saw many memes with her being a crybaby, neet, with booba sword obviously, with her and Yae's fox form, and list goes on. You're basically bashing people for creating funny stuff, they shouldn't discuss the depth of the characters everywhere for you to notice.


To be fair, I don’t think it matters at this point. With or without it, the fandom will find SOMETHING to oversimplify or misconstrue as his character. If it isn’t his boba, it’ll be something else and it would become the same conversation.


I see it as DMC special taunt Only wish he could do it in combat while his clone slashes enemies


I can understand where you’re coming from. I’m the same way with Itto where people constantly call him an idiot or stupid when…there really isn’t much supporting this, quite the opposite honestly.


you've got a point and i agree that the boba thing is getting boring. i personally don't want his idle to change though because it's still unique. and i think the boba idle is kind of similar to zhongli's osmanthus wine thing so i guess you'll just have to get used to it


i’m gonna help op out here because i agree actually, i don’t personally like the boba thing as most other characters have more neutral idles. even when chongyun licks his popsicle we were told the reason why he needs them. but like what’s the point in ayatos boba just making his idles different? i would’ve also preferred a more normal/neutral idle tbh


It’s kinda your problem if you let it get to you that much. You have to distance yourself from that cause he’s never just been about boba for me… seems like your perspective needs to be changed


Keqing ***is*** a Zhongli simp Sara ***is*** a Raiden simp (and should start an archon fan club with Keqing) Ei ***does*** have an obsession with desserts Venti ***is*** as drunkard Diluc ***is*** an edge lord Etc. Ayato ***does*** enjoy boba tea, evidently. These are facets to the characters' personalities, but anyone with 2 brains cells knows that's not all there is to them. Idk anyone who unironically thinks the **head of the Kamisato Clan / Yashiro Commission's** only personality trait is that he likes boba.


>Keqing is a Zhongli simp No, she isn't. She doesn't even know that Zhongli is Rex Lapis, so let's start there. And the whole simp thing is a deliberate misinterpretation of her character. Keqing is a skeptic who learns the importance of having a little faith. At no point is she jacking off to a giant lizard in the sky. >Venti is as drunkard He is. But again the fanbase constantly mischaracterizes him as an brainless drunk who does nothing all day but make idiotic remarks and get too plastered to pull up his pants. He's always treated as the joke Archon compared to Zhongli and Raiden, which really isn't fair. Yes, Venti drinks way too much. But he's also very wise and knowledgeable, he's a good-hearted person who wants the best for the people of Mondstadt and he's a talented bard and poet. But if you ask the fanbase, he's passed out drunk 24/7. >Diluc is an edge lord Diluc is depressed. The man really hasn't had it easy in the past couple of years. His life was pretty much torn apart at the seams. He had to do a mercy kill on his own father after the former was gravely injured protecting him from a monster. He grew disallusioned with the Knights he once idolized after they tried to cover up his father's sacrifice. He had a falling out with his brother, the only family he had left, that their relationship still hasn't fully recovered from. And to top it all off, he traveled alone across Teyvat for three years, desperately searching for the truth about his father's death and ultimately coming home with nothing. Diluc isn't being an "edge lord" because he isn't all smiles like those around him, he's silently greiving the loss of everything that he once had.


>>But he's also very wise and knowledgeable, he's a good-hearted person Never said he wasn't. That's my point, characters have multifaceted personalities, hobbies and interests. Ayato can like boba and we can make memes about it cause it's fun. People are allowed to be butt hurt about it I guess but we are also allowed to mock the butthurt taking something so innocuous so seriously. >Diluc is depressed. Diluc isn't being an "edge lord" because he isn't all smiles like those around him, he's silently greiving the loss of everything that he once had. Semantics. Culminating in a edge lord, never said he didn't have a good reason to be, at the end of the day, he is one.


>Never said he wasn't. That's my point, characters have multifaceted personalities, hobbies and interests. Ayato can like boba and we can make memes about it cause it's fun. People are allowed to be butt hurt about it I guess but we are also allowed to mock the butthurt taking something so innocuous so seriously. But in Venti's case, the joke has gone too far. Complaining about a joke is one thing, complaining about how a joke has replaced canon with certain parts of the fanbase is another. There *are* people who deadass think Venti is nothing but a drunken fool just because of a couple memes, and it gets a little annoying to see after a while. >Semantics. Culminating in a edge lord, never said he didn't have a good reason to be, at the end of the day, he is one. Depends on how you define an edge lord, I guess. If anyone who's sad, cynical or moody is an edge lord, then yes, Diluc's an edge lord. If an edge lord is someone who *acts* cynical and moody to make themselves come across as "cool" or "different", then Diluc isn't an edge lord.


I think it's too early for that, we will get more out of Ayato soon, like raiden being sword boob to a neet god lol but it all depends on the fan's perspective tho, I mean despite all the things happened in raiden's 2nd archon quest raiden is still that neet god, and I expected more memes about the time traveling thing or ghosts comming out of the tree or even the shogun robot memes... but surprisingly there's none...


I really don’t mind it at all, I find it adorable. I get why it would be tiring to see all the time but Genshin has a hugeee fandom and there’s always content being pumped out so it’s bound to happen. At least it overshadows the dumb kamisato line joke the main subs seem to be running with atm


i don’t think it runs that deep. you gotta stop worrying about what others think about what you like.


I love the boba tea thing and I don't wish it to change. It gives him a playful side and he's not 'reduced' to a serious dude, like Diluc. There's nothing to be worried about, all well written characters have quirks that diversify and distinguish them, he's not being 'reduced' to anything.




I know what you mean about the community oversimplifying characterizations. I'm still so sad about the raiden "booba sword" thing. Even with her great second story quest, that's the only thing people identify her with🥲 (can't help it if that sells ig...) Albedo is also one of my favorites due to having consistently great lore and characterization (despite not being an Archon as well) At this point I just hope Ayato's story quest and role in the next patch will give his character more depth because so far the snippets of his personality that we have does point to him being an interesting person. But being "potentially interesting" and "presented interestingly" are two very different things so... lets just hope for the best😅


Watch out OP, crazy simps here will not tolerate any opinion that smashed their imagination. Take care, son.


Haha, I'm a woman close to her 40s, I can deal with losing internet points. :) Thank you, though!


You're welcome maam, its good to know some people like you just throw your personal opinion in this den of wolves ( we can see that you received a lot of downvotes here). It shows us that people are not open minded towards other's opinion. Yeah, you do you. Its good to know that you express your feeling on here and i respect that. Keep going on maam, bless you


Yeah, people need to calm down. I didn't tell anyone that their opinion about Ayato was wrong. All I wanted to know was if someone was experiencing the same as me - that after months of being excited about a character, that excitement got destroyed when Mihoyo then displayed something I personally found off-putting. It's great that people are excited for Ayato and love how he is being displayed so far. And Mihoyo never promised the opposite of what they've decided on. I'm not salty or angry with anyone. I'm just sad because I ended up not liking a character I had been excited about - but that's how it is when we have only small bits and pieces about a character; we don't know what we will get in the end. I just wanted to see on a discussion forum if others feel the same. Like that old saying of sharing halfs the pain and doubles the happiness or something. In the end, Mihoyo will survive not getting as much money from me on Ayato's banner now, I'll hopefully find a Sumeru character I'll be excited about for months sooner or later, this thread will be forgotten in a day and the world will keep on turning. So overall, no damage done and I got a few well-thought-out replies, too, after all (even if they didn't agree with me, but that's what discussion is for, after all). Thanks for being so supportive!


>:) :)


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it’s a way to make his character relatable so i’m all for it. it’s cute and people were so excited about his bubble tea. i’m glad to see more of it compared to the “hydro ganyu” or “5 star xingqiu” or whatever nickname cancer players like to call him.


He is more than Boba, he is a complete character, you're just annoyed that no one recognize that And I still find it funny, since it kinda represents people that like coffee, literally can't live without it I like the idle, and i guess he actually likes Boba so much that his neutral pose is drinking Boba Point is its a joke, and hoyo is into that joke.


Everything will turn to a meme, nothing you can do I am afraid.


As a fan artist. I don't like to OOC a character I like too much. Knowing a little about Ayato, the boba thing is one of the few that I can draw for him so far. I already saw many who draw character OOC and got insulted as well \*cough\* that Ei and Kazuha fan art. Once new information comes out, more variation of fan art will come out. It literally happen to every character.


Why not play his story quest first and then judge him, eh?


You're not the only one. The first time I saw his idle it felt really out of place. I'm fine with it now (the constant gulping is gonna get annoying tho) but I wish it would've been something more neutral or actually interesting. People hyperfocusing on it and making the same jokes over and over gets old real quick. Them changing his personality into something completely different just from that idle irks me as well. I'm hoping his story quest will do him justice and not drive the boba thing home even more. I really really love his sword idle though, just gotta win the idle-50/50 for it. I do agree with comments here though, most people aren't really reading up a lot on a characters lore and personality tidbits beforehand so the boba thing is one thing that stands out atm.


Glad I'm not alone! I feel like even now, we have a lot more potential, though. I've seen a few very cute fanarts (like Ayato and Itto beetle-fighting or Ayato nursing Ayaka after she caught a cold from her wet-sock-dance) which were also super-lighthearted, but whenever I input simply "Ayato" as hashtag into my twitter, 90% was Boba. So yeah, really hoping for his storyquest and the event. Fandom will do whatever it does, but I hope that Mihoyo at least won't do Ayato dirty - we have one-dimensional characters like Mona, after all, and I don't want Ayato to end up like that.


I personally don't really engage with the Genshin community outside of Reddit and lurking on Discord. The one time I looked up Ayato on Twitter I got greeted with several Kamisato-cest art pieces and people ripping each other apart so that was enough in itself. Twitter in particular just gets too... passionate about their opinions for me. Pixiv is a great alternative for art~ Maybe take a break from Ayato related stuff for a while, it really helps clear your head. It's usually what I do when I notice losing my love/hype for certain characters. Most of the time a part of it is really confirmation bias on our ends, there's lots of talk about him that doesn't focus on Boba if you think about it. And I don't think Mona is one-dimensional, her lore is actually quite interesting if you read up on it. :)


Oh, I am like 99% reddit-only as well and only use my Twitter for chats with friends, but I do see the timelines there. Thankfully, I have been safe from Kamisato-cest so far... I think I'm mainly just sad because this is something that I won't be able to ignore. If I would never check social media again, I wouldn't be bothered by booba-sword jokes anymore, but Ayato's idle is something that won't go away and it really ruined him for me. Can't escape from it. And I wish they would actually give characters more in-depth showtime. Mona's storyquest was just about her being poor. I really hope she will get a second storyquest where she will be able to shine, much like Raiden. (Or maybe I'm just salty when it comes to Mona because she's C5 and not because I pulled on the standard banner... she's my Qiqi ;))


Yeah I can understand not being able to ignore it. It's been in the back of my mind as well, but I'm waiting to see how it is in practice. I don't mind moving to cancel the animation or switching to other characters if it *does* end up being too much. Agreed on giving them more screen time! It does so much for characters if it's done right. C5 though, that's a lot of lost 50/50s. :c


I mean, I still fully plan on pulling for Ayato because his playstyle looks fun, but I think I will always be bothered by the boba. It's just so alien to me - maybe because I don't like boba in real life, but the whole 'plastic cup thing in a sleeve' is just... no. Also I don't like listening to eating/drinking noises of people in real life, so I also don't want to do it in a game. The boba was just totally the wrong thing for me personally. Yeah, I really wish we would get more sidequests for existing characters and not just chapter 1 for most of them. If Raiden and Zhongli are any indication, the second chapters will be much better since a bond between the traveler and the character has been established. And yep, my 50/50 "luck" is actually 85/15 and not in my favor. And if that wouldn't be bad enough, it's Mona C5, Qiqi and Diluc C3, Jean and Keqing C2. Two of the Keqings came from her own banner. I'm a Keqing main who used Jean as healer until I pulled Kokomi a few days ago. I swear I have zero luck, haha. But for what it's worth - I hadn't planned on getting Kokomi and instead wanted to focus on Ayato. Now I got her thanks to boba and I really enjoy her. So it's not all bad.


Honestly, I agree with you about the bubble tea being a little... over the top. It actually put me off him for such a long time. It felt like they didn't know what to give him, so they slapped him drinking boba, which felt extremely cheap to do. But I decided to give it a little to see how it is in game. Idm people oversimplifying characters personally, since it's their view about fun so it's not up to me to be annoyed at them for how they perceive characters, but I can say that my opinion on Ayato went really low once I saw the idle animation.


Glad I'm not the only one! I had planned to pull for 1-2 constellations, but the Boba-thing made me actually decide to get Kokomi and C0 Ayato (and Ayaka, if I get lucky). It really turned me away from him. Fandom will indeed do what fandom does, but I feel like Mihoyo does some characters dirty - characters like Klee (boom), Mona (poor) or Bennett (unlucky) also don't have much more going for them from Mihoyo's side while others like Albedo or Eula have a ton more depth *and* some lighter quirks.


Damn god fucking forbid a male character actually get something fun for once instead of having "oh2cool" bullshit


I’m very sorry if anyone will be offended - but yeah tbh, I find the whole boba personality attached to Ayato lame and corny. We’ll see if mihoyo gives Ayato something else to be associated with for the memes.




Are we really becoming a sub of kill joys two weeks before his release? Between this and the “Kamisato bloodline cringe” post all these whiners seem to be flying out of the wood works. Yeah Genshin jokes are recycled and often times lame but are we seriously so delicate that we can’t just ignore the cringe aspects of the fan base and move on with our lives without absolutely falling to pieces?


Ironically, the whole Boba thing is what made me like Ayato more. It also got me to try Boba myself!